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19151972 No.19151972 [Reply] [Original]

I have to move to NY in spring, best books about the city to hype myself up?

>> No.19152275

For me, it’s American Psycho, Bleeding Edge, and Cosmopolis

>> No.19152284

How could you possibly find a big city appealing in the year 2021?

>> No.19152295

i left nyc to live in a village in south eastern europe
very good but i may run out of money soon

i never had a job in my life

>> No.19152312
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garbage city
garbage people
lifeless grey amalgam
hodgepodge slipshod mishmash
dung scraped off the bottom of the world and flung violently onto an island and
orange chicken and pasta and exhaust and glass cleaner and Kools and the bloody bareback must of Greenwich Village do not compare to the stolid perfume of Pompeii's ashes or the long day's sweat of men of honor washing off in Baia.
New York smells like shit.
Fuck New York.

>> No.19152326

Sometimes you just don’t have much choice, and if you’re a writer especially, being close to the seat of publishing in New York can feel almost mandatory, even if it’s not. It’s at least helpful in regard to publishing. So even if the city is awful, which it is. You might as well make the most of it.

>> No.19152336
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>> No.19152347

kek saved

>> No.19152443
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Death of Cool by Gavin McInnes
Side Effects by Woody Allen
Catcher in the Rye (if you plan on visiting all the places in the book)

>> No.19152456

>postvid nyc

Cant think of a worse place to live rn.

t. Queensfag

>> No.19152475
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The Midnight Meat Train by Clive Barker
>It made him wince to remember how he had stood and announced aloud: "New York, I love you."

>Love? Never.

>It had been at best an infatuation.

>And now, after only three months living with his object of adoration, spending his days and nights in her presence, she had lost her aura of perfection.

>New York was just a city.

>He had seen her wake in the morning like a slut, and pick murdered men from between her teeth, and suicides from the tangles of her hair. He had seen her late at night, her dirty back streets shamelessly courting depravity. He had watched her in the hot afternoon, sluggish and ugly, indifferent to the atrocities that were being committed every hour in her throttled passages.

>It was no Palace of Delights.

>It bred death, not pleasure.

>Everyone he met had brushed with violence; it was a fact of life. It was almost chic to have known someone who had died a violent death. It was proof of living in that city.

>But Kaufman had loved New York from afar for almost twenty years. He'd planned his love affair for most of his adult life. It was not easy, therefore, to shake the passion off, as though he had never felt it. There were still times, very early, before the cop-sirens began, or at twilight, when Manhattan was still a miracle.

>> No.19152532


>> No.19152657
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You're surrounded by jews and joggers and other vermin like rats and pigeons and cockroaches everywhere you go; you can never escape from all of them. Garbage fills the streets of even the most prosperous neighborhoods and entirety of the city is blanketed by an everpresent miasma of shit and piss and raw sewage. There is no natural beauty of which to speak, only pathetic imitations like Central Park and testaments to the corrupting contaminating nature of the local populace like the filthy polluted Hudson River. Silence is nonexistent: even at three in the morning, there is no reprieve from the city's howling psychotic madness. Strangers tell you to fuck off and die if you smile or make friendly eye contact with them. NYC is a landfill marketed as Disney World.

>> No.19152684

>t. Cleetus Landry from Tchula, Mississippi

>> No.19152759

is there no escape for people not living in manhattan skyscrapers?

>> No.19152768

He's 100% correct and clearly does live there. Everything said was spot on. Why do you take pride in living at the bottom of a jewish toilet? You could make a case for NYC for a 20 something pre-covid but absolutely not now. Unless you like being herded around like a cow at a meat processing facility.

>> No.19152790

what was so different precovid?

>> No.19152809

Can confirm. Anyone moving to a big American city now is retarded. Just in the last 5 years it had already gotten 100% worse, and then COVID knocked it up another notch by making the niggers a weird mix of jittery, confused and entitled.

