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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 27 KB, 468x351, AD694CDE-16E3-446F-9A57-E1B2A7EDC74B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19020100 No.19020100 [Reply] [Original]

Write Whatever, but try to keep it constructive and be nice to each other.

Previously >>19007153

>> No.19020110

Holy fuck stop making the threads early.

>> No.19020135

What he said


>> No.19020138

Seriously, what is the reason for these early threads? I feel like it’s déjà vu for some reason?

>> No.19020202
File: 183 KB, 256x256, d36fa93b-1216-11ec-9f3e-0fc3d39e17fe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am deeply suspicious of the fact that when I lay down to sleep, just as I slip into unconsciousness, I suddenly remember the existence of a totally coherent double-world that apparently doesn't exist at another other time except when I'm asleep. I don't understand this, and it seems profoundly important. Do I live there?

>> No.19020283

Based op making trannimes seethe every thread

>> No.19020320

thanks, anon. I prefer your brand of autism over the animu spammers.

>> No.19020428

It's not another world it's just your brain generating random bullshit

>> No.19020602

When did lit become an unironic Christian board? Follow-up question: why don't you help and report off topic threads?

>> No.19020611

How the fuck you can say it with certainty?

>> No.19020635

Yes dreamland. It is real

>> No.19020670

Same thing as what the other poster said.

>> No.19020681

You all are pseuds accept me.

>> No.19020687

hey,hybrid american.
i don't your future and killing soon!
go back america from ryukyu
we hate hybrid monsters. give back racial island!
will be growing up terrorism!
The golgolmois show!
This is world of terrorism.
This is very very mad killing 'usa' now!
Fuck ramsfeld!
Fuck hybrid american!
all round for deth.
democratize is only gospel the Anglo-Saxons.
why don't you do a little research on what Japan did to RYUKYU ?
After war Americans believe fabrication of a information warfare as it is.
Americans is takeing the media by the dog heart therefor growing up the Monster dogs.
We over war and invasion and economic sanctions and nuclear weapon a little knowledge on world with Monster dogs.
We knows that order cancel The sacrifice of war in the foreign country, it should carry out.
A like Action the Monster Dogs,they are must be take a Treatment from Our island!
The cityzen is must be die for Future so stop the mad. I hope's.amem.
The U.S with Javan Government does Military colony in Okinawa.
Those don't allowed !!
Therefor American killing everyday.
yesterday ,killed Five dongs.

>> No.19020810
File: 1.72 MB, 1713x833, 2021-09-09 23_26_02-german text for beginners 006 München ist eine schöne Stadt - YouTube.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why vemon got a wifu and ironman not https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=39GP__ukWcE&t=68s

>> No.19020851

1) never. it's a mish mash of ideologies and religions, as it always has been. you're just choosing to focus on one thing
2) because I'm not a wannabe tranny janny and snitches get stitches. having browsed this site for years, I'm comfortable with filtering the jewels from the dung and the piles of shit don't bother me at all, they're a comfortable background to the chan experience. you can't janny the shitposter out of the chan without completely ruining what it's all about - simply doesn't work that way, and I pity you for trying

>> No.19020871


>> No.19020946

>t. shitposter

>> No.19020997

I forgot this coffee drink I had had triple the caffeine and fucking chugged it . Now my heart's about to explode.

>> No.19021062

>he isn't completely desensitized to caffeine from drinking like 8 cups of coffee a day everyday
t. ex coke addict

>> No.19021142

>You’ve grown this little thorny plant in your chest. Stop projecting some chastity test on someone you’re supposed to love. Ha. You don’t want love. You want a mail order bride. A maid, a personal prostitute. Most unromantic type of male. Be single. Water that little thistle of yours.


>> No.19021157


>> No.19021263

I'm telling you bro. 18 year olds are the way to go

>> No.19021281

This. It's an off topic thread, you can wait for it to die off from the catalog and keep conversation going past bump limit. BUT YOU ARE NOT EVEN FUCKING WAITING UNTIL THE OLD THREAD HITS BUMP LIMIT AND MAKING THE THREAD WHEN THE OLD OFF TOPIC IS STILL ACTIVE AND BUMPABLE.
Stop being fuck cancer and read a book instead of shitposting off topic.

>> No.19021363
File: 40 KB, 698x502, 5B917F4D-FB31-46D7-AFA3-D7E1F2ABB2A4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You all are pseuds accept me.

>> No.19021411

Thoughts on Historical Fiction?

>> No.19021412

I think you should make a new thread for it. Ignore the sticky. Shit up the catalog.

>> No.19021476

OP is making threads early because he wants to maintain control over who gets to post the shitty OP image. At least it's not dbz

>> No.19021487

Oh look a second thread for shitposting

>> No.19021499

Yeah apparently we need two of them because of a kids show?

>> No.19021502

I like a lot of it. Vidal, Graves, Yourcenar, Williams

>> No.19021509

Post in that one till page ten. Who cares?

>> No.19021515

The DBZ threads were better

>> No.19021520

Nah fuck it if the board is going to shit because of anons competing for an OT thread OP pic let's go with the flow and shitpost more

>> No.19021531


>> No.19021542

I just don’t want to live this sort of inauthentic life anymore. Now if I only I could actually find a means of escape.

>> No.19021549

lol. mods if this shit is still going on by april, consider making this board my dairy desu and converting every picture to a cow. it's probably the board we deserve.

>> No.19021583
File: 219 KB, 1200x1200, 5616.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wouldn't work. There's tinder for cows it's called Tudder so they'll never be lonely enough to post duplicate OPs

>> No.19021776

Stop crying.

>> No.19021786

more importantly, dbzfag made threads early as well.
to be fair, making another thread before the old one has 404d is too early, period.

>> No.19021792

this thread has been a thing since 2015, pipe down.

>> No.19021850
File: 170 KB, 1200x883, 67CEC910-AC33-4A7B-B2C8-49DDB46D47A8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

turn off your mind
relax and float downstream
it is not dying

>> No.19022041

Stupid materialist

>> No.19022054

I can't remember the last time I've dreamt
Every morning I slowly come to consciousness over the course of an hour until I can pull myself out of bed

>> No.19022103

If you smoke weed, stop, and in a few weeks you'll dream again. If you don't I cannot help you.

>> No.19022112

>april fools jokes don't exist since 2015
lol what?

>> No.19022170

And it's been the subject of a spamming contest for months now while not contributing anything to the board. As far as I can tell OP is the only one posting before bump limit. Making a new thread solely because the thread is at bump limit is a shit thread, but making one because the bump limit might some day soon be reached is beyond shitposting. Any value these threads might have had is being erased by OP which is why half his threads are always people telling him to stop shitposting threads we don't need. OP needs to pull his neck in if he doesn't want these threads to be a constant shitpost. Sorry, a constant double shitpost, since he's posting two threads with the same OP before either are on bump limit.

>> No.19022179

That doesn’t help me. Ignoring an inauthentic life won’t make it authentic.

>> No.19022258

nothing will. who put this obsession with "authenticity" in you? it's an arbitrary qualifier.

>> No.19022264


>> No.19022298

Are you sure you’re not just inauthentic?

>> No.19022330
File: 268 KB, 1024x762, pic-2-1024x762.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should I read Berserk?

>> No.19022366

Read Moorcock instead

>> No.19022393

I don't care either way. I do what I do, and I'll die someday soon.

>> No.19022394

you guys just don't understand the politics of what's on your mind threads.
its all about the pic, so naturally anons are going to race to post the pic they want.

>> No.19022427

Are you just recommending authors you haven't read as substitutes for other things you haven't read?

>> No.19022430

>special snowflakes want to be the one to avatarfag an off topic general
We Reddit now?

>> No.19022446 [DELETED] 
File: 86 KB, 450x339, 0613_-_8WXPCOi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should I prioritise music composition or writing?
I feel like classical music circles are very snobby and credentialist. This will, in all likelihood, mean that none of my works will ever be performed since I dropped out of my music major.
The literary scene in my country is rather small, at least in comparison to the Anglophone scene. This may be a pro and a con. Also, I don't need other people to create literary works, which is definitely a pro.
But music has always been closer to my heart. I'm very conflicted. Someone make this choice for me, please.

>> No.19022454

I've got this habit of imagining movie trailers for books that I'm reading.
Right now, it's Gravity's Rainbow, and this is what I came up with.
It's all underpainted by Ain't Got No, I Got Life by Nina Simone, and starts with showing, real time, the startup sequence of a V2. The camera then follows the Missile, until it reaches the peak of its trajectory, which coincides with the
>Yeah, and what have I got nobody can take away
line in the song. It would then cut to Slothrop pinning a star on his map, in sync with beats in the song, then to a scene showing the schizos at the White Visitation, then to the riot in Weimar Germany, the Angel above Lübeck, the Octopus attacking Katje, and a bunch of other snippets that make little sense together until the song ends.
Sounded a lot better in my head tbqh.

