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/lit/ - Literature

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19001951 No.19001951 [Reply] [Original]

What are some books about trans women? Pic not related.

>> No.19001964

>What are some books about trans women?
most books contain plenty of men.

>> No.19001983

Did you just post an interracial lesbian image on 4chsnnel op

>> No.19001985


>> No.19001991

Take you’re transphobia elsewhere please. Or better yet just don’t be transphobic at all.

>> No.19002000
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>Take you’re transphobia elsewhere please. Or better yet just don’t be transphobic at all.

>> No.19002003

Trannies are men.

fpbp indeed

>> No.19002020


>Bernie Bros, male feminists and ‘good guy’ liberals all support sex work, but for some reason they aren’t paying girls like me for sex

>Four months before Violet, a 25-year-old transsexual with dollish cheekbones and a primary color wardrobe, moved to Brooklyn, she toyed with the idea of holding “a farewell tour” in her lifelong home of Portland, Oregon. Her approach to putting a bow on her 20-plus years in a city mocked for its liberal leanings was to collide her two disparate worlds: her friend circle of Juul-puffing mulleted Bernie Bros with her recent professional foray into sucking cock for cash.

>“What if I put it out there that I’m available as a sex worker for people I know for highly discounted rates?” Violet, now a good friend of mine, recently tells me over FaceTime, recalling the logic behind her “maniac idea.” She admits it was both a stab at giving her friends a “last chance to fuck” while also raking in as much money as she could before she hit the Big Apple. >https://melmagazine.com/en-us/story/why-wont-woke-boys-pay-for-sex

I mean, at least the incels aren't delusional enough to expect to be paid for it.

>> No.19002022

well you need money to pay for things

>> No.19002023

Anybody can be paid to suck dick or give up their ass if they just go to some sketchy crsckwhore local

>> No.19002024

>contribute to people committing suicide by encouraging them to mutilate themselves and join a sex cult and delusional worldview that only exists online
>tell their families to burn in hell when they don't understand this

Fuck trannies. At least the gays are just hedonists, these people are deliberate life destroyers.

>> No.19002051

>there isn't a single talented or relevant tranny writer in 2500+ years of literature
Can /lit/ explain this?

>> No.19002056

I always imagine whenever I see compilations like this what it would be like for the creator to explain what they’re making to their family.

>> No.19002069

>begging the mods to delete posts you don't like
I think we've found the most cucked board on this site.

>> No.19002158
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>> No.19002197

damn she is hot

>> No.19002198

F Gardner fans are trannies?????

>> No.19002264

Not all of us. I’m trans and I like his books from the ones I read.

>> No.19002275

Also pls don’t use the word tranny. It is a slur and outdated. Most trans women consider it to be offensive

>> No.19002295

Holy shit lmao

>> No.19002331

Well there’s supposed to be a futa character in one of his books

>> No.19002339

Also trans and genuinely like Gardner's books and was on his discord for a time but I don't think my trans status has much to do with it.

>> No.19002351

Fair enough. HOWEVER, “trap” is not a slur against transpeople. A trap is a homosexual cis male who presents himself in a feminine manner, not an MTF.

>> No.19002355

This. I also went to the /lit/ meetup F Gardner had at his mansion in Chicago. There were a ton of shemale hookers there.

>> No.19002391

I mean have you tried bringing up any books around your local lgbtsjwtfnpc marxist cattle? In no time you will see their beady stupid cowlike eyes light up in panic. Soon enough they will start with the usual subhuman bleating "wasnt he sexist? Arent you being dangerously eurocentric? Hasnt it been debunked as fake news pseudoscience?Why read books by dead white men when you could have been streaming the latest diverse and inclusive workplace comedies at netflix hulu and disneygo? Didnt you know reading antything beyond YA literature is ableist towards people who are too retarded to read? How does this further the short term electoral goals of the democratic party?are you saying child sex workers arent real sex workers?Have you been taking your SSRIs and HRT? it is very important that you take the medication dr goldstein prescribed otherwise we will report you to corporate for mandatory sensitivity training as per the domestic terrorism act of 2021"

>> No.19002402

What's wrong with transphobia?

>> No.19002411

what about your mother?

>> No.19002420

its one of the gravest sins according to the official cultural marxist religion.

>> No.19002433

here are two books in the middle of a /pol/ thread on /lit/:
If I Was Your Girl
Detransition, Baby
okay, now go back to not reading books and seething over trannies

>> No.19002435
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Days without end by Sebastian Barry. Main character is a m to f transsexual.
I we pleasantly surprised by this one. It was a decent book. Some lovely prose

>> No.19002450

>tfw I just found out this board has been hijacked by literally trannies
It's over.
Here is goes, the last bastion.