My neighborhood used to be nice, now every other car runs red lights and stopsigns, every other car is lacking a muffler, every other car guns it after having to slow down or stop, every other car has multiple parts missing or held together by duct tape, weed smoke trailing behind every window, people driving like Mad Max or like something from a China webm. Pure chaos leaking into reality, literal orcs. You can almost feel the insanity in the air.

>> No.19152836

Are you joking?

>> No.19152841
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there's going to be a new mayor next year finally so maybe things will turn around, but maybe things will get worse, have to wait and see. in the mean time check out the book "new york new york new york" by thomas dyja. it was the audibe daily deal a few days ago and is certified comfy.

>> No.19152862

I mean vermins, joggers, niggers, chaos, dirt, garbage, crime, etc.-wise

>> No.19152888


>> No.19152898

Oh, all that was there in abundance. But you could learn to live amongst the filth and still derive pleasure from clubbing, fucking art hoes, and occasionally seeing some edifying cultural expression. Going to the opera, a really nice restaurant, seeing a decent avant-garde art show. But none of that is worth the price of "show me your vaccine papers" and "sit behind the plexi-glass" and "wear the muzzle"! It's become too much to bear and it makes all the brain-dead niggers, jews, and other filth you have to wade through that much worse. It's like a sick combination of Weimar Germany AND Nazi Germany. All the degeneracy of Weimar with the authoritarian, jack-booted, restrictions on movement and speech.

>> No.19152908

>But you could learn to live amongst the filth and still derive pleasure from clubbing, fucking art hoes, and occasionally seeing some edifying cultural expression. Going to the opera, a really nice restaurant, seeing a decent avant-garde art show
tfw lived in nyc for 20 years and never got to do any of that because poor introvert

>> No.19153053

Nailed it. But now the subway has never been more punctual

>> No.19153166
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NYC-posting on /lit/ is guaranteed seething.
Read Age of Innocence by Edith Wharton, Melville's "Bartleby," The New York Trilogy by Paul Auster, John Cheever's Stories, Dos Passos' Manhattan Transfer, J R or The Recognitions by Gaddis if you're feeling ambitious.

>> No.19153208

>NYC-posting on /lit/ is guaranteed seething.
This. Everyone here is a suburban loser.

>> No.19153357

>meet fringe twitter weirdos and have fun in dive bars and rooftops.
Can't say no to it

>> No.19153378

I wonder why that is

>> No.19153485
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Reddit moment.

>> No.19153617

Anyone moving to a city now will regret it in a few months

>> No.19153624

Why live in NYC when you could live in Miami?

>streets are always clean
>homeless forced to hide during daylight hours by based MPD
>all the clubs and artsy shit of NYC
>summer all year long
>just as large a population of models and instathots, except they show more skin year round
>direct access to the beach whenever you want
>tourist thots looking to get fucked year round
>being white here is actually a positive thing
>can use the word nigger freely and nobody cares

Only downside is you'll have to learn some Spanish to get by, but Miami is the best city in America even if it barely qualifies as America.

>> No.19153649

And the plusses of Florida in general
>can buy a gun whenever you want
>traffic laws are never enforced
>bars are open until 5am
>no masks or cover restrictions

Literally the freest state.

>> No.19153729

you're forgetting the downside of it being fucking Florida

>> No.19153754
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>live in Miami
You're surrounded by retired jews and niggers and other vermin like cubans and dominicans and puerto ricans everywhere you go; you can never escape from all of them. Gators fills the streets of even the most prosperous neighborhoods and entirety of the city is blanketed by an everpresent miasma of sweat and mold and raw cocaine. There is no natural beauty of which to speak, only glorified swamps like Everglades and testaments to the corrupting contaminating nature of the local populace like the filthy polluted Miami River. Silence is nonexistent: even at three in the morning, there is no reprieve from the city's howling psychotic madness. Hurricanes and florida men barge into your house in the middle of the night with a decapitated turkey and a bloody angle grinder under their arms just to tell you to fuck off and die. Miami is a tropical New York City marketed as Cancun.