>> No.19022457


Yea we Reddit now. Gotta get that thread upboated for karma, and that doesn't work on threads past bump limit.

Edit: OMG Thanks for the gold!! <3 You all are such wonderful people.

>> No.19022559

Stop reading mangu
Stop bringing mangu into lit

>> No.19022572

Go read Moorcock before you recommend him to people. Start reading books before you talk about them, and stop worrying about manga. I don't need recs from you because you haven't read either. I might as well go ask a brick wall if it prefers chocolate or vanilla.

>> No.19022580

Stfu animufag

>> No.19022582

Replied to your retarded deleted post which says the same thing in ESL

>> No.19022604

Leave your room. Don’t take the phone. Just go for a miles long walk. You’re obviously suffering from DBZ withdrawal. Get some fresh air and exercise. Bring a bottle of water. Out

>> No.19022610

Do you think it’s possible that philosophy, rationalism, thinking along these lines is at all harmful to the artist and the poet?

I’m beginning to suspect so.

>> No.19022623

>DBZ withdrawal
Oh, no wonder you confused Berserk with Moorcock's Elric now. You don't just not read, you also are fucking blind.

>> No.19022633

Does anyone who's not a retarded illiterate schizo have an opinion on Beserk?

>> No.19022656

Perhaps. I think it’s probably just a mind shift. It demands you think one way that doesn’t help your poetry. Maybe some minds are more agile. Maybe it’s something you can practice, maybe it’s better not to.

>He’s still going on about his manga
Our opinion is that this is the wrong board and we’re sick of your meme comic

>> No.19022664

>Our opinion
I don't give a shit what you and the other retarded voices in your head think about your childhood trauma with whatever the fuck you're talking about, I want to know what people who actually read think.

>> No.19022702

The response has been deafening this far, hasn’t it?

>> No.19022711

The response so far has been you being a fucking schizo >>>/x/

>> No.19022817

I'm bringing home the biscuits with the cloth held over the steaming goodness. Every minute my urge to pick one out and quickly wolf it down grows exponentially. Hunger pains strike as I gallop down the winding muddied roads that curl around these dark mountains. The wind blows into my wet hair and leaves it feeling fresh and cool, it speaks to me like a million souls calling out for somebody to listen. I pull my shawl over my neck and continue steadily. I see a fire in the distance and when I arrive; I see someone that looks like they've been waiting for quite a long time.

>> No.19022839

Kek if you think that's schizo he just made a DBZ thread to yell about nobody talking to you about Beserk.
Unless that's you shouting about Beserk? He does shit like this all the time.

>> No.19022875

...the fuck? That's not me. I wanted someone who wasn't going to spend half the thread doing a press F or spoiling the end. Maybe someone who read Lovecraft or liked grimdark shit.

>> No.19022898

I’m interested in fitness, specifically strength and muscle building, but I have absolutely no interest in gyms or weight rooms. I have reasons for this, but they don’t help me with an alternative and I don’t know how I get around it.

>> No.19022915

You guys ever idealize something, even though you know the reality wasn’t remotely close to your imagined ideal?

Lately I’ve been thinking this way about the Confederate South. I know it was built on slavery, it was a treasonous state, etc. but aspects of the South as presented in the Lost Cause movement seems appealing. I like the idea of a chivalrous, knightly South with an elegant society. At the same time I know that’s a fantasy. And yeah, the Lost Cause stuff is propaganda but still.

>> No.19022938

>When did lit become an unironic Christian board?
Never. Everybody knows that lit/ is an islamic/persian board.

>> No.19022951
File: 495 KB, 646x900, the-captain-l-t-lithuanian-regiment-bogutskiy-with-the-order-of-st-vladimir-4-degrees-with-swords_24.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do guys? I re-encounter my ex (black) gf from 4 years ago and it clicked back on the spot. We left each other after 2 years together because I went for an internship in the Arctic circle on a boat and we decided to end the relationship since I was gone 5 months each voyage. Now I am in College for my Master and I re-encountered her today in between classes in the corridors. I saw her two hours ago and I am still excited for her on both level for both head.
But guys I am europeanly-aware of our demographic situation and I HAVE too not mix. But guys ooooof...
As a frenchman I probably have it in me to love black girls. My father travelled Africa while he was in the French Foreign Legion and he retold me countless story about his nights with african woman when I was a kid.
Guys am I doom? We started texting again. What do?
Muh race!
Muh pure french babies...

Why is it so hard?

>> No.19022953

I thought we were Shinto because of the Olympics?

>> No.19022972

I want to join my country’s military but I also wanted to spend some time traveling and if I do that, I’ll be over the age limit.

>> No.19022998

I desperately want to quit my job but I’m hesitant

>> No.19023025

Passing on love because of "demographics" is the most cucked shit imaginable.

>> No.19023145

People are reacting to the vaccine mandate today the way they should have to the patriot act 20 years ago.

>> No.19023161

good day today lads. studied a fair few hours and I mostly enjoyed it. if that isn't a blessing I don't know what is. I'm studying economics but at a very basic level so far. I think I have enough talent in maths to be a proper economist, with at least a fair number of the models and everything, in principle. I have at least passed one college level math class. But it was 11 years ago, so if I'm gonna be an economist and revive my maths, that's gonna take.. that's gonna take a while. but it is fun, fun to have a more tangible approach to social science, right or wrong.

>> No.19023191

On s'en bat les couilles de sa race, tu n'es vraiment qu'un lâche de penser de cette manière, tu n'es pas un homme. Tu devrais avoir honte, tu fais pitié.

>> No.19023204


>> No.19023243

Oh God, it's Friday. There was a time when I used to be excited that it was now Friday. I imagine most people are still like that, but these days I can't remember the last time I actually looked forward to the weekend.

I don't know what's wrong with me. I just don't feel like I have anything else going other than work. I mean, I love my job, it's the best job I've ever had and probably the best job I ever will get. In fact I do worry a lot about messing up at work and losing it all. I feel alive at work. But outside work, I don't feel like I have anything to get up for.

I often sleep in until a few hours before work for me to get ready. This means I sleep around 11-12 hours a day. Other than chores, grocery, errands here and there, I just sit in my bed and browse 4chan until it's time for work.

I thought about making plans for the weekend once, you know things like parties, or relationships, or just going out for a trip but it all seems like too much work and frankly, doesn't interest me even though I can afford it. I've already got all I could ever want.

I downloaded and installed all of my childhood video games (twice), but I don't ever really play them. Frankly I enjoy the process of buying, collecting, and installing them than the game themselves. Then once I got through every single video game, well, the void is back.

I guess this is just my life. It's going to be the weekend again, and I will just sit here in my bed, the same way I've done over and over again. There was a time when I was kind of excited about adulthood, but now I'm approaching my 30s. Is this what my life is going to be like for the next 30?

Goddamn it, it's Friday and the thought is killing me.

>> No.19023247

How are you today, fellow twinklover?

>> No.19023443

You were born to breed cute africans and you will live to breed cute africans. Embrace the colonizer mindset

>> No.19023605
File: 89 KB, 535x511, 1627749268924.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

id honestly just like to get some pussy honestly

>> No.19023610

>I just don't feel like I have anything else going other than work.
Same, but I hate my job.

>> No.19023715

life blows

>> No.19023755
File: 28 KB, 336x348, 1615574200087.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have extreme anxiety that everybody I know will die before I do and then I'll be all alone in the world and I don't know what I'll do then

>> No.19023883

I've realized it's pretty much an inevitable result of my biology that I'll spend my life entirely alone, with neither a partner nor friends, unless something drastically changes

>> No.19023909

>one anon fucked up this thread bad enough it's just twitter thoughts, should I read X? and RTFM
>because he wanted to be known as that guy that posts the thread on an anime website
Well, OP, you're well known now.

>> No.19023929

Something will drastically change, anon.
I feel it. Do you feel it too?

>> No.19023947

*drastically changes you*
heh nothing personnel, kid

>> No.19023956

No, I don't feel it. But I'm being unironic when I say the most likely thing to change it at this point is learning how to lucid dream and try to pry my psyche open.
That, or drugs.

>> No.19023957

no i don't think i will

>> No.19024033

Two interviews on Monday, one a well paying bartender position at a fancy restaurant, the other for an apprentice position with a residential remodeler. How does /lit/ make difficult choices?

>> No.19024043

iktf anon. don't worry, you'll only suffer for a few decades. afterwards, you'll be dead also. maybe you'll even get to meet the people in your life again. who knows.

>> No.19024065

Try fasting. I have incredibly vivid dreams when fasting.

