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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 44 KB, 600x600, Yarvin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19262861 No.19262861 [Reply] [Original]

>"Protestantism is a halfway point to Atheism. I enter a protestant church and it resembles your average community library. Where's the grandeur, the history, the awe? Protestants would rather philosophize religion than worship, and so they imagine themselves peers of God, far more than his subjects. The true purpose of religion is to strike fear into your heart. You acquire a healthy fear of God, and this way, ritual overtakes philosophy and the religion retains its mythos and tradition. Protestants will never understand Catholicism."

Was he right?

>> No.19262865

Based. I didn’t realize Yarvin got down like that

>> No.19262869

/lit/ - Literature

>> No.19262880

I posted literature. Now shut the fuck up.

>> No.19262899

Someone photoshop a fedora onto the "yes"-chad, so I can use it to reply to >>19262861

>> No.19262912
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>Being scared shitless of eternal torture in hell and not thinking about anything is a good thing bro

>> No.19263024

He's jewish by blood so I don't really expect him to understand Christianity

>> No.19263046
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I do think Catholicism does a better job of conveying a sense of the otherworldly in their worship, prayers, and activities, compared to Protestantism. Orthodoxy is good at this, too. And isn't this essential in a religion that worships a God who is said to be beyond reality? Shouldn't the actual service in which God is worshiped take you out of the world, in a sense? You don't really get that from the average Baptist or nondenomenational service.

>> No.19263057

>hey human here's a gift, it is called critical thinking and common sense
>ok can i use it?

>> No.19263079

Protestantism as practised in most of the world is consoomer shit. Some denominations are based though, like Reformed churches and basically anyone who appreciates the Puritans' devotion and fear of God without also mimicking their 'puritanicism', for lack of a bettter word

>> No.19263089

Go to a catholic church, it looks like a cross between an expensive whorehouse and a themepark. I think library is the better option.

>> No.19263096

No, you don't need little golden baubles and shit all over the walls to fear god.

>> No.19263105

good little tradcaths... don't forget to subscribe to my substack

>> No.19263128

You also don't get it from the Novus Ordo Catholic mass, which is why I object to it so much

>> No.19263139

Yarvin is right, modern atheistic progressivism is protestantism that became too protestant for Jesus.

>> No.19263147

das right, jesus clearly stated in the bible too build gigantic temples of gold to his honour and fill them with pagan statues.

>> No.19263226

Imagine being oriented towards outward appearances. God isn't impressed by fancy buildings nor elaborate ritual. Legitimate worship is done inside the man in spirit and in truth, with no outward visual clues required. The guy in the photo literally spends time and effort making sure his hair has a little curl thing in it just right. You are all faggots.

>> No.19263234

Isn't he Jewish? Funny how much Jews hate protestants considering most non-Jewish Neocons are protestants

>> No.19263244

>Open Bible PDF
>Ctrl-f "pope"
>0 matches
Catholics, please explain yourselves.

>> No.19263247

That's because "Pope" means "Papa", which is "Father". Do the search again and you will find Jesus giving a rant against religious leaders and states outright not to call them "Father".

>> No.19263253

Very cringe.

>> No.19263279

Fuck Catholicism. Anyone with any sense is agnostic.

>> No.19263300
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>> No.19263308

common sense changes with the times and is therefore meaningless. if you had critical thinking skills you would know this.

>> No.19263311

agnosticism is weak

>> No.19263337

The Protestant Reformation and the knee-jerk reaction to it that is Reform Judaism (which originated in Germany around the same time) is the single greatest ideological disaster that the Jewish people have ever faced. A mind virus watering down history and practice, forcefully detaching Jews from the original Temple of Jerusalem, and corroding their minds from the inside. If you want to understand why so many American Jews see Israelis as aliens, why there is an Atlantic Chasm between them, learn about Reform Judaism and its proliferation and diversification in the United States.

>> No.19263346

As >>19263128 Novus Ordo is terrible and I'm absolutely certain that it has kept many younger people away from religion because it's extremely hard to take seriously.

>> No.19263437

You might want to read the parts about saint Peter again protocuck

>> No.19263476


>> No.19263494

You have no idea how many scholastic philosophers made exactly this argument

>> No.19263545
File: 22 KB, 660x371, fuck christians.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Where's the grandeur, the history, the awe?

spoken like a true faggot who does not understand spirituality. old school prots were all about self denial and humility, having cardinals decked out in jewels and robes is the exact opposite of that principle.

>but... you have to build giant impressive anthills of splendor to please god!

absolute cope. truth faith comes from the smallest man, the person who has nor values nothing. catholoidism is bougie christianity, protestantism is prole christianity, simple as. both are retarded and corrupt for their own reasons, but if god were real nothing must be more annoying to him than larping christcucks in gilded livery. jesus christ was literally a street hobo who said give up all your shekels and follow me. i don't like any type of christian in 2021 but if His spirit was to be found anywhere, it would be in the humble timbers of an old and sparse quaker church, not some medieval architectural abomination in an atheistic european city.

>> No.19263552

Moldbug is also a reactionary and supporter of monarchism. Do you really think he cares all that much for his jewish roots?

