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/lit/ - Literature

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[ERROR] No.19091033 [Reply] [Original]

>Read Nietzsche
>He says a lot of edgy shit about christianity
>"Surely, he must have understood things wrongly, I really doubt christianity is filled with resentment. I'm going to read the new testament and see for myself"
>Read Matthew, Mark, Luke and John
>tfw Jesus is a literal condescending faggot who wants to condemn people into eternal suffering if they don't bow down and follow his example
>tfw his teachings solely consist of "Me good, they bad", "I am right because i'm the son of god and you have no authority over morality, only I do"

Should I bother reading the rest of the Bible? I'm hating this so far

>> No.19091035
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>"Me good, they bad", "I am right because i'm the son of god and you have no authority over morality, only I do"

>> No.19091054
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>tfw Jesus is a literal condescending faggot who wants to condemn people into eternal suffering if they don't bow down and follow his example

>> No.19091069

>pharisees want Jesus to wash his hands before he eats
>he bitches them out about how rituals are meaningless

Hate to say it but I'm kinda on team pharisee

>> No.19091074

be careful goy, you don't want to upset your daddy and live in eternal hellfire!

>> No.19091346

because jews looove christianity

>> No.19091360

It was the final lasting revenge against the Roman empire, which won so repeatedly on the field of battle that spiritual war was the only remaining route.

>> No.19091364

>Should I bother reading the rest of the Bible?
It’s poison.

>> No.19091400

Paul fixes all that by replacing the real Jesus with his own version that only he knows about.

>> No.19091431

The NT made me drop christianity altogether. The only good part was John and even that was just a worse version of the Greeks. The only good part of the Bible is Ecclesiastes, the rest is a huge meme

>> No.19091439
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>read Nietzsche
>[fundamental text] is wrong because it's inconsistent, but making that argument leaves me open to criticism, instead I'm gonna call its followers faggots
holy shit

>> No.19091776

This desu

>> No.19091805

Just wait till you find out how retarded his ideas about Hinduism and the Laws of Manu are

>> No.19091834

Jesus and SJWs are both the same condescending faggots yet you will cringe over the latter but not the former. Why?

>> No.19091930

>OP got filtered by the Law
Read between the lines.

>> No.19092335
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Hygiene is a psyop.

>> No.19092339

Where do I read them?

>> No.19092348

>meme makes me right

>> No.19092412
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>> No.19092419
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>> No.19092687

Unironically yes

>> No.19092699

Quick note for you: your inability to think bad things about Jews stems from cowardice

>> No.19092700

By all means, explain how.

>> No.19092723

You are these posters
>another thread for people who haven't read N to debate people who didn't understand him about whether it is based and redpilled to agree with him or not

>> No.19092826

A lot of anti-semites actually develop a respect or even sort of admiration for Jews. It's only people who get stuck in Christian anti-semitism who can't get past resentment.

>> No.19093666


>> No.19094252

I will pray for you, anon.

>> No.19094274

>Only Christians can comprehend the true perfidy of the Jew
That's why the secular right was so easily compromised.

>> No.19094285

You really took care of that strawman.

>> No.19094307

how arrogant of Freidrich to think we killed God with our materialism and science. Determinism is as old as history, and so is God. God will never die.

>> No.19094371

Atheists are childish faggots.

>> No.19094373

Nothing Paul said contradicted the gospels or the other apostles, you retard

>> No.19094400

>tfw Jesus is a literal condescending faggot who wants to condemn people into eternal suffering if they don't bow down and follow his example
Based. Repent or perish

>> No.19094409

You don't have self-control. You're passing the buck to god to regulate you. The Lord is my... shepherd, was it?

>> No.19094431

If you could regulate yourself, you wouldn't be a seething retard.

>> No.19094442

Your God made each and every one of us. We are all his precious creation. Kiss my feet.

>> No.19094737

>>tfw Jesus is a literal condescending faggot who wants to condemn people into eternal suffering if they don't bow down and follow his example


>> No.19094754

enjoy your crippled immune system goy

>> No.19094765

Nietsche wass literally a coping incel.

>> No.19094767

ftfy, and he's right

>> No.19094775
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>> No.19094777
File: 82 KB, 800x1138, jesus-christ amen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus' teachings were for men of a different age, the wrath of the lamb is not meant for the sinful who repent, but for those who choose to ignore the message of the Lord.
He proved time and time again, with miracle after miracle that he was indeed the son of God, but those who chose to hold their sin, and pass it off as gospel, they were those whom Christ held in contempt.
Even if you didn't believe in him as the son of God, his teaching of Do unto others is by far the most righteous philosophy Man can have.

>> No.19094786

Sounds like cuck talk. No wonder he wanted to live like a nigger in Africa.

>> No.19094793

>Sounds like cuck talk
you would know, being the expert

>> No.19094796

This is true. When you start resenting the concept of the Jew the Jewish individuals you know who subvert your expectations with their divergent from your strawman behavior are suffused with undue admiration. All things considered equal I like a "good" Jew more than an equivalent good any other identity. Is it irrational and retarded? Yes, but so am I.

>> No.19094798
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God be praised!

>> No.19094822

I'm not the one simping for kikes and madmen

>> No.19094833
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>I'm not the one simping for kikes and madmen
uh huh

>> No.19094845

You fags have done nothing but defend jews all thread.

>> No.19094847

>The word kike was born on Ellis Island when there were Jewish migrants who were also illiterate (or could not use Latin alphabet letters). When asked to sign the entry-forms with the customary "X", the Jewish immigrants would refuse, because they associated an X with the cross of Christianity. Instead, they drew a circle as the signature on the entry-forms. The Yiddish word for "circle" is kikel (pronounced KY - kel), and for "little circle", kikeleh. Before long the immigration inspectors were calling anyone who signed with an 'O' instead of an 'X' a kikel or kikeleh or kikee or, finally and succinctly, kike

>> No.19094855
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>He proved time and time again, with miracle after miracle that he was indeed the son of God
Sorry, Hercules already performed his superhuman feats to prove he was the son of God. This god guy gets around for sure.

>> No.19094859

prussian jews are good people, not kikes
paul is a kike and you suck his dick

>> No.19094861

>paul is a kike
Read >>19094847 again

>> No.19094871

Paul was a Benjamite, not a Judean. Ashkanazis are scum.

>> No.19094879

Name any miracle of hercules that has been verified.

