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/lit/ - Literature

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19257724 No.19257724 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.19257736

THREAD THEME: https://youtu.be/VecunpIqlg0

>> No.19257751
File: 31 KB, 430x330, 8EF083A1-72F8-4FAB-821B-798C6E69397D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no, THIS is https://youtu.be/l4zfEkKs2ZM

>> No.19257755

I know you're supposed to take notes and whatnot when reading nonfiction but honestly it's killing my motivation to read. I think I'm going to eschew note-taking.

>> No.19257771

Thread soundtrack #3

>> No.19257792

I'm almost a wizard. Where did it all go wrong? I cope by saying that it wasnt meant to be.

>> No.19257806
File: 879 KB, 2124x1258, 1633973977466.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reminder you're all gonna make it

>> No.19257809
File: 49 KB, 608x450, puffpuffpass.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is also lame wtf

>> No.19257817

My potential as a human being has been marred by a sudden back injury when deadlifting.

The pain has made it extremely difficult to concentrate, and I am forced to either become medicated or get a surgery that I cannot afford, as I am only 19 and in school.

I do not know what to do. I am considering flying to Thailand to get cheap surgery there, but even the plane ticket will harm my fragile finances.

>> No.19257852

>this is also lame

>> No.19257856
File: 133 KB, 550x528, tanto-gentile-e-tanto-onesta-pare-550.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been reading romance novels recently and have come to the conclusion that these super-feminine romantic women either never existed, or did exist in the past but are now something of an extinct species. It got me wondering if there was ever an attempt to produce a race of 'true females'. Surely some alchemist, kabbalalist, or biologist has contemplated the possibility?

>> No.19257871

your song

>> No.19257873

If the afterlife doesn't exist, or reincarnation, or any thing of that sort, and this is the only life we will ever have, then by definition, this is hell, because this is the worst thing that will ever happen to us, the avrege human life is fileld with 80-90% of nothing but misery, this is hell

>> No.19257876
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>> No.19257880
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>> No.19257886
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love this anglo. the definition of elven

>> No.19257893

There's a project in Russia for systematically domesticating foxes. I don't see why we couldn't try the same thing on women

>> No.19257897
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And he loved Scott Walker. Scott was one of Bowie’s eleven.

>> No.19257915

My neighbor wants to marry me. She's from Africa or something, and she's very attractive and nice. But I don't think I'd make a good husband.

>> No.19257926

Would you let her make you a good husband?
Talk it over.

>> No.19257931

The fact that you even think about whether you will be a good husband or not puts you above a significant portion of the population.

>> No.19257936
File: 1.96 MB, 1920x1080, fac.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

0_o https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FQStbwNCl2Y

>> No.19257960

It'd be difficult. I'm a loner and apathetic to everything. She's a functioning person.

>> No.19257979

two more hours of work left... I can do it

>> No.19257980

my hair is a gross mat of oil and keratin sandwiched between my head and the pillow

>> No.19257983

I simply cannot fall asleep

>> No.19257985
File: 869 KB, 498x280, 85a305e1bde55071d5e60438da443bd1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have no passion or determination for any worthwhile goal. I wish I knew there is an afterlife or reincarnation so I can end it.

>> No.19257998

Coomers! I have done it! I have cured myself of my own Coomerism! The cure as it turns out, is none other than education. Yes! Education! I studied less the flesh, and more the anatomical, muscular, nervous, and skeletal systems behind my fetishes and now find them incredibly boring, if not alarming in how dangerous certain acts are in terms of bacterial exposure and alongside the exact mechanisms by which STDs spread throughout genitalia and the body.

Incredible has this personal discovery been for me, that I have now deleted my coomer folders and instead masturbate exclusively from imagination as nature intended -- with net losses in frequency of course! It is not too late my friends, the habit can be broken, the cure is out there. And it is none other than detailed gynecological books, and in how fragile the female reproductive system really is.

Explore it for yourself and enter a near-permanent state of post-coom clarity against the most shameless of depictions!

>> No.19258002
File: 180 KB, 1911x1080, FBbFhQZXsAE-gp0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wasted so much time on video games I could've spent on music and literature.

>> No.19258007
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>> No.19258022

stop banging lame music on lit
thread theme https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w7R1G0evlEA

>> No.19258031
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>> No.19258035
File: 103 KB, 1600x1155, angry-punk-showing-middle-finger-isolated-white-background-angry-punk-showing-middle-finger-170139626.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck you

>> No.19258055

i have to pee

>> No.19258059

You don't have to do anything.

>> No.19258063

i am going to pee on you

>> No.19258075

became a doctor so I could drink all the urine samples

>> No.19258076

You need repairs

>> No.19258104
File: 907 KB, 1242x1381, Forgot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm 18 years old, going on 19, and tend to prefer girls about my own age but I've been thinking about my boss lately...she's just shaped so nice...she dresses pretty conservatively but she wears skirts so I can see her legs, and I'll tell you, I never really understood why people in old movies cared so much about the "gams" on a girl before, but, hell, I do now.
Anyway, I've only been working for a couple of days (actually this is my first job) so she's mostly been training me so far.
I don't know how old she is (30? 40?) but for some reason she has that stupid vocal fry thing, and normally this would turn me off but it's actually very soft (whereas most fries tend to make the voice sound coarse) and it actually kind of makes her seem more youthful and relatable to me, like we're equals.
She's shorter than me too (almost normal height for a woman though, I'm just pretty tall), so I like standing very close to her and almost surrounding her. I do this so that she can feel my urge radiating from me and so that maybe her heart could yield to me. I know this is stupid but it feels good whenever I'm doing it and I can only imagine how it makes her feel (I hope it makes her blush).
Btw, I know this may sound like a workplace harassment complaint waiting to happen but no, I know what I'm doing, I understand and respect boundaries so I don't have to worry about something like that and most of this stuff is mental anyway.
Anyway, her face was honestly pretty disappointing to look at last time I saw it, if I recall correctly, but we always have our masks on and I have poor vision so maybe I was mistaken (doubt it), I sort of don't care either way for some reason because she's just so nice. I also noticed greying hair on her head (is this a good thing or a bad thing for a woman's urges? idk). She also has a husband and kids.
Now let me just say that I would never do something as despicable as engaging in homewrecking but I can't stop wondering if I might just tempt her? What if I was the one to tempt her? I want to be the one to tempt her. Am I the devil? What the fuck is wrong with me? I've never had a gf before btw (no, I'm not especially ugly, it's just that the only people who were ever interested in me were not attractive at all and I never hung around a lot of people for some reason).

>> No.19258113
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Goodnight bros.

>> No.19258119

Fuck. Do you have a job? Can you afford kids? Where is she from exactly? How old are both of you?
Anon, I really wish the best for you but if your not ready don't waste your time or her time; if you can pull it off don't waste this opportunity however.