>> No.19263558
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the prot cope ITT

>> No.19263561

he called anti-semitism "an unsophisticated, lower-class prejudice." sounds like he does care because that is obviously wrong and he knows it.

>> No.19263569

>Protestants would rather philosophize religion
And that's what makes them superior to other denominations

>> No.19263580

>catholoidism is bougie christianity, protestantism is prole christianity
Nigga protestants literally created capitalism. They were the first bourgeois just read Marx or Weber

>> No.19263583

Right? This guy is literally arguing for organized collective idiocy.

>> No.19263585

>Protestants would rather philosophize religion
They dont even do this though.

>> No.19263586

Unironically no. Protestantism barely philosophizes the faith at all. It is like a public library though; obsolete, and only maintains its community by weekly events which serve free food.

>> No.19263590

inferior*, because it leads not to divine worship but to atheism and le secular humanism

>> No.19263591

Agnosticism is cowardice

>> No.19263595

I'm sure you'd say the same to post-2016 /pol/fags on this board. If he actually cared about stopping antisemitism he wouldn't write for the audience or associate with the people he does.
And that's assume that quote wasn't just to deflect being called an anti-semite himself.

>> No.19263598

>implying le bug is right about this

>> No.19263599

master morality bros i dont feel so good

>> No.19263603
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>> No.19263606

>Protestants would rather philosophize religion than worship
Completely untrue. Catholicism is the most philosophical faith, Luther detested Catholic philosophy (especially Aquinas) because he saw in it the resurrection of the Greek pagan spirit. It's for good reason that protestants are completely divided on matters of philosophy and protestant philosophers often contradict each other like Hegel and Kierkegaard

>> No.19263617

>Protestantism is a halfway point to Atheism
Yes, the tragedy of Protestantism, Luther and Calvin were very intelligent men who landed some devastating blows on the Church, but failed to go all the way and kill it. Christianity got beat up, did it didn't die, it lives on still as a vegetable.
Llewelyn Powys says:
>To the reformers the situation appeared simple enough. The papal Catholic tradition had appropriated the true word to its own uses, had traduced the truth to its own ends. In a public garden at Geneva there may be seen stone statues of these dour religious radicals. There they stand inappropriately enough behind a pretty artificial pool with their grave grim faces : Luther, Calvin, Knox, Zwingli, Melanchthon, and the rest of them. I have seldom looked upon a more imposing group... what majestic moralists, what surly whoreson moralists, and yet it never struck their laborious, over-serious minds, no, not for a moment, that Christianity itself, in its primary origin might not accord with fact.
>Tenaciously, blindly, they held now to the Book. The writers of the Bible, John Calvin asserted, had been “sure and authentic amanuenses of the Holy Spirit.” To an outsider it seems extraordinary that the damaging reasoning faculties of these men went no further than they did. How is it that they saw so easily through the acclaimed miracles of their own day and yet never for a moment doubted the validity of such palpable fables as the story of the Virgin Birth and of the Ascension?

>> No.19263623

How does Calvinism not strike fear into the heart more than Catholicism? Otherwise, I agree with him.

>> No.19263639

Piss off Satan you fucking faggot.

>> No.19263652

At least prots aren't idol-worshipers

>> No.19263665


Wrong. If anything, it's a very respectable stance. It's admitting you don't know what to believe as you don't have enough evidence to make the right decision. I look around at this world and its complexity, and I have a hard time believing it happened naturally without an intelligent creator. At the same time, I have no proof of this as I'm ignorant as to what exactly reality and science are. Or what nature is capable of. I think even Christian's can be a little agnostic. I know, because I believe I am one. Maybe that makes me somewhat of a Christian with cold feet, but it what it is. Put whatever labels you want on me to make you feel better.

>> No.19263669

>open bible.pdf
>search "cookies"
>search "wine"
>0 results
Explain yourselves already fucking cathocucks, was this heresy realy worth keeping the north Italian wine industry afloat?

>> No.19263675

No it's a convenient and easy answer because it carries no responsibility.
They are just atheists but I guess "agnostic" sounds smarter and these pride sinners just lpve explaining to their norp friends what an agnostic is.

>> No.19263683

>0 results

>> No.19263689

Saints arent pagan idols. They were given the gift of the Holy Spirit by God.

>> No.19263697

Meds. Now.

>> No.19263700

This is the intellectual equivalent of arranging your bookshelf by colour.

>> No.19263707

Miracles happen, deal with it.

>> No.19263711
File: 18 KB, 596x284, land.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

while Moldberg and Palladium mag try to rebrand and resurrect cuckservatism, the perennially based Nick Land has discovered Carlsbad

>> No.19263729

onions guy losing his shit at how hecking dark and twisted this comic is

>> No.19263734

Are you the guy who posted his essay on post-liberalism in my thread about right wing critics of neoliberalism? I read it and found it to be very persuasive and well-argued. I want to find out more about him. Where do I proceed with Carlsbad and what is he about?

