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[ERROR] No.19100868 [Reply] [Original]

Are there any books that will help me be able to talk to women? I'm 24 years old and I have never been on a date. My neighbor is an attractive woman and I cannot even say hi to her if we run into each other because I am so nerve-wracked. Is it already too late for me? Can any literature help me overcome my inborn social deficiencies?

>> No.19100874

It's too late.

>> No.19100889

damn that sucks

>> No.19100892

literally me

>> No.19100896

I guess I should clarify that I managed to have sex once at the age of 22 and nothing significant has happened since, and I'm 25. I've gone three years without intimate female contact, intimate as in a female touching me (not necessarily a sexual touch). So what hope is there for you if there is none for me?

>> No.19100916

I guess I'm one year younger than you. But I'm also a virgin and have gone more than two years without female contact myself, and that was among friends.

>> No.19101280

I'm not OP, but I don't understand why I can't get girls. I look at myself in the mirror and say "Yeah I'm attractive." I have a god nose, nice eyebrows, a good chin/jawline (at least it's obvious I have a chin and jawline), blue eyes, blonde hair. The only thing against me as far as looks is I'm skinny. I'm 6'1" coming in at a whopping 135lbs. Why am I a social pariah? I swear I'm attractive. Why can't I get a loving gf?

>> No.19101292

I meant to say good nose, not god nose. Please don't misinterpret me as thinking I have a perfect nose.

>> No.19101304

Same but I have never talked to a woman outside my mom and sis for more than 5 minutes.
It really feels it's too late.

>> No.19101312

Height is everything. If you are white and 6'1" and not swimming in pussy you are wasting your youth, objectively. Another guy has to work 10 times harder to get a tinder whore to give him the time of day for every inch taller than him you are. I don't know what your problem is but you should fix it and stop squandering this gift. Maybe it's that you act like a fag, I don't want to be offensive but I always find anons who slyly brag about their appearance or feel the need to note it when describing their anomalously bad luck in spite of it to be faggy. It's just not something a man should do, reads like homosexual preening.

Either way, just don't expect burning through tinder sluts to bring you much happiness. But might as well use them up while you're still young since everybody else who can is doing it anyway, the system's bound to crash soon, these whores have been pushed to the limit since 2010 since whoredom was totally normalised.

Just don't be a retard and marry one. Yeah you think you're too smart for that but then one will get you. Try to vividly imagine your children having a whore for a mother, that is good motivation to avoid LTRs with promiscuous women.

>> No.19101335
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>crowds, bright lights, loud noises are overwhelming
I know that feel.

>> No.19101354

Damn. I must be giving off homo vibes. I remember back in high school one girl was shocked I wasn't gay. And I've noticed fags and wannabe trannies give me "the look". Fuck man. I don't even know what I'm doing that's gay!

>> No.19101372

Is this /lit/s elite? What is your favourite book losers?

>> No.19101377
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Well, some girls even like faggy guys, but they still don't like guys who act like faggots. You know what I mean?

>> No.19101398

What did you truly expect from people who escape into books instead of leading sociable lives?

>> No.19101460

to be honest: well-educated, eloquent, charming, wine-drinking, invincible, pussy-melting, turbo-chads. im a tourist and never considered the dark side of lit.

>> No.19101462
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Post your feet or be raped by Dorian

>> No.19101489

I don't have a single favorite book.

>> No.19101506

Give me a minute im having a comfy position.

>> No.19101520
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>> No.19101536
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intimate connections by david burns. in general going through cognitive behavioral therapy can help but understanding confidence also helps. i'd also reccomend:

>How to Be Yourself: Quiet Your Inner Critic and Rise Above Social Anxiety by Ellen Hendriksen

That's going to help you work through your social anxiety in general

>Emotional First-Aid by Guy Winch

This book sounds silly (as does the other title) but it has good guides on escaping loneliness and dealing with low self-esteem. good luck op. i developed severe anxiety around 18/19 and I fortunately got through it with waaay more books than this.

>> No.19101571

Thanks for the helpful response anon, glad you made it out

>> No.19101870
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okay, okay Dorian, settle down. pls dont rape me.
i dont know if the anxiety youre talking about is only with woman but from my experience, books only help when youre acute feeling bad and bring that feel-good-vibes for a month with some good tips here and there if you never learned to deal with symptoms.
professional psychotherapy to tackle the reason of your anxiety and work on solving whatever hinders you is way better, longlasting and has the benefit of a dialog. solving anxiety takes years. if i remember correctly completely lifting anxiety for the average person takes around 7 years. if nothing goes get some medical drugs. tough luck if youre a burger without healthcare. working on yourself is exhausting as fuck. good luck.

>> No.19101885

literally me except the repetitive behaviors and inability to use language is swapped with saying stupid self-sabotaging shit

>> No.19101894

Do what I did. Go to a place far away from you, like 15 minute drive. Something that is like a city street with a lot of stores with a lot people walking around. Go walk around and just greet random people.
>good morning/afternoon/evening
simple things like this. This is step one. Once you are comfortable here, step two is same approach with extended greeting. Then step three, initiate conversations. This is a bit of a process though. The alternative is just ignoring your fear and just talking to her.

I strongly suggest both approaches. At the very least give teh first one a try. It'll help you in the long run.

>> No.19101904

>I've gone three years without intimate female contact
9 here.

>> No.19101919

This thread is gold.