>> No.19024084
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>> No.19024104

Actual truths can never leave a person's mind. You can try and approximate them with stories and writing in general but you'll only ever express a specific when you'd like to express a general thing. Therefore actual knowledge, actual wisdom is not transferable.

>> No.19024255

is oblomov comfy?

>> No.19024321

I'm trying to impress my shrink with how ghastly my stories are. Maybe I'm trying to convey how serious these things are to me. Maybe on some level I'm trying to trick her. Maybe I really needed to tell someone all the things I really think are somewhat urgent. She probably knows better than me desu

>> No.19024353

gonna spend all day alone again tomorrow

>> No.19024390

She's probably a sociopath who paid to get a degree in manipulating people

>> No.19024423
File: 8 KB, 225x225, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What kind of girls should I expect at a vaporwave/chillwave concert? Picrel

>> No.19024448

My all time favorite story is a manga. So why am I writing stories?

>> No.19024512

I feel so lost in regard to how to become a good writer. They say you can learn it but you can’t taught…

>> No.19024592
File: 87 KB, 250x329, UG-in-Jan-2007-2w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im reading again feels good man

>> No.19024632

Reading poetry purifies one's soul so it should be done regularly. It's like meditation but for real people.

>> No.19024790

I hate Americans, they are a people without history, without conscience and without sensitivity. Since the creation of the United States of America, the country was an infectious machine mixed with Protestantism and Freemasonry and since then it has not stopped poisoning the rest of the world. This nation has so little regard for its people that it strives to keep them in infancy and to condition them into absolute consumer passivity. The most disgusting thing is the interference that the American intelligence offices put into the structures of all the other countries, and if it is natural for a nation to seek to grow in influence, it has never been in the name of such vile principles as American liberalism, systematic deconstruction, anti-intellectualism and anti-spiritualism. I sincerely wonder how the world will be rid of this gangrene.

>> No.19024797

>I hate Americans
>This nation
eheu, so typical

>> No.19024809

This. I hate psychology

>> No.19024878

Who to be, and how to be, and what to wear, and who to know, and do I care?
I just want a hand to reach out as I hear the words, "Follow me, I'll take you there."

>> No.19024917

The world ended in 2019.

>> No.19024919

saying combine to two in single plot like a4 sheets.
each one tellign a diffrenet story. like a spell cast

>> No.19024934
File: 107 KB, 916x1032, Phillip_Jeffries_(2010s).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We live inside a dream...

>> No.19024944

Just finished a job interview and it was a disaster. My answers were great, but Internet decided to shit the bed and cut off every other word and kick me out of the interview twice. Literally 4 minutes before the interview I stress-tested the connection and I had amazing fast connection. I feel like shit that this ruined my chance for my dream job. I haven’t touched alcohol in months but I’m seriously debating getting drunk

>> No.19024965

My brother's life sucks and there isn't anything I can do to help him.

>> No.19024971

I think I've just written some lowkey smut into this story that I'm working on. It's not even the focus of the story. Sexy stuff has nothing to do with it.

>> No.19024974

I am sorry, anon.
You are very lucky you have a dream, however. And for as long as you keep it, you'll always find a reason to go after it :)
Whether now or later, it will happen.

>> No.19024982

Whats wrong with your brother? Does he have an illness?

>> No.19024984

Because I experience the same thing and I'm smarter than you

>> No.19025005

If I had to put a label on it it would be failure to launch syndrome . He's got that whole youngest brother mommy's boy skittish complex where he's afraid of his own shadow. He words his dead end job comes home and sits around and then goes to work again. In some ways he's well put together, takes care of himself, isn't an autist. But he just doesn't know how to put himself out there and is anxious about everything. Today's his birthday and he's spending it alone. I can't even hang out with him because I live far away.

>> No.19025009

I feel like I'm trapped in a waiting room. The walls are gray and there's little light coming in. I'm waiting to start my life and I'm desperately waiting for my name to be called.

>> No.19025011

Thank you for your kind words, anon. They have helped me work toward getting out of this self-loathing that I’m in because I couldn’t control my internet connection, but I can’t help that it still prejudiced my answers by annoying the five interviewers. Thank you, I’ll keep working toward it

>> No.19025029

Maybe you should stand up and enter instead of being a bitch because no one's gonna call your name

>> No.19025036

I want a metaphorical plane to pierce my brain on this 9/11. Rip a hole right through it and let the evil spirits fall out. Knock it all down so I can build it back.

>> No.19025093

How do remote workers decide where to live? Obviously, I don’t want to live at home but I don’t have any particular reason to be anywhere else.

>> No.19025114

I was thinking about that introduction in First Blood where the author says his teacher told him he could teach him to write but couldn't give him something to write about. I wonder how true that is. I mean I am writing right now, I have a topic on hand, is this good writing? Does it flow and sound natural yet musical, interesting? Am I extending the topic in fascinating ways? Hm. Good writing. That novella was good writing, Self-Portrait Abroad. I like the way he wrote, long luxurious sentences with the occasional interesting word thrown in such as ithyphallic (which means having an erect penis, basically. A rare word, my spellchecker doesn't even recognise it) and those bracketed thoughts, like the one I just did, where a quick interjection is thrown in, changing the pace a little and often adding a humorous note to the sentence. Grand writing. Can I be as good as that? Can I even ape it? I certainly tried, right there, that big long sentence was me attempting to write like him. Did I succeed? It's not that bad, I think (though what distance do I have to this to know for sure? Can I be trusted?). Is this a style I would like to adopt? Certainly there are advantages, aesthetic bonuses. Perhaps it is a limited style though? Could this adapt a darker tone, or is it more lighthearted? The end of the novella was very melancholic, though it was the same writer, it could certainly not be said to be lighthearted there. Is that it though? Do I wish to be a dark writer? Transgressive, moody, gothic? Do I see myself writing stories on corpse-fucking and incest and paedophiles and all manner of horrid things? I do enjoy that, I suppose, to an extent. But that's quite a persona to generate willingly, to be known as that sort of writer. Who can fake these things for long anyway? I remember reading from that editor not long ago and he answered questions about typical things he read in the slush pile and one of the most common things was what he called the first page pyrotechnics, authors who dazzled, or tried to, in the first page or so, but eventually fizzled out, drained, back to their regular, boring voice. Very difficult, all of this. Very difficult. It seems I've come down to a difficult question - who am I?

This was for my diary but I think it's a fine entry so I will allow you to enjoy it too.

>> No.19025132

Cost of living + desired features (hiking, bars, running/cycling paths, rock climbing gym, inter alia) + accessibility to infrastructure + local happiness

>> No.19025135

I think I am being lied to, but I'm not sure. It's hard to tell when you're paranoid about everything. I'm giving them the benefit of the doubt and hope I'm wrong.

>> No.19025138

the biggest reason I have confidence in her is that she is a pretty serious christian, which is not something she advertises at all but I basically spent a session laying out all my ideas about theology, about which she had some objections she felt she needed to air

>> No.19025150

I don't think it's going anywhere, in fact I don't think it will last very long at all. And that's sad. But I can at least be satisfied now, knowing that my worst fears about there being possible resentment weren't true. It's all just space. Maybe I can work a miracle and close the distance, repair the bond, that sort of thing. I was wrong once. I would prefer to be realistic about it, though. Time will tell.

>> No.19025161

I don’t really care about any of that. As for happiness, I can’t really discuss it.

>> No.19025173

>wow the best post i've ever seen on /lit/ thanks for restoring my faith in humanity
>i'm a gril and this makes me wet are you in london?
>i only come here to make fun of people but when i read your post i started crying uncontrollably. thank you for making me feel things again.
>ah, a fellow intellectual!
>hello my name is mellissa bigtits and i work for bloombury i can give you ten million dollars and a blowjob right now if you could expand this post to 70,000 words by the end of whenever you get around to it

just some of the responses i imagine people would like to reply with if they weren't so horrendously shy

>> No.19025178

I'm beginning to think I have issues

>> No.19025189

Take this kiss upon the brow!
And, in parting from you now,
Thus much let me avow —
You are not wrong, who deem
That my days have been a dream;
Yet if hope has flown away
In a night, or in a day,
In a vision, or in none,
Is it therefore the less gone?
All that we see or seem
Is but a dream within a dream.

I stand amid the roar
Of a surf-tormented shore,
And I hold within my hand
Grains of the golden sand —
How few! yet how they creep
Through my fingers to the deep,
While I weep — while I weep!
O God! Can I not grasp
Them with a tighter clasp?
O God! can I not save
One from the pitiless wave?
Is all that we see or seem
But a dream within a dream?

>> No.19025208

Then just think of places you’re interested in living or have been curious about and see which place has the nicest house within your budget then move there

>> No.19025291

I’m not interested in living anywhere. I would just leave my country and be a traveling nomad if I could.