>> No.19263738

Is Moldbug writing a book? Will he be the one to write the great nonfiction book of the 21st century? It hasn’t been written yet and he seems to know our dilemmas quite well

>> No.19263744

>open bible.pdf
>search sola scriptura
>search ninety-five Theses
>search predetermination
>search consubstantiation
>0 results
Hereti-I mean protestant bros, I dont feel so good

>> No.19263749

>open bible.pdf
>ctrl+f search for "trinity"
>0 results


>> No.19263770
File: 79 KB, 631x640, 540ADE7D-B977-483D-9D98-C030009A815A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ancestor Worship and Idolatry. European man is pagan in spirit no matter how much Semitic dress up Christcucks put on it

>> No.19263796

what's he about? mainly countering foolish tendencies on the right.
how to read him? well he's a blogger, just read entries that interest you. his most light-hearted and accessible piece: https://carlsbad1819.wordpress.com/2017/12/10/some-ironies-and-curiosities-of-right-wing-history/

>> No.19263810

>/lit/ - Literature
Fuck of tradcuck

>> No.19263820

christianity was the first step away from the essential role of sacrifice. protestanism compared to catholicism was more like a leap and let people get away all sorts of selfish shit apologetically

>> No.19264000

There is one God and only he is deserving of worship, for he is the One, the Real, the Single, The First, The Last, The Eternal, the Forgiving, The Merciful, King of Worlds. What have your saints or ancestors done for you, when God found you an orphan and cared for you like a mother cares for her child.

>> No.19264047

Incredibly bugman post

>> No.19264228
File: 312 KB, 1600x900, 1631649365232.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the most philosophical faith
>just believe in my magic rabbi bro, oh and get all that sex out of your system first

>> No.19264371

This post is an insult to hippos.

>> No.19264777

So were all the apostles (and Jesus included).

>> No.19264819

>not making the difference between religion and faith
>not considering the political and societal benefits of religion (muh fear of god)

The fact that religious people can philosophize, interpret the scriptures does not mean they fear god but take part in introspection and feed closer to god.
Prostestantism is closer to Islam than Atheism. Thinking god and religion doesn't bring you closer to no god.

>> No.19264822

There is no meaningful difference between American novus ordo masses and a protestant gathering. He might have a point if reverent novus ordo or Tridentine masses were common, but both are illegal under most bishops and the pope hates both of them.

>> No.19264833

Anyone with any sense of aesthetics can't help but admire and embrace the catholic spirituality

>> No.19265399
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>both are illegal under most bishops
not true

>> No.19265406

>The true purpose of religion is to strike fear into your heart. You acquire a healthy fear of God
This guy would probably have been a die hard, albeit nonviolent, Muslim.

>> No.19265423

>Protestantism is a halfway point to Atheism.
Ridiculous. State-capitalism is.

>> No.19265859

No, but him being jewish helps him understand protestantism. Both are basically assigning a "body" to God as in, a physical being which shares a consciousness similar to the worshipper, and when you die your individual thoughts are carried on to the afterlife. You can see how this is much more attractive and relevant in expanding the church during the era of reformation and american pioneers. The Jews are sort of similar as they believe god was a king (Yahweh), the Jewish people are the 'chosen' to bring heaven to earth. Both are very materialistic and non transcendental. Anyways this is a reason Catholicism is so distinct from either, faith comes from instiutions and communities of worship, the goal is to transcend the flesh "communally". Christ himself spend many years in the far east and borrowed alot from eastern traditions of transcendentalism, and he was basically a 'rebel' to the Jewish description of God and Heaven.

>> No.19265924

All of the Calvinists I know are insufferable faggots. One gets the feeling they'd rather worship themselves and their own minds over God.

>> No.19266037

This, a lot of them have a similar sickness to a lot of "Orthodox" and Catholics. They worship key figures and carry a sense of smug superiority in a religion that outright states humility being absolutely essential.

>> No.19266081

I am Catholic, anon, and I never see a more humbled group of individuals than when I am at mass. This is in the American south too where Catholics are an overwhelming minority.

Respectfully, you might be thinking of Catholic and Orthodox larpers who are doing so just because they hate modernity, etc. The only smugness I see from Catholics is their disdain for protestants. If anything, Catholics are more in touch with the blackness of sin than protestants are, and as such prostrate themselves knowing their capacity for evil. I have spent a good amount of time in protestant churches in the south, particularly some megachurches. Their biblical analysis is effectively "God wants you to love yourself and we need to give ourselves to God." Which is all fine and dandy, but the engagement stops there.

To them, religion is merely a feeling. The types that engage more deeply, however, almost immediately lend to Calvinism, which is, I repeat, repugnant.

>> No.19266130

I specified
>a lot of
and personally know a lot of Catholics here in the South.
>The only smugness I see from Catholics is their disdain for protestants
That's plenty enough and quite rich considering your religion is literally Satanic paganism and not even Christianity. I am aware that despite that fact there are many legitimate Christians within it despite itself, and that being in the Catholic "Church™" does not automatically make one a child of Satan. Likewise, I assume there to be legitimate members of the Body of Christ in each megachurch, despite itself. There are members of the Body of Christ everywhere, yet not nearly enough anywhere, unfortunately.

>> No.19266230

Ah, arguing in bad faith. I should’ve known better.

>> No.19266254

t. pedophile

>> No.19266277

what an extremely boring, vapid, uninteresting, worthless post.

>> No.19266297


>> No.19266347

absolutely right.
Protestantism came up with that idea that as long you believe in god in your final moment you are good, basically telling you that you could lived a life of anti-Christianity and still be saved.

