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19253281 No.19253281[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Tomorrow is my first day at college (humanities), should I namedrop any books or authors for superior social capital?

>> No.19253284

turner diaries

>> No.19253288

DFW, Pynchon and then go for John Green to throw of the scent.

>> No.19253291

Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf

>> No.19253295

let other people lead the conversation so you don’t make an ass of yourself.
you have 4 years to prove your superiority

>> No.19253297
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Just new yourself

>> No.19253305


>> No.19253312

Enjoy your political indoctrination.

>> No.19253314

Keep a low profile retard and use gorilla warfare strategy. Show your autism level every now and then otherwise you will out yourself as a pseud.

>> No.19253323

>t.too poor for college


>t. too stupid for college

>> No.19253333

Don't bother trying to gaslight me.

>> No.19253338

Second one then. Got it.

>> No.19253340

You didn't get shit. Anon here got >>19253333 quads and you didn't check em.

>> No.19253343

I do what I want.

>> No.19253352

You might as well start. That's the only thing you'll be good at by the time you graduate.

>> No.19253385

>Call out thing that woketards do
>Woketard defends it by pretending it doesn't exist
Every time

>> No.19253402

>t.too poor for college


>t. too stupid for college

>> No.19253554

>tfw no qt3.14 black gf to bleach

>> No.19253581
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Consider namedropping the The Power Broker: Robert Moses and the Fall of New York

>Errol Louis, the host of NY1’s Inside City Hall, says that for the first month of broadcasting from home, his “Power Broker” edition was out of sight. But then, he began to notice something: The book was popping up in everybody’s background.

>“It got to feel like there was a little code or signal being sent,” Mr. Louis said. “I’m enough of a fan of this book and this author, if there’s a club involving this book, I need to be a member of it.”

>So he moved it from just outside of camera range to right next to his shoulder.

>> No.19254010

t. went to college

I can't imagine how fucking STUPID you would have to be to think college requires any intelligence

>> No.19254341

t. Lower class seppo

>> No.19254378

if you have names and books worth dropping that would earn you social credit then obviously you missed the message of the books by virtue of the fact that you care about social credit

>> No.19254392

Built for BWC

>> No.19254398

Imagine thinking you have to be smart to go to college.

>> No.19254612

It doesn't require intelligence which says a lot about the people who didn't make it to college. That or they are too poor.

>> No.19254621

They might ask you what your favorite book is. Just say what your favorite book is. If it's something like Ulysses your peers (probably mostly women) will roll their eyes but find it secretely attractive.

>> No.19254661

This will depend entirely on your immediate surrounding social group. That is, your coolness will be relative to what your peers think is cool, and this will be highly variable from small group to small group. To determine this, you'll need to exercise a bit of perception and feel out what will impress them. Of course, your decision to post this suggests this is probably something of which you're not capable.

>> No.19254863

Rene Guenon, his ideas are literally the opposite of what the academics believe, you will be the based contrarian

>> No.19254870

God, what a waste

>> No.19254877

>should I namedrop any books or authors for superior social capital?
Yes. That is the only social advantage that reading brings you.

>> No.19254878
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The Lightening and the Sun of course.

>> No.19254907
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>tfw too smart for college

>> No.19255529
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Normal university programs absolutely require a certain level of intelligence. Not a terribly high one, mind you. If you have a university degree then your IQ is probably north of 100 (which isn't saying much).

>> No.19255538

>he isn’t strong minded enough to resist the indoctrination

>> No.19255547

All of your professors will be literal Marxists teaching CIA indoctrination. You will never be allowed to express your own opinion. Every paper you will have to write will just be a clever way of wording what the professor wants to hear. You will never create an identity for yourself or make a single meaningful friend in 4 years. You'll ride to classes on the bus, and ride the bus back to your dorm.

Enjoy "the best years of your life."

>> No.19255577
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>tfw I'm too stupid for college

>> No.19255578

>t. Never been to university

Which one was it for you, didn't get the grades or 3rd world poorfag?

>> No.19255604
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college is for banging cunny, getting shitfaced every night, and graduating with a piece of paper that allows you to get a decent paying job. never forget that and you'll have a good college experience.

>> No.19255777

>ride the bus back to your dorm.
What kind of dorm isn't either on campus or a few blocks away?

>> No.19255791

Do you have any conception of how big some of the larger college campuses are?

>> No.19255799


>> No.19255806

I have been to college. And I can tell you haven't, because you'll find out the hard way I'm right.

>> No.19255811

OK m8, you know it all. You know everything. You know how college works even though you haven't attended it yet. You'll fit right in there.

>> No.19255814

Largest college campus in the world is allegedly Barry College in the states, which take about 40-50 minutes to walk across. I guess for Americans it's closer to a 3 hour trip, so public transit would be warranted.

>> No.19255838

>18+ years olds

>> No.19255874

namedrop Martin Handford who even the most avant garde litcrits have difficulty with. Mention that you got through all his books but it took a lot of effort. Mention that you think he's challenging the norms of what we consider literature.

>> No.19255894

>anyone that thinks college is bad is either poor or stupid
Your humanities degree is going to put you in massive debt making you poor and you'll feel stupid for even going through all of it for a degree that is pretty much useless for any well paying job.

>> No.19255899

Only talk about things you know and only talk when it's about something you know. Otherwise calmly hold conversation by allowing the other guy to tire himself out. Everyone will think that you're a genius.

>> No.19255914

What if I don't live in America and thus have a functioning government? My debt will be negligible when school is over, and I know many countries don't place any debt on their students.

>> No.19255955
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mommy and daddy handle all of that ty

cry more poorfag ;)

>> No.19255975 [SPOILER] 
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I know that feel bros

>> No.19256276

>your humanities degree
I'm an engineering student kek. Keep coping and seething, uncultured blue collar faggot.
Nice girl, OP