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19121339 No.19121339 [Reply] [Original]

Describe the girl in this webm in your signature prose.

>> No.19121355

Why no second take?

>> No.19121424

bitch made-up colored-up pushed-up to become something worthy of something worthy of that which daddy gave her too much. eggshell.

>> No.19121425

The woman had black hair and fake eyelashes

>> No.19121462

She had everything I like in a woman - titties, etc

>> No.19121482

I make prose for she

>> No.19121492

I'm waiting Melty Blood Type Lumina and then I can get ready to die

>> No.19121497

Good try C.I.A

>> No.19121511

She had a fairy face and raven hair, giving the impression of some slight but elegent bird. Arrayed like pharaoh in her jewellery, from the haughty eye one got the impression her heart was hardened as pharaoh's also. She was pharaoh and his magicians in one, the look intended to bewitch and entrap men, one didn't doubt she could cast a spell and turn any gentleman stick into a snake.

>> No.19121562
File: 69 KB, 750x1334, 1624799378943.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

long black hair, black tank top, green eyes. God if only she don't have those stupid piercings .

>> No.19121572

prose is not to be wasted on strumpets

>> No.19121575 [DELETED] 

ugly beaner whore

>> No.19121579 [DELETED] 

this reads like it was written by someone who watches anime

>> No.19121587

That's a man

>> No.19121589

I flip my cock out and come all over this spic whores cheap face

>> No.19121615

The girl, if one could call her that, was in no way natural; in those few seconds, she revealed her folly. Her painstaking powdery makeup and rehearsed posture undermined her pursuit of beauty and attention for such effort showed a lacking of natural attributes and good breeding. She may be temporarily content with the fruit of her labour, rejoicing in superficial numbers on a screen, but time will make a dejected whore out of her.

>> No.19121621

Girls like that are 20% filter and 80% make-up

>> No.19121624

Take after take she went, until the jiggle of her breasts and the bite of her lip took on a sublimity that that she knew her audience couldn't resist. Yes, her trap was set now. The pitiable men that funded her lifestyle would spread word of her to the darkest corners of cyberspace where dwelt the most celibate of all men, the virginal masses of anime fandom. Her web would envelope them now and they too would instinctually open their wallets to her, in competition for her favour with the very men that had announced to them her existence. She laughed softly to herself. Chad was always so possessive of her that he came close to beating her at the thought of other men's attention, but here in her bedroom armed with only some makeup and a gamer PC as a background prop she had found a kind of man with no masculine instincts at all. A virtual nation of them in fact. And she their pitiless Queen would tax her subjects for all the riches she deserved. Financial Independence Retire Early, baby.

>> No.19121625

Still good prose, I enjoyed reading.

>> No.19121630

The whore looked me straight in the eyes and made her breasts wobble; adipose bags put there to feed her future offspring, so far only caressed by grown men willing to pay.

>> No.19121641

I's see human female who's young aged with darkly black hair attached to a thinly head, forehead, eyelids, her smoothskin flesh's a shade between pink and brown, her facial lips are red like demons the result of products ritually spread on to hide her natural turn toward grayness and wrinkles.

>> No.19122455

>le tiktok whore look.

How contrived. Sad!

>> No.19122465

Anyone who uses tiktok deserves two to the chest, one to the head

>> No.19122471

A woman. Symetric eyes, black free hair, like a raven.

end, no one cares about long descriptions

>> No.19122491

She has the "no fun allowed" low iq cattle stare. It's one thing to be dumb, it's actively bad to be dumb and lacking any enthusiasm or vitality. Many such medicated specimens these days.

>> No.19122492

Tits. Contoured visage.

>> No.19122537

She flaunted with utmost vanity a dumb little pout and a body a dime a dozen; she looked as unimportant as she was.

>> No.19122550

i thought she was one of those cute Arabs with blue eyes but alas she was just a weird looking Hispanic

>> No.19122551


>> No.19122561

Gir .l with big boobie :) make peepeego BOYOYOING

>> No.19122568

Every mediocre spic does their best now to look like that ugly ok boomer grifter who wears gallons of makeup to even look presentable

>> No.19122569


>> No.19122583

MY- LOOK AT THE SIZE OF THOSE big booba looba BANG BANGS!! those CONGO BONGOS.. THOSE jiggly jiggly jiros. those plumpa lumpa dump POW POWS.. succulent sucker-sucks! Whoopee cushion yum yums, triple nipple wham whams. those bouncin biggalos!! THOSE BIG FAT HOOTER SHOOTERS

>> No.19122587

faggots. embarrassing thread

>> No.19122592

hope she sees this post, bro

>> No.19122664


>> No.19122676
File: 291 KB, 1472x777, C6D974E8-4453-4281-AC02-D59E9DA05CBE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do we solve Reddit

>> No.19122703

I recognize that user from stupidpol.

>> No.19122768

Súcubo del averno, zorra sin parangón, bicho abyecto, con poco seso y baja convicción.
Pelo azabache, prendas negras, colgante de mal gusto y tintes de poco lustro. En ese pastiche tan poco lustrado todo carece de gracia, excepto sus pechos y sus labios.