>> No.19266362

What do you expect from a prot, I dont even consider them brothers in Christ anymore. They arent even baptized, some guy sprinkled water and their heads and they called it a day.

>> No.19266388
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>> No.19266474

Not as weak as lying to yourself by claiming you hold the true knowledge

>> No.19266480

"arguing in bad faith" is a phrase so foreign to 4chan I can't help but suspect astroturfing.

>> No.19266621
File: 2.78 MB, 1600x2733, Kars conversion---.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I see where he's coming from, and there's some truth to his remarks. But his analysis goes awry in the basic thrust of his argument, in his basic analytical perspective. To wit:
>The true purpose of religion is to strike fear into your heart.


The opening section of the Catholic Catechism explains the true purpose of the Christian religion:

>God, infinitely perfect and blessed in himself, in a plan of sheer goodness freely created man to make him share in his own blessed life. For this reason, at every time and in every place, God draws close to man. He calls man to seek him, to know him, to love him with all his strength. He calls together all men, scattered and divided by sin, into the unity of his family, the Church. To accomplish this, when the fullness of time had come, God sent his Son as Redeemer and Savior. In his Son and through him, he invites men to become, in the Holy Spirit, his adopted children and thus heirs of his blessed life.

There have been many Jewish converts to Catholicism. Pic related offers one such account. Many more are given in such books as
- John M. Oesterreicher, 'Walls are Crumbling: Seven Jewish Philosophers Discover Christ'
- 'Once a Jew' by Fr. Arthur B. Klyber
- 'Honey from the Rock' by Roy Schoeman

Schoeman, a Harvard Business School professor, describes his conversion experience here:

>> No.19266654

>Where's the grandeur, the history, the awe?
Incompatible with Abrahamic morals. All human achievements are meaningless. God doesn't care if you pile two stones together in a form that looks pleasant to your own eyes, to think otherwise is selfishness.
>Protestants would rather philosophize religion than worship
Mad at Protestants actually understanding what their religion says instead of just following what some random bishop said like lemmings.
> so they imagine themselves peers of God, far more than his subjects
??? Why did he randomly switch from talking about Protestants to talk about the Pope?
>The true purpose of religion is to strike fear into your heart.
"Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the LORD thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest." Joshua 1:9
>ritual overtakes philosophy and the religion retains its mythos and tradition.
The only relevant tradition is keeping the Bible. Everything else is manmade therefore irrelevant.
> Protestants will never understand Catholicism.
Yes, because Protestants are Christians, while catholics are pagans pretending to be Christians.

>> No.19266736

>he called anti-semitism "an unsophisticated, lower-class prejudice.
He’s right. Go look at /pol/ or the mouthbreathers in this thread

>> No.19266830

What the fuck does this post mean

>> No.19267050

The Bible was CREATED by the Church, you know.. the one Jesus left to us. prots disgust me.

>> No.19267064

catholicism came up with the idea that you could free your relatives from suffering in the afterlife if you give the church money lmao

just because piss is pee doesn't mean turds aren't shit

>> No.19267077

Indeed, we could then say that literature is unsophisticated and lower-class because unsophisticated lower-class people engage with it. Of course, that would be wrong.
Until 1945, anti-Semitism was the default position of European aristocrats including Thomas Carlyle whom Yarvin promotes as supreme while conveniently failing to mention Carlyle's decidedly sophisticated anti-Semitism.

>> No.19267115
File: 56 KB, 736x533, ancient-pagan-temple-of-idol-worship.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Incompatible with Abrahamic morals. All human achievements are meaningless.
Was there any achievements in the bible? Did God care about them?
>God doesn't care if you pile two stones together in a form that looks pleasant to your own eyes, to think otherwise is selfishness.
I guess you've never read God's instructions to build Solomon's Temple.

>> No.19267150

Damn that's pretty based.

>> No.19267192

That was for God's Chosen People, not goyim.

>> No.19267203

It's a matter of principle. Also, Jesus didn't attack the ''fancy'' Jewish Temple in his time, so why do protestants?

>> No.19267208

I mean why do protestants attack wealthy-looking cathedrals?

>> No.19267230
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>> No.19267288

Come on, Im not even protestant but you got to give some credits to Prots for Paradise Lost

>> No.19267297

Catholic churches these days are even worse than (high) Protestant churches, both in terms of decoration and liturgy. The only place left to get grandeur and awe is Orthodoxy.

>> No.19267315

Why do anti-Christians' rhetoric overlap so much with Jews? Is this the power of /pol/tardery?

>> No.19267317

We like to have a good time here on /lit/, share some laughs, even some yucks. But it’s always good to remember that Protestants actually think this.

>> No.19267336
File: 87 KB, 736x1020, coomer image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>atheists argue which side of the retard coin is more based even though the entire thing has already been swallowed by the spiritual bankruptcy of western cultures

ah yes, i wonder who is better, a pope who licks immigrant nigger feet and says muslims go to heave too, or joel osteen's megachurch grift (or bonus: corrupt eastern european wizards who enrich oligarchs). a true smorgasbord of delicacies to choose from.

>> No.19267365

Paradise Lost is non-Trinitarian, it’s way beyond Protestantism.

