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19318012 No.19318012[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How tf are you supposed to read the charts on the lit wiki it's extremely low quality any help?

>> No.19318028


>> No.19318043

>just be ascetic bro

>> No.19319220

Look down. Click the 'original file' link. Stop being a fucking retard.

>> No.19320232

>If you're poor you don't deserve any joy
It's a fact you can't survive on minimun wage you sheltered faggot when 80% of your income goes to food, lodging and bills. Even if they save 100 dollars a month (quite an achievement for someone living on minimum wage) it will take years to have enough for a car down payment and they won't get a mortgage ever.
Fuck your (((bootstraps))) propaganda faggot.

>> No.19320279

Equally, I see many wagecucks wasting a huge amount of their money on pc related while simultaneously complaining that they have no money.

These are the same people that, were they to be paid more, would simply spend more and continue complaining that they don't have enough money.

>> No.19320306

READ THE FUCKING STICKY. Also, leave and never come back please.

>> No.19320334

In the past 20 years wages where I live have gone up 19%. Housing? 290%.

>Nothing personl kiddo, just pull bootstraps and eat less avocado toast lmao

>> No.19320368

well i'm sure a lib like you supports the laws and zoning that make building new units impossible, so you get what you deserve i suppose.

>> No.19320381

Or you just find a job that pays decent like costco then take a loan and get some welding certs. Literally only retards work for minimum wage. Even as a teenager getting a first job at kohls I got more than minimum wage because I asked for it.

>> No.19320387

Nigger, the libs and the cons are two sides of the same coin. You got what you wanted so it's time leave now thanks.

>> No.19320389

Based and lolbert pilled

>> No.19320399

more like
>food + bills = negative balance

>> No.19320405

No. Housing should be available to citizens first. People should not have any safety requirements for what is built on land they own (provided they warn people). Companies should be kneecapped by the government if they do what they're currently doing; drip-feeding houses into the local area to keep prices high, with the government allowing foreigners to buy them up en masse then rent them out to the poor fucks who would have lived in them in the first place.

People need to wake up and lych the politicians not implementing these things. Housing is the biggest expense in almost everyone's lives, but it’s been categorically raped over the past few decades. It should be a few years hard work will get you a home, not 10+ with years of saving for a deposit before that.

>> No.19320407

i live on the equivalent pay to a full time minimum wage job in an expensive city but i only work part time leaving me a lot of free time to read and shitpost etc which is why i stick with it, but the point is, i always manage to sock away a couple gees into my roth at the end of the year and alternate between new phones and new computers evert other year. most of my clothes are from mr. porter or j. crew. would i be able to support smoking weed every day or going to bars every weekend? no. do i accept that as a trade off for having free time, yes.

>> No.19320412

>still believing in general equilibrium theory

>> No.19320422

my city is putting up new units like mad there's no drip feeding around here, again i think you need to look at your zoning and city council. it's usually existing landlords, using naive libs as shock troops, who try to block new developments.

>> No.19320423
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The virgin SAD
>processed tv dinners
>frozen fried chicken
>storebought poison bread
>trader joes tv dinners
The chad bulker
>50lb sack of rice
>25lb sack of flour
>40lb sack of beans
>clarifys his own butter instead of poison canola oil
>3lb brick of yeast
>grinds chuck roasts instead of mystery meat
>freezer with giant bags of frozen vegetables
>potatoes on his potatoes
>sweet potato hash browns
>cures whole pork bellies
>knows the mother sauces
>renders lard himself

>> No.19320431

>bulking on minimum wage

>> No.19320435

You only need a new pc every 5 years. Buy clothes at costco where they have a 15% markup maximum policy. Upscale retail is a fucking scam, their costs are like 10% of the price you pay. The fuck is wrong with you?

>> No.19320441

It means bulk purchasing not bulk dieter. Besides I know absolutely no one who has worked for minimum wage in their entire lives.

>> No.19320459

don't forget the mega sack of protein powder


>> No.19320465

Whey is garbage industrial byproduct poison. Just eat more meat.

>> No.19320476

The % is fairly extreme in this part of the country, sure, but overall even accounting for the entire country the increase in the price of homes has outstripped ways by retarded amounts. Zoning laws might be the excuse, but it’s just elites enjoying their stupidly high rents. You can tell that from the lack of relaxing legislation, and the lack of QE being pumped into the housing market, despite this being a steadily increasing problem for as long as I've been alive. The people in power don't give a fuck, much like boomers it doesn't effect them.

>> No.19320490

Renters are fucking dupes. This is nothing new. The only solution would be reforming so that rent builds equity and renters and owners are in essence coowners with the renter having a cash out option with the owner benefiting from the gain of equity alone. Rents are generally 175% of the mortgage and the renter should at least partially gain equity in the housing they are paying for. This could either happen via someone richer than I just murdering the market by offering this and snowballing properties or via state intervention.

>> No.19320498

oh ya the housing prices are absurd across the country except in the most decrepit rural opioid pits. still part of the reason housing was cheap in the 50s and 60s is because people were building sprawling suburbs filled with absurd amounts of houses. suburban sprawl sucks, from an environmental, cultural, and commuter perspective, but building them drove housing prices way down.

>> No.19320525

Wikis turned incredibly fucking useless with this new WEBP shit.

>not being a drug addicted mindless tv watching zombie is being ascetic

>> No.19320576
File: 10 KB, 192x288, ere.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a book for this thread. Ignore the lame title, the author himself hates it.