>> No.19025374

I only post in these threads when I want attention

>> No.19025379

i also want attention but i never get it. i wrote this reply to the anon above me who also wants attention but i am so bitter about never getting any attention that i can't stand to give him a >>you

>> No.19025384

I'll give you a (You) if you give me a (You)

>> No.19025396

Esoteric Soviet films make me wish to push poetry inside you with cum as lube.

>> No.19025402

i read the three body problem trilogy recently and in it i learned about the dark forest problem and what is called the chain of suspicion. the chain of suspicion is what it sounds like, an endless chain of suspicion that eventually ends in mutual ruin. will he destroy me? will he fire first? maybe i should fire first? if i don't fire first he will so i must fire first. of course at some point they all fire and everyone dies.

i tell you this, anon, to explain to you why i cannot trade a >>you with you, as i do not trust that you will reciprocate, and so we must continue >>you'less both.

>> No.19025454

But anon, you must read The Moral Molecule. Oxytocin breeds trust and generocity. (You)s realease that sweet sweet molecule on our brain and thus make us want to share. I promise that i'll reciprocate because i know my brain will reward me if I do. Just give me one little (You) and you'll get one right back

>> No.19025478

I feel like so many anons try to replicate the aesthetic of mental illness without knowing what it entails. Admittedly, I don't think you can encapsulate all experiences of the mentally disturbed because they differ in intensity between people. But for me there's always weightlessness. It feels like my ego is ripped from the physical plane. I can't feel; I can't move. I would vomit if I could still gag. When I hear words, they mean nothing. Even when I read /lit/, the words run around in my head until they exhaust comprehension and I'm left staring at the blue screen, squint-eyed and defeated. In a world where nothing means nothing, I fall into an infinite recursive definition of my life

>> No.19025486

Have you considered the possibility that you're just dumb

>> No.19025492

>Two days ago I had the best date of my life with a girl. Nothing sexual happened, but it seems that everything worked pretty well. Yesterday I talked a bit with that girl trough messages. And today, I'm quite stressed because we still haven't talk. I'm waiting for her to start a conversation since this morning, but still it didn't happened. I don't know if I should write for first, because I don't want to look like clingy. Also, I'm so insecure about these things, because with some of the (really few) girls I've dated, the convos died the day right after our date. Before I actually met her I wasn't that interested, and she was so talkative. Now after the date (where I was so struck, in a good way, by her aspect and behaviour) she went mute and shit's is freaking me out, because I don't want to lose such a good occasion

Oh well, I just knew it's actually over ahahahaha she's already dating another guy ahahaha

>> No.19025507


Charles made his way into the kitchen. Searching for a cold bottle of water in the fridge and an ice cold beer for Phil. Charles panicked as he searched for something to bring back to drink for the others. He checked the refrigerator in the garage and found nothing. Charles realized he had left the beer and water back at the grocery store. As Charles came to this realization, his breathing became heavier and slower, his pulse raced, and pearls of water dripped from pores on his head like rain drops gliding down a window. The temperature was 30 degrees cooler inside the house than it was outside but to Charles it felt as if someone had taken the roof off his house and placed a magnifying glass in front of the sun to concentrate the light onto Charles.

>> No.19025512

I’m not following…

>> No.19025517
File: 3.46 MB, 4984x2957, 1555443233682.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Beneath the orange street lamps' glow, there on the doorstep, a decade ago, you pulled me in. It was baptism, leather and smoke, the warmth between us in direct defiance to the stagnant Appalachian chill. Every morning the uncut grass, the empty bottles of Maker's Mark, the sidelong sneers, this game we play where we cast stones without ever deigning to pick through the rubble. Still, there is a foundation here. Orange street lights. The winter wind. Your leather jacket and my thrifted hoodie. The moon rises and you become a beacon, angler fish in deep waters, a dangerous light in the endless void. I think about the want of a moth. I think about the lower depths, and how much further I still have to go.

>> No.19025522

Dumb is a loaded word, like you've cocked a Mark 3 with a printout of my head nailed to a post slightly further back than your property line and you've been waiting all week for the neighbors to leave before target practice

>> No.19025523

Every time I try to socialize, it reinforces in me the belief that I really am not meant to socialize, and that the more I attempt it, the more I'm going to suffer and feel alienated for still being dumb enough not to understand the above fact. Maybe I could maintain some optimism about this if I didn't know what it was supposed to feel like, but I do. I know what it's like to emotionally connect to other people because ~10 years ago I could do it too, 99.9% of humans have this ability, it doesn't matter if you're fat or ugly or have a bad voice or have weird hobbies, pretty much anyone can do itーjust not me. So as I am sitting in a room of people talking, mute, dumb, trying to think of anything in my head to justify my presence there to these people, as if presence is a thing to be justified, and as if that's any way close to how actual humans associate with each other, I realize there is no hope for it, and when there is an opportunity, I leave.

It's like that scene in Whatever where the protagonist realizes he'll never be the object of a young girl's attractions. For me, not only will I not be that, but I'll never be a friend to anyone either. I'm no one at all.

>> No.19025534


>> No.19025556

You are dumb. Should have expected it from a namefag

>> No.19025563

I have started working at the hotel. I would like to take the cute mousy front desk girl from behind. I do not want to get with any other coworkers. My feet hurt.

>> No.19025565

Pretty fucking funny how socializing causes the worst feelings of aloneness

>> No.19025568

It absolutely does.

>> No.19025574

Why is it so hard to establish that feeling of connection? Even with friends I've had for years I don't have that feeling. I'm like a dog who forgets a person exists until I see that person again.
I would love to feel that feeling again. And not jst with a person but also with a group. But adolescence is over now. Gues i'm fucked.

>> No.19025580
File: 1.79 MB, 3264x2448, the average lit user.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol says the pseud

>> No.19025599

It's a strange feeling. Back in 2015 or so I found a group I liked on the site plug.dj, which is basically a chat room where a group of people hang out to watch streams of youtube videos, and you can chat a little bit too. I didn't know anyone in this group as individuals, we just met on 4chan, and didn't even talk a lot, but for some reason I really enjoyed my time with them, and after a few months it was like I felt genuinely close to them. Just by finding the same videos funny or the same songs good, I slowly got kinda attached to them.

It's weird, but that's how the brain is supposed to work I think. And the same thing happens when you become a fan of a streamer like on twitch. You feel some kind of attachment. Back in 2013 I actually watched a few small-time streamers and I can verify this. Of course, I don't feel anything like that emotion anymore. All I can say is that it exists.

>> No.19025731

I didn't see someone for several months but we reconnected recently and then the first thing I talked to them about was about how much my life fucking sucks now. It just kind of happened. Really wish it hadn't, though. That's not a good impression. I don't think anyone likes a complainer regardless of how close you are, or how valid the complaints are. Like I'm some guilt-tripping weirdo and saying "oh, you know how all those months where you were gone and doing your own thing? yep, meanwhile over here my life was pretty much never-ending torture. how about that?". Hyperbole and probably not even something anyone would give a shit about besides me, sure, but it still feels awkward after the fact.

>> No.19025844

Im in a private show with a chaturbate whore right now and she is just so ruined down there i felt bad just quitting on her as soon as i saw it.

I'm letting her tire herself and i'll end the show politely. a sad life these women live.

>> No.19025857

Describe her pussy for us anon, we want to know

>> No.19025872

I dunno bro, I literally don't have it in me to ever try a private show, much less ever paying for irl sex. I know myself too well, I would end up developing an affection for her. I don't want to ever be in that position. I know that there'd be no hope of an actual relationship.

> a sad life these women live.
Honestly if it comes down to selling their bodies for need of money, the government needs to step in and give them something to live off of. No person should have to do that.

>I will never ride a horse across the steppes of Eurasia alongside other bannermen as we carve out a vast empire

>> No.19025901

You don’t like the “large insertion” girls? Is that what you mean by ruined?

>> No.19025921

The Huns were freemen. Raiders. Not empire builders. Empire disassembly men

>> No.19025933


Her pussy is well shaved but her mulatto genes betray her and the skin around it is considerably darker. Note: she is Colombian, in my travels, I've noticed that by and large - the majority of camwhores are Colombian or Russian.
It's wide but in an unnatural, forced kind of way. And I don't think that this is the memed roastie phenomenon. No, this was done unintentionally by herself. Girls having sex would get a work out of their pussies but this one was just sad and tired. Monotonous motion. Objects inserted and removed. Unpassionate, lifeless masturbation. In truth, I think at one point in her life it might have even looked tidy down there.
She got wet almost instantly and even more baffling was the white residue that appeared after just a minute of fingering. The kind of tapioca you'd expect to see after a multiple hour-long fuck fest. She did not hesitate to eat it. She licked her fingers clean like it was KFC. I didn't even ask her to. If I was going to be polite - I might as well write some platitude. I wrote - "good girl", biting my tongue. She put a shit-eating grin on and thanked me.
Honestly, it's a damn shame because apart from that, her body is pretty nice. Slim and slender, smooth skin, pretty face.