>> No.19153779

lordy, you must be a BLAST at parties

>> No.19153791

Florida sucks

>> No.19153795
File: 354 KB, 1269x1920, 5538137A-0443-4EC9-B8FB-E1DCB851BEAE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you will never wander around Europe with your NEET /lit/ frens and sleep in cheap hostels and read together into the wee hours of the night

>> No.19153798

did the last mayor suck? being new york's mayor sounds like a nightmare more than anything

>> No.19153933
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>read together into the wee hours of the night
You mean get drunk on cheapest discounter beer and spirits, pass out, wake up in your own vomit at about 4 o'clock in front of a rusty dilapidated factory building turned makeshift dance club, pay for an outrageously overpriced taxi, because public transport doesn't work at these wee hours and Uber is banned, saunter towards a kebab stand where an Afghani pretending to be a Turk rolls you a schwarma with same bare hands he's just fondled his cheesy dick with for the past half hour and finally arrive at your 12-pax hostel room full smelling of Bulgarian teamsters and contraband cigarettes only to discover the 6 out of 10 local girl you've been eyeing the whole evening snoozing naked in your bed with an Albanian drug dealer from the club. Because that's the typical Erasmus experience in Europe.

>> No.19153958

The Bell Jar

>> No.19153972

that's very 2015-2016 I'd never want to do that now

>> No.19153983

>Gators fills the streets of even the most prosperous neighborhoods and entirety of the city is blanketed by an everpresent miasma of sweat and mold and raw cocaine
Ok that got a chuckle

>> No.19154049

Sshh let me retain that rosy picture of Europe in my imagination. As long as I never actually go there I cant get too blackpilled. I’ve unironically turned down free trips to Paris and London for that reason


>> No.19154102
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All true. Still doesn't make anything I said not true.

Not an argument

>> No.19154111

I don't like the heat, I'm not fond of summer or beaches or seminaked bitches, it's all too similar to my birthplace and I've had a long time to realize how little I care for all that

>> No.19154116

>magnificently beautiful waterfront
>completely built up with neo-commieblocks
Americans are a scourge upon the Earth.

>> No.19154122

paris and london are shitholes so you spared yourself a disappointment, some parts of italy are worth a visit though

>> No.19154129

>I’ve unironically turned down free trips to Paris and London for that reason
That's a bit retarded.
>t. Europe expert from Arkansas

>> No.19154156
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>year of our lord 2021
>I am forgotten

>> No.19154167
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>all condos are commieblocks

0 taste in architecture get the fuck out

>> No.19154174

Getting more expensive, more violent, more junkies laying around. Starting to get draconian tier laws because of covid shit. Lots of places still closing, major real estate shittery going on and rising rents, events are slightly picking up but will not be how it was even just a few years ago. Previd id so go for it, right now nah youre likely not going to find a good deal on an apartment. I only stayed since I looked last october when prices were low (well for NEWYAWK anyway)

>> No.19154306


>> No.19154334

>all condos are commieblocks
No, but the ones in your previous pictures are.
>0 taste in architecture
Yes, that's a major feat of American national ethos.

>> No.19154359
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>a place built primarily in the 20th century has 20th century architecture
Deep take. Flagler should've LARPed as a German neo folk traditionalist.

>> No.19154360


>> No.19154380
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>Tchula, Mississippi
googled it and it looks like a way nicer place to live

>> No.19154440

>all 20th century architecture is giant white boxes for bug people
>you can't use any other styles because its [current year] johnoliver.jpg

>> No.19154449

>Miami should be built like a 14th century German village

I get your point it's OK anon.

>> No.19154468

>you can only ever build medival village houses or anonymous commieblocks
The lengths you go to cope are extraordinary.

>> No.19154528

Show me what you would build in a city with a metro population of 8 million.

>> No.19154550

Did the math for you. 14.5k people per square mile just in the city. Keep in mind many businesses are staffed by commuters, so you need room for several million to work. What would you build? Or are you just being a contradict faggot?

>> No.19154560
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Tips on things to read to make me more popular with the ladies?

