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19179636 No.19179636 [Reply] [Original]

I just learnt that this motherfucker was only 4'6" tall.

>> No.19179642

Nice, another member of the manlet master race.

>> No.19179936

being shorter is space and energy efficient. gauging oneself on the basis of what a woman appreciates is a direct road to suicide.

>> No.19179956

Manlet cope

>> No.19180011

i'm 6 foot, i actually would prefer being shorter. it's the optimal form of the human race. tall people ruin EVERYTHING and die quickly. all sorts of building constraints, clothing adjustments, and food/energy waste goes towards the maintenance of these ogres and gargantuans.

>> No.19180070

it's a joke calm down

>> No.19180096
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Manlets never learn, because

>a little learning is a dangerous thing

>> No.19180118

Actually, they're the only ones who learn, having nothing better do
Drink deeper, anon

>> No.19180200

Lmao the absolute state of anglo classicists

>> No.19180207

so was the post you responded to anon.

>> No.19180209

tall people are statistically more successful and happier

>> No.19180213

Who is the tallest philosopher?

>> No.19180215

Show the statistics.

>> No.19180229



I couldn't find the actual study because the site is now defunct, but there are graphs in the first article

>> No.19180238


>> No.19180557
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When will they ever learn

>> No.19180687

I'm 6'5 but I relate immensely with Pope

>> No.19180783

lanklet seething that manlets dominate history

>> No.19180882

so, what we have here is an example of the peak of human notion, presented in a compact vehicle.
what then must we think of these overabundances of flesh?
they are themselves a symbol of waste, an untrimmed grossness of superfluity. that anyone could hope to waste god's energies maintaining such an excess of mass is beyond my reckoning, for i am not accustomed to contemplation through the lens of idiocy.

>> No.19181226
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the cope in this thread, kek