>> No.19025943

i once dated a whore i met online
she cheated on me, ungrateful bitch

youve made the right choice avoiding such harlots anon but you should be able to stomach dealing with such people every now and then without getting completely infatuated with them

>> No.19025952

Fair enough, the riding the horse from Manchuria to Ukraine is the core of the dream anyway

>> No.19025953

large insertion girls are the female equivelant of death grip masturbators

lonely spinsters shoving progressively larger and larger items up there cause they cant get real dick

>> No.19025970

>10 years ago
>play against my brothers in super smash bros
>easily beat them, close sometimes but usually come out on top
>younger brother gets pissed about losing frequently, complains about the game, throws a controller sometimes when I egg him on about how bad he is
>lmao get gud
>fast forward to now
>playing super smash bros vs my younger brother
>beats me easily most of the time, I take a few games but usually very close
>my blood is boiling as I complain about the game out loud
>doing everything I can to keep my composure because I know inside that if he said some trash talk I’d fucking lose it
>he 3 stocks me a few games later and I toss the controller away and say I’m done

Oh how the tables have turned. Feels bad being a sore loser

>> No.19026028

The pendulum is swinging harder more than ever these days. Images of putting a gun in my mouth and pulling the trigger without thinking come to mind. The "not thinking part" is new, but it's actually an improvement. I think the people who over-dramatize their own death do so because for them it's still a kind of escapist fantasy. The really serious people just want to get it over with. I'm at a point now where I've eliminated most of my options, where suicide is more or less an appropriate reaction. And I don't see much of a point in holding out.

>> No.19026127

I just realized all the cumtown retards are cianiggres...

>> No.19026155

one must endeavour to succeed

>> No.19026171

Take-out food sucks rainfear of the airplanes the sound next door she comes to see me and I say no to her everytime but she insists on me taking out the takehouse to the food next time and then I don't eat it and now she goes out and tells me I am not allowed hoe doesnit make any sense and I tell her no I will not of the thing of th next take-out and we go together but she doesn't agree with me and we go and do the take house yet again and difference isnnon of the thing we are taking about she goes and ingo ajd I follow her and she does follow me too and I love her to the core of the being and she does to and the takehouse is the only thing that happens The sick bastard is now in the cathouse trying to feed the ohevons and the thing of the arcula The wait is long for the lonsesome kind that it is excruciating to behold the the beauty of the natural goodness in the people around you that sometimes you fell that we can lose our minds and bodies if webgo and try to dissolve our being into nothingness bthat we are nothing but dust that shall return to the bride of the ground and be mirth of the kind that goes and shows how it rains of the divine blessing and fiery night of the rains that I am nothing to the beholder of the beauty that is divine in nature that I am nothing without my beloved which is god and its blessing of fiery rain and why is the world not stop moving and the sun goes on shining and runs the sea rushed to the shore to the end of the world because she doesn't love me anymore It ended when I lost your love.I must go on to the end of goodbyes and the end of life to the eyes that see but not see we are two eyes and you are two eyes and we make four eyes it is our fate that we lost two and gained two because we are one for God intended it that way don't you think my being has dissolved into nothingness because when I beheld the holy one I knew I was not going to be myself for it to be rain the droplets of the rain hitting the pavement of the dryness and wetness both are the same as we beheld the holy one and we are the holy one and you are the holy one and I am the holy one and you are the holy one and we lost ourselves that way and we gained ourselves that way and we soon you will see me and I will not see me and we will meet our eyes together and I will dissolve into nothingness and you will dissolve into nothingness.You took my eyes and I took yours and we are blind for the way we saw each other and we not only left myself to you and I left myself to me and I not no I am no and I saw yourself in me and I saw myself in you and I saw myself into you and I saw myself into the one and the one only one I saw I saw I will submission to the being of the glorious way of submit to the one and I submit I am the bride to the one and he is the one who will unveil himself to me because he is my groom and I am his bride and we are going to be one and I am going to be his bride and he is going to be my groom and and I am the bride on

>> No.19026174

the bride on the night of consummation of our being and when I am done with the cessation of the life and it begins with you and it starts with and also ends.Because it is for him Oh my beloved the colourful one you are the one who colours me with your love and I colour myself with yours I want to erase myself and fill myself with your love and glory you will colour me with the love of your colours and the different colours and you colour me with the and you do it with the utmost innocence of the playfulness of the child I drown myself in the colours of your creation and I no not I that colour which I came across of the time I washed upto the shore of the sands and its different pale colours and the waves uniting with it and the different colours of the ocean and the one that shines through it is the sense of drowning I fall into the blanket of the one and it is warm for this is the one that I cover myself with it is the source of my change and my nothingness it is empty but full just like how you coloured me with emptyness and the fullness of the none and one to the most of its different colours of the one and the none for it is our fate that I the colourful

>> No.19026227

That was obvious from their first grift

>> No.19026244

I had small discord group i like. I got off discord for reasons of privacy. i really miss them. I feel more conencted to then than my own irl friends. It really sucks. I wish I could feel the same way abot people in real life, but theres ju8st this fucking wall man. This interpersonal wall I cannot overcome.

>> No.19026245

I’m sure Nassim Nicholas Taleb will be pleased to hear that

>> No.19026248

That annoys me. We need other people to complain to. All other people complain all the time. Why should we be precluded from it? We need support top

>> No.19026299

Jesus, would you stop complaining? So annoying. Just kidding.
Maybe I should just get a journal or something and do all my bitching in there. Sometimes I like to just talk though, and sometimes through talking I like to work out problems. I worry that others won't because typically, well, they don't. Anyway, hopefully this works out for me and I hope whatever may be troubling you ends up working out too. And if not, hopefully you can at least get someone better to yack to about it.

>> No.19026332

I never complain irl. People always tell me how positive and happy I am. I get drunk and then just unload on people. I know its not healthy. I'm holding on to it all. But theres just no fucking outlet. I vent here bt jtd not enough. I'm tired of bearing the burden

>> No.19026337

Why do I have to keep doing shit I hate doing? I’d rather be an artist but I’m already in huge debt and need to work it off somehow.

>> No.19026382
File: 29 KB, 608x374, 957CA9D5-FDC1-48A4-AE13-F56A7FCA3809.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Debt jubilee anyone?

>> No.19026404

Thats life man. We work and then we die

>> No.19026413

>Thus much let me avow —
it's meant to be "this much", right?

>> No.19026434

>Back in 2015 or so I found a group I liked on the site plug.dj
Used to go there too back around then. That was fun.

>> No.19026450

That’s not life. That’s the leviathan’s work camp

>> No.19026559

Thats what life is

>> No.19026566

I’ll admit, I was acting very reddit.

>> No.19026568

Look upon these DBZ posting discord niggers and spit on em and watch em whine. I got my own Discord nigger server set up and we’re going to take every OP from you boys until you finally call it quits on this board

>> No.19026600

>discord niggers
I don't know if you're a glownigger or an sjw but you need to leave and stop saying nigger because you will care if people find out. Discord is for trannies, and you're a windowlicker whatever three letter acronym you like to operate under.

>> No.19026613

consider that elliot rodger was just being himself

>> No.19026625

Look at him squirm boys. Look at how he slithers and writhes when he knows he’s been found out. He knows enough of the lingo to blend in here but he’s not smart enough to dig out of hole he alone created. It’s embarrassing

>> No.19026635

I notice it sometimes. When you’re waving goodbye to the third lord or lady visiting our office for the day. That downward shift in your eyes; that unbearable moment of silence that hangs in the room like the thick London fog outside our window. And the same words that follow - “Shall we put on a pot of tea for now?”, when we both know that it’s always been you that makes the tea, and not me. I steal glances at you from the corner of my eye as you set about your task, but when I see the expression on your face, I wish I hadn’t.

>> No.19026637

lol ok gman you got me. come collect me in [proxy server] and i'll hand over the seven layers of irony that will allow you to not care if people know you said nigger to fit in on 4chan only to find out the right answer was tranny

>> No.19026643

it's feeling more and more like content creators are going out of their way to disappoint people, like that disappointment is legitimately more important to them than the profit

how can everything be this fucking big a letdown

>> No.19026671

haven't read a book in 2 years

>> No.19026728

>What kind of girls should I expect at a vaporwave/chillwave concer

>> No.19026743
File: 479 KB, 850x855, 0B8126D6-A712-418E-ACBF-0235B9FE3506.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Humans have been around a hell of a lot longer than the beast. Not only is it a recent concoction but we’ve been slipping through its fingers frequently.
Have some perspective.

