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19152333 No.19152333 [Reply] [Original]

I have a book voucher. Is this book worth getting?

>> No.19152339

No, just keep your room and penis clean.

>> No.19152340

That depends. Are you circumcised?

>> No.19152349

Are you a midwit? Are you open toward Christian morals? Do your feel like your life is chaotic and needs to be more orderly? Do you really need another self help book in your life?

If you answered no to any of these than no it's not worth reading

>> No.19152364

It is worth getting if you are a middle/upper class american who is squandering his opportunities by just sitting in his room masturbating to hentai. If you are not that, but any other kind of depressed NEET it's completely fucking useless.

>> No.19152375

I read this book, and it literally saved me from being a communist. I recommend it because he literally destorys the cultural communism of the left.

>> No.19152377
File: 49 KB, 720x707, 8fc34ab4b8768dfb756df595dbfc8fd8 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Jordan Peterson fans
>middle/upper class

>> No.19152427


>> No.19152734
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Absolutely not; if youre deadset upon exposing yourself to Juden Peterstein's brand of Jungian revivalism, you should read his original work, which is at least significantly more abstract and thought-provoking than its Tony Robbins-esque "wash your penis" meme followup.

>> No.19153172

Listening to Peterson is still better than listening to any leftists

>> No.19153434

Read meditations by Marcus Aurelius

>> No.19153744

No, here's my 12 rules instead.
1. Go outside
2. Don't be a dick head
3. Some some confidence
4. Remember you're human, you make mistakes
5. Don't blame your problems on "muh post modern neo Marxists"
6. Be open minded and read what you can
7. Don't go on an all meat diet
8. Don't write a book about self help when you're addicted to drugs
9. Major in your favorite field, not what makes the most money
10. Get off 4chan if you're looking to get laid
11. Always try new things
12. Smile more; you look cuter when u do

>> No.19153838

If you're someone who would actually engage with and respond to therapy this book will probably be a decent read. If you think therapists are cops JP will strike you as a tool.

>> No.19153853


>> No.19153886

Absolute retard tier advice.

>> No.19153912

>12. Smile more; you look cuter when u do
fuck you faggot

>> No.19154921
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My 12 rules for life, and the only ones caring about:

1) Be born with decent genetics.
2) Women and romantic relationships shouldn't occupy more than 15% of your life. The problem with blackpill fags is that, while the blackpill is true, they have reduced the entire totality of their existence into the binary of whether they get pussy or not.
3) Lie often and have no qualms about it. Always sprinkle in bits of the truth.
4) Work out, manage nutrition. Your mind is your gut microbiome. Man is a glorified animal who likes to forget he's an animal. Learn some generic combat sport (boxing works, don't fall for the brazillian jiujutsu meme)
5) Realize that reading is just consumption. Reading too much philosophy dulls your abillity to produce original ruminations and should be done sparingly. Manage your information intake and avoid getting over-saturated with info.
6) Offing yourself is a very valid option if you are unhappy, or even if you casually feel like it. The people telling you about the "value of life" without any substantiation are the spirit of capitalism attempting to keep the miserable alive so that it can have more cogs.
7) Treat women with indifference and unless you're ugly, they will like you for it. Never, ever, show complete vulnerability in front of a girl you're into. They never like this, but will never say it. Never hate women for how they're wired. We're the same.
8) Pity is a useless emotion. Do not pity the weak, the poor, or the ugly. Laugh. Do not concern yourself with this overt empathy that does nothing but stroke your own ego. Learn how to digest the good and the bad with a childlike indifference.
9) Make friends sparingly and love each one. Find that one friend- for those of you who have that one friend, you know who I'm talking about.
10) Encounter real violence. For most of you effeminate losers on here, this was something that was supposed to be done for you by your father, but modernity fucked you over. Get in a real fight. Encounter real danger once. Get beat up once. I don't care if there's a chance you can die- you're better off dying than living on as a fag. There exists a wall between the man who has been punched and has punched, and the man who hasn't.
11) Be happy. Be happy if you're a midwit. Be happy if you're short. Be happy if your dick is small. Never let what is unchangeable occupy your thoughts- after all, you can always off yourself if it's too much. Laugh. Smoke. Drink. Sleep. Eat good food. Smile.
12) You don't need a ton of money. Find the balance between what pays the most and what you enjoy doing. I guarantee you can learn enough python to get cushy even without a python degree, but being a codejokey will most likely drain your soul. Always factor this shit in.