>> No.19154584

>city with a metro population
Kek. How can you even type out these ridiculous mental gymastics with a straight face?
>14.5k people per square mile
Population is a function of housing, not the other way around, turbotard.

>> No.19154589

Kama Sutra.

>> No.19154611

So you're just a contrarian faggot with nothing of substance to say. Thanks Thanks wasting my time.

>> No.19154622

lol you should leave (>implying you even live in Queens)

>> No.19154638

>no u

>> No.19154662

Still have contributed nothing. It's OK anon being contrarian on the internet is a pressure release and I understand you need it.

>> No.19154716
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>wow that beautiful beachfront is ruined by these soulless 50 storey commieblocks
>dozen replies of asspained mental gymnastics about how you have to build these monstrosities there because reasons
Whatever helps you cope, terminal muttoid. Here have a picture of city with 12.5k people per square mile.

>> No.19155068

I don't think one can fully appreciate living in New York solely from books or stories; you have to find your own reason to like it. Most critiques are valid and you have to put up with a lot of shit here, but the sense of community (especially if you're cool, artistic, queer, or all of the above) is unmatched.
People disagreeing with this are probably staten islanders or flyovers

>> No.19155270

>it's another reactionaries whine about the big city thread
haven't seen one of these on /lit/ for a while desu

>> No.19155279

How much money did you take and how long did it last?

>> No.19155285

>especially if you're cool, artistic, queer, or all of the above
See >>19152336

>> No.19155317

We can't build medium-density housing because Thomas Jefferson snuck a clause into the Constitution banning all buildings between 3 and 10 stories tall. Two blocks over from those miami skyscrapers are 1 story single-family homes.

>> No.19155335

>Thomas Jefferson snuck a clause into the Constitution banning all buildings between 3 and 10 stories tall.
one of many reasons why he was the greatest president of all time

>> No.19156378

>its pretty cool if you are a huge degenerate faggot looking to throw your life away

that is exactly how i imagine new york

>> No.19156383

New York Stories by John O'Hara

More of a recommendation because he is criminally underread here, but it is topical.

>> No.19156459
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>cool, artistic, queer, or all of the above
then why hasn't there been any relevant, good music coming out of ny since 2001 (pic related)? i'll tell you why. it's because the people are neither cool nor artistic. giuliani sterilized it and the whole environment is stale and self-conscious.

>> No.19156499

i’ve live here 12 years and i love it and hate it. the access to the best and most interesting art and culture is what keeps me here. some of the most interesting people on earth are here (as well as millions of the worst people). i feel like if i moved away and went back to wisconsin or something, no one would get me. i mean i’ve always felt like that and NYC is the first place (besides /lit/ kek) i ever met people who were on my level in terms of taste and opinions and the obscure esoteric shit we’re deeply obsessed with.

i hate the culture of striving and also all the (born) richfags everywhere who use the city as their stupid playground. i hate the cutthroat attitude a lot of people have. i hate the way it smells and how dirty and uncomfortable and oppressive it is. i want to make it so i can buy a house upstate. but right now i’m just grinding away, another random nobody with big dreams who ended up in this place because they wouldn’t settle for anything else.

>> No.19156523

is there a city in the united states that offers a rich cultural life without all of the covid policy and high prices? my guess is austin

>> No.19156537



You americans never cease to amaze the rest of the world with your quaintness. You arent aware of how privileged you are to have the rest of the world in your country than having to go to the rest of the world to feel at ease

>> No.19156656

>rich cultural life
Lmao Austins rep out of Texas never ceases to amaze.
If by "rich" you mean soaked in $1/can macrobrews and "culture" you mean blacking out at your neighbors shitty bands concert, then Austin has that in abundance. If you mean any tier of visual art, performance art, opera, theater, ballet, or a literary scene then you're looking for Dallas or Houston.
Austin has jack shit outside of an admittedly above average local music and party scene. Great place to go get drunk and do drugs for a weekend, but otherwise its just kind of sad and vapid. Loved it in my early 20s, but unless you're the type to die an early death from liver problems you age out of it and move to Dallas, Houston, or some out of state major metro by your late 20s.