>> No.19026788

Butters, I realised something: work can help us develop as human beings and we love to see ourselves in our work, but capitalism might alienate us from this real, primitive need. What are your thoughts?
Today's epiphany: I shouldn't have hang-ups about sex and performance because we all like general sort of things and people; I'm not special for making another person climax, but I also shouldn't see myself as ugly or worthless for not having sex every month or year. :) I should just chill and have sex when it's mutual and conducive to a good relationship

>> No.19026789

Online “friendships” are always doomed to fail.

>> No.19026818

Based early thread maker

Reminder that this is the anime OP thread maker

>> No.19026891

That's because the intervening machinery conceals too much from the outset. Consider how readily and instantly inflection confides, and speeds selection in a crowd, and why the chemistry of charm is a necessary precondition to even adequate conversation, almost without regard to the subject. The less intimate the circumstance the more it brings on the machiavel in even the least Machiavellian of us, a principle that holds when it comes to the motive for correspondence as well.

>> No.19026895

Whenever I get a match on a dating app I masturbate to the images on their profiles before deciding to message them. I'm trying to imagine would it would be like to fuck them and whether it would be worth it.

>> No.19026913

How does one resist the urge to not self destruct so openly? It's been years and yet I yearn. Yearn to what? Disappoint my friends and family?

>> No.19026919

Don’t expect that much from just matching. Try to think about them as a person worthy of a long conversation or a date. Don’t try to project this ID on anyone before you’re both comfortable. I’m telling you because it will make you feel better in the long run.

>> No.19026936

>I’m telling you because it will make you feel better in the long run.

I don't care about feeling better in the long run

>> No.19026944

>September rolls around
>/lit/ threads become infinitely shittier
Every fucking semester.

>> No.19026961

made an apple pie. hope it turns out good.

>> No.19027016

well, it didnt.

>> No.19027032

Congratulations on making an apple pie anon. I look at my present inability to make an apple pie and my wife's present ability to make a great apple pie and I think back to the first and last time I ever tried to bake and it was terrible and I cried like a little bitch and never baked again, and I think back to what must have been my wife's first attempt which presumably didn't go anywhere near as well as the splendid apple pies she now makes and I regret a life wasted and I feel and think I would kill myself if I had not my wife. Now I'm stuck with her for the rest of my life. I hope you keep baking so you don't need to keep a dumb bitch like this around just for her baking like I do.

>> No.19027046

yeah, i do remember my brownies attempt, it looked like a pile of vomit. i think i fucked up the current pie by not mixing eggs and sugar well enough.

>> No.19027112

everyone but me is a pussy

>> No.19027628

Im a rather sensitive person when it comes to emotions and words but when it comes to sensuality, i just feel like trying to lick through the glass. Is there a way to convert it?

>> No.19027765

I hope you all get to do something today that will bring you some joy.

>> No.19028016

I'm in the same situation as your brother, what do I do

>> No.19028110

I need a social security card to get an ID but I need an ID to get a social security card. I hate this country.

>> No.19028190

I’m going to quit my job, my secure, safe job and never return to sort of thing. I don’t know what will happen, what I’ll do, how I’ll even survive but I’ll figure it out and if I don’t, I’ll wallow in poverty with at least a shred of authenticity. The authentic is the only thing that matters to me now.

>> No.19028195
File: 34 KB, 294x888, aemilia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>in sensu nullam feminam pulchram et probam

>> No.19028220

i rub my penis all day long. i'm doing it now while reading /lit/. it's barely even sexual i just like rubbing it. i need a cage or something because it's too much.

>> No.19028367

They drive me fucking crazy. They convinced me to stay here so I could save some money for a bit but they can’t leave me alone for more than a minute. If they’re not watching television they have to be in my face. Just give me privacy. I’m not your toy. I don’t need to go everywhere with you, do everything with you, be around you 24/7.

>> No.19028576
File: 150 KB, 250x317, WikipediaBaudrillard20040612-cropped (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the only based leftist

>> No.19028662
File: 374 KB, 1200x1600, 1531656676615.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19028672

I wish I could just get rid of my affinity for Japan.

>> No.19028682

Based, godspeed anon

>> No.19028688

was he a leftie?

>> No.19028969

For sale: big dick, never fucked.

>> No.19028989
File: 104 KB, 1065x1064, 1605193811857.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you lived over there?

>> No.19029072

But yes, XXX in 2021 is a prosperous, beautiful, fashionable, fit, healthy, and rather young city. It is a good place to be. The calibre of the people, the vibe, the orderliness, the cleanliness, the respect, the good manners, the sense of comfort and confidence, etc. They are a good, impressive people and I'd like to be a part of them. Perhaps I am. Well, I am in that I was a person in XXX, among them. But they seemed other, above. Something I'd like to be that I'm not. Confident - belonging in a way that I don't. That this is where they are supposed to be. That they have a right to be here. That they know here. That they know what is good here. Whereas I'm a novice in that last regard. And that last regard is what grants then confidence, and subsequently a sense of comfort and belonging.

>> No.19029074

How old is it?

>> No.19029081


>> No.19029088

No, but the desire to live over there is why I wish I could get rid of it. I know Japanese and that’s fine because it’s just a foreign language to me, but I have this desire to live there, fit in there, participate in the culture and that’s not normal. I think it would be better if I did not have that.

>> No.19029097


>> No.19029234

i have no money and i must consoom

>> No.19029263

Wish I could get a mutual aid network up and running in your neighborhood.
Unless you’re talking about consoooming funkopops or whatever the hell

>> No.19029300

Go there a live some months, most likely you will end up being disappointed (I've seen the same patter in many weebs now). Only way to grow out of it.

>> No.19029314

terrible tooth pain due to unknown reason. i have to suffer for 5 days till the appointment.

>> No.19029451

I'm more of an italianboo

>> No.19029459

>when you realize this thread is mostly OP trying to keep population numbers up
I guess no one signed up to his facebook or twitter or whatever? Ngl I miss when samefagging was mostly an anon trying to get people interested in a debate from the 1700s about books, instead of trying to get people interested in your latest minor life update like "I put on socks" or, "Woe is me for I'm alive"

>> No.19029503

I’ve hardly posted a thing ITT.
Quit being so sour, weeaboo

>> No.19029565

Why did you take your trip to make the OP butters

>> No.19029673

OP's a lotta lotta people in this thread, trip included

>> No.19029700


>> No.19029885

Well, I can’t go right now because they’re still closed and the only way in is to teach English, which I really don’t want to. Plus, I’m getting older. The older you get, the harder it is to adapt to a new place I think. I think I’m going to try to live there anyway but I know that will always make me a weeb, though I wish I wasn’t and wish I would just go somewhere.

>> No.19029998

Do you mean why did it take the trip off? It made another thread with the trip recently, and it probably realised that anons can filter trips, so its entire thread was hidden from everyone who had seen it shitpost before.

>> No.19030228


>> No.19030263

I'm a devout Catholic but listen to satanic/magick music.

>> No.19030296

I've bought about ten books this month. Havent finished a book in several months

>> No.19030604
File: 148 KB, 1200x1600, signal-2021-09-11-232217.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No poetry thread up so I'll just post it here in the autism general

>> No.19030632

this girl at work-study asked me what my parents did for a living and i told her the truth and i think i ruined my place at work now that everybody is aware that i have a shitty home life. is it better to lie when people ask you these questions?

>> No.19030637

I think it's possible that some animals have a concept of beauty.

>> No.19030646

Assuming that you desire both jobs equally, that's when lifestyle would come into play. I personally wouldn't like the weird hours of the bartender, for example.

>> No.19030651

What do they do

>> No.19030664


>> No.19030667

Do you guys ever think about how weird it is that we live in the middle of an era of rapid change? Ever since the enlightenment it's just been this slow shift of fundamental values and ways we look at things in society. We like to look down on Medieval society, but there is a kind of comfort in having a world that is totally self-sustaining and certain of itself, that is self-perpetuating and has its own answers to life's problems. For instance the fact we all decry traditional medicine when it actually works a large amount of the time is a sign that we have totally discarded some things our ancestors thought essential. I just have a lot more respect for anprims or NRx than most traditional conservatives because at least the former actually get what is happening.

Me too man. It's important to understand though that the "Japanese society" you want to participate in is nothing special in a lot of ways. Like if you want to be a social butterfly in Japan, it's a cool fantasy, but ultimately similar in most ways to being a social butterfly in America or the UK or France or Norway, etc.. So if anything is blocking you from succeeding socially in those countries, it will probably stop you in Japan as well. And since it's easier to succeed socially in the West due to the difference of culture, you should direct your effort there first and see how it goes.

