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/lit/ - Literature

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18994986 No.18994986 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.18994996

first for zyzz

>> No.18994999

I hate people and rejoice when large droves of people die. 95% of people are inconsiderate niggers who don't have souls

>> No.18995004


>> No.18995006

How do I cope with the fact I wasn't born a poet?

>> No.18995059

anons i come with a literary /r/equest, namely i'm either suffering from a very vivid fake memory or google search is useless

>for you don't see things as they are my boy, AS THEY ARE

i remember variations of this being said by a minor character in some novel (maybe with a maritime theme?) likely english/american because i primarily read those at the point in my life at which i THINK i read that

the quote and character engraved themselves into my mind, like a catchy song lyric, and it might well also be very different from what i remember, i was a high schooler reading book after book for an olympiad

anyway, pls help

>> No.18995063

I hate the way women treat me. I hate the way even Christian women treat me.

>> No.18995092

Hmm. That's not perfectly honest.. should read:

I hate the way this woman is treating me. I hate the way this Christian woman is treating me.

>> No.18995094
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I really want to listen to some laying on your gf's chest (heart beat) (2 hours) asmr right now

>> No.18995096
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Living seems more and more difficult and although I have very few problems, there are more and more things that afflict me. Being in the world and being around all the lowliness in it and all the lowliness in myself is driving me crazy. My only positive motives of comfort are the presence of people whose ingenuity of heart I admire, the mass, the prayer and the walk in the paths and lanes. I can also drown my affliction in games and discussion with people I don't admire, but that's a drunken comfort that drowns my sensibility among the stimuli. Men have no ideals, no nobility, no panache, women have no modesty, no dignity, no wit. On Wednesday I am going to talk to a woman whom I hope to be able to aggregate to the sheaf of my rays of light, of my fresh air currents and of my pure water sources, and I am very much afraid that I will be disappointed and that she will not perfectly fit to my rosary of diaphanous hearts, I hope that her friendly and jovial elfin manners do not hide deep desolation. I am also very much afraid that my rosary that I am building up so painstakingly will fall apart and that I will lose the grains of it because of my lack of skill in keeping them all together. If this were to happen, I would no longer be able to find pleasure in anything other than monastic asceticism, and I would still get a lot of grief from it. Life would be much more pleasant if it were only communion with loved ones, free of all the impedimenta of practical life, in these moments of fullness of communion that come to light the daily life there is certainly something of the other side of the grave.

>> No.18995131

don't fall for it, anon; it's all a simulacrum.

>> No.18995138

cell is the worst of the major big bads in DBZ

it goes frieza > buu > cell

>> No.18995148

Starting to think the CIA are beaming violent dreams into my head. Potentially also in league with "demons"(unclear what these actually are). Also beaming intrusive bits of violent speech

>> No.18995160

I am also meeting a girl this Wednesday who sounds similar. Hope it's not the same one >:(

>> No.18995169

How? Buu was fucking gay, Cell was lame because he was just a scaled up Frieza but he was at least a fun character.

>> No.18995215

Mine is studying history and preparing for the École des Chartes.

>> No.18995221

then you have nothing to worry about

>> No.18995228
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i've written 1.145 words in two hours. i want to write more still, maybe finish the play today, but i'm exhausted—AND still have play-writing lessons to attend. should i follow my body and rest afterwards or follow my gut and write thru the night?

i wish you luck with the woman, anon

>> No.18995229


>> No.18995238

>How do I cope with the fact I wasn't born a poet?
>Cabrões de merda, odeio-os a todos
Vai-te a chupar uma pila
Viadão, entre na fila
Filha da puta, gorila
Famosa dama, sua filha

How can you go on without being able to write these sublime verses?

>> No.18995245
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I know it could be worse but having 100 verbal IQ (tested during full mental evaluation IRL) with an interest in philosophy, ethics, poetry etc is pain.

>> No.18995252

"You have a blue guitar
You don't play things as they are"

Your mind is probably mixing up Wallace Stevens' poem with some other stuff.
This is my best bet.

>> No.18995262

I am sorry to hear that, anon. I shall pray that the test was a mistake and that you get the result you desire on revaluation. HXMKH

>> No.18995280

>or follow my gut and write thru the night?
Thru the night, anon.
I wanna see some excerpt of your tranny play.

>> No.18995284
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Are there any good exercises specifically to work on my wit? How about just watching a podcast or something and trying to come up with clever responses to random things that are said?

>> No.18995300

thru the night it is, then. after i'm sick of working on it for the day i might translate part of it and post it here (am writing in Portuguese).

>> No.18995307


>> No.18995310

Buu was the most /lit/ of the DBZ. Surely a post-modern avant-garde villain whom only patricians can appreciate.

>> No.18995315

A satire novel about a confused transgender man who wants to be a muslim woman and starts wearing a burkah and starts participating in the female extremist muslim community in europe.