>> No.19258211

sleep like a pillow

>> No.19258227

Show tits or fuck off

>> No.19258240
File: 338 KB, 480x480, 1534715304560.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss the sense of wonder and awe I felt at the world and literature when I was a kid. I've been drinking heavily lately and am starting to feel like it's all over

>> No.19258245

>I miss the sense of wonder and awe I felt at the world [...] when I was a kid
t. literally everyone past the age of 20
>I've been drinking heavily lately
don't go down that road, it's not worth it

>> No.19258246

Nobody argues in good faith anymore. Everyone has some crazy agenda with no logical conclusion.

>> No.19258247

>t. literally everyone past the age of 20
>implying I remember my childhood

>> No.19258250
File: 34 KB, 471x322, FCHoATuXIAEydJB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

currently writing a short story and realised i can't write dialogue. too autistic, feeling like a retard

>> No.19258257

Make everyone in your story a mute

>> No.19258259

write a story about autists

>> No.19258262

have another beer fren

>> No.19258436

But it's also heaven by that logic

>> No.19258444

how do i be less sensitive to existence? It's not like I add an artificial existential flair to my suffering or concentrate on it, I don't think about it at all, but everything seems harder for me because I am too afraid of, not discomfort, but things going wrong, even slightly. I'm only now starting to notice that other people are much less sensitive to existence than me.

>> No.19258469

>everything seems harder for me because I am too afraid of, not discomfort, but things going wrong, even slightly
what's harder exactly? do you have much more anxiety than regular person?

>> No.19258477

I think I should break up with my bf. He's really nice and we've never had any problems but I'm probably going to be a net negative for anyone I date and my life is going to go downhill once I graduate. What should I do

>> No.19258483

I don't know if I would say anxiety but little things are much more stressful.

>> No.19258484

Last night my wife was complaining about some clueless teenager who keeps standing too close to her at work.

Her words were, and I quote, "it is virtually impossible to comprehend at such an age where you are completely self obsessed, but being attracted to someone is not a reason for why they would be attracted to you. Being funny, good-looking, smart, charismatic, fun to hang out, having 8+ inches (most important)-- all these are legitimate reasons why someone would be attracted to you. Try to consider the values of a mid-thirty year old woman who has probably had a varied sexual history and a number of relationships. In purely calculative terms, weigh up what you can offer against that. Then compare it with the additional counter-balances of the responsibilities that parenting and the financial responsibilities of domestic partnership e.g. mortgage. It is a completely delusional fantasy to think this person would be attracted to you without severe attenuating circumstances. The sooner you are aware of how futile such fantasies are then the quicker you can overcome yourself and become someone who actually provides a reason for others to be attracted to"

I agreed, and then fucked her in the ass, pissed in her mouth, etc

>> No.19258485

talk to him about your concerns instead of mulling it over alone and building up your anxiety over it. don't assume you're going to be a net negative

>> No.19258493

maybe it's a neuroticism thing. did you ever do Big 5 test?

>> No.19258503

How old are you? You don't have to say if you don't want, but if you are younger than 25 then it may be a matter of maturity. Until I was about 23 I was the way you described and then with growth and experience I somewhat grew out of those feelings and begun to feel a lot calmer and in control and less sensitive.

Other things that help is all the usual. Diet, posture, exercise, learning how to breathe properly. This last one was a live changer for me, I had been going my entire life incredibly tense until I went to a physio for an unrelated problem and he taught me how to actually breathe properly and it was like an enormous weight was lifted off me and that impacted my general mood and the way I conducted myself in day to day existence.

Basically, give it time. Work on small things gradually over a long period of time and you will find that those small things add up and you get to a point where you feel a lot more comfortable in yourself and a lot more comfortable in the world.

>> No.19258510

>breathe properly
how? through the belly?

>> No.19258515

oh shit it's been a week and I'm still fucking exhausted

>> No.19258520

Yes with your diaphragm. I had been told to breathe with my diaphragm in the past but had never understood how to do it. This physio taught me how. Genuinely took us about 5 minutes because I was so unused to it. Once I got the hang of it was like all this tension I had been carrying for over 20 years just dissipated.

These days whenever I catch myself feel tense or anxious, I do a couple of deep breaths with my diaphragm and it makes me a lot more present. I do this a couple of times before stepping into work for example and it makes my day a lot better. I do my job a lot better and I don't want to kill myself.

Of course, this might not apply to you at all, but it was such a big game changer for me that I always feel the need to recommend it. You never know!

>> No.19258524

this might sound like the dumbest question in a long time but when inhaling you expand the diaphragm?

>> No.19258539

Not dumb, I had no idea either. When you breathe in, you want to push out your stomach. Meanwhile, your chest should move as little as possible. You should feel a muscle expanding, that's your diaphragm.

>> No.19258545

That's funny, I just naturally breathe through my diaphragm while it's apparently a novel concept to a lot of people, I wonder why that is

>> No.19258549

Oh god /wwoym/ I'm back here I come. I was on vacation for a month but now that I am back I will restore the autism in this thread. Who wants to argue

>> No.19258551

I started breathing properly a few years ago and it was a big game changer as well. I can even get rid of hiccups easily with just one inhale/exhale.

>> No.19258553

Yeah it's meant to be normal. I'll say the physio was a bit perplexed by me. I think the reason I wasn't doing it properly was because I was unconsciously holding my breath a lot due to general nerves / anxiety / tenseness. I've also had doctors in the past feel my neck and shoulders and comment on how tense I was, though they always shrugged it off. Funny what you get used to.

>> No.19258557
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I found this, I thought it was funny

>> No.19258562

Thankfully the Hereafter does exist.

>> No.19258575
File: 624 KB, 564x376, image0-12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am too compassionate. Be in a verbal fight confrontation with an arab yesterday: in the middle of it my army training kicked in and I started remembering psychological trick i learned to manipulate/mind control/intimidate the other one in a non violent way. Wanted to do it but felt bad.
Fucking algerians always acting like they are better than others.

>> No.19258583

I'm very tired. I want to sleep.

>> No.19258587

I'm so glad that Wednesday is over

>> No.19258589

>I am too compassionate.
Based. What's the trick anon?

>> No.19258645

I am disqualified from being human

>> No.19258763

it's still a pandemic, right? it's been almost two years hasn't it. shouldn't viruses generally mutate into less and less harmful forms? the virus gains nothing from killing the host

>> No.19258779

cf. global warming

>> No.19258785

What's a good start to writing a post-apoca world?

>> No.19258917 [DELETED] 


wow, i guess they really were stealin' our jerbs after all!

no, but seriously, communists and anarchists are going to fucking pissed. now facebook can't use a global labor pool to drive down the wages of their workers. i'm sure antifa will riot in solidarity with facebook like when they knocked out the teeth of that guy protesting twitter in san francisco. ahh yes, the left, which is to say the shock troops, of capital will not be pleased at all.

