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/lit/ - Literature

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19147859 No.19147859[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What happened to leftism?

>> No.19147866

Big tent. Don’t oversimplify, faggot. Especially considering you probably look like the tranny.

>> No.19147868
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Reminder that the Left invented eugenics.

>> No.19147874

it's actually not, leftoid. true leftism died with the USSR. Everything else has been nigger faggotry. kys.

>> No.19147891

They took up the cause of the discriminated and meek. Things got weird from there on.

>> No.19147901
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>Before the civil wars, even those who most disliked the opinions and manners of the Puritan were forced to admit that his moral conduct was generally, in essentials, blameless; but this praise was now no longer bestowed, and, unfortunately, was no longer deserved. The general fate of sects is to obtain a high reputation for sanctity while they are oppressed, and to lose it as soon as they become powerful: and the reason is obvious. It is seldom that a man enrolls himself in a proscribed body from any but conscientious motives. Such a body, therefore, is composed, with scarcely an exception, of sincere persons. The most rigid discipline that can be enforced within a religious society is a very feeble instrument of purification, when compared with a little sharp persecution from without. We may be certain that very few persons, not seriously impressed by religious convictions, applied for baptism while Diocletian was vexing the Church, or joined themselves to Protestant congregations at the risk of being burned by Bonner.

>But, when a sect becomes powerful, when its favour is the road to riches and dignities, worldly and ambitious men crowd into it, talk its language, conform strictly to its ritual, mimic its peculiarities, and frequently go beyond its honest members in all the outward indications of zeal. No discernment, no watchfulness, on the part of ecclesiastical rulers, can prevent the intrusion of such false brethren. The tares and wheat must grow together. ...

>Thus it was with the English Nonconformists. They had been oppressed; and oppression had kept them a pure body. They then became supreme in the state. No man could hope to rise to eminence and command but by their favour. Their favour was to be gained only by exchanging with them the signs and passwords of spiritual fraternity. ... The sincere Puritans soon found themselves lost in a multitude, not merely of men of the world, but of the very worst sort of men of the world.

>> No.19147907

There is no oversimplification.

Question trans ideology and see how Leftist react. You'll learn more than your current pretending.

>> No.19147908

It got subverted

>> No.19147911

Looks like social progress to me though? maybe pull the stick out of your ass and live a little for once in your life.

say it with me: the working class is not free from its chains if its still chained down by racial prejudice, archaic gender norms and superstitious "morality" (if you can even call it that)

Freedom is intersectional or it isn't free at all

>> No.19147917

CIA and FBI fucked them up with ”artificial negativity”

Read Paul Piccone

>> No.19147922

>/lit/ - Polemics and Bait

>> No.19147926

>the subverters got subverted

>> No.19147929

I don’t see why leftists get so defensive at this sort of stuff. History has proven that racial/sexual/gender inequality is more serious an issue than class inequality. We must solve the former before we can tackle the latter.

>> No.19147937

Well he's not wrong...

>> No.19147951

Leftist need eugenics because they chose to have a nanny-state which gives them gibs 4 free. These faggots could literally do nothing and the dead weight would just naturally fall off but then they don't get gibs. G.B. Shaw was literally too much of a bugman for Bertrand Russell—that should give you an idea the man!

>> No.19147952

Why does it have to be “solved”?

>> No.19147954

>History has proven that racial/sexual/gender inequality is more serious an issue than class inequality.

Citation needed.

>> No.19147955

Source of this quote?
Spot on, best assessment I've seen

>> No.19147956

Unironically this, sometimes

When the only way to win is to beat them at their own game

>> No.19147982

Leftists cant win the big battle so the little battles like gay bathroom shit is what they care about winning more. Maybe the more delusional ones think it will be some kind of death by 1000 cuts to capitialism

>> No.19147989

Well, that’s the point of leftism no? Solving inequality. If you think inequality is okay you’re a rightwinger.

Every case of racial conflict in history.

>> No.19147999

>Every case of racial conflict in history.

Not good enough. Provide some actual evidence. You make the claim so confidently so it shouldn't be hard to present something.

>> No.19148002

>Well, that’s the point of leftism no? Solving inequality.
Just how does that answer anon's question?

>> No.19148027


Found it.

>> No.19148036

Sure. Let’s look at the Tulsa Race Riots. The communities there were of the same economic class and still there was brutal violence.