>> No.19157476
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Shameless self bump even though I got a lot of great recs

>> No.19157503 [DELETED] 

>i hate the way it smells
stale pigeon shit and rancid beer piss is the authentic new york smell man. it's invigorating.

>> No.19157635

This - it's crippling.

>> No.19157666

I feel tired and drained after another late night out drinking and being robbed by jews and then the puerto ricans on my street robbing me of sleep by blasting music at 730 AM.

>> No.19158131

Where in the city will you be living anon?

>> No.19158309

Old Austin has not existed since 05-10ish anyway. It's doesn't even have the grungy local vibe as all the venues have been bought out and turned into condos. Just a completely corporate local scene filled with failed LA yuppies.

>> No.19158617

>have to
School or what?

>> No.19158789

Why are you moving to that shithole of a city?

>> No.19158793

the long winded lady by maeve brennan

>> No.19158796

Bonfire of the Vanities

>> No.19158884
File: 322 KB, 1440x960, hokkaido-major-airports-in-hokkaido-219158.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best city in the world.

>> No.19158904

>thought it was some delusional weeb sucking off Tokyo
>read the file name
Pleasantly surprised. Based.

>> No.19158923

fuck NY dude. you don't have to fucking move anywhere lol. you choose to because you're a fucking fag. city's a piece of shit full of posers

>> No.19158943

Jew Yorkers are legit more irritating than LAfags.
At least LAfags don’t pretend to be anywhere near as educated as Jew Yorkers.

>> No.19158951

uh oh lil guy is angy

>> No.19158959

you mad i'm exposing your faggy city, niggerlover? get the dick out of your mouth before you speak to me fag

>> No.19158980

Based on my experiences in university I'd say it's a tie. LA has a very peculiar cancerous stink of "nigger rich" to it that the Jew Yorker's old-fashioned hollow pretense can't outdo. They are evenly matched.

For example I was walking by the outdoor patio of a very expensive restaurant last night and saw these two racially indistinct girls, either highly mestized Latina, or some variant of "oh yea actually there is a large community of [insert brown group of mostly dentists/plastic surgeons here] in Los Angeles!" As I walked past them they turned their heads to look at me and they were both chewing like animals with their mouths wide open. Clearly the daughters of very wealthy but trashy fathers, probably went to prep schools, but also disgusting horse chompers chewing up shitty overpriced food with no dignity or grace. That to me is a peak Los Angeles experience, it was like I was right there in LA walking the boardwalk.

>> No.19158982

My heart goes out to you anon, I imagine being a closeted homosexual in a small town is pretty tough. There's only so many old men who will fuck your ass by the train tracks without telling mommy and daddy. Come to New York, you can be your fag self openly and proudly.

>> No.19158986

kys fag

>> No.19158987

You're fucked that is the worst city i have ever visited in my entire life.

>> No.19159084

a job offer I currently cannot afford to refuse, especially cv-wise
I admit I would've preferred to live in nyc pre-covid rather than now but alas it is what it is
I haven't decided yet, I haven't researched the various neighborhoods enough to be sure but I'm probably gonna be looking for a decent place not too far from the subway somewhere like queens, brooklyn, chelsea etc.
basically a place that's not a complete shithole but that isn't going to empty my pockets for a claustrophobic cubicle, luckily I'm making enough money to afford a cozy place in a neighborhood like that

>> No.19159154

I'm in the same boat. I mostly loathe NYC but there are isolated oases and islands of it that I like, certain bars, bistros, corners of parks, nooks, particular streets. Also the amenities and materialism of it, which I can not only can live without but view as an invitation to weakness, spoiling, and vice but which are quite nice when you do want to indulge. The social possibilities are of course a double edged sword, the best and worst congregate in major cities. You tend to find social extremes there, the beautifulest and ugliest. I hate the sweltering, humid, odorous exhaust fume choked streets in summer , the suffocating density, the trash, the sheer insanity of some people wandering the streets, the deluded self-righteous progressive politics, the underfunded subway (which I now view as beneath me after suffering with it for years) the obscenely overpriced everything, the extortionate taxes--they keep making things more expensive and charging fees for everything too-- and I hate how everything is dilapidated and run down despite the expense, and the breathless pace of life and the always coming-and-going mentality. I hate the lowlife street scum that prowl the night, the self-important pampered rich, the narcissistic self-absorbed beautiful people, the arrogant self-appointed liberal thought police, the totalitarian corporate presence, and a lot more besides.