The book is basically about extreme frugality with the goal of "retiring" early. (The term "retiring" here is used to refer to not relying on paid employment to survive).

Reading this resulted in a perspective shift for me and saw me ending the following year with more money then i'd ever had before.

>> No.19320593

You sound absolutely brain dead.

>> No.19320601


What's that stick next to the ice cream bucket?

>> No.19320605


>> No.19320606

>take out a loan while working at a grocery store just to pay for exams

That's fucking stupid. You shouldn't be forced to go into debt for an opportunity to make yourself more employable or gain skills.

>> No.19320608

some kind of vape bullshit, you don't see those piece of shits all over the sidewalks where u live? its like the new cigarette butt

>> No.19320619

i was able to save more money before i got a social life. then i was pressured into getting things like netflix, cell phones, drinks, fashionable clothes that i didnt care about or have before. socializing is expensive

>> No.19320622

So then what we steal other peoples income to pay for you or have your parents actually take responsibility for their jizm? What is your solution, literally steal from others or care for your own young?

>> No.19320625

gross, you should get criterion channel instead

>> No.19320637

You can live without the netflix, clothes, and drinks. The cell phone you can just get some shitty cheap one. If some girl gives you shit for not having an iphone then laugh it off.

>> No.19320644

I just pirate criterion flicks.

>> No.19320656

>i don't want to get a trade job
trades are unironically gay

>> No.19320659

you can survive on minimum wage dude

>> No.19320663

clothes and phones arent expensive because they last for years and you get utility out of them literally every day. spending $30 on dinner is a total loss.

>> No.19321022

This looks great. any other books that deal with rejecting consoomerism, savings money, etc?

>> No.19321030


>> No.19321054

Poorfag cope

>> No.19321067

The charts are the test, if you can't read those, don't bother reading at all.

>> No.19321183

I’m all for the free market but let’s not pretend the issue is zoning laws and not multinational corporations owning non commercial real estate. Citizens alone should be allowed to buy houses.

>> No.19321458

kys genuinely

>> No.19321803

Obviously anything on homesteading, raising chickens, hogs, cattle, gardening and soil health, woodworking and carpentry, welding and blacksmithing, and sewing and leatherworking. Just resewing clothes alone and resoling the same pair of boots goes a long way. Recycling your own scraps like making an old rasp or file into a knife or other tool.

>> No.19321834

>Literally only retards work for minimum wage.
50% of the population has an IQ of 100 or lower anon, and that is functionally retarded. 25.24% have one of 90 or lower, and at that point, thinking recursively and understanding temporality becomes difficult. 15% are at 85 or below, at which point, we are close to animal levels of consciousness - more than capable of suffering, but not of bettering their lot.
One may or may not agree that only retards work minimum wage, but one must keep in mind that retards comprise the majority of the population. Having a society that causes excess suffering, even if it is to the majority of retards, is wrong.

>> No.19321844

Under a system of eugenics this would not be a problem in only a few generations.

>> No.19321855

I basically live in a sensory deprivation tank, and I don't want to get a trade job not retail. I want to be an artisan. I don't see how this makes me any different from the guy in OP. I'm starting to think that not consooming shit isn't that big of a deal. Apart from ~1h browsing 4chan I just read nonfiction and write.

>> No.19321864

>implying it's retards who end up with a shitty job while intelligent people get to the high paying positions
have you heard of this thing called nepotism? it might be quite shocking when you realize it matters more than IQ

>> No.19321885

Which will probably never be instituted, and even if it did, would risk some hilarious catastrophic consequence, like everyone developing terminal autism and suicidal schizophrenia in the span of a few generations.

Yes, I am implying that, because it is mostly the case. That there are nepotist exceptions to the rule doesn't matter much for the broader picture.
Intelligence is mostly inherited. 90 IQ plebeians have been 90 IQ plebeians for generation after generations, and have at all times had the shitty jobs. There are no connections for nepotism if your parents are part-time alcoholics and part-time Walmart greeters. That an occasional bad egg from a good family gets ushered into some high-paying pseudojob where he can retain status while being babysat does not detract from a very obvious and very basic general tendency.

>> No.19321893

you need to go back

>> No.19321902

you need to cope, seethe and dilate

>> No.19321942

Nah I think those people still hover around the mean.

>> No.19321965

Literally learn a trade. Carpenters, welders, machinists literally are artisans.

>> No.19321967

>nepotist exceptions to the rule
be glad you live in a country where nepotism isn't the rule

>> No.19322041

They’re not.

>> No.19322103
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They by definition are. They personally make things with craftsmanship.

>> No.19322132

not the anon you replied to but I meant an artisan job I would actually like, namely shit I am doing on my own, not some industry job.

>> No.19322144

That is an artist not an artisan. Artisans make things with actual function. Artists make shit that does nothing useful. An artisan makes a knife, an artist makes a sculpture.

>> No.19322438

you still need to go back

>> No.19322814

ironic as most people in the trades call men that work outside of the trades effeminate faggots

>> No.19322890

That is a cope for having a broken body by age 30. There is a reason workers were considered less manly in antiquity

>> No.19322897

not really, men that work manual labor tend to have higher test and better physiques

>> No.19322963

There absolutely no issue finding a customer service job today that makes 12+ an hour.

>> No.19322976

Haze yourself, dumb zoomer.

>> No.19323031
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>> No.19323082


>> No.19323098

I'll look into it, thanks for the recommendation

>> No.19323105
File: 42 KB, 500x500, 51kb0JFd7kL._SL500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you have audible plus this shit is free and covers a lot of the same ground