>> No.19094880

He wasn't one because the slur didn't exist yet? Nice pilpul, one biblically accurate angel has been assigned to pray for you.

>> No.19094885

I read John and I was honestly expecting way way more, there's only one part of that gospel where he actually does moral teachings and it's the most vague shit ever where he's like "you just have to love each other mang, it's all bout love"

>> No.19094890


Hercules performed his labors as atonement for killing his wife and son, not to become a god.
Don't confuse the Disney movie with the actual mythos of Hercules.
And Zeus is just a flash in the pan compared the one true God.

>> No.19094892

Start naming your verified miracles and we'll see if this is worth continuing or if it's just a rehash of Osiris/Dionysus for the Roman provincials

>> No.19094893

Revelation is amazing, but yeah I agree.

>> No.19094898

>my god is real because you want to masturbate
wtf am I reading

>> No.19094899

I'd like to see you slay a hydra. Obviously he was the son of God

>> No.19094900


>> No.19094906

>only one part where he actually dies moral teachings
Are you retarded?

>> No.19094909

Kikes are anti-Christian Jews. Ergo Paul wasn’t a kike

>> No.19094914

There was almost zero moral teachings in John, correct. Don't even try and give me that shit about casting the first stone as a moral teaching, it means nothing.

>> No.19094915

John advanced the idea of logos beyond anything the greeks taught. It was why Greece was so quickly converted.

>> No.19094918
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>> No.19094922

Paul and Jesus were both Jews.

>> No.19094923

Yes I'm aware churches in the Middle Ages insisted their christer cookies sometimes started bleeding to attract pilgrims. Why doesn't this happen anymore? Also since we're supposed to discuss BOOKS there is an interesting one about this topic called Christian Materiality by C. Bynum

>> No.19094926

>It doesn't count because I'm too stupid to get it.

>> No.19094934

>Why doesn't this happen anymore
Buenos Aires, faggot.

>> No.19094937

And you are doing more twists than a pretzel on a gymnastics team.

>> No.19094945

>bringing up your internet boogeyman because you're losing.

>> No.19094946

And you believe this because....

>> No.19094947

No, it just tried to steal Neoplatonist ideas and claim that Jesus fulfilled them, it isn't advancing them.
I understand it to mean "you are just as bad as her" with the implication is that everybody is bad and sinful except the Father. Wow, great teaching. What a guy.

>> No.19094951


>> No.19094963

What was he doing in the temple if he wasn't one? Was he a Roman centurion doing some looting? Like father like son maybe?

>> No.19094964

Forensic testing.
>you are just as bad as her
That wasn't the whole message, retard.
John identified the logos as as active being, not just an abstraction.

>> No.19094969

Oh so the local bishop paid a local doctor to say it happened?

>> No.19094974

I've seen /lit/ debating Christianity for awhile now and I see a lot of defensiveness on the part of Christian apologists who rely much too heavily on Christianity's past successes. They forgo a stronger position of actually defending the divine claims and simply try and push a "well it took over the world once before, it converted so many people, therefore it must be true/useful. no smoke without fire!" and I think it's sad, it makes Christianity look weak like its best days are behind it.

>> No.19094978

>contradicts me
>claims a greater understanding
>refuses to elaborate multiple times
Is it because you can't, or because you won't
Absolutely splitting hairs tier. pathetic.

>> No.19094988

I prefer the "epistemological weight of miracles" guy since he's just doing an act. I pointed out to him once there were comparable miracles/relics claimed by Buddhists going back before Christ with the same level of "he said she said, and behold here is the magic tooth" and his response was just "I don't believe those." Well I don't believe in either!

>> No.19095003

No, the Nee York pathologist and other third party labs said it did.

>> No.19095017

everything else contextualizes the Gospels, so yes

>> No.19095019

He spends the whole chapter elaborating you disingenuous little fag.

>> No.19095020

Paul was an anti-Christian Jew, he co-opted Jesus's movement for his own gain

>> No.19095028

>claims of miracles
No buddhist miracle has been scrutinized or validated. Christian miracles have.

>> No.19095034

Lots of Catholics in New York, contrary to whatever /litpol/ believes

>> No.19095042

No he spent the whole thing trying to argue and bully people into accepting that he was the Son of God. There was nowhere where he told people how to live a moral life, other than by believing in him. That's the only message he had.

>> No.19095044

Buddhism aside, what makes you think those miracles are evidence for Christianity? Do you really know their source, and what caused them?

>> No.19095046

He repudiated judaism and was accepted by the other apostles.

>> No.19095049

They really haven't. I mean by your logic, we should be listening to the astronauts who couldn't verify heaven was above earth.

>> No.19095054

suck that kike dick harder

>> No.19095055

And? How does that disqualify the results.

>> No.19095071

The consistency and context.
The cosmonaut you're referring to never actually said that, you midwit fuck.

>> No.19095074

Paul was actually quite prophetic in a sense. His efforts ensured the messianic version of the old religion would survive across the near east when the other side of his family destroyed the temple.

>> No.19095079

>believe my rhetoric, not your evidence!

>> No.19095095

Because they have a vested interest in believing in the miracles as members of the religion. That's as bad as trusting the gospels for accuracy.
I'm positive there are interviews with astronauts where they've said they didn't see God up there. And this is your level of proof. An expert scientist checks the religious claim. So the people who have flown to heaven and back didn't see the miracle.

>> No.19095131

>dude trust me
Amazing how quick atheists are to simp for jews and believe communist propaganda.

>> No.19095157

Your religion is of the same spirit which animates those groups. Seethe

>> No.19095187
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The conception of God in the Old Testament was unironically better, inb4 Gnostic seething.

>> No.19095217

Marcion was right

>> No.19095296

Someone posting their internal conflict on an imageboard

>> No.19095307
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>> No.19095329

No kidding

>> No.19095338

If only it were so simple

>> No.19095351

Consistency and context does not mean that they are miracles from an omnipotent, omniscient, omnibenevolent God the likes of which is described in a particular version of the Bible, with particular dogmatic additions and revelations of saints added. It most certainly is not evidence for that, don't make a non sequitur. It could all be the delusions of a great spirit, or an orchestrated farce. We have no evidence pointing towards your position if its source is not conclusive in the first place

>> No.19095362
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>> No.19095370

what evidence? the kike cum dripping from your mouth?

>> No.19095452

Congratulations faggot, you somehow managed to make a lame Banepost.