Still, I know the second I move away I will start missing it.

>> No.19159167

>the underfunded subway (which I now view as beneath me
heh, pun not intended

>> No.19159363

Bro… I feel this, every word.

>> No.19159399

Personally, my single biggest issue with New York is not its crime, filth, and being soulless, which are just givens and not exclusive to just New York. It’s cost. Everything is expensive here despite its crime, filth, and being soulless. There’s a certain threshold of space and conditions which I would argue that humans, and especially writers, simply cannot live. Much smaller than a dormitory room, or a closet, is barely feasible. And to live even in relative poverty in said dormitory rooms or closets, inevitably costs more than luxurious living in not so distant places. It’s not bad enough that it’s derelict. It’s derelict with a hefty price tag.

>> No.19159423

New York pre-covid and right now are basically the same thing. The only significant difference is having to show your vaccine card at restaurants and other venues, which is gonna be the case in most of the country soon anyway.

>> No.19159446

Fuck you nig

>> No.19159517
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NYC is a decaying idol. Like most American cities if you're not a millionaire your life is gonna suck and you'll get washed out in a year or two like most transplants and in the end you'd be thankful for that. If not you'll look back on a lifetime of slaving away renting the most run down squalid rooms all to rub shoulders with the greatest human filth this world has to offer desperately wishing you had snatched up a real place to call your own before Blackrock and foreign investors gobbled it all up.

>> No.19159568

I took 300 dollars, not counting rent and I lasted 2 months

>> No.19159746

NYC is a great place to be if you like to drink (and eat, do drugs, have sex with super hot, possibly disease-ridden women, and other degenerate shit). It’s a bon vivant’s paradise of self-indulgence.

Hard place to not be an alcoholic desu

>> No.19159752
File: 594 KB, 2525x2525, 1C64BCC3-D2B0-4032-BE48-B3DC255FAEB8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All of these take place in Chicago.

>> No.19159775

Its a nice place to be lonely too.

>> No.19159959

Why lie?

>> No.19159983

>ctrl f
>no "hello"

Hello from the gutters of N.Y.C. which are filled with dog manure, vomit, stale wine, urine and blood. Hello from the sewers of N.Y.C. which swallow up these delicacies when they are washed away by the sweeper trucks. Hello from the cracks in the sidewalks of N.Y.C. and from the ants that dwell in these cracks and feed in the dried blood of the dead that has settled into the cracks. J.B., I'm just dropping you a line to let you know that I appreciate your interest in those recent and horrendous .44 killings. I also want to tell you that I read your column daily and I find it quite informative. Tell me Jim, what will you have for July twenty-ninth? You can forget about me if you like because I don't care for publicity. However you must not forget Donna Lauria and you cannot let the people forget her either. She was a very, very sweet girl but Sam's a thirsty lad and he won't let me stop killing until he gets his fill of blood. Mr. Breslin, sir, don't think that because you haven't heard from me for a while that I went to sleep. No, rather, I am still here. Like a spirit roaming the night. Thirsty, hungry, seldom stopping to rest; anxious to please Sam. I love my work. Now, the void has been filled. Perhaps we shall meet face to face someday or perhaps I will be blown away by cops with smoking .38's. Whatever, if I shall be fortunate enough to meet you I will tell you all about Sam if you like and I will introduce you to him. His name is ‘Sam the terrible.’ Not knowing what the future holds I shall say farewell and I will see you at the next job. Or should I say you will see my handiwork at the next job?