>> No.19122779


>> No.19122840

Her name was Luda
and I really shoulda
said something else,
but I said

>> No.19122860

She was an starlit angel born under a bad sign. Her face shone all beauty and truth, the balanced harmony of a shimmering wholeness. Like a symbolic work of art whose subtle intricacies captivate the mind, her elegant structure expressed the tender feminine soul, even a pure benevolence, but her style was as vicious as it was callous, succumbing and conforming to the darkened will of humanity. She was so charming yet only superficially and the light had long since dimmed down. She had no shortage of adoration though, within the pandemonium there was a showering of affection and deification of the image of what once was. With the absence of all-encompassing loathing, the aberration grew stronger and prouder, a novel complexifying of interior hideousness which like virulent pestilence expands and evolves. Only God Himself could stop this monstrosity's treachery.

>> No.19122956

She was done up like a caricature of what young girls believe an empowered sex goddess would look like, but the effect came off as totally for the benefit of her male viewership. My own impression was that she was, at best, some bratty college kid who hasn't been getting enough attention since moving out.

Everyone wants to be a star now. Whether it's Tik-Tok, Twitter, Twitch, or the like, the world has just become one big waiting room for an audtion that's never going to come.

>> No.19122966

Ugly cunt.

>> No.19123688


>> No.19123813

Gomme the source and I'll consider it

>> No.19123837

>if only she don't have those stupid piercings .

>> No.19124146

More spic than span.

>> No.19124173

Her seriousness was just like her makeup, a mask. A mask to bewitch men, cast aside after her final trick, the spring of a bosom as false and deceptive as the rest of her. Perhaps even her smile, her moment of weakness and humanity was calculated coldly to appeal to her gullible following.

>> No.19124208

Glorious poetry anon.

>> No.19124356

Name of girl?

>> No.19124425

I believe I'm at the point where women are no longer coupled with the concept of 'human' within my mind. I could easily see myself stabbing the bitch to death and feeling nothing. Emptiness. I cried when my goldfish died, but no hydraulic press could squeeze a tear for a woman out of me. Actually, I'm pretty sure it wasn't a goldfish, and I was a child; regardless, it's a proof that I'm not a psychopath. In fact, I feel so connected to many things. Things of beauty, nature, creations both earthly and manmade. A rustle of wind trailing a flock of leaves across a lonely narrow pathway I cross on a way to work 5 days a week is beautiful, breathtaking. I don't think anyone else appreciates it but me, this natural archway hidden between two large apartment complexes that meet each other with their edges, creating a tiny overgrown pocket of condensed space with a small bend of asphalt snaking through the greenery, it looks so picturesque. A blink of immaculate among the dreary street life. I'd kill a billion women for that alley.

>> No.19124487

Titties big and bouncy
Me likey
Makes me peepee hardy

Fuck prose, verse is where it's at.

>> No.19124518 [DELETED] 

that isnt verse

>> No.19124542

The only thing I can think about when I see this shit is that this tiktok video of a stupid whore caked in makeup bouncing her tits for 10 seconds will
>earn more views
>earn more recognition
>be saved on people's computers
>get more attention in general
>be more fondly remembered by the users who see it
>make far more money
than pretty much anything I will work on with my whole body and spirit
and while I may argue to myself that these things all seem unimportant or petty, I then remember that these metrics are now literally all there is to measure, display and handle worth in the human race
how do I not hate human beings? I don't even get a boner or whatever I just feel disgust

>> No.19124585

We made the internet and we can't handle it. The internet is the great filter.

>> No.19124614

She had dead soulless eyes, gaudy jewelry, and a tattoo. In short, she looked like a bitch.

>> No.19124662

She clicked post and rode the notification high for the next few days. The carefully arrayed image on the screen took her the best part of an hour to composite - she strived to appear disaffected, sad. Enveloped in an easy ennui, electronically enamoured at her e celebrity

>> No.19124667

this? remembered? give it a month

>> No.19124699

Her plump lips wrapped around my hard pecker sucking me up in a whirlpool of frothy saliva dripping onto the floor in long thick strings coating her hand as she jerks me off and smeared on her cute teardrop chin.

>> No.19124771

The raven haired girls resting bitch face and slight smirk failed to hide her insecurity and self loathing as she purposely giggled her large breasts to attract male attention and validation

>> No.19124786

I like this, post more pls

>> No.19125036

Black hair, smooth white skin, green-colored lenses and freckles: she looked good like a photoshopped instagram model, and just as fake. But who cares what's real? She was irresistibly hot, and she knew it.

>> No.19125223

Black hair, fair skin, makeup and jewelry recalling a 2000's era goth. Even in a single glance it was clear that the too-calculated sullenness she wore like a second application of eyeliner had as much to do with real pain as porn does to sex.

