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/lit/ - Literature

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19116207 No.19116207 [Reply] [Original]

>He hasn't read Carson McCullers
>He hasn't read Flannery O'Conner
>He hasn't read Sylvia Plath
>He hasn't read Emily Dickinson

They're laughing at you /lit/, what are you going to do about it?

>> No.19116212

Bitch about how women are a monolithic mass of superficial degeneracy while I pat the Cheetos-dust off of my bitch-tits.

>> No.19116215

Ok but they are still laughing at you.

>> No.19116217

There are so many great male writers that if you skip the few worthy female writers it’s not really that big of a deal.
Female writers are disposable.

>> No.19116229

Pull out my 6.5 inch flaccid and windmill the cunts

>> No.19116272

>>He hasn't read Sylvia Plath
Better novelist than poet.
Better suicide than Ted.
Ted was a worse poet.

>> No.19116286
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>he hasn't read Burger McAngloid
am I supposed to feel attacked?

>> No.19116288

Women don't read these authors either because they were based and trad

>> No.19116289

>Female writers are disposable.

Very cringe, (You) are the one who is disposable anon.

>Better novelist than poet.

The Bell Jar was ok but her poetry was much better anon I'm sorry.

>Better suicide than Ted.

I don't think Ted Hughes killed himself either.

>Ted was a worse poet.


>> No.19116295

Also they are still laughing at you btw

I have it on good authority that women do read female authors.

>> No.19116301

Don't let this 55ish femoid bully you my bros

>> No.19116305

>ladies those all of those authors are proto-dfw

>> No.19116307
File: 7 KB, 225x225, this is the crux of the matter and by crux I mean vulva, and by vulva I do not mean vagina, I want to twerk your clabitoris until you shake like a milk.jpeg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't think Ted Hughes killed himself either.

>> No.19116309

Female readers read male and female writers equally
Male readers only read male writers

If female readers really cared about equality they would stop reading male writers

>> No.19116312

praise kek

>> No.19116314
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>If female readers really cared about equality they would stop reading male writers

>> No.19116327
File: 42 KB, 750x520, 3FB93A24-65A2-42F9-A8DD-237259A0AD7D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Generally male readers who don’t read female writers are very happy about the books they read.
Female readers who read male writers on the other hand are miserable creatures. They are constantly complaining about male writers and their obsession with booba.

Yet women insist that that men are the ones who are doing it wrong.

>> No.19116337

>Generally male readers who don’t read female writers are very happy about the books they read.

You've just pulled this out your ass, shut you little boy you have no idea what your on about lol

>> No.19116338

Well the point was that I didn’t care about equality. So I’m not going to change.
If women care about it, they should change.

>> No.19116341

>If women care about it, they should change.

I don't think women have a problem with sexism though, the only people who do are a minority of incels on this board.

>> No.19116342

>I have it on good authority that women do read female authors.
Not all of them. You'd be hard pressed to find one woman who reads Savitri Devi for example because she presents a distinctively masculine perspective. I think men read Flannery O'Connor more often than women because she is popular with the based tradcath demographic which is overwhelmingly masculine

>> No.19116347

>Savitri Devi Mukherji was a French-born Greek fascist, Nazi sympathizer, and spy who served the Axis powers by committing acts of espionage against the Allied forces in India. She was later a leading member of the Neo-Nazi underground during the 1960s

>Savitri Devi for example because she presents a distinctively masculine perspective.


>> No.19116351

Why is it so hard for women to believe that men can entertain themselves without them? We’ve been doing it since the Iliad or Odyssey whichever came first.

When it comes to entertainment bicycles really don’t need fish.

>> No.19116356

Holy fucking based.
Will check her out.

>> No.19116369
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>We’ve been doing it since the Iliad or Odyssey


Don't flatter yourself lol you have done nothing to advance literary culture, do not include yourself with 'we' when you are just a dumb faggot on 4chan with stupid opinions.

>> No.19116384

Still it’s better to belong to a gender that can entertain itself.
Women’s inability to entertain themselves is not men’s fucking problem

>> No.19116406

Why is it so hard to insert a champagne flute inside a man's rectum and shatter it with a rock sampling hammer?

>> No.19116419

>Women’s inability to entertain themselves is not men’s fucking problem

I think they entertain themselves fine and yes you are right it is not your personal problem, I don't know where you got the delusion that women were at all asking for your help. You think way too highly of yourself anon, you are an observer to literature and nothing more, and until you write a great novel every woman listed in the op will look down on you.

>> No.19116424

Are female writers the incels of literature?

They’re like “I’m entitled to money from male readers
I’m entitled to attention from male readers
I’m entitled to love from male readers
I’m entitled to respect from male readers”

And male readers are just like ‘no. Lol.”