>> No.19095455

based. sneed

>> No.19095458

Another day, I come to /lit/
Another day, another thread with some teen misunderstanding Nietzsche
>I just discovered Nietzsche
They say insanity is repeating the same thing and expecting different results
I am insane.
>t. Nietzsche

>> No.19095475

Ok but he was God, what are you going to do little faggot.

>> No.19095476
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Absolutely broken.

>> No.19095486

>Christianity is false b-because... well uh because Jesus was heckin' mean
a thread died for this

>> No.19095490

Kys, ESL.

>> No.19095491

>They say
Who says that?

>> No.19095497

That's literally Nietzsche
>emmmm so I don't like Christianity because le heckin slave morality so this means we killed le God and I'm not going to hell.

>> No.19095505

You have to admit it is pure slave morality though

>> No.19095507

>Nietzsche is in hell for not worshipping my volcano
The absolute state of people who were atheist six months ago

>> No.19095515

if you cherrypick certain verses from the bible then yeah sure it is
>ummmm nietzsche isnt in hell... because he just isnt ok??

>> No.19095522

They do

>> No.19095531
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Lots of sinners get to go to heaven. Only god knows who is sincere, not you.

>> No.19095539

Judaism is deliberately anti-Christian. The Talmud was written after the Gospels.
God is the same in both Testaments.

>> No.19095542

You're the one sucking off Jews.

>> No.19095558

>The chain of verrifief miracles happening within the context of this specific rite and the many miracles performed by saints of the Catholic church given as proof of its doctrines doesn't count because...IT JUST DOESN'T OKAY!

>> No.19095566

You fedora fags never actually address the evidence given for divine claims. You just make talk about how there's no point in arguing because of how much smarter you think you arw.

>> No.19095572

jews =/= kikes
just like blacks =/= niggers

prussian and ashkenazi jews do good work, they have value to society
kikes are snakes like paul who trick retards like you into doing his bidding for free

>> No.19095573

I'm not a fedora or a Christian, and try not to get so triggered.

>> No.19095588

Why did Nietzsche so deliberately position himself in opposition to anti-semitism going so far as to praise the Jews as a people even where the praise contradicts his own values? Particularly, he praises them for continuing to survive while retaining cultural continuity for millennia even though this was accomplished through the adoption and promotion of a cultural slave morality and the fact that he more generally rejects survival as a virtue in itself in favor of more immediate modes of living which would accelerate selection towards the coming of the UM.

Was it a contrarian reaction to his perception of anti-semitism as common feature of the European elite of his time? Was he just after some really good jew-puss?

>> No.19095602

Only read it if you are going to rub your hands to live in a high HDI demographically nice area with out offending the most powerful political disaster that has hung over Europe for 2000 years. Try the Suttas and Vedas instead. Rene Girard is good for Bible fun. But remember as St Wittgenstein says, "know the nonsense you speak" and thus know the Bible is nonsense that demands you take it seriously. GrecoVedic myth is theatrical art that knows it is theatrical art. At the end of the day Pharisees were masters of coercion and crafting breeds of men into obedience.

>> No.19095620

I think its because his social status as a Rick And Morty To Be Fair HighIQ dissident at the time made him feel respect for anyone just as edgy as him. Elizabeth Nietzche followed his ideas and Freddy flipped a bitch "NO YOU CANNOT BE BETTER THAN ME NOOO". Wagner too. Wonder what Nietzche's wallet looked like. Anytime you wonder why someone says X on that question: there are somethings money can't buy, for everything else there's Mastercard.

>> No.19095630

>Why did Nietzche so deliberately position himself
Financial position hmm

>> No.19095654

He knew the Americans were going to win in the 20th century so he sided with them early on

>> No.19095711

What value do they have? As usurers or pornographers?

>> No.19095726

they're in all fields

>> No.19095765

those are the rules bro

>> No.19095777

Chesterton wrote quite a lot about this, and I’ve come to agree with him. Bleak materialism is a relatively new dogma; a harsh ideology that diminishes the word of the common man of history.
Chesterton speaks (and I’m paraphrasing poorly) of the dialogue between the Modern Man (middle-class academic) and the Peasant (common man). The Prasant has spoken for millennia about stories of the supernatural: miracles, ghosts, fairy tales. And whether or not these things really “occurred” in the material sense isn’t really important, because to the Peasant and those around him these events were very real.
But how does the Modern Man respond?
>The plain, popular course is to trust the peasant's word about the ghost exactly as far as you trust the peasant's word about the landlord.
He rejects it as pure fiction because it doesn’t fit the narrative that scientists have provided him. Because it goes against the bourgeois narrative.
Now what’s really irrational about all this is that what these scientists are studying, and making claims upon that men take for Truth, only a small fraction (<0.0001%) of Modern Man can really comprehend at a fundamental level.
So Modern Man is dismissing his fellow man’s experience, not based on reason, but based on this scientific dogma; and what is scientific dogma but a new age materialist religion? One where priests coward under the title of scientists and the machine-like church under the veil of academia.
/end rant

Again I’m sure I’ve butchered Chesterton, it’s been a while since I’ve read him and I’m phoneposting.
I just implore you all to not dismiss the supernatural, spiritual world on account of this dogmatic “reason” that has been instilled in our hearts and minds since youth (when it should have been flourishing through fairytales and leisure).

If you’re interested in further reading I’d also recommend The Historical and Theological Christ by Dale Allison and of course other “Inkling” writers (Tolkien, Williams, Barfield)

>> No.19095828

I’ll add that I’m not really defending the "epistemological weight of miracles" anon. I’m simply here to defend the supernatural. I truly “believe” in the supernatural stories of all man, because I simply love man and his stories. I say “believe” because there’s still a paradox of skepticism that inhabits my mind. I believe in that I don’t dismiss the word of man in the name of materialism. Whether or not I actually take these supernatural and spiritual tales to heart is more complicated and based on the culmination of my own experience, rather than a single act or demonstration.

>> No.19095876

>I just implore you all to not dismiss the supernatural, spiritual world on account of this dogmatic “reason” that has been instilled in our hearts and minds since youth (when it should have been flourishing through fairytales and leisure).
This is a separate but not unrelated issue. For on the one hand yes we could acknowledge the inexplicable irrational events described throughout history and culture which are taken to have supernatural meaning, and assume this is significant rather than mental illness, as say, William James does. On the other hand the anon I have encountered in several of these threads insists on the truth value of only Christian fables, miracles, etc., because mosaic religion has no capacity to integrate other experiences. They must be false. And this is in following Jan Assmann's reading of monotheism as setting up a true/false distinction in religion, which was alien to the polytheists, for whom Zeus and Jupiter were just names of the same god, not exclusive. Now, the second view of "only my verified miracles are true," which has been argued ITT, is essentially the same attitude as "only my verified science is true." So if you are telling us to give the inexplicable a chance, the question is: whose inexplicable? There must still be a way to evaluate.

