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[ERROR] No.19093634 [Reply] [Original]

Is there a capitalist equivalent?

>> No.19093640
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>> No.19093646

Human nature

>> No.19093647

Locke’s Second Treatise, sort of

>> No.19093674

>ooga booga my fellow caveman
>I will let you use my rocks to mash berries with
>but I get to keep all the berry paste you make
>in exchange I will give you some sea shells
>okay please start smashing, I will sit here and watch

>> No.19093719

this, and Turgot's Reflections, and Bastiat's The Law

>> No.19093781

Capitalism needs no manifesto, capitalism is the natural state of life.

>> No.19093784

The Talmud

>> No.19093805

Some asshole is gonna say infinite jest

>> No.19093807

And it was 100X more popular.

>> No.19093813

unironically probably happened.

>> No.19093841

Locke's second treatise is a shit juvenile work written for committee before the major findings made in the field and consequently cited by every mong who ever lived who should have actually read Value Price and Profit?

>> No.19093853

it defends slavery so it's a perfect manifesto for capitalism as OP requested

>> No.19093942

Unironically this. Capitalism is inherently Jewish.

>> No.19093945

But the communist manifesto is not a perfect manifesto for communism.

>> No.19093954
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>I will sit here and watch

>> No.19093973

Yeah, life is imperialistic

>> No.19093974


>> No.19094009

Yes but capitalism isn't. It's also natural to just take away shit by force

>> No.19094016

Nope. Not only is the category of exchange value historically specific to the capitalist period, but value's basis, the capitalist form of wage labour, must also be historically specific, and does not apply conceptually to other periods. The categories of capital such as value and exchange-labour, are historically specific to the capitalist social formation.

>> No.19094042

>On the 16th human chromosome, you can actually find the 2018 version of the Uber EULA for Iphone, encoded in the five nucleobase pairs.

>> No.19094092
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DNA isn't real

>> No.19094106
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>> No.19094122


>> No.19094958

Value price and profit is algo retarded pleb shit

>> No.19095202

Yes but it is pleb shit which drives forward proletarian self-organisation rather than being a bourgeois liberal distraction like manifesto.

Trying to abuse communist writings as "pleb shit" is a compliment btw.

>> No.19095251
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Yes, high GDP per Capita in the most capitalistic countries and the opposite in the less capitalistic ones.

>> No.19095422
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>> No.19095545
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>> No.19095631
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>> No.19096704

what are the epigenetic reasons behind his chad looks?

>> No.19096765
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>> No.19096800
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here in readable quality

>> No.19096802
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>> No.19097229

if only those southeast asian garment makers would work harder

>> No.19097237

It's for Americans tho. Not sea garment makers

>> No.19097239

That would be you.

>> No.19097243

but similarly to communism all of the people its killed deserved to die

>> No.19097244

>let you
Learn2history, capos are just petty aristos living off of their tenants, and you are not let do, you are made to
And Communism is just materialist Millenarianism to keep the slaves from offing themselfes before they stop being productive
I swear if any of brainlets ever opened a book the world would end

>> No.19097250

my bad. lazy american fat fucks.

>> No.19097255

>I take that cock all the way and I love it

>> No.19097266

the New Testament

>> No.19097271

Private property is a spook

>> No.19097272
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your heresy will not go unpunished

>> No.19097289

>Muh gdp.
One out of every 20 women are selling their holes online while suicide and deaths of despair spike across the west. Capitalism Jewish tendencies to dissolve culture and history have pomo'd everyone's minds so much that the average man has not inherent sense of destiny or purpose. And the fun thing is, Capitalism left unchecked will produce these results every time.

>> No.19097445

you do understand that (Jew-controlled) central banking is the core demand of the Communist Manifesto, don't you, anon?

>> No.19097462

The communist manifesto is an outdated and simplistic set of demands appropriate for their era. It's pamphlet tier, and Marx's important work was capital.