Have male readers /lit/cels.

>> No.19116436

Females in general are the incels of gender

>> No.19116439

>reading anglos

>> No.19116442

I know you're lazily creating a new post, but assume I'm a heterosexual man who wishes to glass your arsehole.

>> No.19116446
File: 530 KB, 1595x1742, E9989306-91B6-4A7C-B314-0B6589880178_1_201_a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't remember this cutie saying any of that


>> No.19116457

You sound like a nutter to be desu.
Not my problem either.
Have glass arsecel

>> No.19116474

>Also they are still laughing at you btw
Tf does this even meaning? Why was it directed at me

>> No.19116485
File: 97 KB, 722x725, 89a306717bf0119eb208ac310d8fcd42.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reading women
>reading anglo women
>reading American women
Within the artistic canon of mankind as a whole both the Adventures of Enmei the Crab Catcher, a crude and short-lived comic outlined in dried shrew feces on the floor of a North Sentinelese cave, as well as the extensive collection of toilet air freshener labels I've amassed over years in my bathroom, individually possess roughly thrice the amount of literary value and stylistic grace as can be found in the entire Walmartistan's breeding sow corpus.

>> No.19116507

>all angl*ids
Can’t make this shit up lel. Also, McCullers is thoroughly second-rate.

>> No.19116519

>Don’t remember this cutie saying any of that

You are correct.
She was the female equivalent of a

>> No.19116535
File: 276 KB, 750x737, EE163C61-6648-4C71-9D89-673F0982B507_1_201_a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because (You) have not read any of the authors listed silly!

>McCullers is thoroughly second-rate.

Your ethnicity is second rate second rate you cringe esl lolol

gtfo you have never read her

>> No.19116539

Carson was a lesbian incel
She had sex and love from men but she was always falling in love with women
Who didn’t reciprocate.
She might have gotten a pity fuck from Gyspy Rose Lee but even that is pretty dubious.
Willa Cather and Gertrude Stein did have lesbian relationships and they were slightly older contemporaries. So it probably had to do with her personality more than just the times.

>> No.19116551

I just started Wuthering Heights and it's very good

>> No.19116554
File: 383 KB, 750x918, 3DFB9690-A730-4023-9F42-F86A8D4BEFE1_1_201_a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice didn't know you were on first name basis with Carson McCullers. And also her personal life is none of my business, I am thinking this silly boy has not read The Death of the Author has he? Please go read it and don't reply back to this thread until you have finished x

>> No.19116599

This one goes out to all the femoid writers in desperate need of male validation https://youtu.be/9iBgTqz_-vY

>> No.19116624

>Your ethnicity is second rate second rate you cringe esl lolol


>> No.19116702

All those writers are proto DFW

>> No.19116837

>ugly woman
It's amazing what women can do with angles and filters

>> No.19116842

Is that the Belarusian chick from this podcast whatever was her name?

>> No.19116887
File: 382 KB, 750x738, 2B79C214-7F5E-4145-989E-1D0CE4684C02_1_201_a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Pic related means you are a homosexual

Dasha Nekrasova

>> No.19116961

>didn’t know you were on a first name basis with Carson McCullers

She’s been stone fucking dead for many years now.
You can call her whatever you want. She won’t complain.

>> No.19117135

>>He hasn't read Sylvia Plath
Gave up on her Shane she started bashing manlets. Made me realize that women have a kind of cruelty in them that I will never be able to fully understand.

>> No.19117188

It's about respect.

You need to stop posting this shit in my threads.

>> No.19117265

the seething by this kid for his proto-dfw hack is legendary, thread after thread.

>> No.19117317

Why would I respect an alcoholic lesbian incel?

>> No.19117352
File: 371 KB, 750x786, 81972758-9CE2-4F93-B341-182D49F6AB96_1_201_a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No seething here baby boy! I do this shit for fun.

Because she is one of America's greatest writers. And I take it you didn't take my advice to read the essay I gave you huh...

>> No.19117530

>You need to stop posting this shit in my threads.
I do need to proofread my posts and fix the autocorrect errors, but what I don’t need to do is respect authors that see me as subhuman.

>> No.19117688

>you didn’t take my advice to read the essay

Of course not. I think you’re a mental patient. Why jump through hoops for rando mental patient on 4chan.com?

>> No.19117847

I didn't even read your post I'm more bothered that there always seems to be someone like you popping up in a thread about Sylvia Plath saying that shit. I am convinced it is one person because I don't believe people are that butthurt over manlet comments that I don't even remember myself having read The Bell Jar twice.

I'm not a mental patient and The Death of the Author is a well known piece of criticism that you would do well to read.