>> No.19095923

And they've been a blight to all if them. The fact that you are so deferential to the jews proves the uselessness of atheism

>> No.19095932

They started your beloved religion. Your messiah fulfills their prophecies. You give your children their names. Your scriptures were translated from their language. Your saints are from their country. Quack quack.

>> No.19095941

No other religion has been scrutinized and verified as much ad Christianity has. The weight of evidence from Eucharistic miracles alone is overwhelming. Where are the buddhist or islamic wonders that can withstand examination?

>> No.19095946

They've been written about for centuries. Just like yours.

>> No.19095948

Modern Jews are Edomite pretenders by their own admission, not true Israelites.

>> No.19095956

Whatever, in any case, that you're the real ones is your point, right?

>> No.19095972

Why do you people always suddenly take untested pagan miracles at face value when confronted with proven Christian miracles?
>Unbelievers the most gullible. They believe the miracles of Vespasian, in order not to believe those of Moses.

>> No.19095973


The old testament is based. Both the KJV and the Hebrew. Although Exodus sucks. But I haven't read all of it yet

And what did you read from Nietzsche exactly? Which work or paraphrase

>> No.19095977

No. I don't claim to be a jew.

>> No.19095981

are you retarded or trolling?

>> No.19096005

This is the "epistemological weight of miracles" poster. He believes that because people who had a vested interest in marketing their religion affirmed supernatural occurances that these are uniquely true of his faith and his faith only, despite all nearly all other faiths claiming miraculous events, relics, etc. None of these are true because they lack the epistemological weight that the Christian ones have, which is a nonsense way of masking his use of the mosaic distinction to decide between true religion and false religion, a decision evidently made upstream of citing miracles to argue for Christianity, because otherwise he'd have to consider non-Christian miracles on equivalent terms, and would then conclude this was a poor way of arguing for truth, unless you were dealing with peasants within a certain radius of your church who were ignorant of miracles elsewhere.

>> No.19096007

no they haven't you miserable shitstain, you don't have anything but kike trickery in that fat head of yours

>> No.19096010

i forgot about the possibility of a schizo, my bad

>> No.19096013

I personally find that miracles are more for rewarding and affirming the faith of believers rather than converting nonbelievers. Arguing and shit about miracles honestly feels a lot like arguing about the archaeology of biblical shit, just a dumb cross between debate club and a science fair with little actual consideration into the real depth of the Christian claim, which is personal piousness and communal charity.

So much talk about "Christianity" and so little actual discussion about implementing the teachings of Christ.

>> No.19096014

So why claim the people who say they are aren't? Why claim you're following the OT but they are pretending? You stole their IP and now you're just patent trolling them?

>> No.19096052

>miracle claims that have not been tested have the same weight as miracle claims that have not been tested
A stranger told me he saw you sucking dick, so it must be true.

>> No.19096053

>simps for jews
>accuses me of kike trickery

>> No.19096056

He's got it backwards. It was your dad sucking mine. Your mother can confirm it so it happened.

>> No.19096065

Because the imposters are claiming to be jews for undeserved political and theological leverage, as though they are entitled to dictate what the Old Testament actually says.

>> No.19096073

My dad was home all week. A hobo claimed he saw some niggers running a train on you under a bridge. I guess I have to believe him.

>> No.19096092

>lol prove Christianity is real
>Okay. Here is medical evidence for miracles.
>NOOOOO! That doesn't prove anything! You have to accept this mistranslated pajeet legends as equally valid!

>> No.19096111

>church has one "test" done to prove a rotting piece of something or other is organic
bravo christers

>> No.19096118

What a foul, racist, homophobic mouth you have. You should go to confession.

>> No.19096189

You keep saying this, and keep failing to substantiate it with actual evidence. You are full of shit. There is zero evidence for miracles aside from testimonies of believers. Much like there is zero evidence for the resurrection aside from the testimony of Paul (lol) and the alleged testimonies of other people.

>> No.19096192

>Here is medical evidence
Where is it? lmao

>> No.19096259

It's not rotting. That's the point you stupid fag.
Here you go, nigger.

>> No.19096291

>"overseen" by the church
>no actual documented evidence or links to the scientific papers, just hearsay and "it was shown that..."

>> No.19096456

>the most powerful and richest religious institution in the world wouldn't fabricate "evidence" for miracles because... it just wouldn't ok?
Yeah it's not as if the Vatican has done more outrageous things in the past lmao.

>> No.19096617

>muh peer review
Midwit cocksucker. I hope you get raped. You can see the interviews with the actual scientists on youtube.
Prove they were forged then. The vatican rejects most miracle claims.

>> No.19096619
File: 58 KB, 640x919, 266886C3-79AC-4F0A-BF3D-FC6812DB741B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daily reminder that the point of the genealogy of morality was not to say “Christianity bad” or to create an entirely new ethic, but to spark a shift in discussion of morality towards a historical perspective. There is a good reason why Foucault and other postmodernists like Nietzsche so much

>> No.19096630

How are you going to read the whole Bible if you start with the New Testament?

>> No.19096638

>p-prove it!
kek burden of proof's on you christer
Keep coping hard

>> No.19096639
File: 644 KB, 1000x1059, 5948F66E-5C1E-463E-9009-3A239C2AE8A8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>biblically accurate troonjaks

>> No.19096641

>Midwit cocksucker. I hope you get raped
Wow that's not very christian of you. What would Jesus say about seething on 4chan? :)

>> No.19096708

I don't know what evidence you are linking to now but I've looked into numerous of those claims before and it never holds up. The miracle of bread turning into human flesh and wine into human blood are extraordinary and supernatural occurrences and would require equally extraordinary meticulous examination. But this never happens, there is always big gaps that just requires that you take the Vatican claims at face value. Like that one in Italy where a church has reliques of a human heart and blood, but there is actually no way to verify where these came from. The claim is that they are waifers and wine from a communion some thousand years ago, but the reliques themselves weren't actually documented until some 200 years after the alleged event. There is simply no way to verify that the tissue ever was bread, so you just have to take that claim from the church for granted.