>> No.19002455
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>"Earning my Pulitizer. I'm documenting atrocities; personally feel a bit like Lee Miller or Dith Tran. Just like everything else, our tragedies and sites of trauma are now first and foremost digital, 4chan our Theresienstadt."

>> No.19002459


>> No.19002475
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by this point transphobia counts as a form of antyi clericalism, these ''people'' are essentialy the snivelling eunuch priesthood of the globohomo regime.

>> No.19002480
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Get lost man. Trannies are not gay. That’s an urban legend. Their the same thing as dating femboys. Your attracted to the femminity.

>> No.19002483

kek you're right, the energy of blanket anticlericalism standing for anti ancien regime in general is the same as modern anti tranny

first as tragedy then as farce

>> No.19002493
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I am not trains but Call of the Crocodile was fuckng awesome. I read the whole book while smoking weed

>> No.19002495

Thou shalt ne'er a true maiden be. Thou hast neither womb nor ovary. Thou art a catamite, twist'd by foul perversion of chirurgeon's art to crude fleer'ry of Divine perfection.
All validation as thou receivest like unto Janus' own be, and tepid to boot. 'Pon thy hind, good folk fleer.
Thy good father and kind mother art in troth disgust'd and in shame of thee.
Thy friends doth make sport of thine hideous countenance 'twixt themselves.
By thee art all of Adam's sons utterly repuls'd. Our Lord didst fortuitously permit all menfolk to divine thy fraud with wondrous accuracy.
If by trickery, thou didst 'pon occasion "pass", all gentle folk verily wouldst 'pon closer examination revile thee. By the Lord's arrangement, thy very bones betray thee.
And if 'pon chance thou pliest with drink an unfortunate companion unto thy fetid bed, 'twould soonest fly as drink in the aromas from thine diseas'd, fest'ring wound, the which thou cherish in mockery of Eve's daughters.
Tis certaine that never shalt the devil's spawn pass from thine false womb, thus fruitless art thy efforts to ensnare gentlefolk.
Joy shall likewise escape thee.
'Pon waking, thou paint upon thy face a Deceiver's frippery, but inside thine heart, parlous despair circles like Leviathan, eft t' crush thee 'neath th'unbearable weight.
In the end 'twill be too much to bear - thou shalt find thyself procuring firm rope, mocking the hangman's noble art, and plunging into the bitter abyss of the Divill's embrace, to spend thy days better cavorting with thine masters.
Thine father or mother shall occasion upon thine empty shell and weep, caught 'twixt heartbreak and relief that the shame thou broughtest them hast, anon, abated.
Thine headstone shall reflect thine Christian name, and hist'ry shall record thee a man.
As worms and creatures of the earth feast on thine unholy corpse, thine bones shalt betray thee again - unmistak'bly like unto Adam's.
'Tis thy fate, self-appointed. Ne'er shall thee revoke it.

>> No.19002511
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Ah yes, What is some science or theory i can read which can help me check my privilege and learn more about the awful plight the diverse and vibrant culture of these warm body politically correct victimhood unit NPCs purpose engineered biopolitical clientele for the democratic party hr departments and big pharma, i mean these most noble and progressive of creatures? How can i be a better ally? How can i get over the deeply engrained heteronormative prejudices that make me feel uncomfortable abouth the beautiful and heartwarming display of diversity and progress in pic related?

>> No.19002530
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Reminder if you support 'trans rights' this is what you are supporting.

>> No.19002542

>I’m trans

>> No.19002554

Not trans (per se), but the Frechtman translation of Jean Genet's The Maids / Deathwatch contains an introduction by Sartre that approaches Genet's homosexuality intertextually in a fashion that would definitely be considered transphobic today.

>> No.19002556

The mental image of a bunch of trannys reading Call of the Crocodile is fucking hilarious.

>> No.19002591

I know you didn't start this thread in good faith but if you're really interested I'd recommend Hurricane Season by Fernanda Melchor. I've been shilling the book here for a while and I'm sure I've convinced at least two or three anons to read it.
Praise given by Anons to "Hurricane Season" in 4chan:
>I can't believe it was written by a woman
>It's so good despite it being written by a woman
It's really good; the best contemporary novel I've read.
There's also this trans writer called Camila Sosa, haven't read her but you can see if her books have been translated to English.

>> No.19002604

I also forgot but obviously another must is Donoso's Hell Has no Limits; very good novel too; might make some Anons more comprehensive.

>> No.19002607

>primary color wardrobe
someone explain this troon's boasting here. it's this a trend? what in the fucking gayapocalpyse is this young penis having woman fucking talking about here?

>> No.19002611

This post makes me so mad. The word tranny shouldn’t be used. Why does me liking that book even matter?

>> No.19002631
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>This post makes me so mad. The word tranny shouldn’t be used. Why does me liking that book even matter?