>> No.18995330

>Are there any good exercises specifically to work on my wit?
Stop being a bitch
Write more, get fit
Turn on your creativity switch
Widen your horizons with Wilde,
The "queen" of lit/

>> No.18995337

Pls call it Safety in Iran

>> No.18995341

To be honest, I thought the choice to go with a demonic enemy was sound. His candy aesthetic was also fairly original.

>> No.18995351

>(am writing in Portuguese).
Tranny drama, Taliban poetry...
Why are portuguese bros so based?

>> No.18995375

im a lot smarter than u

>> No.18995378

I’m writing a similar story.

>> No.18995382

functionally impossible

>> No.18995489

Does it make sense to hold certain words as taboo? sure it helps society function if there is a standard for behavior, but sometimes this standard becomes all people can see and that doesn't always help society function.

>> No.18995516

No, normies treating words like magic spells is one of the obnoxious things about them

>> No.18995544
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I gave up drinking after a brutal bout of it. It was the last in a long string of attempts to try to remove that sick feeling of boredom intermingled with horror. Not many people feel it, or maybe everyone feels it, and they have learned how to quiet it. Yes, that seems more right. They can quiet it and I can't.

I have tried God. I miss the monastery I used to visit. I miss the smell of churches, the little moment of world-silence after a mass. That's gone now. I believed then. I really did. Now, I might still believe but even to state it so weakly makes me feel like a liar, yet I would be just as much a liar to say I don't believe. That horror remains.

I tried love too, if that can even be a thing tried. One girl, probably not unlike any other girl. In fact I know there are ones prettier, smarter, more interesting, but this didn't matter. I loved her more than any other and that love made me honest. There was no deception on either end. I spoke honestly and she spoke honestly. I told her I loved her. She told me she did not.

And then of course there was the drinking. Almost an inevitability when life persists while the will doesn't. I drank a lot, and thought about drinking even more. It didn't change much. I went back to the churches a younger me went to. The glass was the same. This terrified me. The images didn't change. Still as beautiful. I had changed. Where was my beauty? No amount of alcohol would cover this startling contrast. On my last binge, I passed out not far from that little church. I would have stumbled there, vomit-soaked and half conscious, had not someone not found me.

So it's done. God, the girl, and the drink. There are no more illusions. Perhaps that is to say there is no more hope. Maybe there is no difference between them. This might be what the end of the line looks like

I love you

>> No.18995553

im horny and lonely gonna jerk off than read some cioran brb

>> No.18995559


>> No.18995578
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yes but only because it creates a class of words that still have a sharp edge to them. you can say "asshole" all day long and no one bats an eye, it's not even really profane anymore. I like knowing that if shit gets real I can always reach deep into my bag and pull out NIGGER and get a guaranteed reaction.

>> No.18995604
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I want to be better than the laughing silhuettes behind the trees, yet I can do nothing else but to laugh at those afraid of what the shadows hide.

>> No.18995611


>> No.18995786
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FROM SOFTWARE? More like assets FROM my last SOFTWARE.

>> No.18995793
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Wittgenstein became THE Wittgenstein because someone greeted him with "How's it goin?" And he logically informed the stranger exactly how things were going when the stranger just wanted to hear "What's up?" And this illogical Amerimutt bullshit sent him insane because he peeled all functions of language shared by femoids and groids and deference to femoids is devoid of symbolic logic. Know the nonsense you speak. Inception has layers. LAYERS. You are your own. You are on ye own. Onion. ONIONS HAVE LAYERS.

>> No.18995849 [DELETED] 
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rip tariq khalil

>> No.18995887

I have a mental fascination with pain, but no real physical preoccupation with it. How can I overcome that?

>> No.18995999

I have no idea how he managed to write standing up. This standing desk isn’t even comfortable.

>> No.18996060
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Went to a party the other night and drank myself silly. I acted like a fucking tool around people who I had never met before. I embarrassed myself and my friends. I burned bridges that I hadn't even crossed. The whole night I thought I was just having fun, and I woke up the next morning hating myself for what I did. Today I feel a little less miserable, but not much better. What's funny is that I went to that party thinking it was going to be great, that I would be more social and meet new people and that things would start to get better for me. It's just another mistake in my life, I guess. It feels like every time I think my life is improving somewhat I'm just leading up to another large mistake and I will always end up back where I started. I wonder why I keep going if this is the case: that if everything in my life is just a mistake, and that I would be better off not doing any of the things I've ever done in my life, then why not just neck myself. The scary thing is that I don't have an answer to that question, and every time I think about this I feel like I'm getting closer to realising that there never will be an answer and when I do get to that conclusion the only thing left for me to do is take my own life. But I'm not there yet, so I suppose I'll just keep on going.