>> No.19096729

Yep. Every single one of the "studies" either has poor methodology or uses outdated methods. In some cases you also have the scientists/physicians testify under oath as if that were a guarantee of trustworthiness when you later look them up and realize they're devout catholics.
This stuff falls apart extremely quickly when you actually look into it.
Miracles as an argument for Christianity is so stupid, too. Why are zoomer tradcaths incapable of understanding that Christianity is not an empirical system, it's a belief system i.e. based on faith? You can't prove Christianity is true, you can only take it on faith, which some people are willing to do, some not.

>> No.19097019

This person doesn't exist outside of your head.

>> No.19097020

your love of jesus comes from deep seated insecurity

>> No.19097030
File: 632 KB, 995x1067, 1632261761167.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>read Nietzsche
>he praises islam
>realize the quran is the fulfilment of Nietzsche's life-affirming philosophy

>> No.19097052

How can he disparage Christianity but approve of an Arabic translation of the bible?

>> No.19097066

The sermon on the mount destroys the atheist

>> No.19097080

I believe he was in a way guided by Allah unironically when he praised islam and critiqued christianity. Nietzsche, secularists and atheists dismantled religion in Europe and are now giving Europe to Islam on a silver platter.

>> No.19097110
File: 215 KB, 801x798, 1579067216708.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How can he disparage Christianity but approve of an Arabic translation of the bible?

>> No.19097194

Call me crazy but I don't think a man who wrote a book called Anti-Christ believed in the end

>> No.19097203
File: 39 KB, 720x644, Rc437e3e82863272bc0b055d9a4a2a485.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nietzsche is in heaven, stay mad atheistfags.

>> No.19097216

You do know that the National Socialists' biggest donors were Jews right?

>> No.19097337

>Daily reminder that the point of the genealogy of morality was not to say “Christianity bad”
No, but The Antichrist was, and you can see justification for it in this thread.

>> No.19097421

again, jews are good people, kikes (like paul) aren't
kiketians can't follow a conversation to save their lives apparently

>> No.19097458

*repentant sinners

>> No.19097727

Because Jews aren't Christian, and he held ressentiment towards his Lutheran upbringing.

>> No.19097741

ressentiment isn't resentment, you're using that word wrong

>> No.19097751

I know what I wrote

>> No.19097769

so you knew you were being retarded, got it

>> No.19097809

Go cry over a horse, syphilitic untermensch.

>> No.19097814
File: 326 KB, 1669x991, (you).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>tfw Jesus is a literal condescending faggot who wants to condemn people into eternal suffering if they don't bow down and follow his example

>> No.19097830

what was that? can't hear you over all the kike dick slurping you're doing

>> No.19097834

but nietzsche doesnt really criticize jesus though

>> No.19097837

I'm not NeetShe, so I don't know why you would hear that from me.

>> No.19097848

still can't hear you, your slurping is just getting louder

>> No.19098385


The criticism of the Gospel is only due to the statements relating to divinity - the philosophy is not criticized because if you can understand them you realize it's divine.

>> No.19098410

>tfw his teachings solely consist of "Me good, they bad", "I am right because i'm the son of god and you have no authority over morality, only I do"
>what is reductio ad absurdum
This website is seriously poisonous; there's next to nothing good about it anymore. Genuinely apply Christ's principles of unconditional charity, mercy and love, and then tell me that Christianity is predicated on resentment.

>> No.19098411

Seethe harder demon worshiper

>> No.19098464

Why don't you try criticizing this: https://www.kingjamesbibleonline.org/Luke-6-25/

>> No.19098474

>if you enjoy yourself, the enjoyment will end and you will feel sadness, so don't enjoy yourself
Slave morality i.e. cowardice in a nutshell.

>> No.19098476

Read Nietzche and you'll see he is talking more about Christians, i.e. Paulines, far more than he is about Christ, who he has admiration for. And are you not making the same point, that the christers in this thread are being horrible representatives of Christ?

>> No.19098478

>never happened, it's all false
That was easy lol
Christians always operate under the mistaken assumption that their book can't simply be disregarded wholesale

>> No.19098482


>> No.19098490

He's not saying "don't enjoy yourself." He's pointing out that all pleasures eventually fade, that pain is therefore a function of pleasure, and that we would do well to put our minds to higher things.

>> No.19098500

Master morality is fine with drawing attention to mortality. In fact, it relishes in mortality. It doesn't bitch out and condemn others for enjoying themselves on account of it, though. That's ressentiment speaking.

To say that there are "higher things" is akin to saying "don't enjoy yourself." It's a subtle condemnation of the master classes.

>> No.19098516

Too easy
Would you like to come up with a criticism that is meaningful or just pretend that you have one?

>> No.19098518

Do atheists really?

>> No.19098542

I don't need to, I don't believe in your religion so I disregard it entirely. Simple as.

>> No.19098548

>To say that there are "higher things" is akin to saying "don't enjoy yourself."
Believing in God is a condemnation of these "master classes"? I think you're confused.

>> No.19098554

I've provided my evidence. You're alleging a conspiracy without backing it up.
>This continuously fresh heart tissue with no signs of cutting that has lasted for 700 years can not be proven to be a miracle
And you dense faggots are ignoring the contemporary studies out if stubbornness or stupidity to avoid confronting the evidence. Read Jaclyn Duffrin.

>> No.19098561

>To say that there are "higher things" is akin to saying "don't enjoy yourself." It's a subtle condemnation of the master classes.
I think you're missing what is valuable. In the absence of saying that there is something more valuable than laughter and good food, then there is nothing more valuable than laughter and good food. This is simply not true. Moral action is the highest, and most divine, good. It is a philosophical supposition but it is also true. Do you remember your father fondly for having made you many delicious dinners if he beat you mercilessly? No - obviously not. Of course "not enjoying yourself" is pivotal in life, because a hedonic life of pleasure seeking isn't a life at all - its the conversion of your life into a wet, greedy hole.

>> No.19098565

Someone has prayed for you.

>> No.19098567

>I've provided my evidence
Nope, you haven't. Saying something is true doesn't make it true, as much as you want to cope.

>> No.19098570

>Believing in God is a condemnation of these "master classes"?
Yes, absolutely. The master classes are gods in their own right, their master morality is their path to creating beyond themselves and perishing through this great art; to believe in a "one true God" and to redefine the divinity to accommodate this alien being means to deny any sense of earthly divinity and to deny all of them their capacity to create as gods.

