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File: 208 KB, 1600x1067, 711slavojzizek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19342242 No.19342242 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.19342246

Why would you want to read him? Actual question

>> No.19342249

I like watching his lectures on YouTube.

>> No.19342411

I was 16 once.

>> No.19342419

That's nice. How's being 17?

>> No.19342444

Its great I just discovered libertarianism

>> No.19342461

Zizek himself has said he wrote the same book forty times so it doesn't really matter where you start.

>> No.19342534

why don't you start at greeks?

>> No.19342549
File: 61 KB, 1280x720, sniff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have nothing against him but he disgusts me on a very deep level
. Not his world view, not his political views.
I see him and my stomach turns upside down.
I can hear him sniffing and feel his spit hitting my face, just by looking at his picture or by reading his name. SNIFF

>> No.19342575

Someone tell him to blow his damn nose baka

>> No.19342586

Japs hate that shit maybe they can

>> No.19342640


>> No.19342706


minute 2

>> No.19342725

Sometimes he seems reasonable and insightful but then other times he says things like
>A Native American told me "I don't mind being called Indian because it is a testament to white man's stupidity"
Like have your people even discovered boats or the wheel you silly redskin? Man who traversed an ocean is stupid?
Anyway, this is a constant reminder that with Zizek there's a constant underlying element of white guilt *sniff* and so on that assures me that he's not well intended. This and other things.

>> No.19342861

>thinking that your ancestry makes you smarter
keep coping kek

>> No.19342967

>what is genetics
How retarded can you be

>> No.19342971

There's one book where he says anti-semitism would be pathological 'even if' it was true

>> No.19342980

By that he's saying that they don't know the difference between a native American and an Indian.

>> No.19343037

The sublime object of ideology.
The only Zizek's books you will ever need. Others are wack (only for the most dedicated fans).

>> No.19343148

>yes my people even discovered boats and the wheel so that makes ME smart
genetics don't work like that retardkun

>> No.19343181

But the chances are higher.

>> No.19343243

genetics are a bitch. Two 150 IQ parents can birth a mentally retarded child while two below average IQ parents can birth a gifted child. Either way your "boat discover and wheel maker" ancestry are so separated from you that their influence in your genetics is practically non existent, compared to the real influences your normie wagie parents had.

>> No.19343251

Yes, they do, retard.

>> No.19343351

No, what he's saying is that the discoverers of America were stupid to think that they had arrived in India instead of the New World. The discoverers who sailed an ocean and stumbled upon stone age tribes.
What about the difference between my race and the members of the other races who weren't fortunate enough to be brought over/colonized by people who introduced them to Western inventions?
>may people may have never discovered agriculture but i'm just as smart as you >:((

>> No.19343408

>What about the difference between my race and the members of the other races
What about it? 3000 years ago states of the Middle East far surpassed Europeans in every civilisational aspect one can think of. Does it mean they were genetically superior to the Bronze Age Europeans?

>> No.19343456
File: 348 KB, 1280x960, 1280px-Sveshtari_Thracian_tomb_Bulgaria_IFB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>source: my vast asshole
Have you no shame?

>> No.19343679

The Perverts Guide to Ideology Documentary is a good intro to his thought/mode of analysis, and it doesnt require much advance knowledge to understand the thrust of it.
Otherwise the Sublime Object of Ideology is quite good, and hes stuck on a lot of those central points since.
Later works are a bit of a mixed bag, I think the man has never had a thought he didn't write down, and his publisher just keeps printing.
For every interesting thought or framing he has on current events, theres a few more that are just totally mystifying or Ill informed. For instance I've heard him argue that people should essentially be allowed to marry anything as an actor of devotion, since all the rich perverts can just have their Lawyers draw up contracts to accomplish much the same.

>> No.19343696

start with lacan.

>> No.19344166

Nobody contests that Europeans cribbed tons of developments from the Arab world. Particularly in medical and mathematical fields.
>What a shameful lie
Are you American? What other country has history education this bad?
Do you think "algebra" or "algorithm" are Latin concepts? They aren't even etymologically
Honestly that this uncontroversial historical note upset your genetic participation trophy is beyond pathetic

>> No.19344355

>cribbed tons of developments from the Arab world
>Latin (the only Europeans?) concepts
What are you talking about? Are you implying that the Babylonians were Arab? That Persians are Arab? That the Muslim world didn't steal most of their knowledge from Greeks, Indians and Eastern Romans? That algebra was discovered in the first millennium BC? Are you baiting? Are you confused? You're certainly moving goalposts.
In >>19343456 I pointed to a tomb meant to illustrate that Europe wasn't as backwards as you made it out to be, in comparison to Mesopotamia (which is definitely not representative of the entire Middle East by the way) in The Last Millennium. To respond to that you spoke about 9th century Arabic innovations.
The biggest grievance however is to equate the differences between Europe and Mesopotamia (which ended up conquered by Europeans) to the differences between most of Africa now and, say, the Roman Empire 2000 years ago.
Now disappear, cur. I'd too ask if you're American but it's pretty obvious that you're a seething shitskin.

>> No.19344486

just start with Sublime and have wikipedia on standby. He very gently explains his references when needed, but sometimes leaves out context for very tight points.

>> No.19345464

Start with Hegel and Lacan.

And that's correct.

>> No.19345623

his short books are a good introduction to the his larger thought without going too hard on the lacanian/hegelian stuff. if you're conversant in those subjects already then dive into his long works. "the parallax view" is a good start

>> No.19345703

new Slowenische kunst

>> No.19346937

Fuck zizek lol

>> No.19346950

"starting" with hegel and lacan is insanity

>> No.19347616
File: 1.94 MB, 344x191, Sieg Hail.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so you're still a child then, I see