>> No.19148041

science has proven the existence of unconscious biases, and the effect of representation in media and positions of power on self esteem. Its not a question of racial essentialism but of marginalized people reclaiming their culture after centuries of white heterosexist oppression. The mild discomfort you get from having to acknowledge your privilege is not even one billionth of the terror and humilliation our marginalized comrades experience from constant microagressions and the constant threat of white supremacist terrorism. All PoC remember where they were during the january 6 white supremacist insurrection. identity politics is just empathy and basic human decency,

>> No.19148051

It's usually when both apply at the same time that shit hits the fan. See jews in the Weimar Republic or Hutus and Tutsis

>> No.19148055

lol. so now the prole has to work and also submit to a bourgeois social etiquette on the penalty of lifelong ruin. don't you feel liberated now, prole, that you not only have to do nigger work together with the niggers but are forbidden from even resolving the racial tensions that arise from that cohabitation with a joke for fear of causing offense and being liquidated? do you like how you can never ally yourself with the nigger against a common enemy, no matter how much it suits both of your interests, because such a wedge has been driven between you by this new wave of indoctrination that even if you shovel the same shit together in the same stinking hole you are somehow still the oppressor and he the oppressed, full of bitterness that destroys any hope of solidarity?

>> No.19148058

>All PoC remember where they were during the january 6 white supremacist insurrection
even CNN dropped this schizo talking point a while ago

>> No.19148059

got btfo in 1991 when the soviet union collapsed.
got replaced by neoliberal identity politics.
finally to revived when trump was elected but they arent really accomplishing much

>> No.19148064

How is that proof that "History has proven that racial/sexual/gender inequality is more serious an issue than class inequality?" Provide evidence that "history" has determined this, where's the literature/studies on this? One conflict doesn't mean anything in the big picture which is what you're talking about.

>> No.19148082
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The ruling class realized it needed to pay off the working class with welfare and distract them from class politics with identity politics
with how obsessed leftists are with race, gender, and sex its been successful so far

>> No.19148084

Civil rights righting self esteem and mental health into US law. Huge foundations lile rockefeller and ford mobilizing after riots so as to avoid any economic solution to social problems instead promotimg psychiatric solutions. Leftism is not about economics but about a twisted version of psychological normality self expression is mandatory, you end up in a world were there is no freedom except in sexual matters and even that is geared towards maximum exploitation ie normalizing prostitution. What strikes one most about trannies is not the sexual perversion but how they seem like hollow shells their personality gone and replaced with all these buzzwords and corporate social engineering agendas

>> No.19148086

theres nothing "bourgeois" about working class people being able to express themselves or simply exist as they are without pointless prejudices with no material basis

>> No.19148092

I see, I misinterpreted your question. I was giving you an example of a race conflict with zero economic incentive. But look at history. Far more people have died due to racial conflict than class based ones. Look at World War 2. Tens of millions died in what was ultimately a racial/white-supremacy-driven conflict. Sure class based conflict has killed people too, but not remotely close in number.

>> No.19148095

Identity politics is just a tool used by the bourgeois to distract from class politics

>> No.19148096


they always did this, its simple divide and conquer, the soviets called idpol "bourgeoise nationalism"

you crapitlists reallly think ya slick

>> No.19148097

when they "express themselves" by identifying as something that is being used to secure the bourgeois power then yes it is very bourgeois
read manufacturing consent

>> No.19148102

Read fanon. White is inheremtly the position of an oppressor clas the process of decolonization is by neccesity violent. For the colonizer as well as the colonized. There is no such thing as a white working class. To go against the settler coloniAlist system can inly be a radical act of race treason as well as class treason

>> No.19148107

you realize you're agreeing with me right?

>> No.19148111
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The homosexual and transgender identity is fully based on science and facts. Not even heterosexuality is backed by as much hard data. So instead of relying on sexual repression and christian religious superstition why not adquire a new identity based on objective psychiatric and scientific criteria?

>> No.19148121
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>> No.19148123

because science that supports homosexuality and trannies must be done away with

>> No.19148127 [DELETED] 

It used to be the ideology of the working class but now it’s claimed by the middle class, which brings its moralising hysterics with it. Nothing about the ideas have changed, really, but the background of those that adhere to them have.

>> No.19148133

Why are so many faggots on /lit/ trying to outdo each other as revolutionaries? All you posting are just annoying, and obnoxius faggots and psueds. None of you people are normal. You're just mentally ill obessed cults of personalities around various outdated, and aarchic works

>> No.19148144

>The homosexual and transgender identity is fully based on science and facts.
So what?