>> No.19259083

I have a very loving father who emigrated here in the early 2000s and has since worked his ass off for our family. During my childhood he was kind but always looked miserable and overworked; I saw how much he suffered from this and swore not to end up like him. I was reasonably intelligent but did poorly in school and devoted myself to art instead.

Now that I am older I feel quite guilty about the way I rebelled in my teen years, and while I am on better terms with my parents, these feelings of guilt persist because I have kept a course toward artistic dreams that will sacrifice, along with a stable income and ability to support a family, any chance of being able to make my parents proud.

Some part of me wishes in this twisted way that my father had been an asshole instead, hated me, resented my choices and scorned them, held his generous financial support like a knife to my throat, and just treated me like shit so that I could break free from this sense of filial responsibility. Then, maybe the somberness that I affect in what I create would have some real bearing.

I love my parents but I wish they didn't love me. I know it's retarded but
>Write What's On Your Mind.

>> No.19259232

morning bros

>> No.19259417

Shes not interested in some high school kid

>> No.19259558
File: 106 KB, 600x600, Withered.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's over...

>> No.19259563

also I'm actually a college freshman.

>> No.19259750

if you feel like you deserve to be happy then you need to stop treating yourself like shit

>> No.19259758
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>> No.19259773

I'm esl and read this a thousand times and still have no idea what good faith is supposed to mean in these contexts.

>> No.19259777

literally google “good faith”

>> No.19259781

It still makes zero sense. Nobody talks like that.

>> No.19259794

You outed yourself zoomer

>> No.19259802

men and women were separated in their daily lives for the majority of human history for a reason. what you're feeling is natural and healthy but you in an unnatural and unhealthy position(working with women all day). squash these impulses and find a woman that isnt taken.

>> No.19259809

Loneliness weighs on me like armor. I can't be touched. I can't feel the wind.

>> No.19259874

I want to read more, get into literature but at the same time I find the majority of literature I read to be absolutely boring.
When you look up on the internet the various top-100 books recommended for reading there are often lots of books over there that migrate from list to list.
I used one of those lists to look up books that are considered to be one of the bests and finished them but at the same time I felt no pleasure nor satisfaction from reading it.
For example, the famous "Moby Dick".
Whenever I started to read it each day the thing that would cross my mind was when will I finally finish it?
It's just not interesting to me yet I finished it.
Then I tried to read Pride and Prejudice and god, I couldn't even finish 1/3 of it, because of how boring it is. That old timey relationships with gentlemen and gentlewomen and their pitiful gossips.
I just can't take it.

So I even started to wonder what kind of literature should I even read?
What even makes a person erudite?
Should I read all those books from the list regardless if I like them or not?
I really wish to read, but I jus't can't seem to find literature interesting enough.

I have read LotR and while I liked it, what is the point of reading fantasy books? Would make me a better person if I would read a hundred of fantasy novels of various quality?

I just don't know.

>> No.19259913

read the greek tragedies
you unironically cannot fully appreciate modern fiction without starting there. i'm starting to believe the meme

>> No.19259960

>greek tragedies
like what?

>> No.19259977

oedipus rex

>> No.19259982

sophocles' theban plays

>> No.19259988

oedipus rex, antigone, the bacchae, also the iliad and odyssey of course

>> No.19260027
File: 2.35 MB, 4032x3024, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m really enjoying the process of learning to speak and write in Hebrew. The script is really fun to write out and the structure of it flows together with a simplicity that I think is really beautiful. All of its rules and intonations make perfect sense and to these there are few exceptions. I think what excites me most about it is the idea that with enough practice I’ll actually be able to pick up a real Torah and understand exactly what it means, without the filters of the modern world.

>> No.19260030

hebrew looks really fun to handwrite

>> No.19260068
File: 40 KB, 640x355, 5211235246.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do you control your emotion better and learn to suppress them at times where you need to.

>> No.19260086

meditation, its not about controlling emotion but understanding it. once you can understand the underlying systems that lead to your feelings youll have more ability to banish them

>> No.19260102

Was going to get a haircut, yes I was, but I lost all my money, yes I did.
Next month it is.

>> No.19260148

Yeah it’s super intuitive and the characters are just plain fun to draw. What you see here is the script form which is mostly used in everyday life in handwriting, notes, etc. The block form is more formal, used for religious texts, signage, digital typing, printed literature, and what most people outside of Israel are used to seeing. It’s fairly easy to pick up too since the characters themselves are so unique, making them easy to memorize.

>> No.19260162

Spreading twink bussy cheeks.

>> No.19260219

didn't buy alcohol or junk food today so I'm sorta proud of myself

>> No.19260248

Look into numerology within the Hebrew alphabet. Its pretty crazy. That's what Kabballah is all about

>> No.19260282

ravioli straight out the can, room temperature.
milk straight out of the box, still cold from the store.
bar of chocolate for desert.
the fruits of industrialism.

>> No.19260287

fucking based nigga, godspeed

>> No.19260290

seconding this
good job anon

>> No.19260294

>ravioli straight out the can, room temperature.
how is it? never had that way

>> No.19260299

it's good, I like it. I wonder if they put sugar in the sauce, it really is surprisingly good

>> No.19260307
File: 1.43 MB, 1059x2651, 20211021_044309.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was angry before but now I feel better. I was able to express my emotions. This is completely healthy. My behaviour in this video is completely reasonable and healthy. Sometimes people need to express their emotions. I am a perfectly normal person.

>> No.19260313

seinfeld used to air one episode per week. a season lasted half a year. it must have been a real event watching that one night per week. what the fuck was life like back then

>> No.19260314

I am always surprised at the number of people that own hatchets but seem to have no real use or need for them.

>> No.19260328
File: 451 KB, 1080x1709, Screenshot_20211021-032732_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got /out/ a lot.

I wrote this poem and took this picture. I posted it in an /out/ thread only a couple hours ago.

Do you like my poem anon?

>> No.19260332

"Let me drink from the waters, where the mountain streams flood
Let the smell of wild flowers flow free through my blood
Let me sleep in your meadows with the green grassy leaves
Let me walk down the highway with my brother in peace

Let me die in my footsteps before I go down under the ground"

it's technically about nuclear war, but it works generally for living on your feet, for keeping your heart

>> No.19260365
File: 39 KB, 375x356, 1633989247056.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you ok?

>> No.19260374

Wasn't meant as a judgement on you, the image just stirred the thought in my mind. The poem is very nice.

>> No.19260542

i wonder if there is any legitimate philosophy analogous to the sigma male meme

>> No.19260551


>> No.19260555

is this bait? read epictetus

>> No.19260560

Kek, someone published Frater's poetry collection.

>> No.19260585

>Halloween... Kills...