>> No.18996072

the only time I feel bad about being alone is when I read those threads, and become brainwashed by empathy

fuck that, there is a lot of good things in being alone, and even if there weren't, who says I need to be happy? there are more important things in life than personal well-being, and happiness is just a product that I am being sold - it doesn't mean anything, just living is perfectly fine

>> No.18996073

>I embarrassed myself and my friends. I burned bridges that I hadn't even crossed. The whole night I thought I was just having fun, and I woke up the next morning hating myself for what I did.

Do you actually know if you left a bad impression? As in, has anybody told you that you were acting like a tool? If not, you probably just have hangxiety. I get it all the time, you wake up full of regrets and feel like you acted like an idiot - but you probably didn't. People have short term memories anyway.

>> No.18996086

I have an intense fear that one day while scrolling for pictures to attach to my post that I will accidently post a personal picture and my identity or loved ones would be forever tied to this shitty site.

>> No.18996102

I know for a fact one guy got a bad impression off of me, my friends told me. I barfed in a stranger's bathroom, so h probably hates me. It's hit or miss for everyone else, but I was so loud and annoying that people probably did think I was a tool. But hopefully you're right and I am just overthinking it.

>> No.18996108

I've grown indolent and soft. I must purify myself of such abhorrent weakness.

>> No.18996123

Yeah I mean that shit happens when you get a bunch of drunk people together. I've found that unless you're a serial offender people are pretty forgiving. It's not great, but just try to be a bit more decorous next time and you'll probably be G.

>> No.18996144

Mods just pruned an on-topic thread for no reason whatsoever, but kept the off-topic threads alive. What's their problem?

>> No.18996184

Sometimes I wish I believed in something even if it's delusional because believing in nothing is miserable.

>> No.18996215

Read books like "western esotericism: a guide for the perplexed", "man and his symbols" and gradually move on to more spiritual stuff until you've become brainwashed by something and an extremist radical

>> No.18996266
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It is quite literally easier to masturbate than to take the risk of putting yourself out there and getting laid or finding a girlfriend. I've had sex before, could have sex again, but in truth I am too consumed with anxieties to jump through all the hoops necessary to make that happen. Meanwhile, I could just watch porn and get that dopamine hit and then not have to worry about it for a while.

This way of thinking can feel so convincing but it is wrong. I have to do everything in my power to outwit the guy in me that wants to take the easy path and just jack off instead of going on a date.

>> No.18996267


I'm sure it will, but in a different context. Not one where I'm trying to fit a square peg into a round hope

>> No.18996277

Could have sworn that the new quickdraw pass for RDO was meant to come out last week. By the time I've had some sleep and I've woken up properly, I'll probably be able to jump on and check it out but it's just sort of annoying when I was ready to start it last week.

I'm having a go at writing a book, too. It's something that I wanted to do ever since I left uni so I'm finally giving it a go. So far, I'm having fun. I read a pretty mediocre book that was self-published by a local girl and she wrote herself into a sex scene where she gets "stretched out". Considering that I know what she looks like, the whole thing was pretty weird. She even described her breasts at one point. It still feels weird thinking about it desu.

>> No.18996312

The kids coming back from the swimming pool look like a herd of gazelles- long legs, black blocky sandals. They're talking about some TV show I have never heard of. I get the feel for it in my car as the lane is stopped up for a reason I can't see yet.

I can't know, but half a mile up the road the old guy who edges his lawn every Sunday fell dead and slumped over the curb. I never knew his name. I had no premise in my life to ever ask, and I suspect that even if I had one, he wouldn't have told me. Imagine- pulling to the curb just to ask an old man-

"Hey, what's your name?"

Any old man worth his salt would have flipped me off and told me to get the fuck away from him. Even so, who asks the name of any guy who his known for the time and place at which he edges his lawn? I might well have asked the name of every oak tree on my daily drive. Or each name of each kid in the herd of kids with their hair thrown forward over their eyes, joking about how school is starting again and how much they'd rather do anything but go back to school.

I mean, me too. Not to hate on anybody who liked school. But I would have been happier driving around the town asking the names of people who are irrelevant. To me, that is a better task than whatever half these kids are going to do.

>> No.18996471

I want to jump off the window and end it all, but the only thing that keeps me apart is that my family would be sad. There's no point in keep existing if I'm not living at all, but my family are good people, they don't deserve to suffer, and I certainly do not deserve them.

>> No.18996515

I am defiled and should be dead

>> No.18996517

Daily write what's on your mind suicidal post

>> No.18996618

There is too much silence in my home, and having news on is far too mentally polluting. Is there any radio show or call in program that could fill this void for me?

also already considered podcasts and audiobooks, but those require too much of my attention...

>> No.18996635

downtempo or ambient music maybe

>> No.18996655

Had a zoom call today. God I'm so ugly. I made an effort to hide my face the entire time.

>> No.18996868


>> No.18996943

i was training this girl at my job and i kept on saying i'm dead inside as a joke, but i kept on saying it until it wasn’t funny anymore and the statement was more sad than anything. i guess i really am dead on the inside now hahahahahahaah

>> No.18996957

buy an air purifier, then buy an animal like a parrot or such so that you can talk to it mindlessly

>> No.18996960
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I just wrote down this scratch. I dont really ever post on lit because I kinda think you're all psuedo intellectual faggots, but I dont know where else to post it and a feel like sharing.