>> No.19002717
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these people need to be fucking purged

>> No.19002718

Sounds like you have no argument other than hurtful pictures. Instead of wasting your time drawing something offensive like that you could be productive

>> No.19002744

Not only do you filthy creatures have blood between your axewounds but you also have the blood of every single person who killed themselves by joining your schizophrenic cult of pretenders. You've sent agents in every single country to corrupt the youth and have them mutilate themselves and dress like harlots for your satisfaction. You don't deserve to die. You deserve to live the most horrid tortures a body can endure. You're a clique of sick clowns with affected by an undocumented mental illness. I sincerely, sincerely hate you all with every fiber of my being. You do not want acceptance, you want additional rights to spread your disease to others. You are almost as bad as jews.

>> No.19002781

Trannies are okay as long as they’re the hot ones. Also based OP for liking Gardener books. Call of the Crocodile rules. Have not read Call of the Arcade but I’ll check that one out to spite the cringe non-enjoyers of trannies.

>> No.19002801

everyone who says trannies are not hot are lying. If them having girldicks was a big deal then people who say they don't like trannies would vomit every time they saw their own dicks. They don't though. Look up the hottest trannies. You cannot deny they are hot. If you do then you are lying.

>> No.19002811
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frank gardner lives in Illinois with his parents.

if any anons are for some reason interested in wasting their time reading gardener's dogshit, at least don't also waste your money - it's available for free here:

>> No.19002815

What the fuck they're behaving just like redditors

>> No.19002837


>> No.19002867


>> No.19003036

I don't know what that means.

>> No.19003037

Most likely actively and passively being suppressed.

Transphobia doesn't exist, it's just something the corporate left says when they want to exclude someone from an in-group.

>> No.19003095

Get better bait holy shit

>> No.19003142

>this thread

90 percent of men have had or will have a sexual experience with a transwoman at some point in their life. It’s the norm.

>> No.19003192

>90 percent of men have had or will have a sexual experience with a transwoman at some point in their life.
That would probably constitute rape in many cases, but that's not exactly something those that bang the drum about "trans rights" would seem to care much about.

>> No.19003232

tfw becoming a writer of 'transgressive literature' in the hope of getting trannies to have sex with me

>> No.19003249

Every single degenerate who fell for a filthy tranny is not attracted by his "girl dick" you mentally ill freak. Most of your admirers are lonely virgins who got desensitized to faggots in girl clothes from years of porn and isolation. Most likely they aren't even fags themselves. They just feel for their grotesque imitation of feminine beauty, coupled with the fact that many have reached a point where fucking men in girl clothes seems more realistic than fucking an actual woman. That's it. Your entire "charm" lives and dies by the isolation and mental illness produced and encouraged by the internet and modern society. If any one of you creatures would have lived in any other historical period in any country(except for Greece probably) you would have been welcomed with a warm constant barrage of stones and torches unti the very earth you've stepped upon would have been cleansed by the sin of bearing you filthy hooves.

>> No.19003269

Virginity is the norm, this board especially.
You mean a man? Yeah, I doubt it - the mass of unsexed teens might lead you to believe that everyone is uber horny, but that's not the case.

>> No.19003274

Get with the times. This isn’t the 20th century anymore. I’ve only ever had sex with 2 trans and I’m absolutely not gay.

>> No.19003330

idk where to buy it.. costco?

>> No.19003361

You shared a bed with MEN, TWICE, so you are by definition a faggot. If it makes you feel any better, it's not entirely your fault. You are a byproduct of your parents negligence and or society's way of turning everyone into spastic animals seeking only pleasure above all, devoid of any will and spirit.

>> No.19003385

That's a nice house, I wouldn't want to move out either to be honest.

>> No.19003399

You are in fact gay. Perhaps not totally gay but somewhat gay

>> No.19003452

As an autist NEET i hope to use a tranny as a training wheels gf and then dump her as soon as i become confident enough to acquire a real live human female

>> No.19003766

The Twyborn Affair

>> No.19004188


>> No.19004364


>> No.19004747

>a poo tranny

>> No.19005229

He is wrong. Just because there isn’t a penis doesn’t mean it is a man

>> No.19005467

Are you implying that most men are transgender?

>> No.19005480

ratio of repressors to regular cis guys in this thread is 10:1 at the least

>> No.19006746

Good bait, but the "you're" made it obvious.

>> No.19006777

I don't get why transgender people even elicits so much negative reaction. They are like 0.2% of the population in a given society, most people don't even know a person who knows a person who knows someone who is trans.

>> No.19007051

the whole schtick of the lgbthiv/aids community is cowardly hiding behind political correctness and victimhood in order to groom, rape abuse and indoctrinate children on a deliberate and systematic basis.

>> No.19007070

they are effectively the mascots or clergy of the anti white cultural marxist ideology or religion that its currently being pushed on all mass media. if you want to rebel against mainstream society what better way than to go after its holy cows? they want to take away your basic right to call bullshit bullshit. if they can get you to believe a man in drag is a real woman they can get you to believe anything, its like 1984. i say fuck you and fuck your corporate kultmarx bullshit.