Put in other terms: that verse was pure slave morality, because it is afraid to rejoice in suffering. The master moralist says instead: pleasure creates pain, and both ought to be increased and celebrated, and one should perish in the flames of their pleasure because that is the path to becoming a creator.

>> No.19098576

That's very nice. And?

>> No.19098581

You'll see.

>> No.19098614

I acknowledge the value of discipline, but that verse was not merely about discipline, because it throws filth on enjoyment itself.

>> No.19098620

I did right here, you dumb faggot.

Dr. Zugibe's report on the Buenos Aires miracle.

>> No.19098634


>> No.19098645

A creature cannot make itself necessary. What you are chasing after is a fantasy. You will end, like Nietzsche, broken and weeping, let down by the all too prosaic limits of your mind and body.

>> No.19098649

>another "Christian doctor lies under oath" episode
Yeah no thanks
You have no evidence, your experiments use outdated methodology or make dubious claims, the Vatican has a vested interest in maintaining the lies

>> No.19098652

I think you're missing on something. This isn't value of discipline - which in this instant would be just eating food to maximize health and enjoyment - it is about the value of value. Is enjoyment valuable? Why? Do you think back on your ancestors fondly for how much they enjoyed or how much they sacrificed for others?

>> No.19098670

>A creature cannot make itself
I didn't say creating yourself. I said creating BEYOND yourself. But you will never understand what this means and you don't want to either, I reckon.

>You will end, like Nietzsche, broken and weeping
And? There is no pain-free birth. If you are afraid of breaking down, you will never create beyond yourself. Thus you need an all-encompassing, one true God to believe in, who can do all the creating for you.

>> No.19098690

>The prime anti-Western fantasy for our age, however, was expressed by Nietzsche. Two years after hearing the piano score of Wagner's epoch-making opera Tristan and Isolde, Nietzsche made a lifelong commitment to sexual revolution by deliberately infecting himself with syphilis in a Leipzig brothel. Thomas Mann saw in that gesture an act of "demonic consecration." Whatever the motivation, Nietzsche was outraged when Wagner had second thoughts. When Wagner "prostrated himself before the cross" by writing Parsifal, Nietzsche flew into a rage not only against Wagner but against German music and all of Europe as well. Turning his disease-damaged eyes southward, he began to discern what he termed the "lewd melancholy" across the Mediterranean. As an antidote to Wagner's prostration before the cross, Nietzsche discovered Africa. "This music," Nietzsche writes, describing his impression of Bizet's Carmen, "is lively, but its liveliness is neither French nor German. Its liveliness is African. It has this destiny; its happiness is short, sudden, and without pardon. I envy Bizet, therefore, because he has the courage to give impression to this sensibility, a sensibility which up 'til this time had no expression in European music, a more southern, browner, more burned sensibility. ... How the yellow afternoons of this happiness give us pleasure! We look out and believe that we have never seen the sea calmer. And how this moorish dance speaks to us so tranquilly! How even our insatiability learns satiety from its lewd melancholy! Finally we have a love that has been transposed back to nature. Not the love for of some "higher virgin"! No Senta sentimentality! Rather love as fate, as fatality, cynical, without guilt, cruel - and as a result just like nature. That love which is war in its means, and at its basis the deadly hatred of the sexes [my translation]"
-E. Michael Jones "Degenerate Moderns"

Why would you trust a philosemite who wantef to live like an ooga booga savage?

>> No.19098715

To continue briefly - the Gospel espouses the metrics whereby value can be evaluated for everyone, not just annual income or how good a meal was or how beautiful a poem is, but how valuable to God everyone is. The point is not that it necessarily makes you better, because no matter who you are, you will fail. This is, of course, life denying and morality affirming - why shouldn't it be? Isn't that the whole point of actually being a good person?

The fact of the matter is that, whether you want to or not, the internal framework that is used for morality is nearly one to one with Christianity. Why? Because it's the Truth. Nieztsche would say it's slave morality but the morality he offered is Narcissism.

>> No.19098727

>Is enjoyment valuable? Why?
Yes. Because I say so. All life that enjoys life says so. You don't really enjoy life. Why? Because you are afraid of life. You're afraid to get burned by it. Maybe you were burned by it once already and are traumatized; either way, you're not courageous enough to create your own value, which is why you ask this question.

>> No.19098759


>> No.19098767

>deeply political character assassination of person who makes arguments Christians don't like
Why don't Christians understand logic

>> No.19098776

Confusing self-love with self-obsession (the latter being motivated by a lack of self-love).

>> No.19098780

>Because I say so.

>> No.19098800

You just confused them again. "Why is enjoyment valuable?" is a question that belongs in the gutter, because that's where it comes from in the first place. Everyone instinctively knows why enjoyment is valuable. There's nothing narcissistic about admitting that we value joy because joy feels good to us (which is all "because I say so" means).

>> No.19098821

It is as you said.

>> No.19098849

Pretty sure Jones is an abrahamoid polemicist. Certainly he loves the doctrines of their God more than Nietzsche. Who's the philo now?

>> No.19098851

All of our lives are how the Self says it is. Those who say the Christian God is true do so because they're afraid of being creators, because creating is painful, so they will into existence an omnipresent, omniscient, omnipotent being who will not only take on that responsibility in full for them, but for their neighbors as well, thus eliminating both the burden of creation and the grief that comes from feeling envious and inferior.

>> No.19098860

We aren't arguing about a Leibniz contra Descartes on modal variation. Logic plays virtually no part in the work of Nietzsche and the little mention is to trash it.
Nietzsche is all about character so this is the proper manner of discussion.

>> No.19098886

"My tongue says good so good," is pretty trivial at best and infantile at it's most realistic. You're not defending concepts but nerve endings.
>Those who say the Christian God is true do so because they're afraid of being creators, because creating is painful
You haven't made a point about Christianity that doesn't rely on insults. You haven't made a point about the Gospel that isn't "because I say."