>> No.19260593

aww what an adorable twink

>> No.19260599


>> No.19260709

english is different from every other major literary language except for maybe french in that it's not possible to pack a ton of meaning in individual words

>> No.19260740


>> No.19260766

Was literally thinking of this driving home from work today.

>> No.19260776

why are so many het degenerate sex freaks homophobic? it's almost comical

>> No.19260783 [DELETED] 


>> No.19260796

femboy bussy braps

>> No.19260798
File: 644 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20211021-070424_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't reply to me faggot.

>> No.19260801
File: 57 KB, 720x960, F3A8E2B9-2556-4E11-8E51-F8367622579E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can fascism be expressed in a republic form of government?

>> No.19260809 [DELETED] 


>> No.19260823

I'm 24 and suffer from extreme agoraphobia. I only leave my house once a week to eat dinner with my mom. It has been this way since I graduated highschool. I want a fulfilling career, a social life, a relationship, kids. I don't want to miss out on life but I can't overcome this. I sit in my room day after day and watch my hope and dreams fade away.

>> No.19260833

Help. I started with the greeks and found them boring

>> No.19260837 [DELETED] 


>> No.19260841
File: 815 KB, 600x656, wizard46.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are now confident! Go and enjoy life.

>> No.19260847 [DELETED] 


>> No.19260852

Don't start with the Greeks, start with what interests you.

>> No.19260855

You could hopefully, bit by bit, rectify that. I have legit autism and used to have to pump myself up for like half an hour just to go to the store and only did so when there weren't a lot of people there. Now I can spontaneously roll into the club by myself and be super friendly and open with people.

>> No.19260860

Suicide is ever more a present thought. I believed to be over that, but recently the shadow came back over me. I feel disgusted at myself for having the same teenage angst I had even after 10 years I left school.

>> No.19260867

Why would you rob yourself of the pleasure of reading whatever the fuck you like?
Are you gay for memes?

>> No.19260869 [DELETED] 


>> No.19260877 [DELETED] 


>> No.19260885

Reply saying imbecile if you suck dick

>> No.19260887 [DELETED] 


>> No.19260892
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>> No.19260901 [DELETED] 


>> No.19260909

Are you retarded

>> No.19260913 [DELETED] 


>> No.19260938 [DELETED] 


>> No.19260946 [DELETED] 


>> No.19260958

I was just being honest. I suck dicks.

>> No.19260959 [DELETED] 


>> No.19260990

Like that's going to weed him out.

>> No.19260998 [DELETED] 


>> No.19261020

I'm tired of life. This shit's not for me.

>> No.19261025

What do you do if you're the type who has to finish a book no matter how much you dislike it but you really get bored by a book?

>> No.19261029

y entonces notó que ese dolor en el culo no era normal, en ocasiones el dolor de culo lo despertaba en las madrugadas, era como si la mierda bajara por su intestino con un relieve muy marcado y duro, ahora que lo pensaba no era dolor de culo, era el intenstino, aún más adentro del esfínter, pero el pujaba, como queriendo que la mierda dentro de él se acomodara y el dolor cesara. Pujaba fuerte hasta que en algún momento el dolor desaparecía lentamente y podía volver a dormir. Pensaba que era la mierda moviéndose, pero con el tiempo comenzó a sospechar que era una espasmo en sus intestinos.

Ese día estaba esperando la vacuna del covid, estaba a pocas personas, unas 20 y de pronto el dolor de culo volvió, lo aguantó estoicamente, pero en ese momento se preocupó, no, no iba a cagarse, ni siquiera a tirarse pedos, pero dolía mucho, el dolor pasó, pero él quedó preocupado por su culo.

>> No.19261033


>> No.19261035 [DELETED] 


>> No.19261037

It's funny because I actually have confidence, at least in my physical appearance. I think I look good in the mirror and in photos. I think I dress nicely too. It's just the going out alone part that fucks me.
I've tried to go get ice cream by myself multiple times. Nothing major, just a 5 minute drive there and back but I can't do it. I make it to my car and then the anxiety hits me like a truck and I go back inside. I'm weak willed.

>> No.19261044

I don't really have the energy to follow up on this question, but I feel like it should be asked: why after high school?

>> No.19261047

That can't be the solution. I might miss a part where it really gets interesting!

>> No.19261053 [DELETED] 


>> No.19261056

it's true, but it is also true that the books only purpose is your enjoyment

>> No.19261059

Pay attention to what makes you feel confident.

>> No.19261061

And to miss this enjoyment would be a lost opportunity.

>> No.19261067

but why sack today for a maybe? was it at least good at some point?

>> No.19261068
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The german people failed Hitler and Europe.

>> No.19261081

At the beginning, yeah...

>> No.19261090

well, I don't know, but I got to a point where I felt like if something didn't grab me then I should mov eon

>> No.19261096 [DELETED] 


>> No.19261105

>unconsciously holding my breath
fuck i do this

>> No.19261108

Don't know to be honest. Right after highschool I decided to get an associate's degree online through a local community college. During that time I didn't go out much and I think I just got used to it. Now it's progressed into a real problem. That's my theory at least.

>> No.19261110 [DELETED] 


>> No.19261128

can you do it incrementally do you think? like just start with a walk around the house, then build to the block, and so on?

>> No.19261131 [DELETED] 


>> No.19261150
File: 64 KB, 682x1024, E0F18BD7-04A4-4C71-B86A-8DCF7D141F53.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no matter how down bad i am, this song gets me

>> No.19261160 [DELETED] 


>> No.19261168


>> No.19261235 [DELETED] 


>> No.19261300

lurking /x/ with the default theme -_-
lurking /x/ with the dark theme o___o

>> No.19261305 [DELETED] 


>> No.19261495

My poos are very long and thin

>> No.19261522

I want to invest in the whole cryptomeme but my skepticism of it gets the better of me. I'm a very cautious investor, so cautious that 9/10 times I don't invest.

Crypto is history's most proven get rich quick scheme, but it is unreliable and messy. I have no faith that it won't all just go up in smoke in one big algorithmically supercharged flash crash at any given moment. Although I've been proven wrong repeatedly, there is always a chance there's a black swan that bucks the trend.There's no rhyme or reason to crypto and all these market gurus "experts" are charlatans talking out of their asses.

>> No.19261534

I always imagine posts to be written in an american accent. Kind of throws me off to actually hear you

>> No.19261537

Pretty comfortable. Nice festive Christmas as well.

I'm gonna say "Merry Christmas" this year. I'm gonna say it to everyone.

>> No.19261547
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A very simple and human way that smart phones exacerbate mental illness is through instant messaging. Specifically, the ability to broadcast and receive feedback on every last feeling and thought you have. I'm not talking about posting your feelings on a twitter feed or Facebook wall, I mean being able to message a friend or girl/boyfriend and have whatever feeling you're experiencing immediately validated by another person.