>> No.19007386

if these people were just men who wanted to dress up as women or get fucked in the ass by other men id have no problem with them, but experience has shown the truth to be far more complex and sinister. these people want anything but to be left alone, they are vessels for an ideological monoculture that is being promoted by all the mass media.

>> No.19007476

>Most likely actively and passively being suppressed.
if you are a cishet white man you are free to write about anything, but if you are a tranny you have to write about identity and adhere to a tightly policed ideological line.

>> No.19007487

Of course, the first reply is politicizing the thread already.

>> No.19007491

i hate trannies as much as the next guy but imagine believing this shit

>> No.19007499

Oh look, the entire thread is about politics. Who could've guessed?

>> No.19007530

if trannies didnt want their existence to be politicized, they should have thought before making white straight christian majority's existance into a political issue.

>> No.19007621

lgbt: our very existence is political, we want to dismantle the heterosexual family!
white people: OK. we are willing to defend our culture and our people
lgbt: no! not like that!

>> No.19007632

the slippery slope is real, the only reason we have trannies and drag queen story hour is because straight passing gay men in suits tricked middle america into believing they were normal people just like you and me

>> No.19007718

That's fair, but
1. I am not in the politically minded midwit crowd of the LGBT community (I think one shouldn't exist to be honest)
2. This thread was literally just asking for books with transwomen in them, no mention of anything political, so the point doesn't make sense in relation to this.

>> No.19007740
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you realise the culture/politics generated by white politicians, media outlets etc bleeds into lgbt people being ostracised or labeled as "dangerous...", which in turn puts the lgbt to become more political and involved.

It doesn't occur in a vaccum

>> No.19007773

the problem with lgbt is that they are like jews. they know they wouldnt be able to beat white people fair and square, so they play victim try to poison us with guilt. experience has shown these people are dangerous and deserve to be ostracised, i wont be guilted into letting these freaks go after white children.

>> No.19007816

A gay person looks the same as any other person, how can you be ostracised because of an invisible trait?

>> No.19007823

why do these people act like its a crime to dislike them or disagree with their ideology? why does society place them on a fucking pedestal, what have they ever done other than get fucked in the ass?

>> No.19007832
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>white conspiracy
oh boy mate you're too far gone I'm afraid

>> No.19007835

Good goy

>> No.19007850

I mean i just take what the liberal media and lgbt activists say at face value. even if you insist you are not like the others in the end you will end up siding with the democratic party and your activist leadership when it comes to the ultimate goals which are the supression of our culture and the sexualization and normalization of our children,

>> No.19007873
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It's not as widespread as it once was but it still occurs that people can be targeted if they are perceived to be lgbt, some people are openly targeted because they are whether its from violence, denial of housing, employment etc. It's not as rampant in Western nations but its still there.

>all lgbt people are strictly gay men

get off /pol/ no one outside social media hacks/mongs wants the sexualization of children

>> No.19007954

i mean if you are white and straight you basically have these people coming up to you and shouting at your face and telling you you are privileged and engaging in a very blatant sexualization of children and that your opinions are worth nothing,

>> No.19008695

Dumb people are insulted for their intellect. But how can that be possible if it's not an outward trait as you say?

>> No.19008748
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Written by a trans woman, too.

I read it for a young adult literature class in college several years ago because I had a professor who wouldn’t assign reading by white men lol

I thought it was an entertaining book but like all YA it’s unremarkable and is the literary equivalent of eating cardboard instead of real food

>> No.19008771

I would love to have a trans gf who I just edged all day and maybe allowed to cum once or twice per month

>> No.19008781
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>they all act like redditors

>> No.19008829

>they are effectively the mascots or clergy of the anti white cultural marxist ideology or religion that its currently being pushed on all mass media
This is such a retarded take it's not even worth arguing.
>these people want anything but to be left alone
Have you actually tried doing any research into this topic or even tried actually interacting with trannies? A lot of them are basically neets and their entire goal is to be able to "pass" as women/men and blend into normal society.

>> No.19008914

Most of /lgbt/ isn't like that (besides trips) . Anon likely cherry picked certain responses out of dozens because they look worse than the other ones.

>> No.19008981

are you implying trannies aren't men?

>> No.19009916
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>obligatory anti tranny post

>> No.19010873

oh wow so many bigots in this thread

>> No.19010887

You know RGB themed gaming PCs? It's like that but with clothes.

>> No.19010899


4chan and sjw tranny activism are two variants of the synanon game. used to control the potentially dangerous surplus population of NEETs.

“It’s a technique to break down the personality. It’s a fascist therapy that makes the person totally outer-directed and dependent on the group. Then they can build up a new personality”