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/lit/ - Literature

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19029431 No.19029431 [Reply] [Original]

What’s /lit/s opinion on her?

>> No.19029482

Beautiful supple asian wife.

>> No.19029526

that fit is a whole ass vibe ngl

>> No.19029530


>> No.19029533
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>Beautiful supple asian wife

>> No.19029537


>> No.19029543
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Can Xue?

No, it’s /fa/

>> No.19029546
File: 650 KB, 801x876, comment_eWudugIjtqiN8oZVX6qnibkuDeQeXVD2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seethe roastie

>> No.19029552

Yes… can xue

>> No.19029555

You know Clairo’s dad is a Coca Cola marketing executive?

>> No.19029557

no one cares nerd

>> No.19029558
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>> No.19029561

No one is talking about the author in this thread

>> No.19029563

Why don't asian girls talk to me? I've fucked white, latina, and black girls. Am I too obnoxious for the eastern culture? Do I not make enough money and they smell the poverty on me?

>> No.19029566

Squeal for me, shill.

>> No.19029567

Cool industry plant, tranny

>> No.19029570
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>t-that will show them!

>> No.19029574
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>> No.19029575

such indie
much underground

>> No.19029580

Mediocre and she’s only getting attention because she’s a “woman of color”

>> No.19029594

Hasnt she gotten attention in China as well? And hasn’t she been known for quite a while? She had works published in the 80s.

>> No.19029609
File: 83 KB, 500x500, D8F89694-1BE1-4931-9A8E-D7DDF7B6F1A3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You protect a silver spoon faux bedroom “musician” who dons lo-fi aesthetics as though it wasn’t THE PEOPLE’s first…? Huh, wow!

>> No.19029613

>Racist duder
>Call out as jealous woman
I hate blowjack posters.

Checking up later.

Don’t know much about her.

What industry are we talking about here?

>> No.19029620

Butters why don't asian women want to date me. All the other colors do. :(

>> No.19029628

>What industry are we talking about here?
the music biz, as we all know a meritocratic haven of purity and fairness

>> No.19029636

Will be listening to Hut on the Mountain here. Your thoughts?

I hear some of them are really into white guys.
The natives though.

>> No.19029637

>lo-fi aesthetics
your brain is fried

>> No.19029640

How is dating outside of your race racist you dumb fucking tranny? Also wojaks have been a part of board culture for longer than you've been posting here

>> No.19029642

Go to /mu/ Jesus Christ

>> No.19029655


>> No.19029660
File: 98 KB, 746x1071, 1AC93486-E4FA-4327-A35D-C22843DF7E90.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh. Is that the girl in the picture? [looks] ah.
Seriously not even looking at that. I’m looking at the outfit. I’d wear that.

>> No.19029666

Do you drop the trip and make all those posts about Lolita? That girl looks a bit... Fresh.

>> No.19029672

She’s 23…

>> No.19029680

I like her short stories.

>> No.19029682

>Also wojaks have been a part of board culture for longer than you've been posting here
I miss originality. The future is dead. Wojaks forever.

>> No.19029685
File: 541 KB, 497x732, 4AFD9390-157F-4E8F-94E2-C3A779110227.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I predate blowjacks by several years.
The rest of your post is just confused.

No Satan, I am not a pedo nor a fan of Nabokov. I already said I liked the outfit

>> No.19029687

What you blasting at the moment, Butters?

>> No.19029694

How do I get a qt asian gf? Do I go hang out at the asian grocery all day?

>> No.19029701

What’sApp. Also try Omegle and put mutual interests as “Philippines” or something

>> No.19029708

does anyone have an epub of Dialogues of paradise? Please anons I'm begging you, I can't find one and there seems to be no ease way for me to buy the book in my country.

>> No.19029709

In caffeine shoppe. At this very moment something I actually like. Amore Fati

>> No.19029711

Isn’t whatsapp just a text messaging service, how do you find someone new on there?

>> No.19029736

There’s groups
Nice. I’m blasting Jimi Hendrix. Have a good caffeine!

>> No.19029741

>nor a fan of Nabokov
which of his books have you read

>> No.19029779
File: 88 KB, 694x402, 99509010-0BD3-4384-82FD-9CFFC5B8BAE6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Deep throat a 12 gauge and pull the trigger

>> No.19029835

You know what would be cool?
If butter got raped.

>> No.19029843

Read Pater instead

>> No.19029854
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>> No.19029872
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>> No.19029877

Did u check libgen

>> No.19030013

why, do they have anything in common

>> No.19030037

temple of doom is the best indiana jones movie

>> No.19030179

What do you mean talk to you? You need to talk to them. They will do nothing if you do nothing.

>> No.19030467


>> No.19030501

Having a soul is a prerequisite for writing good literature.

>> No.19030518

Seek God and hope he will relieve you of the hatred for his creations that you stow in your heart.

>> No.19030528

Only white people come from Adam and Eve. Other races were created earlier during the week of creation and thus man is to have dominion over them per Genesis

>> No.19030531

Pater has superior prose.

It’s too campy, but better than IJ4

>> No.19030558

what's up with the asian seethe?
did you get rejected in school by one?

>> No.19030582

Yup, not there :(

>> No.19030592

Agh that sucks sorry anon. I bought the physical book used off abebooks for pretty cheap, maybe try there?

>> No.19030597

Racist(s) from pol9k. Just report him

>> No.19030780

The shipping to my country is sadly at least 50 dollars even from the options that offer free shipping within the US. I think I'll just read one of her newer short story collections that are more easily available online.

>> No.19030799
File: 1.51 MB, 1811x3999, Eastern Asians vs European women.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's ok when whiteoids wear makeup and get cosmetic surgery but bad when yellowoids do it
u mad.

>> No.19030832

I would try soulseek anon. It’s for music but sometimes you can find other files if you’re lucky. It has come through for me on a couple of occasions.

>> No.19030834
File: 163 KB, 1024x639, DDF59319-6E7A-49A8-A9FB-E53BB88ECC76.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You got BTFO and deleted your comment.

>> No.19030905

I've literally never heard of her. Why would I? Where tf do you guys hang out to know about stuff like that?

>> No.19030951

The internet

>> No.19031059

just read and keep an open mind to different kinds of literature anon—including contemporary lit. You'll slowly broaden your horizons.

>> No.19031120

I don't know who she is nor do I know anything about her, but her wholesome smile warms my heart.

>> No.19031249


>> No.19031300

Thank you anon, will definitely give it a try

>> No.19031933

I have neither seen nor smelled nor worshipped her feet. Thus I cannot answer.

>> No.19031951


>> No.19032726

Odd thread here.

I think she's extremely strong at her best, but highly inconsistent, even for a short story writer. The whole deal with her surrealism is that she chases these single images or conceits without really making an explicit message from them, just expanding the description.

Where a writer like Cortazar tends to have a recurrent structure, tied to the same set of concerns which emerge again and again, she's more dream influenced and random. The obvious comparison is to the Kafka of A Country Doctor, but [annoyingly] without jokes.

Given what she does I don't think she'll ever advance beyond being a cult curiosity.

>> No.19032882

I like her short story collections - Vertical Motion is my favorite book. Your description makes sense.
>All my stories are written sequentially, from beginning to end. I never arrange them together or put them in a different sequence. My manuscripts are extremely clean—I very, very rarely correct even a single word.