>on a county road going 100mph,
my windows are down and the music is blasting my heart with every thump of the bass.
I> hold out my left hand and make a fist, punching the wind.
>the sheer velocity punches back,
>it's cold and abrasive, smacking every hair on my arm back down, stretching skin tight atop bone and sinew.
>it's this type of wind that makes every inch of my body tingle, prickle with goosebumps that prop up hairs that get thrown back down,
over and over again.
>it's less of a breath of new life, more like a 99 thousand volt zap from a defibrillator, a desperate, last ditch effort to jumpstart a heart that's long past its warranty.
>it's a tiny taste of freedom that leaves you hooked on a drug that can never run out. a reminder that the world has adventure in it yet, all you have to do is dare to reach out into the frenzy and show it you're even crazier.

>> No.18996972
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Fucked up the green text because I'm phone posting and I just do not give a fuck.

>> No.18997050
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I wrote two paragraphs today and now that it's time to do my internet socializing and write and play games...my 5/6 hour nights of sleep have caught up to me.
I'm going to bed before midnight. What is this insanity?

>> No.18997064
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For 5 or 6 years now, I've been constantly aware of the fact that my pure awareness exists prior to my memories, identity, thoughts, and sensations, and perceive myself as separate from those. I feel strong emotions, but from somewhere else, as if they were bounded by something or expressed artificially. I have habits and various thoughts, and watch them come and go. When I do something pleasurable I can see the physical sensation of pleasure and turn it on or off if I feel like it. Instead of feeling like Anon the person, I feel like some nameless amorphous being temporarily squeezed into the shape of Anon for the duration of his life.
On occasion my mind walks through each step of the separate parts in sequence, the senses, the perceptions, the emotions, the thoughts, the memories, the identity, the awareness itself, and once or twice it brushes against something else. I exist and am real, but there is something more real than me, separate, but from which my existence has its source and without whose will I would not exist.

>> No.18997096
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2nd date with this girl went well we spoke for like 5 hours and it felt like 1 or 2.

>> No.18997103

If I tell my psych I'm having suicidal thoughts, will it be more likely for them to give me a stronger prescription?

>> No.18997118
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I grew up on a rural Christian farming community. My life was full of constant song, work, family, and fellowship. I was never alone, and always surrounded by vital, honest people.

I left when I was 24 when I had a following out with my manager at one of the commune workshops. I moved out, got my own place, a job at the bank and lived by myself. I have had gender problems my whole life and started transitioning to becoming a woman a few months later. I started much too old so I never "passed" and basically looked like a beardless guy with long hair and small breasts. Been rethinking my life a lot lately. Living outside in the World has been so incredibly isolating and alienating. I don't have a single friend that I didn't already have back from the commune, can't relate to people outside, have no one to trust or talk to. I grew up in a place where you didn't have to lock your doors, and people could trust that other's would watch their back. Being outside and seeing how desperate, viscious, and self centered everyone is has been a real trip. I feel like I'm constantly in a den of wolves. There is no beauty in the World, just constant litter, kakophony, and visual blight. I cannot put thought to word on how impoverished and bleak the World is when compared to before.

I've been thinking of calling my father and asking if I can come back, but I don't know if they would take me. I have almost no real connection to the outside, so it would as simple as packing up my belongings and driving home. I've been missing so many funerals of the elders who helped raise me, and missing my young cousins childhoods, and many weddings. The woman I was being pushed to marry.

I guess the main thing holding me back is a lack of genuine faith. I honestly don't believe that Christianity is true, no matter how personally convenient it may be. I feel like this choice would just be the results of "a rational calculus", and would objectively be the right choice to make, only that my internal motivations would be wrong. Is this a protestant neuroticism? All I desire would be to return to a simple life free of all the visciousness of the World. I don't know why I'm writing this here. I don't feel like I really have any to talk about this with.

thank you

>> No.18997119

You’ll be 302’d

>> No.18997122

Mental hospital?

>> No.18997128

Does anyone know a site to download audiobooks beside Audiobookbay?

>> No.18997135

"Doctor is coming" the nurse thinks SWEETLY

>> No.18997153

So I'm a straight up atheist but I can say for sure the one thing that I can't live without is my friends and their support. There's no one position that will fix your life. My philosophy now is leave the world a better place than you found it. It's not profound in any way it's just dumb bullshit that makes me fell better about my day to day.

>> No.18997157

Involuntarily committed. It’s usually 3 days I think. You’ll be naked in a padded room with a turtle suit on under constant supervision. I was kinda joking but you do have to be careful who you tell stuff like that to. They might be legally obligated to report it

>> No.18997168

I wish I had anything profound or sublime to express, or that I could express such a thing if I had it, but instead I feel empty and purposeless, like a background character in someone else's story. Instead of expressing anything useful, I'll just scream and yell until I feel a little better and maybe next time this feeling comes that little voice telling me to hold on and keep trying to grasp what I can't grasp will finally have gone away.