>> No.19098943

>The gospel was written by man so how can we know it's divine?
Christ agrees with us in that it is purely a choice. If you choose to deny Christian morality, it is because you have missed the absolute beauty and transcendence that they espouse. Christ is the Son of Man and the Son of God out of necessity, because if we did not have the divine there would be no reason to believe it at all. Christ says explicitly when he talks to Pontius Pilate that we decide whether or not to believe at all. There's also a passage from the Nag Hammadi codex that I think you might like where Christ says that one who believes they will go to heaven cannot be denied that right EVEN BY GOD. Why is that gorgeous? What if a serial killer believed that? This is where forgiveness becomes pivotal from a theological standpoint - because though there is a moral science and hierarchy in Christianity, forgiveness means that we can take part in the monad of the good vs. evil motion and choose a side.

Here's the thing that you're missing - I agree that your belief decides whether or not scripture is divine, what I am saying explicitly is that the Gospel is the absolute best that we have and it is the Truth with or without belief, but its station as divine is determined by us. If we deny it, it'll be bad. If we accept it, we are given the method for living a good life.

>> No.19098953

Get your head out of your ass please. Most people disregard Christianity simply because it's a belief system based on faith and thus there is no reason to believe in it.

>> No.19098963

Do you have a criticism of the theology or just of the people that believe it?

>> No.19098984

>"My tongue says good so good," is pretty trivial at best
Trivial to who? It's overstimulated or fried nerves that would find the nerves themselves to be trivial, because they'd be (naturally) seeking an escape from themselves, being all twisted and contorted.

>You haven't made a point about Christianity that doesn't rely on insults.
You and I have a different understanding of what an insult is. That wasn't an insult, that was a psychological assessment. My point is that the Gospel is the byproduct of neurosis, a deep lack of self-love.

>> No.19099004

Why are you incapable of understanding that I don't need a criticism? Theology by definition relies on belief, faith, at some point. If I don't believe then it just falls apart.

>> No.19099088

>if you reject the foundations of a doctrine, it doesn't follow
Set theorist bros, we got too cocky, there's that guy denying the axiom of infinity. How will recover?

>> No.19099129

If I reject the foundations of a faith-based doctrine then yeah. Stop pretending thomism is mathematical lmao, all religious systems make sense within their own framework but you're too delusional to see that

>> No.19099200

>your experiments use outdated methodology
everything in science is outdated at some point. are you suggesting that nothing can be verified then? why should anyone 100 years from now accept anything we've done experiments on if they are outdated? For that matter, why accept the countless experiments from the 1800s? Those are far more out of date

>> No.19099217

It makes them far easier to falsify. Christian doctors backed up by a multi billion dollar Christian organization (Vatican) surely would be able to produce """""evidence""""" of miracles and if you want to buy into it that's fine but don't expect other people to

>> No.19099218

>if-if-if you won't believe in only christer miracles, ones that are verified with science (guy asking another guy to declare something formally kosher), not like the stinky ones from hundreds of years ago in other countries like Buddha's teeth or Mohamed' ascension or the necrorabbi of the nazarenes, then you can't have any knowledge at all!!!!

>> No.19099228

If you reject any foundation. This is what you are presenting as a gotcha. Inserting "b-but only faith" changes literally nothing to how the argument would operate.
I never mentioned Thomism and wouldn't consider myself one but it is certainly infinitely more structured and basically formal perfection compared to the philosophy of Nietzsche, which is after all the subject of the thread. You also take the word theology in quite a narrow sense rejecting all form of natural theology.

>> No.19099248

you aren't addressing my argument. forget the """"""Vatican"""""". You claimed it was outdated methodology, and I'm asking who the fuck cares? I'm asking you to stay consistent with your argument. If we can't trust a medical procedure from the later part of last century, we sure as shit can't trust other science experiments from even eariler. Shit, did you know that Einstein's theory of relativity was falsely proven by an eclipse in the 19teens? Shiiiiiiiiet guess we can't trust it then.
You clearly don't know shit about the scientific method and are just a reddit-tier I FUCKING LOVE SCIENCE atheist.

thnx for the (you) bb

>> No.19099266

Every (You) is a miracle.

>> No.19099294

Your post is just sophistry and pilpul. Here's the thing: your religion relies on faith based claims which can be simply dismissed. You can cope and deflect all you want about it, this is the bottom line and everything is peripheral. I don't believe the god of Israel exists, or that Jesus is his son, or that he rose from the dead. From there I don't have to care about let alone refute any of your theological claims because I've already rejected your religion as a whole.
I suspect you're going to respond to this with more deflection that fails to address the point (because it can't be addressed, only accepted), so let's stop here.

>> No.19099305

>If we can't trust a medical procedure
I can't trust this one because "proving" miracles is a ridiculous idea to begin with, and I don't trust the people providing the evidence. It's also not even evidence in the first place. You have no leg to stand on, keep seething, I'm done with you and your non-arguments and desperate coping

>> No.19099309

>I don't believe the god of Israel exists, or that Jesus is his son, or that he rose from the dead. From there I don't have to care about let alone refute any of your theological claims because I've already rejected your religion as a whole.
okay, so what's the point of this debate then

>> No.19099318

>keep seething, I'm done with you and your non-arguments and desperate coping
I'm not even the anon who posted the eucharistic miracle retard.
>I can't trust this one because "proving" miracles is a ridiculous idea to begin with
okay, so then there is nothing that could possibly convince you. then why bother EVEN ASKING FOR EVIDENCE.

>> No.19099321

>quoting someone's own words is character assassination because LOGIC
You will never be anything more than a midwit because you refuse to understand the methods you profess.

>> No.19099328

Freddy for calling himself a jew and demanding the destruction of his own people.

>> No.19099331

He already believes. The miracles, i.e. magic relics, are a cult that developed and historically peaked in volume in the middle ages as a useful way to attract pilgrims. And they are still used to attract pilgrims, not to debate against atheists/infidels or to make metaphysical inquiries as miraclefag endeavors to do, because there is no "epistemological weight of miracles" to a non-member of the cult.

>> No.19099340

>ignores his arguments
>accuses him of being a degenerate syphilitic afrophile coomer
Only a dishonest person would not recognize this as an ad hom.

>> No.19099347

Unification Germans were the election tourists of their day. N did nothing wrong

>> No.19099351

>It's another "atheist can't deal with actual facts so he makes up an elaborate, conspiracy" episode

>> No.19099365

>actual facts
>just moldy props in my toolkit for convincing peasants to attend church services

>> No.19099368

His argument was literally "I want it be a coomer in Africa".
>Let my tell you why the guy simping for jews against the interests of his own people was actually good

>> No.19099370

You're the one who brought it up.
Precisely. The "evidence" is obviously extremely shoddy to anyone outside of the cult but of course they'll latch on to anything to feel as if their faith is substantiated by fact. And then they accuse other people of making things up when they're the ones making outrageous claims and not substantiating them, like this poor fool >>19099351
They don't understand that "facts" mean something observable, not hearsay and what ifs.

