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/lit/ - Literature

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[ERROR] No.19192394 [Reply] [Original]

Horror novels suck, the fact that so many people enjoy these "books" really goes to show how brainless most people are.
Books like "Dracula" are laughably trite, just silly stories for overgrown children. The goal of a horror novel is only to be "scary" and nothing else, if they are not "scary" (which they never are) then they have failed. Whenever someone tries to convince me of a certain horror novel's quality, I read it and laugh hysterically and make jokes throughout, books like the exorcist that are supposed to be scary, make me laugh more than any comedy ever could, its all just so ridiculous to me!! How anyone could take any of this seriously is beyond me.

Don't get me started on gory trash like the nonsense Steven King writes. I've never read any of them and I simply refuse to, they are just sick amusement for the mentally depraved and offer no storylines or characters, just an assembly line of butchery for the sick minded to enjoy.

If you want TRUE horror, I would turn to the world of real literature. The most terrifying tales ever conceived can be found in the works of one H.P Lovecraft. He is a lesser known writer, when compared to the likes of Poe or King, but his stories are truly nightmarish. He writes of elder gods who secretly control the human race from strange worlds and he touches on loftier themes like humanity's place in the universe as well as madness. Lovecraft rejects silly notions of religion and supplants them with true literary might. He has created a vast pantheon of horrifying gods and monsters that intertwine and cross over in his stories, think of it like the MCU, but for horror (trust me, it's so cool).

To me, lovecraftian horror is the ONLY TRUE horror, everything else is a mere bedtime story fit only for children. If you want to know where to start with his works, I recommend heading over to the r/lovecraft subreddit where they have extensive philosophical discussions.

If I'm having horror, make mine lovecraftian.

>> No.19192398

Don't scare quote things to indicate you think they are gay or bad.

>Hello "Karen," if that really is your so-called "name" (allegedly).

It's her fucking name.

>> No.19192505

Daily reminder that Lovecraft was a hack. Regurgitating the works of Poe, Dunsany, Hodgson, Machen, Chambers, Blackwood and his friend C.A. Smith was his only talent.

>> No.19192532

>/Lit/ being edgy and screeching that anything enjoyed by others must be inferior to my based and obscure bullshit
Haven't been here in a couple months and I see I missed nothing.

>> No.19192549


>> No.19192557
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>Books like "Dracula" are laughably trite
dracula was excellent and you're a faggot

>> No.19193011
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Is this bait? You almost had me there op, you silly goose!

>> No.19194118

are you fucking idiot

>> No.19194177
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>he hasn't read On the Supernatural in Poetry