>> No.19148146

The year is 20xx you have been ordered by your local globohomo comissar to attend a state sponsored screening of star wars XXVIII: avengers assemble. On the way there you pass by the daily george floyd memorial pride blm mcdonalds parade a fabulous twerking troupe of boy catamites followed by the phallic missiles of the lockheed float.missiles set to launch at midnight (mercifully) wiping the human race off the Face of the earth.when you arrive at the theater, bill nye, the science guy and alexandra ocasio cortez strap you into a chair forcing your eyes open clockwork orange style, the screen flickers on instead of space adventures or superheroes the audience is treated to what looks like blurry slow mo vhs footage of a pack of bluehaired fat positive queers raping an innocent white child intersped with blipverts for the latest techproduct. The braindead leftists in the audience chant YAS KWEEN SLAY at what they cant help but see as a beautiful and heartwarming display of diversity and progress. The queers start ripping appart the child and feasting on its bloody entrails like rabid hogs at the through. You sit on the front row and think: "gee i shouldve joined the alt right before it was too late"

>> No.19148155

if you are smart science is your religion now
if you're dumb you keep your old religion
you don't want to be dumb do you??
hetreos btfo

>> No.19148156
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>transgender identity is fully based on science and facts

>> No.19148158

being (generally) supportive towards something does not mean you are that thing. i'm sure many of the leftists you talk about would react similarly if you were hateful towards Buddhist 'ideology', for example - but that doesn't make some stereotyped image of a fat Buddhist a (non-oversimplified) representation of today's left

>> No.19148161
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>Why are so many faggots on /lit/ trying to outdo each other as revolutionaries?
That's just what the board is about now. /fit/ for example is about looking like you lift while you post about how you are trad/fascist as fuck and being into guys/tranners.

>> No.19148164

people of color and lgbtq2s+ people are not "securing bourgeois power"

>> No.19148165

I do wonder how much of this “actually, leftism is class-conflict based” rhetoric comes from white “leftists” uneasy with the fact they’re gonna be taken down a peg in a leftist society.

>> No.19148168


yes, your point? science is not on your side

>> No.19148174

You just know

>> No.19148180

As a white man, what is some science or theory i can read which can help me check my privilege and learn more about the awful plight the diverse and vibrant culture of these warm body politically correct victimhood unit NPCs purpose engineered biopolitical clientele for the democratiparty andbig pharma, i mean these most noble and progressive of creatures?

How can i be a better ally? How can i get over the deeply engrained heteronormative prejudices that make me feel uncomfortable abouth the beautiful and heartwarming display of diversity and progress in pic related?

>> No.19148184

the bourgeois use identity politics to distract from class politics these people who engage in them are useful idiots for the neoliberal ruling class

>> No.19148185

Science shows your bone structure is male and you will never be a woman.

>> No.19148189
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>> No.19148200

because science that supports homosexuality and trannies must be done away with

>> No.19148211

There are no greater cucks than anti idpol leftists. All politics are identity politics. Bringimg class to a race war is like bringing a knife to a gun fight.if you are a working class white hetero the left has made it clear you are an enemy

>> No.19148213

I bet you don't even science
t. Carl Sagan

>> No.19148228

Science has proven all children are born queer and it is the sexual repressiom created by society which forces them to be straight. Its an established scientific fact just like white privilege.

>> No.19148234

how the fuck is this literature?
fuck off

>> No.19148239
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Dumb marks the lot of ya

>> No.19148242

I mean id be ok with them if they were just perverts who wanted to do disgusting shit in private and be left alome but this is obviously a social engineering agenda being pushed by elites.

>> No.19148246
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They lost the plot and/or were tricked by the illuminati to stop talking about finance and start shilling for pronounce.

Absolutely no one likes the idea of the richest people on earth doubling their finacial worth during the corona, yet the left has made no effort to shame them. The modern left in the west are completely useless at this time and they should feel ashamed.

>> No.19148245
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>The homosexual and transgender identity is fully based on science and facts
This is not and never will be true. you are nothing but an ideologue. The 41% suicide rate is not due to abuse or discrimination its due to mental illness directly associated with transgenderism. Lets not forget the failed indoctrination of David Reimer. This is nothing but a fad which will soon lose relevancy like so many fads before it. All you will have left is the hole where your crotch once was.

That being said fuck off /pol/

>> No.19148244

...that does not in any way invalidate the struggles of working class people of colour or lgbtq2s+ people

>> No.19148250

>The science is anything I want it to be
>Trust me, I have three degrees

>> No.19148252
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>> No.19148254

cripples BTFO

>> No.19148258

actually science says gender is a social construct and a spectrum, and transpeoples brains reflect their place on that spectrum

these are real, material facts, they invalidate your queerphobia

>> No.19148265

So the male brain female brain thing is essentially true. Neat

>> No.19148268

leftists and their corporate masters ever done beyond replacing christ on the cross with a pink haired obese faggot on a wheelchair? I mean at least the old christian clergy tried to keep the child raping discrete at a respectable level while the politically correct lgbtsjwtfnpc crowd wants to brainwash us into thinking its progressive and normal their only culture is shitty corporate propaganda. I mean the queer wont grant you eternal life or even forgive you for the sins of your bigotted white ancestors so im just saying itd be pretty funny if we could get together two planks of wood and a bucketful of nails and actually crucify that fucker for real

>> No.19148274

>actually science says gender is a social construct
so is language.
your point?