>> No.19099381

>Science doesn't count when I don't like the results

>> No.19099385

>His argument was literally "I want it be a coomer in Africa".
That is not an accurate representation of Nietzsche's arguments against Christianity.

>> No.19099390

A christian doctor going "hmmm that's strange" is not science

>> No.19099396

>facts mean something observable
Like a forensic report?
>making outrageous claims and nit substantiating them
Like an alleged conspiracy between the church and a respected pathologist?

>> No.19099407

Yeah when I see that encircled U symbol at the grocery store I ignore it because I have no covenant with any volcanos.

>> No.19099411

That's an exact summary of his argument against Christianity
>m-muh slave morality
>a forensic investigating eliminating the possibility of fraud or natural causes is not science

>> No.19099421


>> No.19099428

Your "forensic report" by a notorious pathologist who's made a living out of studying religious relics does not constitute evidence of anything and your endless cope will not change that

>> No.19099437

>forensic investigation
>hey can you certify my factory is kosher?
Have you never done what they call a box-ticking exercise? If so, you're either unemployed or underage.

>> No.19099523

none said you were precious

>> No.19099530

Been observing this conversation about miracles. Can someone tell me why, even if they were revealed to be true (which is not established, the files presented aren't evidence as much as an indication that something strange might have happened), I should take this to mean Christianity is the truth?
Even if I were presented with material evidence of Christian claims I doubt I would convert since the possibility that I'm being misled is still there and I have no way to know.

>> No.19099547

Based mix the top layer of fungus into the jam poster

>> No.19099856

There isn't. You can always dismiss them.
They are unusual events (seeing people seethe so much at the mere possibility of unusual events is strange though) but they wouldn't take their meaning as signs of God. Such investigations sometimes have people that witnessed the events alleged but didn't think much about them. I guess the few cases where there are visions would be harder to wave away.
Ultimately the entire world is full of meaning and is a giant nexus of signs of God, although obviously various factors modulate such response to being a difference in kind.

>> No.19099983

Why are you crying "cope" when you're the one making excuses and explaining away evidence?

>> No.19099998

You repeatedly calling it evidence even though no evidence is presented anywhere in the paper doesn't make it evidence.

>> No.19100004

>aren't evidence
How is a communion wafer turning into living heart tissue not evidence?. Why are you being so obtuse? There is no comparable evidence in any other religion?

>> No.19100015

>turning into living heart tissue not evidence?
...According to the priest. You're so fucking gullible it hurts. The actual "transformation" of the wafer was never observed, obviously because it didn't happen and the priest made it up.
You're utterly delusional.

>> No.19100037

>You can always dismiss them
Okay. Thank you for the honest answer. I was wondering what the fuss was about and if I was missing something but my initial impression was true after all.

>> No.19100060
File: 50 KB, 550x543, Christcucks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Christcucks in this thread

>> No.19100092

Jesus isn't the guy who throws you into the pit

>> No.19100099

>only my religion is bold enough to tell ridiculous lies to attract visitors
Yeah you might be right.

>> No.19100104

Yeah you should, I'm no christcuck but you literally can't engage with the western canon without firm familiarity in the old and new testaments.

>> No.19100489

oh fuck this thread took off kek

>> No.19100871

I remember OP mean when I used to think like you when I was 14. Unfortunately you haven’t matured like the rest of us.

>> No.19101012

so to mature is to be dogmatic?

>> No.19101082

>tfw Jesus is a literal condescending faggot who wants to condemn people into eternal suffering if they don't bow down and follow his example
>tfw his teachings solely consist of "Me good, they bad", "I am right because i'm the son of god and you have no authority over morality, only I do"
He's literally representing himself as God. Wtf did you expect?
Seriously I like Nietzsche but Holy fuck you're retarded.
>woah bro why does the son of God claim he's the only good one and has authority over other humans wtf??

>> No.19101310

Prove your conspiracy then, faggot.

>> No.19101356

I don't think you're mentally capable of understanding what's going on in the NT...

>> No.19101389

At least that's a coherent belief statement, the Old Testament is just a bunch of random shit stuck together.

>> No.19101442

Burden of proof is on the retard who believes in bleeding bread.

>> No.19101926

>He didn't read Romans
>He somehow read John and the whole "I love you despite your sins" went right over his head.

>> No.19102290

I've already shown my proof, you flailing faggot. You haven't addressed it.

>> No.19102888


>> No.19103822


>> No.19103894


>> No.19104041

it's literally not proof, learn what words mean

>> No.19104160
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>> No.19104465
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>> No.19105535
File: 500 KB, 1604x972, ChristianLineage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Pharisees were actually direct succession from Moses, according to Christ. They had a legitimate authority as religious leaders, but became corrupt. Pic related.

>> No.19106115
File: 81 KB, 850x400, quote-even-those-who-have-renounced-christianity-and-attack-it-in-their-inmost-being-still-fyodor-dostoevsky-54-42-20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw his teachings solely consist of "Me good, they bad"

>> No.19106191

Literally "I don't even think about you" tier. Christians have a persecution complex

>> No.19107380

bruh moment

>> No.19107540
File: 177 KB, 589x851, zarathustra02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Zoroaster's Gathas are more interesting.
I think Nietzsche was cursed by Ahura Mazda.
Zoroaster's philosophy was inspired from the abuse he saw cattle endure; Nietzsche had a mental breakdown from seeing a horse being whipped. Ahura Mazda forsake Nietzsche but blessed Zoroaster.

>> No.19107688

Yea this is why they coped with it since day 1 and consistently tried to get rid of it in all its expressions.

>> No.19107716

This has to be a Jew toying with his golems!

>> No.19107752

Check out Johann Georg Hamann

>> No.19107768

>because mosaic religion has no capacity to integrate other experiences.
Wrong. Even on the pages of Scripture you learn that Satan and the host of spiritual evil can take the form the Divine Light, do miracles, influence events.
The gods of nations are both depicted as fallen Sons of God via Gen 6:1-4 and Deut 32 and already in Paul you see that developed and the gods of nations being identified as demons... the Church Fathers all spoke about the energies of demons acting in the world and the Spiritual Fathers, all of them gave practical guidance on how to avoid being deceived by all that.