>> No.18997177

I have extremely vivid fantasies of developing a personality test that screens for the kind of boring sociopaths that tend to go into sales, media and marketing, and using it on a massive scale to herd these people into specialised torture camps in which they get viciously beaten, raped, starved and humiliated literally all day every day for the rest of their lives.

>> No.18997178

It honestly makes me kinda angry they do that. There is a specific class of drug that I've shown success with (MAOI) which psychs generally refuse to prescribe on principle based on advice that is totally outdated suggesting it's extremely dangerous when in fact it's totally fine so long as you follow the diet guidelines and you'd have to fuck up hard in a very specific way to stand any chance of dying from it. If I ever decide to rope and never have another chance to try an MAOI, part of me wants to blame all the sheep in psychiatry who perpetuate this harmful stereotype about a drug that's saved thousands of people's lives, but in reality it wouldn't even make a splash, and I'd have to do something really unusual or atrocious to get any amount of attention, but it wouldn't be positive attention so the effort would be fruitless.

>> No.18997180
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>> No.18997186

so heckin true anon! and don't forget to buy a 4chan gold to skip the captchas every time!

>> No.18997189

despite all my rage I am still just a rat in a cage - confuscius

>> No.18997190

kys passive-aggressive beta, you deserve whatever faggy trauma makes you this way and I hope you think about it a lot

>> No.18997199

>intentionally wait for laptop to go below 10% before plugging in the charger
>actually get a slight kick of adrenaline from doing this

who else /madlad/ here

>> No.18997203

i actually never think about it when i'm fucking you're mom lol.. seek help sweety :)

>> No.18997207

living on the edge

>> No.18997217

Was thinking about taking the JLPT this year and went to check the site but
>We opened as many test sites and seats as we could, but there were a limited number of locations and also a limited number of seats available, and they were almost completely booked within a few minutes of the registration period opening. We are sorry to have to disappoint so many hopeful test takers. There will not be another re-opening of registration this year.
alright, lol

>> No.18997230

How should I ask a urologist to check my balls for cancer?
Hmm hello sir can you see if everything is alright?
Is this right?

>> No.18997255

I feel as you feel except the gender part. I also grew up in a religious family, community where was no dearth of trust, where every member of the community was a mere extension of the family. Family shared their surplus and seldom sold them for money; it was sometimes bartered but it was transactional--people give what they want to give or if they want to in return. It was as though the community was a large family. Then I moved to a city, became an unattached, asocial individual; lost religion; and lost touch with most people I knew.

I abandoned religion because I cannot accept certain precepts of religion and many of them do not conform with reason. But it hasn't made me happier or better in any sense. On the contrary, I've become more melancholic and feel like I've lost the anchor of life. I haven't found a thing that could replace the void left by religious community belonging. I've become nihilistic, which I think is an inevitable result of irreligiosity.

I think one should not try to rationalise religion and simply enjoy the benefits of religion even if that means being naive and ignorant. For if we try to rationalise religion, we'll be tormented by questions and doubts but won't ever come close to getting a certain answer. We will end up gloomy or ,at best, live with cognitive dissonance.

>> No.18997296

it was NOT transactional*

>> No.18997308

I have not improved my bench press in almost three months. I've been met with the realization that there is a ceiling to what the human body can achieve, and it is truly disheartening.

>> No.18997362

i'm too stupid to read books so i only cope with movies and music

>> No.18997667

Do any of you know this album?
It is pretty popular on RYM, and it should be up my alley since I like other depressive bands and have nothing against transsexuals, but this record seems to lack any subtlety or do anything interesting sonically. I think Have A Nice Life is the peak of depressive music because it is not just raw emotion, but emotion channeled in a way that you can't easily do with words alone. Idk, I really love depressive music of all types and it just seems there's something missing here.

>> No.18997677
File: 2.68 MB, 967x966, 1629726308564.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

done the same before desu, just make sure to be on best behavior next time an you can build back

>> No.18997694

relatable feeling anon

>> No.18997698

I hate being too feminine as a straight guy.

>> No.18997767

how do I cope with being untalented

>> No.18997784

just be my gf bro

>> No.18997790

So, how do you want to be treated? It's apparent women don't like you. But don't be sad anon, incels like you are a blessing for this overpopulated Earth. You should find peace in that knowledge. If you find it hard to cope read some literature on stoicism or sth, IDK.