I think a lot of guys who end up infatuated with Japan might have some personal issues they need to work out. I know this because I'm one of them. For me, I thought I just hated the people of my country. It turns out I'm depressed and I can't make connections with people anymore. So even if I moved to Japan, it would be impossible. Check to be sure that your priorities are in the right place before you pursue this Japan thing any further, is all I'm saying.

>> No.19030702

Today I broke off things with two girls. I wasn't fully into either of them. A big realization lately is that I don't want to settle for less, so to speak. I only want someone I can go for without reservation. One girl was a bit bigger, turning 28 soon, and fairly tame. She would be a good wife and mother, and I should go for that, but there was zero spark for me. I found her boring. The other was also a bit bigger and 26 but Jewish, and I just don't want to deal with that. I want a fit young weird white girl, period. I turned my app filter to up to 32 and I raked in matches, so there is a pool there for me and it's probably only getting bigger. Of semi-established late twenties, early thirties women. And I can go for them in a couple years if i want to. But for now I'd rather hold out until I find someone of high quality, who I definitely want. I should keep an eye out and be more aggressive for when I see one. I should have talked to that girl today. But that's a thing going through my head now. Only going to respond, go for women I'm definitely interested in. Don't have time or money to date people I feel lukewarm about.

>> No.19030713

Apprehensive about city living in this other country since I’ve never actually lived in a big city before.

>> No.19030719

dad is dead, mother is a homeless alcoholic but i just told her i’m not close to my mother kek i guess this question is relatively common when making small talk….

>> No.19030728

Be prepared for the possibility that there is no spark in general with women, and it's not just that you haven't found the right one but that you simply aren't that interested in a lovey-dovey sweety soulmate cutie pie as the centerpiece of your life.

Once I hit a certain age I realized that the "spark" is mostly a thing girls want and talk about from a very young age, and have directly and indirectly imposed on media because the media panders to them for money obviously. The media sells meaningless sex to men and young women with one hand, but holds out the promise of old fashioned traditional love with the other hand. Modern women see no contradiction between the two, thinking they can both be an irresponsible whore with no ambitions and marry their soulmate when they "start to show their age" (which they literally think is around 35, I've heard them say this). But as a man you are not so sensuous or credulous, and you may begin to notice not only the contradictions between these desires, but the fact that the traditional Hollywood love story never existed in the first place. Most marriages throughout history began as strategic and, if they were lucky, grew into partnerships.

All I am saying is don't exclude the possibility that "the one" is a Hallmark card fantasy, especially in a world where 90% of women are dissolute whores with no sense of shame or responsibility. You may have to make strategic decisions yourself, like picking a good mother and good person over picking the one who makes your soul light up as you go on an adventure together like in the movies.

>> No.19030755

All I can tell you is continue to avoid Jews or you'll regret it sooner or later. No point in disregarding millennia of wisdom and warnings.

>> No.19030764

That's really dour man.

The spark isn't what matters, finding someone loyal to you that you can come to love is.

>> No.19030772

Jew girls are hit and miss. Jewish high verbal intelligence, natural love of cynicism and irony, and high neuroticism and mental illness make them the natural companion of the 4chan autist, but that isn't always a good thing.

>> No.19030807

Yes they can be fun but they're not reliable and they can get psychotic and revengeful. A little bit of fun is not worth the risk. There are whites, Latins, and Asians that are plenty of fun and less likely to go crazy.

>> No.19030826

Most importantly, I don't want Jewish kids.

>> No.19030837

But those aren't good for long term if you're white. Creating mixed race babies is cruel.

Well Jewishness is matrilineal, so avoiding Jewish girls is a good idea then.

>> No.19030863

Me neither and I convinced my cousin to break up with her Jewish boyfriend (who was by the way treating her like a Jew does by manipulating and lying and then acting like a victim) because I don't want Jewish blood in my family. Even if you happen to find the mythical good Jew, the child could be a psycho. But anyway you can still date outside of your race and have meaningful relationships even if you plan to have a family with someone else. I just think it's a bad idea to try it with Jews because even from a small relationships they can be dangerous. It's just safer to avoid them because there aren't that many of them anyway.

>> No.19030893

Anon to whom you responded.
I appreciate the effort post and the sentiment.
While I largely agree, I have some reservations.
First is that I think something like a spark does exist to a degree, and it's rooted in a quick and immediate physical and emotional connection. Someone you "click" with, "have chemistry" with. I've felt it before, for multiple women. But those didn't work out in the end for a variety of reasons. My point being that I know that for me it exists. The last girl I dated had it. It's like, a contentment and proudness to be with them. For me, at least.
Second, I think the spark is essential, for me, for a good relationship. It can't get off the ground without it. I can't logic myself into wanting to be with someone. Either I do or i don't want to be with them. And I know it almost immediately. I've tried to convince myself I like people in the past, but that has never worked.
Again, I largely agree with you, and am just speaking of what is a practical, real, and dialed down spark, not the one that's sold and bought.

>> No.19030917

It’s probably memories compressed in a strange way that you receive all at once while entering sleep. I’ve tapped into this before, i see images flashing before my eyes and sounds. It’s what I imagine tripping is like except it isn’t too psychedelic and more like the real world flashing before my eyes. Usually only happens seconds before I fall asleep but despite my consciousness of it I can’t or don’t think to control it.

>> No.19030923

Occam’s razor.

>> No.19030934

I fucking love science too

>> No.19030937

I agree that makes sense. Have you ever read Goethe's Elective Affinities?

I think the kind of spark you're talking about definitely exists, and there's an even lesser version of it too that purely applies to physical appearance, because some girls are "objectively" pretty but just don't click for you, while some girls are "objectively" weird looking but they do it for you and not others. Most of this is unconscious so the best relationship is one in which you keep finding out new things about a girl you feel unusually attracted to, like you find out her laugh and the nuances of her body language and behavior are also surprisingly cute, and "pop" for you in a way other girls' don't. That extends to personality too.

From what I understand this is similar to how women fall in love. They like to see little subtleties and intangible things about a guy that he doesn't put on deliberately, but reveal aspects of his character that resonate with them, like kindness and quiet strength.

I do think the spark exists in a higher way too. Soulmates don't exist but there are very rare women you feel grateful and excited to be around and it somehow doesn't go away, but deepens. Even when it gets "boring" because you've known eachother for 10 years you still feel excited to see her, she never becomes mundane. But that's astoundingly rare, especially in this day and age where men are expected to jump through a million hoops for bad Tinder sex from depressed girls with no personalities (who think being depressed in a stereotyped way they derived from social media memes is their personality).

My suspicion is that most or maybe all women have the potential to be someone's high spark-index soulmate, but only if they cultivate it and grow into it. Most women remain unformed and essentially adolescent, emotionally intellectually and spiritually, into their 30s. They'll never even know if they could have been some guy's superspark because they never worked on their sparkiness and made it come to life. That's why it's good to have a grim realist streak, just in case.

>> No.19031064

I'm optimistic things will work out for me, that I may one day find one of those rare ones that you described. It is good to be optimistic, I think.
You're right about the subtle observations they make, I think. Once, as I was preparing to leave the apartment of the last girl I dated, after we went simply grocery shopping, she stopped me and said something like, "It was really hot the way you were in control there." There meaning the grocery store. I pressed her on it but she couldn't explain it further. It stuck with me as interesting.
You lost me a bit in the middle, thiugh, which I think was hyperbolic. It's trite, but I do think it's easy to get jaded and warped by the stuff you see here. Especially if you consume a lot of it and don't mix it with real world experience. I think the souring or cleaving of male female relations is largely hyperbolized here. It's not great, but it's not a lost cause.

I agree with the latter points. I think there is a short story in brief interviews with hideous men that nails it. Women, who broadly speaking a more left leaning and empathize with so called feminist ideology, are conflicted romantically, and they seek a man who so overwhelms their logiced reasoning that they fall for him. Not that I am some cassanova, and again it's trite, but frankly being real and being confidently yourself is sufficient I find, and that's a somewhat rare quality in men these days.

>> No.19031081

just found out further details about the 1986 Chernobyl disaster after watching the 2019 miniseries... damn that shit sucks man

>> No.19031093
File: 77 KB, 693x448, lewhy.jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My dog just died. He was a 7 year old Weimaraner. All he every did was love me and as a typical human I reciprocated as much as I could. But it never met the bar that he set. The cause of death is unknown. Most likely a cardiac event, maybe neurological. Doesn't fucking matter because he is gone. He died alone in a kennel while I left for vacation. I hate myself. I hate that we form these meaningless bonds with animals that live 1/10 the amount we do. I'm just sick. Gunna go drown myself in a gin bottle now.