>> No.19160018



>> No.19160040
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does your town have these yet? every other nigger here has one

>> No.19160112

Tchula >>> New York

>> No.19160162

Anyone want to get a drink tonight somewhere downtown?

>> No.19160178

No. I'll meet you at the Brooklyn Book Festival tomorrow though.

>> No.19160200

I hate half the posters on this site. 50% chance it would end in a fist fight.

>> No.19160211

We don't have to fight, you can fist me if you want

>> No.19160341

"Much learning does not teach understanding" I find myself parroting Heraclitus at least once a day.

>> No.19160384

Literally Stockholm Syndrome. If I were put in prison for 10 years I too would find inmates and nooks amd certain trees I like a lot.

>> No.19160442

let redditors reddit

>> No.19160581

This is all correct in my experience. You can get a relatively similar experience just a bit further South for cheaper in Philly anyway. To be clear, Philly is a much shittier city than New York is overall but let’s be real. The types of people who post here will only live in certain areas and between the two, they’re basically the same excerpt Philly is cheaper and not quite the super massive hive New York is. And to be extra clear, don’t live in Philly either. I’m just saying it’s marginally better.

>> No.19160665

Childless Scum Slave Nigger

>> No.19160931
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>> No.19160958
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>> No.19160987

Out of town tonight but post this in the next seethe NYC thread and I'll meet you. I'm in ABC

>> No.19161088

That looks like trash.

>> No.19161331
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>> No.19161345

this is describing kansas city, not new york

>> No.19161386

check out jackson heights, I've heard good things and it's relatively cheap, only 20-30 minutes to Grand Central. I never got a chance to check out the neighborhood before Covid ruined my move, but that was the plan (couple of friends in NY recommended it).

>> No.19162174

the Holy Bible, book of Genesis, 19

>> No.19163724
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>> No.19164399

was truman capote a meme all along?

>> No.19164501

Last Exit to Brooklyn

>> No.19164529

>the US constitution has a clause that uniquely affects building codes in Miami
I knew Jefferson was based, but couldn't ever articulate why

>> No.19165945

LCD Soundsystem, Parquet Courts, Crumb, Caroline Shaw, ASAP Rocky, Ratatat, Vampire Weekend, etc... "relevant" is a vague criterion of whether the group is good or not and surely you'll think every group I mentioned is horrible, but to say successful and innovative groups haven't come out of NYC since 2001 makes me think you're lazy. Not op btw

>> No.19166003

Unless you are good looking and make six figures, living in NYC will just depress you.
t. lived in Manhattan for 2 years and didn't make a single friend and girls basically don't look at you since they have so many options.

>> No.19166074

Parquet Courts is one of the worst bands in the history of music. They are like if a mad scientist manufactured sois in a lab and made them into a band.

>> No.19166106

bands from canada and the midwest are always going to have more mass appeal and so be more "influential" that stuff developed in nyc. probably the only thing that will get mainstream out of new york any time soon is whatever they call that style of rapping that goes with ballroom scene shit.


>> No.19166116

How is that any different than what’s outside of Manhattan? I moved from New York to Pennsylvania and now live in a smallish city in a larger metro area. I’m 28 and I haven’t talked to a girl romantically in at least 3 years. I don’t think I’ve met a girl in 3 years.

>> No.19166123

Thats been my experience too. At least the buildings are cool though.

>> No.19166136

It's extra depressing in NYC because you would think it would be the opposite, that it's a numbers game and you should statistically be able to find a girl. So if you basically can't get a gf there, you can't do it anywhere.

>> No.19167151

I think that’s not true actually. New Yorkers live abnormal and deeply impersonal lives. Yeah, many of them have their cliques but they have hem precisely because the city is so impersonal. You’re resigned to anonymity and isolation in cities like New York much easier than you are in cities elsewhere. I believe it’s only marginally worse where I’m at now and that’s only because it’s a dying small town so there are no women here. The In-between are much better than both.

>> No.19167157

Do you think it’s detrimental to writers to not be based in the city? Even Lovecraft lived in cities.

