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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 210 KB, 1200x779, Martinho_Pessoa_Botto_1928.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19107045 No.19107045 [Reply] [Original]

>romanticism = dominated by the english
>symbolism/decadentism = dominated by the french
>modernism = dominated by the portuguese*
*but gay anglo scholarship won't admit it

>> No.19107070

>dominated by the English
??? The only English romantic I remember is Edgar and he sucks
>reading about humanities in English

>> No.19107081

>??? The only English romantic I remember is Edgar and he sucks
>he thinks edgar allan poe was english
You're retarded. Also
yeah, the english dominated romanticism, get fucked you illiterate scum

>> No.19107085

Was he stinking in the photo? Did he skipped a bath like he said in his poems?

>> No.19107091
File: 128 KB, 1200x1604, FK_Hiemer_-_Friedrich_Hölderlin_(Pastell_1792).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>romanticism = dominated by the English

>> No.19107092

>romanticism = dominated by the english
That was also dominated by the French.

>> No.19107100

>postmodernism = dominated by the americans

>> No.19107103

>postpostmodernism = dominated by the chinese

>> No.19107109

literally no one cares about him
idk, hugo alone isn't enough

>> No.19107110

>postpostpostmodernism = dominated by the eskimos

>> No.19107171
File: 92 KB, 1665x2048, Victor_Hugo_by_Étienne_Carjat_1876_-_colorized.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19107191


>> No.19107202
File: 243 KB, 1200x1515, Colorization-5ne.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot pic

>> No.19107209

hugo was pretty handsome

>> No.19107223

Novalis, Schlegel, Schlegel, Tieck, Jean Paul, Schleiermacher, Schelling, Herder, Kleist, Carus, Hoffman, Motte Fouqué

>> No.19107230
File: 56 KB, 735x1014, b9e1d8af6ef99eb1acec81f53a247f2f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19107266

a bunch of literal whos apart from novalis lmao get fucked
>repeating schlegel twice to make his list look longer

>> No.19107271

bait? hate to reply to it but just in case anyone else is confused by this, the schlegels were brothers

they were also friends with the von humboldt brothers

>> No.19107287

yeah sorry but no one writing in the german language could even write great literature. the language is such a hindrance to beauty that it is functionally impossible to create anything beautiful in the language. you read translations so you don't know this. but german writers would've done well to switch to italian or french.

>> No.19107396

Except for Byron, no one outside of the Anglophone world cares about these people.

God why are A*glos so delusional?

>> No.19107406

I read Italian French and German, and I prefer German to Romance languages because it's less restricted syntactically. But they're all beautiful and the great masters of each of them transcend any limitations of their language. Have you read Goethe in German? I know you are baiting but for real.

I hate French the most. Not sure why. Can't get over it. I can push past it and appreciate great writers but the language itself seems like overcooked limp mushy spaghetti to me.

>> No.19107418



He was a Victorian

>> No.19107438

redpill me

>> No.19107479
File: 59 KB, 632x480, 1435861675785.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Except for Byron, no one outside of the Anglophone world cares about these people.
>God why are A*glos so delusional?

>> No.19107521
File: 26 KB, 600x598, 4074DC07-F900-43AF-B906-DB29AA2EDDDB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19107527

Seething Anglo

>> No.19107598

Fuck off, I only acknowledge the romantic movement led in Germany

>> No.19108174

Try again

>> No.19108281

samefag kantbot wannabe foaming at the mouth about random cumskin g*rmans

>> No.19108524

>literally no one cares about him
I care for Holderlin. :/

>> No.19108921

Why, yes, I completely ignore anglo literature and instead give all my attention to Latin America, how could you tell?

>> No.19108931

Decadence is the final form of literature and I don't understand why people bothered to do anything after that.

>> No.19109012
File: 124 KB, 833x604, 5193d2c59498d59c14f3f10797f5b1a1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Heh, I posted an image of a fat dude with a fedora so that means I win

>> No.19109032

you're monolingual

>> No.19109071

Such weird fingernails M. Hugo had...

>> No.19109241
File: 73 KB, 705x705, EaAMVMoUwAE2frm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>repeating schlegel twice to make his list look longer

>> No.19109334

Legit question, why are continentals so obsessed with Byron? Hes good, but he isn't even the best of his generation.

>> No.19109432

They like the mythos surrounding Byron more than Byron's actual poetry.
He was a mediocre talent at best and nowhere near on the level of Keats, and proof that attractive people live on easy mode.

>> No.19109571
File: 408 KB, 1080x1440, Goethe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>romanticism = dominated by the english
Yikes bro, the Germans had at least a 20 year head start on the English in Romanticism. And they're easily their equals, if not very likely their superiors in Romanticism.

>>symbolism/decadentism = dominated by the french
Wagner was at the heart of symbolism and can be considered its creator (again the Germans come first).

>>modernism = dominated by the portuguese*
This is just retarded, the most prominent modernist authors are English, American, Irish, German, French, Italian and so on, before you come to Portugal.

>> No.19109583

Which are the Portuguese Modernists?

>> No.19110330

Decadentism, can't you just click on a link?

>> No.19110463


>> No.19110785
File: 2.23 MB, 3551x4436, Molière_-_Nicolas_Mignard_(1658).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All European literature was dominated by France between the publication of The Defense and Illustration of the French Language by Du Bellay, where the French language gained intellectual and artistic primacy over Italian (while cohabiting with Latin) and the effective death of Surrealism, which coincided with that of Breton, with a beginning of weakening with the defeat in the Franco-Prussian War of 1870. Throughout this period, if other nations developed remarkable intellectual and artistic paradigms, they were mainly constructions without influence outside their place of origin, with exceptions, notably gongorism in Spain, marinism in Italy, the English form of romanticism, and German idealism. On the contrary, the French artistic production, because of its extensiveness and its geographical position at the crossroads of the Western nations, has radiated in an unequalled way in Europe, with an apogee in the classicism of the 16th century and the romanticism of the 18th century. After Breton's death, the world wars were over and the artistic barycenter moved significantly towards America, notably following the policy of cultural imperialism of the United States.

>> No.19110803

Romanticism is German (large sense) clay. It's the one (1) time they excelled at literature, no need to be mean on purpose and deny them that.

>> No.19110808

>>romanticism = dominated by the english
You anglos are delusional

>> No.19111175

Learn to delete posts newfag

>> No.19111612

Ah yes, the French. The only ones more delusional than the Anglos when it comes to ranking their own literary output against other nations.

>> No.19111682

I don't think Kleist with his program quite fits into romanticism, if anything his philosophy is nearly nihilist.

>> No.19111999

Ah come on not that anon but have you read Childe Harold's Pilgrimage? The Albanian section is pure kino.

>> No.19112007

The Anglo-Saxons and the Franks have indeed produced the greatest literature, what are you smoking?

>> No.19112371
File: 229 KB, 800x987, 800px-Goethe_(Stieler_1828).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, the Saxons and the Franks (along with the other German tribes like the Swabians and Bavarians) have produced the best literature. Glad we agree.

>> No.19113129

Shelley is well known everywhere
>t. German