>> No.19267433

>The true purpose of religion is to strike fear into your heart
midwit: the take

I didn't have any respect for (((Yarvin))) before, and I STILL lost respect for this nigga

>> No.19267442

as if those are your only options lol. retard.

>> No.19267448
File: 109 KB, 267x400, 9781732353213.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you scared, shlomo?

>> No.19267466

I'm going with Brother Jimbo's and the water is really nice.

>> No.19267486

>nah, those churches aren't flashy enough for me
"grandeur and awe" is nothing more than a euphemism for idolatry, my guy.

>> No.19267502

>criticizing jews is "anti-christian"
Shlomo's Temple isn't real.

>> No.19267514

catholicism/orthodox is nothing more than judaism with a different set of rituals. Same garbage about salvation via works (inb4 some retard mentions muh James), same ritualistic nonsense, same power structure run by pedos and satanists

>> No.19267519

do you even believe in God at all or are you just trolling?

>> No.19267540

I've been wondering when you LARPers would finally discover the true hidden GIGABASADO Y REDPILLADO esoteric secrets of Ethiopian Orthodoxy.

>> No.19267545

>Same garbage about salvation via works
As opposed to the protestant view on good works?
>yes anon work 60 hours a week, the more money you earn the higher chance of going to heaven

>> No.19267563

I should ask you that question, guy who attends church to marvel at man-made architecture

>> No.19267565

Let's be honest here, that's far closer to the
>jews go to heaven, goyim turn off because they lack souls
that the larpers in this thread are so hellbent on defending. "Jesus will turn your body back on if you were good" IS pretty far removed from the shit in the OT.

>> No.19267571

kek, what a pathetic misrepresentation of protestantism. look up sola fide you useless cunt

>> No.19267591

Catholicism was building up to Protestantism ever since the Investiture Contest, the preceding Church reform movements, and the final split from the Greek Church. How can you look at the history of the development of the first monastic orders, then the mendicant orders, in the high middle ages and not immediately recognize the roots of Protestantism? Protestantism was attained gradually over hundreds of years, not something that appeared suddenly in response to indulgences or a particular atmosphere of clerical corruption. The Catholic Church immediately started down this path at the same time as the Great Schism, which convinces me that Orthodox Church is likely to be the right one.

>> No.19267597

>no no the protestant view on good works and predestination is a misrepresentation!
See, this is the problem with protestants. You pick and choose whatever suits yourself. There is no consistency.

>> No.19267603

God literally had his chosen people build a giant temple to be the centre of his worship and described very elaborate and detailed clothing his priests were to wear, as well as elaborate carvings to be done on the Ark of the Covenant.

>> No.19267609
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>literally pulling things out of his ass
is this the best defense caths could come up with? fucking laughable.

>implying Jesus changed nothing about our relationship with God
like I said, you retards are basically Jews. You use OT to justify all of your beliefs and practices. It's as if Jesus never died for you sad sacks of shit.

>> No.19267622

Quote the part of the Bible where Jesus says no more building anything.

>> No.19267635

This, imagine having priestly mediators after Christ.

>> No.19267637
File: 54 KB, 680x516, sx0c3hen8xv61.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying all buildings are massive ornate temples
you're not making catholics look very smart right now.

>> No.19267640

Easy to imagine because the alternative is retarded larping.

>> No.19267641

Beats being blatant Satanic pagans.

>> No.19267651

Saints were blessed with the Holy Spirit. They performed miracles. They are magnitudes closer to God than any filthy American protestant preacher.

>> No.19267658

What a self-contradictory term.

>> No.19267662

No, the actuality is that Christ is our only mediator and all true believers are a holy priesthood. It's all in the Bible, you should read it over and over instead of bunk from "fathers".

>> No.19267666

Only God "performs miracles".

>> No.19267669

>They performed miracles
sorry bud nobody believes your cath fanfics, they're not canon no matter how hard you niggers push it

you niggers are why people think Christians are fucking larpers lol. You faggots treat this shit like dungeons and dragons. fucking cringe.

>> No.19267680

how do you not see that you are behaving exactly like the strawman in your reposted /christian/ meme.

>> No.19267694

>y-you're the real racist
shut up fag, go cry in a corner if you can't handle the banter. but thanks for making it obvious that you have no rebuttal

>> No.19267705

Post sounds extremely Muslim

>> No.19267761
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>> No.19267958

you haven’t made a single argument in any of your posts it’s just constant insults paired with bare assertions. at least stephen anderson can chain together long lists of bible verses to support his positions, you’ve probably never even read the bible.

>> No.19267990

I think the Girard's classification of the two types of anti-Christianity are accurate - it's incredibly obvious today, not sure when that text was written. I'm not sure if I would agree that they're "neopagan" depending on what he defines as "pagan". Especially today, I think the former type (extreme right) is a reaction to the latter, which emerged first out of a loss in belief among what we would call liberal Christians. Beneath the window dressing of Aristotelian philosophy, or Scholasticism, or whatever, the Christian faith is rooted in the belief that Jesus rose from the dead c. 33AD in what is now Israel. After all, if you are a Christian whose faith is centered on concern for the poor, victimized, and the like, but you cease to believe that this happened, where are you likely to end up? The answer is obvious.