Negative feelings are often fleeting and when you're left alone to deal with them you're often able to put them in perspective and move on. If nothing else, something else will happen the next moment that will distract you from it. But being able to articulate your negative feelings 24/7 to another makes them not only feel more real (because well, they have to be serious if I feel the need to tell someone about it) but they also stick around for much longer because they are being reinforced through conversation. People, especially teenagers, need to shut up and learn to sit with their feelings more, instead of talking themselves into thinking they have a diagnosable mental illness.

>> No.19261558

You can still get this feeling if you follow a particular sport team

>> No.19261705

I love to look at my naked body

>> No.19261729

i do to

>> No.19261809
File: 33 KB, 400x400, u1crSSfU_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That used to be true of me...and then something changed. Careful though, that's one way to make yourself gay.

>> No.19261824

Work out exactly what you dislike about it and then work out why the author is doing those things.

>> No.19261831

Alcoholism happened, didn't it?

>> No.19261870

It's a relief to know that I can always kill myself if things get too bad.

>> No.19261911

How do I write characters that are witty/smarter than me

>> No.19262142

There is so much poo inside me.

>> No.19262158

Fixation with the scatalogical is often an indication of sexual abuse in early childhood

>> No.19262302

Do you have a single shred of evidence to support this claim or this just another product of Freuds mental masturbation

>> No.19262304
File: 364 KB, 638x688, xi jinping of weed smoking POV.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2 more nights. 2 more nights. 2 more nights. 2 more nights. 2 more nights. 2 more nights. 2 more nights. 2 more nights. 2 more nights. 2 more nights. 2 more nights. 2 more nights. 2 more nights. 2 more nights. 2 more nights. 2 more nights. 2 more nights. 2 more nights. 2 more nights. 2 more nights. 2 more nights. 2 more nights. 2 more nights. 2 more nights. 2 more nights. 2 more nights. 2 more nights. 2 more nights. 2 more nights. 2 more nights. 2 more nights. 2 more nights. 2 more nights. 2 more nights. 2 more nights. 2 more nights. 2 more nights. 2 more nights. 2 more nights.

>> No.19262416

God revealed it to me

>> No.19262635

these threads are always dead now because of your shitty fucking images

>> No.19262656

also doesn’t link to previous threads either

>> No.19262735

Theyre dead because the tripfags use it like their personal twitter

>> No.19262738

father i crave the destruction of my enemies

>> No.19262805
File: 135 KB, 720x384, 86AA04FF-7C89-494C-A866-0C235338581B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Topics look about the same as usual
>Thith ith my own perthinal twidder! Not yurz!!

>> No.19262823
File: 98 KB, 768x574, GettyImages-50874630-7c3719b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It appears as if I have entered into a game of cat and mouse with someone who lives in the same apartment building as me. How exciting. I have always relished the opportunity to kill a man. I would welcome and open and shut case for justifiably doing so. The whole ordeal partakes of an intricate puzzle. The foe in question works in the building, and may have access to my very apartment through said “master keys”. If I get him fired, perhaps that would be his breaking point and he’d seek me out in vengeance. If I simply slit his throat and string him up, that of course, would be murder plain and simple and I am in no rush to go to prison. The ideal circumstance would be one in which I get to kill him without any legal trouble, which would mean I bait him into acting.

What’s more, I’ve had paranormal visions of a man fitting his description infiltrating my abode at night and harming me in bed…perhaps it all fits together.

I feel as though I have been inserted into a paperback pulp-fiction misery novel with me as the protagonist.

I could easily dispatch this man in fair one on one fisticuffs. But if he shoots me in the back of the head with a revolver or assassinates me unawares out of nihilistic abandon then I don’t know what to say. Again, I can’t do what is needed and simply execute the fucker on sight because of the laws of the land.

Rest assured the I am in the right. This guy’s job is to be nice and all he has done is give me the stink eye every time I walk into my building. He does not understand what restrained and tested brutality he toys with underneath my placid surface. I am ready to kill. I am fascinated by the concept.

>> No.19262835

go to bed and leave the guy alone you psycho

>> No.19262838
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>baby voice

>> No.19262886

metaphysics is the root of a lot of bad stuff in the world

>> No.19262891
File: 268 KB, 1400x1400, 1627048738479.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a philosophical zombie, a pastiche of a human being, I get my vocabulary, as in the precise wording from media or copying others. Despite attempts in creative manners, I don't actually like them, I don't engage in them in a way filled with passion or even likes, I engage in them because I'd like to do X stuff or be seen as Y thing. I'm unsure I have actual creativity, since coming up with ideas that are not remixes is hard, I don't enjoy thinking, in fact I rarely do, I react.

>> No.19262896

No :^)
I long for the one dumb motherfucker to push me over the edge and this is one which I am perfectly poised over. If I can murder someone scot free I will go for it.
What you call "psycho" I call "beautiful cosmic justice."

>> No.19262898

There isn't one

>> No.19262902
File: 94 KB, 200x269, A8455B96-D320-4623-BD07-FFFEC1893397.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was going for this guy, actually.

>> No.19262915

You know those other two tripfags shit up this general

>> No.19262916

Follow mama duck

>> No.19262917

>cured of coomerism
>still masturbates

>> No.19262931

Was Bubble Bass the original "Karen" archetype?

>> No.19262941
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>> No.19262945

You lack the warrior instinct. In may aboriginal cultures a youngling was not allowed to enter manhood unless he cut his teeth killing another man. Many aboriginal tribes will not acknowledge a boy's manhood until he engages in the sacred act of killing, which is the cement of all history and the blood of all history. I would even wager that many of the youth's psychological problems these days owe to the lack of this rite of passage. Nothing is more greatly affirming, more visceral, more instinctually empowering.

If you can kill, you can do all else, you can awaken the full potentials of human nature, you can become god. You can do what man was intended by his deepest genetic instincts to do.

But don't just kill anybody. That would be cowardly. Kill that whom deserves righteous judgement! And never kill such that you would be penalized for it. Kill such that thou wilt be rewarded.


>> No.19263004
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>> No.19263025

bro you're posting cringe, read crime & punishment

>> No.19263032

People aren’t allowed to have conversations with each other?

>> No.19263052

are you the same? would you judge me?

>> No.19263097
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Globohomo and I were on the same side this entire time, and only now did I realize it. I thought I had come up with something new and daring, but like the fish in water I did not realize what surrounded me.

>> No.19263117

People arent allowed to criticize shitty posts and tripfags? Give it a break

>> No.19263127

I have an extremely unhealthy diet

>> No.19263129
File: 690 KB, 280x280, 2920E1AD-1738-432D-ABA0-B8D927685F73.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Touchy touchy

>> No.19263133

You're very touchy since the updyke thread

>> No.19263137

nobody wants to read my novel ):

>> No.19263140
File: 1.60 MB, 498x480, B5F1B860-1BAC-4600-A792-645A60E1F719.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You’re imagining things.