>> No.18997791

I just had my vacation and I did nothing for the entirety of it but luxuriate in sloth. I guess that's what a vacation is for, except you're supposed to go somewhere else to do it. i might have done that, but I can't think of anywhere I want to go or anything I'd want to do, certainly not until the weather starts to properly and healthfully cool--then I come alive. Cool weather is good for the humors and, I believe, benefits circulation. I did not intend to fritter away my time, but left to my own devices I almost immediately degenerate into a self-neglectful schizoid-like state in which my body and mind deteriorates . I had planned to engage in a frenzied writing journey the whole time, but found my mind inopportunely empty for most of it. I did get some writing done but only a paltry 8 or so hours. I realize my mistake now. I should have rented a cabin somewhere and chose a more ideal area away from my common vices and normal habitat to really get my blood up for writing. But it is impossible to do any thinking in any humid weather whatsoever, it clouds the mind and stuffs up the brain . The excess moisture in the air is, in point of fact, while you never find thinkers in humid equatorial climes.

>> No.18997849

I am not an incel and it is only one woman I am referring to.

>> No.18997898

same anon. I wasted my summer vacation as well, wanted to go to Turin, but used 'rona as an excuse. now it's back to the wagecage.

>> No.18998170

>It is only one woman I am referring to.
>I hate the way women treat me

>> No.18998175

No, don't hate it, be my boyfriend (straight)

>> No.18998201

Occasionally one will wonder why they've decided to step into this horrible life and keep living it. The easy answer is that one is programmed to fear death. You will continue to push through the established comforts of your life, even when it feels like those routines are not very comforting at all. A bubbling, frothing hatred—a less pretentious author would hesitate to refer to it as a call to action, but you have me as the narrator so you'll be stuck with that—gives way to a distasteful malaise, a bland and easily defeated disgust for the world in general. Through it all, you will refer yourself to the things that allow you to feel pleasure, if for just those fleeting moments. They can stretch from simple tickles of the reward system—sex/masturbation, eating, substance consumption—or they can be gleaned from the prodding of the intellect; religion or philosophy (sometimes both).
The truly deprived will find themselves posting on an anonymous image board for Tibetan shadow puppetry, fully in the throws of schizophrenic tantrums about transgendered people, Jewish people, or—in the most exotic of cases—their very own moderators. At the end of it all, though, only one thing will truly remain:
One morning, as Gregor Samsa was waking up from anxious dreams, he discovered that in bed he had been changed into a monstrous verminous bug.

>> No.18998239

i am overman

>> No.18998278

I am sad and depressed because I never had sex, I am a failure at life and making edgy posts that are overworded to make me feel like I am inteligent means I am actually intelligent. But its okay since the world is filled with people like me it means that I can just put a book about my frustrations and since books are to be felt and not actually understood means in the future my there will be six quadrillion interpretations, most of them calling me a genius by the same frustrated retards like me.
T. Nietzsche

>> No.18998345

>The truly deprived will find themselves posting on an anonymous image board for Tibetan shadow puppetry, fully in the throws of schizophrenic tantrums about transgendered people, Jewish people, or—in the most exotic of cases—their very own moderators. At the end of it all, though, only one thing will truly remain:
>One morning, as Gregor Samsa was waking up from anxious dreams, he discovered that in bed he had been changed into a monstrous verminous bug.
I-is this because I made a fan art doodle of the twink guy for anon in the last thread?

>> No.18998354

>new bed said it took two people for assembly when being sold
>be me, one person
>be assembling bed
>read instructions
>says needs three people
>it's a single bed
>three people
>be me still assembling bed
>not sure what the other two people are supposed to help, all steps are easier with one person
I think this furniture company just hates hikis

>> No.18998392

first time posting in one of these threads
post that art it sounds neat

>> No.18998454

i am over, man

>> No.18998463


DBZ shoulda been a musical.

>> No.18998467

I really need to leave this job, im sitting here with it all planned out but cant bring the balls to my throat to actually send the email ive been pondering over for days and face my boss to his face

>> No.18998528
File: 54 KB, 640x800, 7747474.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>make profile on dating app
>set location to thailand
>all these women sending me messages i feel like a king

>> No.18998572

may I ask what this means?

>> No.18998609

Hi Doc, you up for fondling some balls today? My balls are really begging for a fondling.

>> No.18998707

Does anybody else here actively avoid threads about their favourite authors sometimes? It's not that I can't take criticisms of the authors I like, it's just that you know certain threads are going to be filled with a lot of needless negativity and it's nicer to just continue enjoying the people you like without having to read some retarded anon's essay about why they are "cringe".

>> No.18998729

How are there so many broken people on /lit/? I'm literally a laughing buddha any time I'm on this site, shitposting away to my hearts content, and you guys are all so gloomy and serious.

>> No.18998840

just can't figure out why every thread sucks *engages in extended arguments with clearly low iq people because i lack self-control*

>> No.18998851

I noticed that leftists get off from revenge fantasies. Stuff like "justice has been served". I assume it's similar to people who got bullied and they always have this kind of fetish.

>> No.18998857


>> No.18998875

That was Nietzsche's observation of it. The primary psychology of socialism is resentment of wealth. Their philosophy just teaches them to be vengeful towards successful people in life. A lot of it comes from their fetishism of manual labor.