The modern extreme right is a reaction of "FUCK THIS!" to post-Christendom. When you see, for example, logical reasoning being denounced as a tool of white oppression or accelerated math courses being banned in the name of "equity", it's hard not to sympathize.

>> No.19268022


>> No.19268092

Cope, seethe and dilate. Dont forget to pray to the criminals who were victims of police racism.

>> No.19268102
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>islam is great, here's a looted temple

top jej

>> No.19268305

youre thinking of Hagia Sophia
The mosque in the photo is Sultanahmet Mosque

>> No.19268328

who is this and is he worth reading?

>> No.19268344

>who is this
>is he worth reading?
decide for yourself

>> No.19268345

moldbug, and no, he's not worth reading unless you're an older millennial/gen-xer with an intellectual chip on your shoulder

>> No.19268394
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>But he turned, and said unto Peter, Get thee behind me, Satan: thou art an offence unto me: for thou savourest not the things that be of God, but those that be of men.

>> No.19268484

>God isn't impressed by fancy buildings nor elaborate ritual
No, but people are

>> No.19268534

You could avoid these misunderstandings by not employing imprecise nigger pidgin

>> No.19268574

Wow, I've just decided that I'm never going to give this guy's writing a shot. Sounds like a high schooler. Thanks for enlightening me.

>> No.19268583

No-one cares.

>> No.19268588

Thanks for your input anon.

I do.

>> No.19268594
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>cucktianity thread
>not a single bible quote

wouldn't have happened when people actually believed in god. it's almost like you don't care about christianity and want to have autistic navel gazing arguments.

>> No.19268624

I feel whoever made this quote does not have a comprehensive veiw of Protestantism and went into some universalist church in the outskirts of Boston.

Protestantism isn’t even one thing. The nature of an evangelical wandering born again is separate from an established Baptist, or an austere Amish or a more dramatic Anglican Church.

I highly doubt that the average Wilburites Quaker is less religious then the average catholic.

Also, he was wrong by the very existence of Anglicanism

>> No.19268652

You can immediately laugh at protestants by just asking where they got their Bible. Guess who decided what the bible consists of? Catholics.

>> No.19268656

That's a funny way to spell "Orthodox"

>> No.19268694

>I feel whoever made this quote does not have a comprehensive veiw of Protestantism and went into some universalist church in the outskirts of Boston.

>no you don't get it, there's heckin nuance. there are all these variations from snake handlers to anglicans!

wectoid protestants are 99% atheistic, even the podunk boomers with their little halfassed houses of god in sisterfuck county who think they are the Real Christians. catholics are mostly atheistic too, and both of them have third world ideological colonies (africa and asia for prots, south america for catholics) but the difference is that if any church has a future, it's catholicism, if for no other reason than their half-assed attempts to hold on to some traditions (which often fail which is why there are so many heretical, syncretic cults everywhere in shit catholic countries) while protestantism is just a fluid serpent that shapes itself into whatever iteration of the liberal american nationalist ideology is popular this decade. protestants will die soon thankfully, church attendance is tanking and in the third world they need their americans betters to keep existing. meanwhile, catholic sudacas will still be catholics long after yurop is no longer even yurop. that's why protestantism is more atheistic in principle.

>> No.19268698

Fuck off back to /christian/ then, this is a literature board not a christianity board.

>> No.19268702

Individuals led by the Holy Spirit before those institutions were institutionalized.

>> No.19268706

and yet so many people ITT are pretend christfags. curious.

>> No.19268871

christianity has been reduced to an aesthetic, pretty funny

>> No.19269048

>You don't really get that from the average Baptist or nondenomenational service
*You* don't, because *you* are chasing wrongly. The fault is not with the type of service, it's with the inner orientation of the individual, in all cases.

>> No.19269060

And yet we have protfilth in this thread claiming Saints are just pagan idols.

>> No.19269553

Arius wasn't even wrong, he was just an asshole.

>> No.19269572

Vatican III will end the great schism and dissolve protestantism entirely as the church becomes fully whole again.

>> No.19269577

This is an argument to introduce all the gnostic and other apocrypha into the canon.

>> No.19269579

>the bible canon came from Catholics lmao.... prots btfo
Actually the first bible canon came from Marcion the arch-heretic.

>> No.19269611

yes indeed, i remember in school how they always skipped the naughty parts of the bible, the best parts mind you. well now as adults they still skip them, too protestant for the bible these people.

>> No.19269619

damm he should tell that to his agnostic as fuck films

>> No.19269624
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How the fuck is this guy a Carlylian? Starting to doubt his claim of being one of the few people in the world to have read all of Carlyle's works.

It's not even that he dislikes Protestantism, it's that he's displaying such a fundamental misunderstanding of it, and precisely against Carlyle.

>> No.19269632

What’s the point of this unreasonable purity testing. He is a good baby’s first red pill and his writing style is designed for zoomers. He’s one of the good ones no matter how you look at it.

>> No.19269641

>the absloute state of christianity
seems better to just join some cult and drink the kool-aid, more respectable

>> No.19269647

just like my catholicism.