>> No.19125516

She, with a doll-like face appeared to me at night, under a neon light, like an angel turned demon for a night. All my insecurities arose in a heartbeat, even those long forgotten since my days of youth, having her gaze, as uncaring and penetrating it was, attracted them like a magnet. She certainly knew, and was rather proud of her abilities to turn every man in the night club into an anxious child, doubting every move of his and its possibility to ruin the prospect of them fucking. A hint of sadness was left, deep in her malicious eyes, in the very fact that this power move was the centre of her existence — now she devoted her all to elicit desire, for that single second of power when men succumbed to her presence, knowing that soon her porcelain skin would be filled with wrinkles and her magnetic eyes able to attract nothing but pity. She had nothing but beauty, and was hoping to make of her beauty memories to last a lifetime.

>> No.19125538

A month, ok. People will still remember this whore's tits more than than your entire lineage.

>> No.19125681

Now here comes one of those girls who is so physically attractive she has to make an almost visible effort to keep herself from thinking about it. Knowing from experience that awareness of her own five-alarm, smoking hotness in any acute way would obliterate her ability to focus on anything at all and send her spiraling out into the thermosphere. She narrows her eyes at you a little. The less said about that the better.

>> No.19125769

Con una mirada insolente y aburrida comenzó la grabación que se había propuesto hacer para matar el rato hasta la hora de cenar. Segura de su atractivo, movió las largas pestañas postizas a la vez que rebotaba para resaltar dos redondos pechos, que si bien eran más bien medianos, ella conseguía crear la ilusión de ser más grandes al sostenerlos con su brazos como delicados melones. Siguiendo su propio guión se mordió el labio inferior pintado de carmín, como había visto hacer a esas otras chicas de la red social. Como broche, una sonrisilla traviesa le cruzó momentaneamente la cara embadurnada de maquillaje, con una pretendida modestia que sirviese de contrapunto a la tan vulgar representación del coito que acababa de realizar. "Esta es la buena" pensó mientras recogía el móvil, su estómago hormigueando con anticipación al imaginarse la atención que recibiría y que le serviría momentáneamente para calmar el mono de su circuito de dopamima permanentemente sobrestimulado.

>> No.19125810
File: 65 KB, 604x453, 1632445535501.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

describe pic related in your best prose

>> No.19125833

>who is so physically attractive
that's like 90% makeup

>> No.19125923

tell me, op, did you see my poem on int? how did you like it?

>> No.19126023

She glared, breasts happily roosting in their tight nest

>> No.19126040

Yeah she looked like THAT. You know the look. Everyone already does. Like a discount Jenner or Kardashian. She carried herself like she was pouting about the man & annoyed about the boys. her plump cheeks full of the collagen of youth, her hollwed eyes shellshocked from years of the infromation war.

>> No.19126177

Spanish girls are natural goths.
Now gib source faggot.

>> No.19126280

I only just met her, but she looked like she was already annoyed with me. Was it because she knew I was about to stare at her breasts, or because she knew I would make unnecessary eye contact with her? Perhaps she was an oracle (she dressed like she she would like that idea), and I didn't want to fight against destiny. I took a long look at the breasts easily filling her little black top, massaging them with my eyes, then let my eyes follow the little freckles on her cheeks before settling on her unreadable eyes.

>> No.19126287

>I am attracted to makeup 90% of the time
There’s a difference

>> No.19126295

I'm not attracted to that whore, she disgusts me.

>> No.19126302

You are NOT the real butter. Stop using that trip already.

>> No.19126306
File: 199 KB, 1102x764, product_296_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19126307
File: 256 KB, 2000x1988, dabbing-collection-2-003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her face, framed with enticing dimness and test, remained as I walked past my screen. I was simply too eager to adopt my own practiced pose.

>> No.19126376

A dead stare. Reminds me of my cousin. So many young Mexican women share a facial expression. It unnerves me sometimes. My cousin never painted herself like a whore though. What the hell is on the chain on her neck? Anyways, she seems troublesome.

>> No.19126378

>painted herself like a whore though
Its just makeup and its still quite simple.

>whats that thing on her neck
Clearly shes going for an Egyptian look you clown.

>> No.19126394

>it's just makeup and it's quite simple
>she's going for the egyptian look
Okay, sure but WHAT ARE THOSE???? So I just tie a bunch of coining dies or something else shiny and stupid looking on a string and hang it around my neck, and if some nosy fuck asks me what the hell I'm wearing on my neck, "I am going for the egyptian look, like on the hieroglyphs n' shiet" is a satisfactory, non-smartass/non-retard answer???

>> No.19126408

A light brown girl with black hair with a blacker top wearing a lot of jewelry.

>> No.19126410

Makeup is normal. Its no different to a guy combing his hair. Holy fucking shit what is wrong with you people. You must take absolutely zero pride in your appearance,

>> No.19126415

Sorry, replace "with" with "and".

>> No.19126421

EVERY girl wears makeup anon. Only a couple tik tok whores/wannabes wear enough to be ABSOLUTELY glossy or matte.

>> No.19126559

build for my big beaner cock