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19191046 No.19191046 [Reply] [Original]

Whenever I engage in an argument, I begin with a well established stance, that I'm staunchly defending. However, as I realize there is more nuance to the situation, making me cede ground to my opponent gradually and incapable of defending my original stance with the same absolutist, confident manner, I begin to gradually lose.
Is argumentation even worth it when you're not on either side of the spectrum whilst debating?

>> No.19192446
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You can cede contentions while keeping your philosophy based on the weight of contention not ceded. There are certainly two sides to many issues but centrist filth will typically criticize weak contentions while never owning up to their own view. Then when backed against the wall they will announce “I was just playing devils advocate” and smugly consider you a fool for engaging them. They will all get what they deserve in the final judgement

>> No.19192492

Depends on your purpose for argumentation
Are you trying to make it a pissing contest or do you want to earnestly reflect on your ethical position
Centrists don't necessarily need to always take the middle ground, rather they could have extreme opinions on both sides of the spectrum, therefore avoiding easy categorization. What you're thinking of is someone who argues for contrarianism's sake because they want the clout from being a public intellectual without the burden of having to defend any position. Basically reddit and discord users

>> No.19192580

Based and good post even though you're a tripfag.

>> No.19192670

I don't always trip you know

>> No.19192678

When I am uneducated or ambivalent about a topic I will approach it from a centrist point of view.

>> No.19192694

it depends on how willing you are to let your principles be compromised, and whether you've made any pretenses that you couldn't back up.

"midwit" is not a useful notion. discard it.

>> No.19192707

>is the centrist attitude during an argument the absolute mark of a midwit?

>> No.19193477

Ending up as a centrist incidentally based on different facts and experiences guiding you into the middle and being one intentionally because you fetish moderation are two completely different things.

>> No.19193488

No, the real wisdom of argument is that you must have a deep, nuanced view to begin with and you begin the discussion by picking apart your opponent's more absolutist view. Pick apart the really provocative, cliched parts and point out "sad realities," such as FBI crime statistics.

>> No.19193671

It is called “having a discussion”. No you don’t get the ego boost of “winning, but it may be rewarding if you care about intellectual matters.