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File: 34 KB, 467x547, SMT-Daisoujou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19129239 No.19129239 [Reply] [Original]

>dude nothing matters, it's all an external flow of phenomena, it doesn't truly concern you, free of yourself of dukkha
>but buddha ji! if nothing matters, why are you teaching me? why don't you simply sit in a corner in silence and achieve nirvana?
>because....because the only...uhh justification for any and all actions is...uhmm compassion(?)
>but buddha ji! doesn't compassion bring attachment and therefore, dukkha, with it?
>also, why would compassion be a justification?
>uhmmm because...uhhh we're all one! so...when you love another person and want them to achieve nirvana, you actually want yourself to achieve nirvana! so it's really you instructing yourself!
>but buddha ji! wouldn't that line of thinking bring one even more attachment to the world by perceiving it as a part of oneself, and therefore, much dukkha with it?
>Buddha Ji!!! *gets disintegrated*
Between Buddhism and Abrahamism, I don't know which is more schizophrenic.

>> No.19129277
File: 39 KB, 900x511, live-as-if-you-were-to-die-tomorrow-learn-as-if-you-were-to-live-forever-mahatma-gandhi-artist-si-world-of-quotes-artist-singh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buddhism at least is logical and pedantic where Christianity is emotional mood swing coercive. The death of self is not the way. The life of noble self is the way, Arya!

>> No.19129280
File: 172 KB, 1080x1080, 1626487930456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Start with the jeets, not ex-protestants fleeing the wreck of God and projecting their nihilism into everything

>> No.19129322

Ghandi wrote an essay called "The Ideal Bhangi" or The Ideal Nigger. Don't know why westerner fell for his shit.

>> No.19129337

If you actually knew the feeling of mature empathy or compassion, you would know it's not clingy. Knowing that all is transient doesn't take you out of it or mean you have no responsibility for yourself or your surroundings, you act in every moment, and inaction is simply the immature action, based on fear and ignorance
So you help and try to teach others because they don't understand their suffering and you do

>> No.19129434

>not ex-protestants fleeing the wreck of God and projecting their nihilism into everything
so you mean I should avoid books about buddhism written by westerners?

>> No.19129485

Yes, obviously.

>> No.19129500

Yes people who were already nihilists to begin with and then went shopping for a religion are terrible transmitters of just about anything they touch. They are similar to Christians saying they preserved Hellenistic culture.

>> No.19129503
File: 59 KB, 600x684, 1632765485051.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Knowing that all is transient

>> No.19129518
File: 138 KB, 550x849, 1625321101691.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you think monkes, will a bhagavan orangutan be able to keep all his bananas or will he lose them?

>> No.19130021

Smt 1 had some great art

>> No.19130032

>but buddha ji! if nothing matters, why are you teaching me? why don't you simply sit in a corner in silence and achieve nirvana?
Never heard of a Bodhisattva?

>> No.19130113

>poor insectoids praising a death cult made by some edgy runaway indian prince, for ~2500 years
It's not surprising whatsoever, I too would wish complete eternal dissociation from the world if I lived in fucking Tibet, or most of the asian countries really

>> No.19130118

Of course he hasn't.

>> No.19130125

Tibet is extremely comfy. They had no sizable army until like the 1910s when Britain and China started fucking around.