>> No.18998921

I am sorry to hear that you have been suffering with such abject confusion and misery, anon. I am also sorry to hear that you do not feel you can call yourself properly Christian. I think you should ring your dad. I will pray for you.

As a Christian myself, I have always wanted to live in the type of commune you describe, with the sorts of people you describe. Would you mind telling me more about this commune? Where is it? How does one go about joining?

>> No.18999010

The pagan posting is getting annoying.

>> No.18999019

I haven't seen a pagan-tan in weeks if not months anon. Get a higher tolerance for very occasional content that offends you.

>> No.18999024

Ok sociopath

>> No.18999041

Read the post after that one, you dense bitch. What do you even get out of mindlessly defending every woman in every instance? You don't even know me, yet here we are. Fucking simp.

>> No.18999130

Imagine being such a cuck you try to "get a higher tolerance" instead of complaining, reporting, and telling the people who annoy you to kill themselves. What is it like living life like a bitch and preaching it to others like you know what's the right path in life? Get a higher tolerance for me fucking your sister.

>> No.18999147

>whinge, whinge, whinge, whinge to mods because nobody cares about my hot takes, whinge whinge whinge more words than I deserve
Are you mistaking me for your mother?

>> No.18999150

I typed the captcha in the wrong place at first

>> No.18999160

>Boo hoo read my post! You even don't know me!
Seethe, overreactor. Why so sensitive? It's gonna be okay. Nobody here is obliged to read your every post.

>> No.18999171

There are several right now.

>> No.18999180

I’m ready to leave mine too but haven’t just pulled the trigger. I don’t know if it’s a courage and security thing. I hate this job so much. I would rather dig ditches and the only thing keeping me here is a private student loan that I have to pay monthly, no excuses. Biggest mistake of my life. I’m at the point where I’m considering spending all of my savings just to wipe it out.

>> No.18999182

>You even don't know me!

>> No.18999251

There is a phrase that sticks in my head: faintly ridiculous. Like a large town square every single alley in my mind leads back to it. Even the words I am typing now, I feel that key phrase flashing loud as neon in my head. Faintly ridiculous.
People usually receive some kind of affirmation in their life by virtue of something external. An achievement, praise, a human relationship. I have never externalized myself. Any kind of growth or decline I have experienced has never manifested itself physically, it might as well have never existed, for me or other people. I have never had a girlfriend, a hobby, I've never grown a tomato plant, made a good friend, painted a painting etc. So to try and ascertain my value as a human being I have always had to go off of nebulous evaluations of my mental processes by other mental processes, leaving me with a vertiginous feeling of not really knowing what can be trusted and what's just my own personal spin. If I had that tomato plant I could point to it and say - hey, not bad. If I had a girlfriend or any social circle to speak of, it would be much the same: I could say look at that, obviously I can't be that bad, or I wouldn't be surrounded by people who find my presence desirable. The way things are though, I could be the greatest man to ever have lived, too great for my contemporaries to properly understand, too great to participate in trifling pastimes like painting, growing tomato plants or anything lesser minds are wont to do. I could be a worm, way too chickenshit to put myself out there, untalented by every meaningful metric, enervate, cowardly, perhaps I haven't expressed myself because there is just nothing there to express. A complete null. The fact that I have nothing tangible to ground myself with means that my fantasy can run wild. Or, as is more often the case it stays in place, depressingly one-sided. Any notion, opinion or dream I qualify with this simple phrase: faintly ridiculous. My deepest fears, my deep-seated prejudices. My great loves, my innermost desires. It can all be jotted down (even the words I am typing now) as faintly ridiculous.

>> No.18999259

Went out to eat at 4AM last night and read Fear and Trembling. Was hoping for some kind of revelation but nothing came

>> No.18999268

What's the matter bitch? Try getting a higher tolerance for content that offends you. Turn the other cheek now my bitch.

>> No.18999272

Try fapping something may came lol

>> No.18999295

You dont understand.

>> No.18999340

>anon is responding and bumping the thread
>That totally isn't because I'm acting like a sperger 12 year old and anon wants fellow anon to see me sperging out
>It secretly means he's reporting me just like I report shit I sperg out about
Have you considered a career in trains on /n/? I think you'd have a natural talent for it, and you wouldn't have to seek out pagans (though that might be a downside for you considering your recent actions)

>> No.18999350

wasn't sure as the train came in today whether I was gonna throw myself in front of it or not

>> No.18999361

I was just thinking about this theme:

>> No.18999362

>thinks I'm going to read this much shit from a bitch
Get a higher tolerance to being made a bitch

>> No.18999367

You could at least add in some buttwipes and aholes so I could really convince myself you're twelve and not eight.

