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19068414 No.19068414[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

there is no philosophy book that could be anywhere near as profound and life changing as the 'atomic blackpill' mixed with a non-racist version of the 'whitepill'.

change my mind.

>> No.19068424

>hasn't taken the pillipill

>> No.19068508

miss me with that gay shit

>> No.19068572
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>non-racist version

>> No.19068586
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I don't see color

>> No.19068689

Something only a dog would say

>> No.19068719
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>my schizo gibberish is the most profound
Read a fucking book

>> No.19068771

I know you should but what should I do

>> No.19068777

i don't see color or age or low IQ in your case

>> No.19068787

you'll never be an anime girl

>> No.19068789

Jesse wtf are you talking about

>> No.19069065

bump for someone to BTFO the blackpill with le PHILOSOPHY

>> No.19069069

You'll never be peak MDE

>> No.19069110
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>'-pill' buzzwords
Mediocre coward discovers hollowed-out, recycled imagery/vocabulary once attached to a real, coherent worldview cannibalised after 2016 by trend-sniffing sales types trying to cash in and sell PUA courses, supplements, shitty novels and loser-oriented self-help materials

>> No.19069144
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>> No.19069166

What is the atomic blackpill?

>> No.19069186

all blackpills are just zoomers finding out about nihilism.

>> No.19069216

its the brutality of the blackpill turned up a notch, it's basically the surgerymaxx or death contingent of blackpill.

Its not the final form of the blackpill unless I'm mistaken, but its the one I subscribe to myself.

>> No.19069228

nah its deeper than any philosophy, it strikes at the fundamental atomic elements of human attraction that surpass any nihilist thinking.

>> No.19069347

>fundamental atomic elements of human attraction
nonsense. you are a damn fool. Probably just a boy. Your mind is narrow and rigid.

>> No.19069366

>your dumb!!!!!
ok philosphy boy good argument kek

>> No.19069394

but you are actually dumb, I'm not a teacher or a leader of the blind so im disengaging. You are an incel im assuming. You are a confused child, enslaved by externals. Remain a slave if you must, most people can stand freedom.

>> No.19069406

do not promote dispute if you can't engage properly fucking lazy pseud

>> No.19069547

>at first everything makes sense, god made me, my parents take care of me, etc
>start to realize I am some sort of self aware algorithm
>i exist as a brief awareness of whatever was happening in the past few seconds and a prediction of what action to take next
>i have no past, just distorted memories of years gone by that occasionally float up to awareness
>go from moment to moment
>whenever i encounter others, generate some meaningless babble that fits into arbitrary social keyholes
>terrified of things I can't prevent, like having a stroke and losing my ability to communicate
>i'm cursed with a desire to live, in a world where I know everyone dies
>but could maybe could end up being tortured by an AI demon or something for eternity
>the absolute ideal of the human experience is to be happy enough that you don't think about what kind of strange situation your in, and you basically just time-skip to your death
>therefore, want to have money and a relationship and so forth
>this is happening/happened to everyone, from ashurbanipal to shakespeare to my grandma
>any attempt to talk about this is just acting out some ancient programming to impress people, or elicit sympathy or garner resources or something
>will just deterministically prompt other people to play another script, like giving a condescending response or finding some random point to correct, or maybe displaying sympathy or giving advice
>being aware of this doesn't stop it
>best to just take a cue from everyone else and not try to talk about things that can't be talked about
>should just delete this post that will look like a block of barely comprehensible schizobabble and go back to living my "normal" life
But worst of all
>tfw no gf

>> No.19069590

is this a bot what the fuck is this autims

>> No.19069622
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I don't need to be. You on the other hand, need to dilate every 12 hours.

>> No.19069632

is his name sam hyde because i'm supposed to want to skin him?

>> No.19069889

no jeez NO what the fuck, I hope your just being edgy bro otherwise stop reading the books if they turn you into this

>> No.19069898

he is one repulsive character. and a neo nazi homosexual pedophile to boot

>> No.19069906

blackpill is just an angsty version of biological determinism

>> No.19069916

coloreds see you

>> No.19069925

he is only one of those

>> No.19069926

>doesn't see low IQ
>can observe it specifically in one post compared to others

Low IQ and colour seen.

>> No.19069943
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>> No.19069950

yeah but whats the atomic blackpill

>> No.19069958

i relate to this

>> No.19069977

i looked this up. apparently the ATOMIC blackpill (according to some random who PhD writing about incels) is some image macro of a 23 year old chad getting responses from ladies on tinder despite having a bio which describes him as a convicted felon

so i guess that some random ladies on the internet like handsome felons, surprise

>> No.19070206

Nihilism is the absolute laziest and most pathetic philosophy out there. It cedes to the darkness all that cannot be known.