>> No.19270077

>hey human here's a gift, it is called free will
>ok can kill my brother with a rock?

what did God mean by this

>> No.19270101

What happens in a Latin mass? Does it follow the same order of novus ordo but skip the homily? Do you even take communion? I’ve never been to one and they seem to be viewed as “dangerous”

>> No.19270106

Who cares, that man isn't in the Holy Bible, nor did he write any of it.

>> No.19270117

Protestantism is just a judaizing movement within christianity.

But he of course would never phrase it like that.

>> No.19270140

>go into one church
Yes I now understand your entire religion with all its history and subtext.

>> No.19270153

Tradcaths are honestly pathetic. In fact, christians are pathetic. Seeing so-called "right wing" christians cope and blame eachother for the current predicament of the west as if one thing didn't lead to the other by pointing out how pozzed each sect is is such a pathetic sight to behold it almost makes you wish for the Antichrist, and it ultimately delegitimizes their corpse of a religion. Tradcaths are possibly the biggest copers with their current pope. God truly is dead.

>> No.19270169

Meanwhile, Carlsbad is trying to resurrect the dead meme of catholicism and being a loser who blames jews for their predicament

>> No.19270182

Where did he write this?

>> No.19270709

>the Temple of Solomon was pagan
>the Ark of the Covenant was pagan

>> No.19270792

It’s an interesting work, but it’s morality is fundamentally love and hate, with all other forms of morality effectively thrust to the back. It’s the shitlib mind encapsulated, with all its tendencies manifest in itself. There’s a reason it had so much prominence at Yale for so very long.

>> No.19270816

Also the weird obsession with angels having sex.

>> No.19270843

Religion won’t save us. God doesn’t need shepherds who fight each other as the flock is eaten, he needs wolves who fight off the predators, including the shepherds when needed.

>> No.19270876

God doesn’t actually need anyone to do anything, and He told us what He wants us to do in the gospels (note: does not include fighting except against spiritual powers).

>> No.19271335

that's all fine but that remark is dishonest and unnecessarily so. he went out of his way to say it which is not good and reinforces widely held false notions.

>> No.19271364
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Tridentine masses are beautiful and reverential in a way that New Order masses rarely are.
yes, communion is given to the faithful and is distributed PROPERLY. many NO churches will place the communion in your hand; this is a mortal sin.

>> No.19271443

>The true purpose of religion is to strike fear into your heart. You acquire a healthy fear of God
I feel like Protestants tend to do this much more than Catholics or Orthodox though. Few people emphasize how scary God is and how terrible Hell is as much as Protestants do.

>> No.19271468

WE KNOW but can you please spend some time reading Church history and Church fathers and get a bit of perspective. This aggressive convert’s zealotry is ridiculously annoying.

>> No.19271483


>> No.19271496

Saints provide examples of how exemplary believers can come from all walks of life, ie Saint Moses the Black who was a robber that ended up giving his life to protect the monastic brothers that took him in.
It is really a simple concept yet (((Prots))) of course will always misconstrue.

>> No.19271529

Saint Pelagia Virgin is really weird.

>> No.19271542

he asked a question which i provided an answer for. what are you upset about?

>> No.19271563

You make a point of “weathering” That I can agree to a point with, but that is not the entirety of a thing in itself. The rituals of Catholicism do preserve aspects of it, but if one is fundamentally opposed to it, thats a moot, and utilitarian, point. And if I am not mistaken, the Amish are going strong.

>> No.19271607

>Church fathers
No such thing, the church has one Father, God.

>> No.19271791

>protestants will die soon thankfully

>> No.19272054

>blablablabla... I'm incapable of making decisions
This is why you'll never be happy, anon. An indecisive life is an unfulfilling one.

>> No.19273228

>loving your neighbour and your God, being selfless, hopeful and joyful in your eternal salvation, remembering that actions have consequences.
All good things. Its better to fear what happens after death than to fear the judgement of fools (humans). And if you want to pull the Socratic line I'll point out that his lack of fear was conditioned by his life devoted to living in line with his conscience- which was my original point. If you live morally and believe you can go beyond fear. But "fear of God IS the beginning of wisdom."

>> No.19273272

Heres a simple test: when the judgement comes and our Lord asks you: "why didn't you become as one with me and our Father? Did you not hear of my agonised prayer in Gethsemane (John 17:20-23)?" What will you tell him? "I liked the seats in the mega churches more"? Your a part of Jesus church or your making that agony in the garden all the more agonising.

>> No.19274038

Why? Because you want it to be so you can seem superior by comparison?
And atheism carries responsibility? I've met Christians who believe (fervently) that everyone is going to heaven. How does that carry responsibility? Don't we all have a responsibility to be honest with ourselves, honest with how much we know and can say. Are you not avoiding that responsibility by running from the unknown and pretending that you know something which you don't?
Is being agnostic not making a decision?

My god, I always get the impression that Christians don't want to think for two seconds, don't want to be self-critical or honest when it comes to their limited knowledge. They read the vague passages of the Bible (each with hundreds to competing interpretations), and they think they are all philosophers with the knowledge of the universe, above the lowly heathens! 99% of Christians don't know what real wisdom is.