>> No.19263143

Post it and I'll give it a shot

>> No.19263144

what's updyke?

>> No.19263151

It's related to updog

>> No.19263155

what's updog?

>> No.19263159

don't laugh

>> No.19263163

Nothing dog, what's up with you?

>> No.19263168

ligma balls

>> No.19263170

There’s an author named John Updike. Anons are basking in the sophomoric wordplay rn

>> No.19263192
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>> No.19263197

Touchy touchy

>> No.19263198
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People follow hand gesture without knowing. You can place yourself in a better position by manipulating your opponent with your posture, movement and your hand gesture. Position is often key. More place to back up to dodge to the side. Make him end up his back to something that can surprise him and it will be a second you will have to neutralize him.
To intimidate while in the altercation stare in the middle of his forehead. It shows domination.
Those are easy little things. The rest is with tone and knowing a little on the guy.

It sounds stupid but people follow hand gestures. Ever wonder why on TV they always have idiots from the streets? They spot them. Some reporters are trained to lightly hypnotized you with their hands to attract you, convince you and make you feel comfortable and has soon has it starts they go cold. For them manipulating you makes good TV and humiliates the people. Try it (hand gestures, not humiliating them) on your friends. Don't be an idiot tho and you will be able to manipulate where they go in a reasonable way of course.

>> No.19263206

I learned this from talking to immigrants who dont know english. They always mimic my hand gestures

>> No.19263233


>> No.19263271
File: 280 KB, 1360x909, 7c25aad56af445ee9afc8f7c0cff136b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its not too late to love !

>> No.19263454
File: 109 KB, 720x921, 53C46A28-B034-4DF7-BC1E-C0FFDBA27C35.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19263455

Can't find any digital copies of a book I want. Can only buy the physical (or epub) for $150. Not even libgen has it.

>> No.19263458

Spaceghostpurp is peak crazy. I really enjoyed his angry tweets about Yung Lean and Bladee.

>> No.19263463
File: 27 KB, 750x372, 1625804625695.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm at the end of a tedious and fruitless science degree just to realise I want to study continental philosophy instead
What options are there for a graduate of science to undertake study in philosophy?

>> No.19263497

what did he say about yung lean and bladee

>> No.19263511

I fucking hate university so fucking much.

>> No.19263530
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>> No.19263534
File: 111 KB, 845x280, Screenshot 2021-10-21 at 17-29-51 a1777b3291da6b9141ddbd43a7aabaa0c8091ab844e61c9def6afcb36b532135_1 webp (WEBP Image, 828 [...].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol that. and also this
but hes also said bladee has the n-word pass so idk.

>> No.19263542


>> No.19263596
File: 2.31 MB, 4032x3024, 40101CAC-3FAB-439D-8B93-588075378A88.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i remember there were riots in the U$ last year and i managed to let leftists from there convince me the world was finally moving again
it gave me a nice feeling for a time at least

>> No.19263631
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I can't wrap my head around how Greek sounds vocally.

>> No.19263642

every part of my legs is on fire

>> No.19263661

Money literally solves all problems

>> No.19263663

You can't buy love

>> No.19263664

Yes you can

>> No.19263667
File: 237 KB, 704x514, Screen Shot 2021-10-21 at 2.47.46 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's been two years and I can't say I'm not over my ex. Back then I was a blank slate. A misfit halfwit who somehow captured someone's spotlight. They were about as desperate to find someone as I was to find myself. Was I really in love with them for them? Or entrapped in an envious sort of awe of how they must've felt looking at their reflection? Were they some savior that simply handed me the map? Now, sometimes, I'm still afraid to live as me. Not because of me, but because my void has been filled with them. I'm not afraid in the way one might take a stain off a shirt. But in the way one might second guess keeping a childhood toy out in the open. Looking from then to now--I find myself wrapped in clothes they might add to their wishlist, trailing and weaving the escapades they'd told me of, albeit only partly so. I hear myself speaking in a tongue that calls folks to me. And when my call echoes, I hear the whispers of this ex that swayed me so. People often say we find parts of ourselves through others. But I can't say I'm convinced today's me is entirely originally me undiscovered. Sharing those playlists back and forth back then; could I have seen I'd be the cover of those songs on repeat? Even if I'm a replica, I still extend my hand to its certain warmth, although perhaps one out of season.

>> No.19263906
File: 68 KB, 819x1024, 1634565137027.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like i retain very little information when reading books and philosophy in particular. Maybe i'll reach critical mass one day and it'll all make sense.

>> No.19263945


>> No.19263952

take notes

>> No.19263965

I do. I also read explanations but my brain just ignores it.

>> No.19263968

Male chastity belts should be mandatory.

>> No.19264024

God I'm pissed off at the moment. Highly irritable. I want to be anywhere other than my shitty apartment.

>> No.19264025

I wonder how hard it is to get published with Zer0 Books

>> No.19264088

My parents are driving me up the walls and I can't find any vacancies except shitty email jobs out of town to move away for. God, I wish I could flee and tour Europe alone in search of sexual and intellectual emancipation. To not work and engulf myself in some unheard of town's culture in the company of twinks. Heaven!

>> No.19264116

is not really a cope, it makes a lo tof sense, this is a generation ruled by loneliness and the destruction of human interaction, what's hjappening to you is prett ycommon nowdays, you shouldn't feel guilty or less selfworthy

if you wanna dig deeper into this problematic i reccomend byung chul han's body of work, specially "The Agony of Eros" and "The Burnout Society"

>> No.19264134

think if I had a good shlong, I'd be a whole different person. Michelangelo's David is out of fashion.

>> No.19264169

I'm getting the flu shot tomorrow. No longer able to put it off. I enjoy my job too much and would like to continue working, though my boss would probably let me avoid projects that require a vaccination record. But its a small company and I'm not willing to put that extra responsibility on him and my co-worker while I stay at home eating through my savings.

>> No.19264313
File: 95 KB, 297x374, 1626242986359.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My dad almost caught me watching hentai. Luckily the screen glare from the angle he was standing in blocks the view. Unfortunately, my hand was over my dick.

>> No.19264328

>Write What’s On Your Mind
Guenon was right about everything. His work is infallible. I tried to read other similar authors to refute some of his views but it was simply impossible, unless I was lying to myself.

>> No.19264354

instant noodles are almost 1€ per package (you need two for a meal) where I live. how did it get to this. they used to be .2€ like 10 years ago. 500% inflation?

>> No.19264356

are you a writer or in school for it?

>> No.19264379

Very few authors have the same degree of lucidity compared to him. Aristotle comes close but even he loses clarity of thought at crucial moments.