>> No.19101930

>peter falk

>> No.19101950

I am not gay but you have a fine masculine leg and your foot is quite inoffensive and well groomed for a man's foot. You seem like a hygienic person.

>> No.19102003

Interestingly, the only time I have ever been flirted with has been from a man who was working the register at Burger King. I respectfully rebuffed him but it was actually a nice self-esteem pick-me-up.

>> No.19102007

>I don't even know what I'm doing that's gay!
It's not something you do, it's something you are

>> No.19102175
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im watching columbo after seeing an episode at my grandparents place. i love it. hobo style peter frank won my heart. german dub columbo sounds semi-retarded im guessing the original has a redneck- / hillbillyaccent.
its weird ive become one of of those older dudes who watches crimemistery. i never wanted that but here we are.
thanks i guess. those feet have never seen a wageys day of work. i never actively wash my feet but they never smell. its weird because my grandpa has disgustingly deformed toe-nails and my dad has rancid smelling sweatfeet.
i lost around 20kg this year and just last week i thought i can actually see and feel muscles again. cool to hear that from outside. so actually thanks i guess.
that reminds me of the first and last time ive ever danced.
>totally on xtc
>having fun on the dancefloor
>someone is dancing with me from the side
>realise its the only known tranny in a 100km radius
>need 5 drinks
>sleep with straight girl
and i still felt dirty.

>> No.19102195

Work out. Build muscles.
Your confidence will grow and you will physically able to pick up women, they love this. It’s hard work but it is necessary if you want to stop being a pussy

>> No.19102235

columbo is great

>> No.19102328
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>just work out bro
i agree. i did 3 years of stationary anxiety therapy, including handicraft work, useless conversations, taking a metric assload of meds and all that while being around insufferable people. with a result of absolute zero.
but that one hour, full-power every month in the gym really did it. that satisfaction. that inner balance. i talked to a phychiatrist. its a phenomenon that when your body is constantly physically pushed for around 30 minutes it ceases unneccesary brain functions. some primal shit, who cares. it works. 30 minutes running does it too.

>> No.19102349


You may be socially isolated or be in with a shit crowd. Women generally assume with worst of anything is irregular about your life and current situation

>> No.19102688

Man, those doctors should really relax on prescribing pills for everything.

>> No.19103767
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they tested shit in 2 week cyclen. the motto was: if after 2 weeks you dont feel better we try the next one. im not saying it might not help some people but some of that psycho pills have horrendous side effect. i gained 10kg in 1 month. others blasted me the fuck away. where i literally just 'sat there', saying no word all day. reportatly blinking once in 10 minutes. other made my sholders full of pimples over night. and the best: pills that actually make you feel worse but you need to get trough the 2 weeks because 'its only the settling in phase', but you feel like killing yourself after 2 weeks.
the actual good stuff i used are opioids and retalin with manageable side effects. but best if you just dont take anything and get your BODY as HEALTHY as possible. ironically, the food was shit and we could only use the gym once a month even after asking. you could drink unlimited coffee which is poison with anxiey and panic attacks but got one 1L bottle of water a day. and because people had nothing to do they somked more than their usal amount. amplified by coffee. when i read that shit, it sounds actually like hell. it was a private hospital where profit optimization is actually the goal and you felt it.
but ive got turbo neet status now and dont need to worry about anything anymore. so maybe we are even. thanks for reading my blog. ive got ooc

>> No.19103798

models by mark manson
way of the superior man by david deida
The Man's Guide to Women by John Gottman
not a book, but the videos of david tian

>> No.19103809

models by mark manson
-nice guide on meeting women that doesn't sacrifice psychological health for results
way of the superior man by david deida
-a little woo woo but can change your life and your view of yourself as a man
The Man's Guide to Women by John Gottman
-John Gottman is kind of beta but he has done a lot of relationship research
not a book, but the videos of david tian
-a former PUA, and kind of an asshole, but he does a good job of combining unique psychological insights from internal family systems with dating advice, and focuses on getting women who are good for you over getting as many women as possible, which is important but often ignored. He has a lot of free lectures on youtube and a bunch of free videos on basics if you give him a email.

>> No.19103810

Completely seriously, stop worrying about it so much and making posts on this forum is the best thing you can do.

>> No.19103812

38 here

I was a sperg with girls at 24. It never gets easier or better. I've had one gf my whole life and that was a fluke. I'm also 6'2 and white. Height is the biggest meme going. Face = Everything

>> No.19103816

post face

>> No.19103827

winner game by todd v

>> No.19103853

I lost the game ;_;

>> No.19103864
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>> No.19103878

You are on the internet how do you not talk to women? Ever since I was 10 years old the main purpose of the internet to me has been talking to women.
Go make a fake tinder account. Go make an account on interpals etc. Message random women on instagram and twitter. It really isn't hard at all.

>> No.19103880

I'm dwarf coming at 5 ft 6 in. Also I'm brown if that helps. How do I get a girl?

>> No.19103887

And by the way, I haven't been in a relationship ever and last time I had sex was over a year ago. But talking to women online is easy ;^)

>> No.19103891

i agree, if youve got a pretty face, you get free girls. but if you want the girls you want you need charme and the silver tongue. i dont know what is, but if you touch their being with words, it opens everyone, but extremely stoopid girls. im an average looking dude, but had many girls way out of my league. not boasting just experince. that was long ago. no pussy in 7 years.
cool face

>> No.19103980