>> No.19274112
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>protestantism is prole christianity, s
You mixed this up. Considering the bougies of Netherlands, and lubeck embraced protestantism immediately while the more peasant and feudal nations stuck with catholicism. Protestant is a political reaction to justify self pleasure under the guise of religious approval. It's why tv preachers are a thing in protestantism and not catholicism. Protestants believe the religion exists to justify their personal philosophy instead of a religious truth. Even more obvious when protestant churches can continue to splinter off every time the community is annoyed. Makes total sense then that evangelicals created a church that just so happens to justify them being wealthy Republicans and voting for people who are the antithesis of Christian charity.

Blue team sucks too they just didn't create a separate church to justify their beliefs.

>> No.19274152
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>> No.19274204

>while protestantism is just a fluid serpent that shapes itself into whatever iteration of the liberal american nationalist ideology is popula
This. Protestants in America of both wing persuasions are just reflections of their political ideology. Which is even more convenient when they can vote and act how they want and pretend they are Christian.

>> No.19274219

Muh fish lens camera. The glass windows face one another, not the viewer so your cope picture isn't a snake face.

>> No.19274242

Interesting, and here I am a Protestant that is neither "red" nor "blue" (or any other political color). Pretty much all Catholics and "Orthodox" are either "red" or "blue". It's almost as if most humans are retarded regardless of religion or other labels. Narrow is the Way.

>> No.19274249
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>> No.19274250

Churches are for worshipping God not impressing kikes with "grandeur."

>> No.19274261

>Thinking that is the Hagia Sophia
Why do I keep coming back to this board when the average iq doesn't even reach three digits?

>> No.19274535

>The American blogger and founder of the Neoreactionary movement Curtis Yarvin cites Carlyle as being his chief inspiration stating "I'm a Carlylean more or less the way a Marxist is a Marxist."

This is why I made my post, not because Carlyle gave the ultimate definition of Protestantism.

>> No.19275154

it’s called unitarian universalism

>> No.19275304

Choosing faith based on "aesthetics" is peak Zoomer reactionary meme shit

>> No.19275332

>a Harvard Business School
>Business School
Unironically a brainlet then. I have no respect for HBS lmao, I was raised by an Alumnus and I've learned that they're all the definition of pseuds and only care about money

>> No.19275344

People who genuinely cant appreciate the humble simplicity of small wooden churches are unironically third worlders.
Literal New Money Arab Sheikh tier taste: "golden and shiny = good".
Nothing beats quiet, peaceful, meditation in an old village church by the forest.

>> No.19275352

>meanwhile, catholic sudacas will still be catholics
You obviously know fuck all about Latin America kek
Catholicism is a hollowed out trunk here. No substance, only surface level rituals practiced out of habit.

>> No.19275843

if the kikes are in control then look around you and tell me what looks so grand about your surroundings utter prot faggot

>> No.19276056
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Who else /prot/ here?

>> No.19276059

those john bradford volumes are pretty

>> No.19276091

can't see what's on top

>> No.19276114

My set used to belong to a Jesuit founded university lul.

>> No.19276130

Gurnall's Christian in Complete Armour, The Valley of Vision, a Cambridge Clarion KJV, and a Zondervan premier collection NIV.

>> No.19276263

>Gurnall's Christian in Complete Armour
sounds kino

>> No.19276302

Just read the Bible.

>> No.19276305

why would I do that?
i'm catholic

>> No.19276354
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They are William Gurnall's sermons on the armor of God in Ephesians 6. I like to read a few pages each day. These were actually preached to his congregation.

Gurnall was one of the Puritans that remained in the Church of England during the Great Ejection in 1662.

>> No.19276649

>the true purpose of religion is to inflict fear into your heart
If your religion needs fear to be effective, then you have a pretty weak religion.

He should of said the purpose is… fear of god…

I believe the true purpose is to clear ignorance this feeling of cleared ignorance heightens when God winks at you.

>where is the luxury
Christianity is about being so close to God that material spectacles become unnecessary and in some way an insult because it shows the inability to conceptualize heaven on earth, the deterioration of physical and the heavenly camaraderie in spirit, that is Protestantism

Decentralization is often encouraged behind a layer of “dont do” in the first quarter of matthew

Decentralization is not anarchy and disorder

>> No.19276673
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>The true purpose of religion is to strike fear into your heart. You acquire a healthy fear of God, and this way, ritual overtakes philosophy and the religion retains its mythos and tradition.

he´s a moron, has he ever heard of pentecostalism? they´re masters in putting fear into their subjects

>> No.19276703

>Llewelyn Powys says:


>> No.19276707

>Are you the guy who posted his essay on post-liberalism in my thread about right wing critics of neoliberalism?

link? i want to read the thread

>> No.19276722

Love when people try to use the holocaust to prove a point because it allows you to easily ignore literally everything they say. Imagine genuinely believing it happened lmao

>> No.19276748

i never read Carlyle but is it true that (according to moldbug) that he was writing agains the new (anglo) establishment? or is it just projection on the part of moldbug?

>> No.19276758

yes, the fact that they´re on 4chan of all places gives you a clue that they´re all larping because they feel resentment against the establishment

>> No.19277343

Hippope ebin

>> No.19277356

>"Protestantism is a halfway point to Atheism.
Understandable when you're the seed of the Synagogue of Satanic State Department subverters Insectspore writes like a woman, a woman doing a sprawling personal interest piece in a New England newspaper's lifestyle section. Step over him