>> No.19264387

Why do so many writers become whiny hacks after becoming rich?

>> No.19264603

you realize the flu shot is an enterly different shot than the covid vax? lol if you try to use a flu shot as proof of vax and get fired

>> No.19264665

LMAO the absolute state of 4chan

>> No.19264676

>What's on your mind
Hot ukrainian twink with tan skin and dark eyes

>> No.19264696

Nice bait but its clear what I meant by flu shot
>covid is just a flu btw

>> No.19264697

Got something you'd like to share with the class?

>> No.19264905

Throughout the ages mankind was supposed to seek to learn from its own mistakes and mimic nature to usher in a new modern era where humans can somehow prolonge their lifetimes and civilizations can withstand any cataclysmic event that can lead to its apocalypse. Our History is filled with stories and wisdom alas, we seldom learn anything or even if it is the case we don't apply that to ourselves. The Materialistic view of the world isn't the most alluring and captivating theories to whereupon we should live our lives, just imagine with me a void, godless society without a speck of spirituality. Suicide is apparently one of the peculiar characteristics that paint such a society, their peoples cannot stand the existence and its burden they adopt an existential perspective which encourages asking about life's purpose and whether it is worth living in this meaningless life. We are literally trapped into existence, we live by the probability that we will die in any moment, our beloved ones are not eternal and we will all be memories in the end that we will ever have the privilege to be remembered by the next generations.

Just some shit I wrote ages ago lmao...

>> No.19264915

I wonder what it would even mean to do something for me. Maybe go swimming.

>> No.19264927

Cringe, annoying, you type like a pseud

>> No.19264940

I totally understand where he's coming from.
After all, I hate women as much as any gamer out there.
Trying to pave the road for future generations.
Stomping on women's heads after knocking them down.
I guess people like me have no place in society.
This' why they call us outcasts.

>> No.19264961

Having a Chinese mother and a British father, right up until kindergarten I spoke Mandarin with the accent and fluency of any other native speaker of that age. Unfortunately, wanting to fit in with the other kids at school, I then told my mother to stop speaking to me in Mandarin, and soon after I forgot it completely.

I'm 19 now, in uni, and having wasted most of my teenage years watching anime and playing video games with nothing to show for it but for achieving a high level of fluency in Japanese and a job in the translation of the language, it's now dawned on me that my grandmother (on my mother's side) is extremely well-read in the Chinese classics (something that I only now have a great interest in) and even if I buckled down and tried to relearn my native tongue, and even with my significant advantage in already knowing Japanese to a high level, it would take me a few years at the very least to be able to reach the level required to be able to access the Chinese literary tradition in that language. Both my mother and my grandmother are highly unlikely to survive even the next couple of years, and so I can't even begin to imagine how many years of my life I've effectively wasted, how many experiences I could've had if I hadn't made that mistake so early on in my life. Add to this that my grandparents are still resentful about the Japanese war of aggression in the first half of the 20th century, and the pain I've caused must be immeasurable. My only consolation is that Japanese is to Chinese what French is to English, so I already know a lot of the vocabulary, but it's still a regret that I lose sleep over often.

>> No.19264971

what will most likely happen is that i will live on the money I have until it begins to run out. at this point will simply move to a country where the money will last the rest of my life. I'm not gonna sort this out. Fuck knows if I want to.

>> No.19264979

morning bros

>> No.19265253

Just get a fucking job

>> No.19265284

First of all it's laudable that you've kept an interest in your Chinese heritage and recognised the proud tradition of the arts in East Asia. I was in a similar but different predicament to you. A lot of the Chinese texts would require commentary anyway and one good solution might be reading the classics in Japanese. It really depends on your fluency but it's often the next best thing. Even if it takes a decade, being able to be fluent in both English and Chinese in addition to having an interest in reading the Chinese classics would be a great achievement.

>> No.19265418

Its even more fun watching this imagining its Ryan Gosling

>> No.19265491

I don’t want to suffer anymore and I don’t want to die

But it’s not going to let up and I don’t know what to do

Life is so pointless
I want revenge

>> No.19265569

Mind ur shit faggot...

>> No.19265631

dreams are retarded

>> No.19265698

Years and years and years ago I had an outburst of anger at a party, was a bit drunk I admit, because a girl was acting in an absurd, annoying way with me, not letting me understand what she wanted to do with me clearly but sticking close to me like she wanted something intimate to happen. She was older than me. She would hug me tight and tell me I was the best thing in the world and so on, then we went to watch a movie together alone and she would hug me tight and act all lovey dovey, not in a "just friends" way but in a girlfriend sort of way. She was really teasing me. I obviously liked her a lot and eventually I kissed her and she was just there. No reaction. She didn't try to dodge it or anything, she just stood there while I kissed her lips. I'm a bit of a retard so I didn't know what to think, so I thought OK I messed up. But she'd keep sticking to me in this very intimate teasing way, then at the end of this story, in her room we were in bed and I kissed her a bit around the neck and ended up lifting her shirt to kiss her breasts, but she'd just do this limp fish act and I started feeling weird so I stopped and left. She wasn't doing anything that told me "don't", this wasn't the first girl I've been around either, it was so fucking confusing.
This teasing has gone on and on for like two weeks and eventually I just grew tired of her shit when after this episode she started acting like nothing happened. I called her a whore and told her to get out of my sight, and we were in the middle of other friends when it happened. I had been cheated on by my ex not too long before so I really dropped it hard on her. It was a very embarrassing drunken fuck-up and my friend at the time told me "dude you looked a bit scary". I still feel horrible about this whole episode from like 13 years ago and it still haunts me. I don't know if I were just blind to signals she was giving me or if she was pathological in some way and didn't have a normal response. I hate this shit. I hate getting caught in people's weird behaviors.
After this episode I went in a super misogynistic phase for a couple years until I mellowed out and had another girlfriend but we broke up quickly because I was completely burned out on relationship. I was caring more about avoiding emotional burnout than the relationship itself. I really want to go back to when I was younger and I could just love someone but I am terrified that I am too late in life to repair any of this, or find a woman that isn't some used up village bicycle. I am getting really tired of celibacy after completely ignoring the idea of dating for years and I think I'm fucked for life at this point.

>> No.19265717
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I started to play piano again after 12 years. I played it for 4 years as a secondary instrument with violin being the main one which I played for about 10 years. Even during those 4 years I never quite learned to read the bass clef as fluently as I read the treble clef since I was a violin player.

So now after 12 years I'm struggling a bit with the bass clef but I enjoy learning all this again so much. I couldn't find my old notes so I bought two collections, Schumann and Grieg. I'm already getting pretty good with Von fremden Ländern und Menschen, which was one of the pieces that, when listening to it got me to start playing again.