>> No.19031096


>> No.19031117
File: 66 KB, 680x680, d38.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

F, sorry anon. Don't hit the booze too hard. He wouldn't want you to hurt yourself. Nothing is as meaningless as it seems. He's somewhere else probably getting ready for his next life.

Hate to add this to your plate but make sure you do any due diligence you can to find out whether the shelter is covering its ass for some malfeasance or neglect. Unlikely but saying this just in case it ends up saving other dogs down the line. Some shelters are fishy.

>> No.19031155

thanks anons I will try not too, but it is helping with the rolling tears. My father is actually our vet and he showed me all the tests results that he ran and he cant find anything. Night kennel staff said he was eating and playing like he always does when we board him. He doesnt have the equipment for cardiac autopsies so that is his best guess, which I accept.

>> No.19031193

Stop being a bitch and grow some balls

>> No.19031208


>> No.19031214

I think about killing myself for hours every day. I feel like I'm terrible at everything I do and will live a miserable life, poor, alone, unappreciated, unrecognised. I have to become stronger, smarter, work harder... But I feel like I'm going backwards, not forwards.
I can't buy anything without terrible buyers remorse. I have actually spent lots on expensive clothes which I never wear. I'm so autistic. I can't do anything right, even buying clothes. Getting a haircut is an almost insurmountable obstacle. Regular sleep likewise. Friendships non existent. I can't even drive.

>> No.19031231

Kek the bitch tries to act hard on the internet

>> No.19031261

the only thing that has ever worked for me is gradual progress... literally think of the easiest possible thing you can do and do it for a week, then think of the next easiest thing and do that for a week. eventually you will probably fail but you fail to a point above where you were at the beginning, then you can start again from there, and next time fail to point that's still higher, and so on... you have years left on your life, even if your progress is at a snail's pace, it's progress.

>> No.19031263

I have a 6 year old Weimaraner…

I’m sorry, man.

>> No.19031266

Whattup I'm you but slightly older
Just recognize your personal rhythms and recognize that all the bar times do pass. Sometimes, often, this information is meaningless during the bad times, but it will eventually click. It comes in ups and downs. Recognize the lows. Acknowledge them. And they they pass.
Not a day passes that I don't think about harming myself at least 10 times, but I've caught on that's it's fleeting and, in a sense, not necessarily the real me.

>> No.19031434

I've been fantasizing about writing something, and I'm of two minds about actually doing it. On one hand, I think that doing something creative would be good for my psyche. But on the other hand, I don't think I can actually produce something. I don't actually interact with the world. I can only see it mediated through media. Can someone like me who barely knows even himself write anything of value?

>> No.19031447

I am really grateful to /lit/ for introducing me to Houellebecq. There is honestly few in this world I feel more compassionate for than the set of cynical authors who have been completely trampled on by life, and must now shore some fragments against the ruins and try to live on because they have no choice. In this variety of cynics there is always a beautiful idea of what life could have been that moves me every time. But the main reason I respect him is that his work absolves us of the guilt and shame of living miserable lives. I feel too often we are blamed for having sad lives, that somehow it is our own fault for living in abject misery, and that even if we have tried every remedy with no success, the blame still lies on us. His work is filled with miserable characters, but there is also a sort of quiet acceptance of their lives as they are, without embellishment or a forced catharsis. His work embraces the sad, strange, empty parts of life instead of trying to push them out of view. Perhaps it's just because I live a terrible life, but I feel he is one of the only truly honest authors, and for that I've come to really appreciate him, and will reread one of his works to get me through my next rough spot.

>> No.19031502

I just can’t seem to get my appetite under control for very long, but for those periods when I do, it seems to have no effect at all.

>> No.19031614

For the most part of the quarantine my weeknd routine has been smoking weed, listening to music and drinking with my gf and my brother until I get bored and go to sleep. Now my city is reopening but there's nothing to do here (it's such a small town) and my friends and I got distant over this period and we barely see each other. I guess I'm bored and I kinda miss being in a big city and having a social life. But here we go again. Cheers to another one of these nights.

>> No.19031633

Been thinking about writing homoerotic fiction lately

>> No.19031710

just write, it's a dangerous fallacy to think that you just "have it" right off the bat or you don't. every creative enterprise is healthy, can help you improve as a writer, can help you to understand yourself, and can help you to grow as a person, if you put care into it. there's no point in spending the time wondering if it's worth it or not.

besides, everything deserves expression through art, including "the type of person who only sees the world mediated through media". it could be interesting & integrated into the work if done well.

>> No.19031725
File: 521 KB, 1080x1345, EFE4EF6A-D9FF-4E76-8366-8FB9C9048EBD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just write, it's a dangerous fallacy to think that you just "have it" right off the bat or you don't. every creative enterprise is healthy, can help you improve as a writer, can help you to understand yourself, and can help you to grow as a person, if you put care into it. there's no point in spending the time wondering if it's worth it or not.
>besides, everything deserves expression through art, including "the type of person who only sees the world mediated through media". it could be interesting & integrated into the work if done w

>> No.19031750

dunno if you're still around here OP, but i have had a very intimate experience of what you're describing. i couldn't sleep all night, i was up at 4 in the morning afraid that this world was the dream & i was going to wake up in the real world. (this is not a common fear for me). at one point, my half-sleep thoughts drifted off into thinking about Zeus, & i was suddenly filled with religious fervor & fear. i ended up lucid dreaming, & the dream felt extremely real & full of verdant energy. during the dream i actually thought i went through with it & woke up in the real world. i don't still believe that happened, but it has made me more curious about the idea of a kind of "collective dreamscape" existing out in the collective unconscious, parallel to our own world.

>> No.19031785

have fun repressing your creative spirit for the rest of your life. it makes you super cool & way more intelligent than dumb ART HOES with COOTIES, congratulations

>> No.19031838
File: 430 KB, 1080x1350, 3AA86266-699F-4A2F-9974-DC26BDF27B74.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are you talking about?
I thought it was a nice pep talk and decided to encourage the would-be homoerotic writer too.

>> No.19031842

oh shit lol

>> No.19031849 [DELETED] 

weed has been legal in my state for 9 months but there are still no weed stores open. the mayor of my city said he is going to allow hookah bars with weed though which will be fucking dank.

>> No.19031851 [DELETED] 

New Thread

>> No.19031862 [DELETED] 

The Real new thread


>> No.19031865

not even at bump limit you fucking jagoffs

>> No.19031874

It makes me lol how seriously people take the OPs of these now

>> No.19031876

Kinda emo bloggy, anon.
>I give up on all of you!
Is there a suicide pledge at the end?

>> No.19031882

Girls have seemed really bashful and flirty around me lately, and I'm not sure why.

>> No.19031889

Are you in Australia?

>> No.19031892

It's not a blog. But a short story I thought you all could read as you make up your minds on what to write.

>> No.19031905

No, I'm in the US version of Australia

>> No.19031930

>US version of Australia
So, spring is in the air, yet it’s only September.
Are there any eucalyptus trees in your neighborhood?

>> No.19031948

Yes. Florida calls them the "silver dollar tree"

>> No.19032006

thanks anon. Hold em close.

>> No.19032013

for what specifically

>> No.19032034

i'm a pretentious and annoying asshole but i kind of dont give a fuck anymore

>> No.19032038

Pretty sure that they've killed off these threads. This one is so much samefag because the OPs are having to artificially inflate the amount of interest in the threads. There used be some containment value to the thread, but also a lot of on topic shit that didn't need a new thread. Now it's one anon trying to pretend he has friends in a battle nobody gives a shit about.
I think the thought process here is that if you post a popular thread, then you are popular and setting the tone or some other retarded imagined accolade. The OPs are too autistic to tell that the thread being popular didn't make OP anything but a faggot. Now we're stuck with flamboyantly autistic faggots competing for pictars. That's not going to make for popular threads. Who wants to come to these threads to talk to a raging autist whose main priority in life is Norman Rockwell styled thumbnails?

>> No.19032080

Sucks to know whatever retard is screaming a few doors down from me in my dorm while I'm trying to work has a life like 100x better than mine

>> No.19032102

New thread

>> No.19032121

If you can post in this one and it's not on page 10, you don't need a new thread. You will not explode and die from posting in an autosaged thread.

>> No.19032197

No. That isn’t the new thread.
The new threads were deleted by the tranny janny.

>> No.19032224

Based. Missed the DBZ threads.

>> No.19032241

Said the DBZ underage poster.

Nobody likes your shit

>> No.19032331

We get it, you were filtered by DBZ of all things.

>> No.19032348

What bothers me is his obvious age being well under 18

>> No.19032679
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>> No.19032818

I want to eat butterfly out and make her coom