>> No.19167165

Yup..The suburban incel losers itt will deny this fact though.

>> No.19167239

>Live in cities in your youth
>Calm down and meditate in an estate far off from civilization bwhen you're older
Is the path of many great writers

>> No.19168454

it's the path I intend to take as well, especially if by living in the city you manage to amass enough money to last you through your old age

>> No.19168552

I suppose that's why he wrote The Horror at Red Hook, his love letter to New York.

>> No.19168559

Well, I fucked up then. I lived in the NY suburbs for a year then left and never went back. I never planned to go back. I’m 28 years old. I think the reality is New York in even Lovecraft’s day was much more hospitable, and cheaper at that.

>> No.19168561

Lovecraft, and many other young New York writers, lived there and worked on jobs or lived in what may as well have been poverty. The poor New York of even before the 1980s and the poor New York today are two totally different New Yorks.

>> No.19168688

> moving to a big American city in 2021

>> No.19169336


>> No.19169445


At which age do you get old enough to escape the city?

>> No.19169479

Lived there for 5 years, American Psycho captures it perfectly even today.
Don't stay there any longer than you have to.

>> No.19169521

Is this Van Cortlandt Park? Close to my house (yeah I barely live in NYC) and one of the most enjoyable parks in the city. Not bad watching the SubCons play cricket on the weekends.

And yet, Shakespeare made his career not in comfy little Stratford but in the miserable pre-plumbing periphery of the City of London (TM).

>> No.19169553
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Or Culture of Critique

>> No.19169744

Seems a key word to me.

>> No.19169762

The idea that being in the city at a young age will improve your writing is nonsense. Yeah, maybe mingling in writer and artist circles would have but that doesn’t happen anymore. Maybe New York had a subculture of art and poetry at one point but nowadays, it’s literally just publishing, which is not the same thing. You live in New York to be published, not to write good stories. I suppose there’s something to be said about being able to capture the zeitgeist of the times by living there but the majority of Americans do not live in New York and in fact, you’d be closer to the zeitgeist of our time in suburban metropolitan California than anywhere in the Northeast. In fact, many of the more notable writers of our time live precisely in the suburbs and satellite cities which are gathered around California and our Southern border.

>> No.19169771

So for anyone wondering, the places to be to publish are the Southwest, the Deep South, and the Northeast in that order. The places to be to improve your writing are anywhere and nowhere at the same time.

>> No.19169796

His moment of glory was like 40 or 50 years ago. He should have plublished all the stuff he wrote instead of deciding to blueball the (sadly decreasing) few people interested in his work for the next 100 years

>> No.19170052

at least being around real people can make a writer realize how they actually talk and act, pseudoautistic writers having a hard time with all that

>> No.19170064

Are you under the impression that people who live outside of New York aren’t real people?

>> No.19170110

no, but in new york and other similarly overpopulated metropolises you're either a total shut in or you're eventually bound to rub elbows with a bunch of very different other humans, especially if you weren't born there thus not having a clique to fall back on for the rest of your life

>> No.19170230

If you make more than six figures its absolutely worth it. If you dont I cant think of a more depressing place to live

>> No.19170250

That’s the thing though. My experience of New York is precisely not that what you find there is “different other humans”. What you find is an undifferentiated mass of humans which are all (outwardly anyway) exactly the same.

>> No.19170286

more than 6 figures as in 7 figures upwards or as in some comfortable 6 figures?

>> No.19170292

A comfortable six. I'd say at least 125,000. Really the lowest Id go to live here is like 85k in some of the cheaper outerborough neighborhoods if you really want to

>> No.19170494

>Is this Van Cortlandt Park? Close to my house (yeah I barely live in NYC) and one of the most enjoyable parks in the city. Not bad watching the SubCons play cricket on the weekends.
Yeah it is. I've been a couple times and enjoy it. Have you been inside the house museum? It's utterly cozy and you can see where George Washington slept.

>> No.19170539
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Tfw wasn't born in the USA and I'd need to win the visa lottery to move there, at least I can cope through literature