I have always enjoyed learning. I started playing violin when I was 10 years old and piano when I was about 15. I enjoyed learning the instruments but I never really listened to any classical music. I quit playing when I was 20 years old. In my late twenties I discovered classical music as a listener and now I think I am much more motivated to learn the piano even when any career paths with music are gone for me.

I just enjoy learning it so much.


>> No.19265742

I always wished I could play piano. I played a shitty band instrument and when I found myself without people to play with I just ended up quitting.

>> No.19265766
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I'm going to leave soon. I mean it, now. I will book a one-way to Lisbon and head east. She can come with me if she chooses, but we've already explored that life and I guess she decided it wasn't for her. I hope finding myself in the midst of some far-eastern overnight bus trip will be enough to shake her from memory, though I know the farther I run in any direction the closer I come to having to face the fact that she's gone.

Also I miss my dog.

>> No.19265773

Reading Marx has convinced me the western elite are the good guys and they know what they are doing. They are leading us to socialism.

>> No.19265805

I have to get a job. I've managed to avoid it for years, somehow surviving. I have buried my head in the sand and acted incredibly naively. The Covid gibs was a stay of execution. I have zero prospects. And now I have to get a job, a minimum wage, double digit IQ Hylic tier job. I will never cope. I'm honestly contemplating becoming a Buddhist monk. Anything to escape society, anything to escape work.

I spent half the day fantasising about winning a prestigious literary prize and banging lit whores. I don't even remember the difference between a noun and a verb. But then I don't know my times tables either.

Please Lord Jesus save me. Throw down some spare mana, Lord. Give a nigga a break.

>> No.19265809

At least put a personal d blog warning in the beginning.

>> No.19265824

What do you make of people who study cultures other than their own in depth? Like a Hindu who studies Islamic history, a Westerner who studies Chinese culture, or a African who studies Western culture, etc. Are they just cucked?

>> No.19265841

do I really need a disclaimer when this is the personal blog thread?

>> No.19265855

I think the only cucked thing here is believing that having an interest in anything is intrinsically cucked. This pathological identity crisis is turning people retarded.

>> No.19265909

why is a hindu studying islamic history bizarre? i'd be more nonplussed if they were studying like aztec art or some shit

>> No.19266006

There’s a long history of Hindu-Muslim violence and conflict.

>> No.19266157

What's the cause of this crisis? Why are people so disconnected from themselves

>> No.19266165

if ~70 years is long, then sure

>> No.19266171
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>a Westerner who studies Chinese culture
Ill use this one as an example.

North American culture is a few hundred years old.
Chinese culture is thousands of years old.
That is why one would consider it far more interesting. There's just way more too it.


>> No.19266228

zoomerspeak and the fucking perms and emojis make me want to destroy
Am I getting old or are they really just that ghey?

>> No.19266237
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I often think about where we would be without religion.

>> No.19266242

Because someone was born into a certain culture means studying other cultures makes him weak? What a sad loser mindset.

>> No.19266292

It's just reactionary politics and honestly it's also partly justified. People have been constantly ignoring internal problems in their own environment to look at something irrelevant that didn't affect them and now we're paying the price for it. This sort of thought happens for a reason, you now have people who are actively dismantling Western culture, so when you see someone who is enamored with say Asian literature you may start seeing him as a traitor. In better times without this mediatic disruption of culture and identity you wouldn't have thought such things, and in fact this kind of figure would be seen as necessary, since someone who looks outwards is always necessary.
People are wired to see connections between things and in this era of hyper-connected yet atomized individuals it's difficult to see someone without drawing implications. This is the worst thing of modern times, it's already starting to get crazy where if you mention you like one book from a certain current people have already drawn a mind map of who you are and why you're the enemy.

>> No.19266302

It's a natural reaction. Zoomerspeak is the T9 era cancer amplified hundredfold.

>> No.19266360
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sincerity is cringe my dude

>> No.19266587

on reddit

>> No.19266691
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On the contrary I wish the dark age myth was true and the Church actually suppressed science. No Enlightenment, no Industrial Revolution, no globohomo. What a beautiful world that would be

>> No.19266715

I am religious but I often think the world would be better off if God hadn’t revealed Himself to us. At some point in the distant past religion went from being a bout spirituality and self-discovery and became a tool for tribalism and oppression. We haven’t recovered since.

>> No.19266717

In one of the sadboy /r9k/ linkin park type threads a few weeks ago, I posted about how I was severely constipated on account of having eaten codeine pills against migraines for days. Well, nature had to run its course, and I took the most painful dump of my life. When the rock of a turd hit the porcelain of the toilet, it was like the sound a hammer makes on sheet metal.

It gave me an anal fissure, meaning that I've shit blood for going on 9 days now. Every time I wipe, bright, red blood, and the pain after shitting stings for hours.

I ate a bean burrito today, in my abject idiocy. I have been farting without pause. I made a small study of it - timed 60 seconds, counted my farts - 7 farts. 7 farts in 60 seconds. Every 60 seconds. For hours. With a bleeding ass.

The pain is uinironically driving me insane.

>> No.19266737

I know the feeling. I have hemorrhoids and have to drink milk of magnesium every night. If I forget, the next day there's rivers of blood and pain

>> No.19266845

See a doctor. That can be lethal

>> No.19266898

I had a haemorrhoidectomy this year after having issues with it for about 10 years. It was bad in the beginning but I pulled through. Now it's much better, the constant pain and blood is gone. Hemorrhoids are a real disability imho.

>> No.19266954

Can we talk about something other than bleeding assholes please

>> No.19266962

Do you ever keep wiping because the poo doesnt go away, but your ass hole gets really raw and chapped from excessive wiping, so you get kind of scabby and bloody the next time you shit

>> No.19267056

install a bidet dummy

>> No.19267093

maybe I don't believe in her

>> No.19267105

well, to be honest, I believe in her as a woman more than I believe in anything in this world. as for her various ambitions I'm not sure. But for her capacity for loving, for caring, there is none like her

>> No.19267125

Bidets are for europeans and fags.

>> No.19267130
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>> No.19267179
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First I use paper, then I wash my butt with 3-4 mugs of water. Paper is never enough so I don't know how you people can walk around with shit residue like that

>> No.19267898

I'm interested in joining the Navy it feels like a dream to me but I'm also very nervous and have a fear of failure, I know I am both physically and mentally capable of surviving the environment I just have irrational fear of failure. Should I just jump in?

>> No.19267911

bros... what hit the pentagon on 9/11?

>> No.19268039

My dick

>> No.19268046

I know a semi functional retard who joined the navy. It doesn't take much

>> No.19268197


>> No.19268210

Yeah nowyou link it, faggot

>> No.19268422

A missile. The plane intended for the Pentagon/DC fought back and it crashed in a field. Pentagon officials deep in the know about the operation rolled out a missile from one of the military bases and shot a portion out. That wasn’t damage from any fully fueled passenger jet