>> No.18999428

im not manic depressed im just depressed and on lsd. one signifies a balance in all things, the other blackness and dust mites

>> No.18999444

get a dehumidifier

>> No.18999499
File: 58 KB, 976x850, _91408619_55df76d5-2245-41c1-8031-07a4da3f313f (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is /pol/ so good?

>> No.18999549

It's not.

>> No.18999577
File: 44 KB, 976x549, _91409212_55df76d5-2245-41c1-8031-07a4da3f313f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is though

>> No.18999641
File: 372 KB, 679x376, 1624732170900.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Girls might not like me, but the colorful flashes and giggles from the machines do!

>> No.18999668

this but unironically. what's the difference? seriously, what is the difference?

>> No.18999685

>sign into ebay for the first time in years
>need to update my account details
>they're asking for my SSN
what the fuck happened to the internet

>> No.18999689

It's not.

>> No.18999691

I feel like sooner or later I’m going to have to severely curtail my 4channel usage. Back when I was in college, I had a ton of free time and I was able to keep up with my work and reading while spending tons of time here. Now I work full time and my reading has gone to zero. My 4chan usage has not dropped much, but I think it’s going to have to go to make space for reading and other interests. Plus I feel a bit weary of 4chan, in that I don’t have anything new or interesting to say. I’m just arguing with the same people over the same topics again and again and again. I feel like the time I spend here would be better spent working more or going through that one German language workbook I got or reading the Chekhov stories I’ve been meaning to, or even just exercising. I like this site but I feel I have nothing to contribute or take away from it anymore. Anyway, thanks for reading my blog.

>> No.18999692

I want a job which involves the body, but today’s trade jobs are hardly even that. I don’t know how to describe exactly what I want. It’s something physical, but what that invokes is not quite right.

>> No.18999700

The state of this board is horrendous.

>> No.18999717

Just report more often.

>> No.18999740
File: 49 KB, 1080x1055, 1616491665935.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not him but like an anon has said earlier, MODS just aren't doing their job. It is useless. Half of the threads on this board are bait and coom and /pol/ SHIT under the pretense of "BOOKS FOR THIS FEEL?!". It is fucking disgusting. I'm sick of reporting shit, constantly reporting and reporting and it never works. Nigger jannies.

>> No.18999751

Like what? Post examples

>> No.18999808
File: 68 KB, 645x773, 00291d5a-4880-43e0-98cf-47b0fc1638ab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For a few months, I was studying with some of the most educated people at one of the oldest universities in the world and I dropped out. Now I can never go back. How do I cope with the fact that my life is ruined at age twenty-three?

>> No.18999822

i am under a man

>> No.18999830



BITCH. THE ABSOLUTE STATE OF /LIT/. This board is /r9k/ for pseuds.

>> No.18999839

>This board is /r9k/ for pseuds.
Well, /r9k/ did kick us off for talking about philosophy too much. What did you expect?

>> No.18999853

Then talk about /r9k/ shit on /r9k/ and talk about philosophy on /lit/. This is what boards are for, otherwise they would not be thematically separated. Oh no what a complicated concept, it's too much. This should be board culture 101. This place is fucking trash.

>> No.18999856

>Doesn’t mention blatant leftist /pol/ bait like >>18994747
Your bias is showing

>> No.18999857

>stop liking things I don't like

>> No.18999861

I like MILFs.

>> No.18999867

Actually, you probably just saved yourself in ways that you simply can’t fathom yet.

>> No.18999879

I can't notice all the trash threads in the catalog, there are simply too many.

Low IQ, low effort, underage post. We are not talking about "liking things", we are talking about what this place is originally intended for : discussion of philosophy and literature.

>> No.18999890

You have to go back

>> No.18999898

>Philosophical discussion can go on either /lit/ or /his/, but those discussions of philosophy that take place on /lit/ should be based around specific philosophical works to which posters can refer.

>> No.18999905

I'm about to drop out of my local shit uni and go to a really good one in a big city to study economics. I'll be starting it being 21 years old. Is that too late? Should I just suck it up and stick with the shit one instead?

>> No.18999907

Jannies post 80% of all off-topic threads

>> No.18999953

>is it too late
cmon you know the answer to this. why are you outsourcing your life decisions to jaded retards on 4chan? why even give anyone else the chance to GIVE you an answer. it isn't too late, it's not even close, it's so not close that certain jaded retards here would even find it insulting
>graduating at 25
you and literally everyone else

>> No.18999954

Same anon.

>> No.18999978

the difference is self evidently expressed in the experiences and their comparison.

>> No.18999985

No! No! No! Do not do anything with the information my audience! At least give me the time to delete all my hentai!

>> No.18999992

oh shit, we're about to hit a big get.
bugs.. easy on the numbers

>> No.18999994


>> No.19000000

op is homosexual

>> No.19000009

what a rude waste of a get, and yet a classic at the same time

>> No.19000013

ah there it is

>> No.19000025


>> No.19000031

w-whoa... BASED!!!

>> No.19000038

>why are you outsourcing
im not, it doesnt hurt to ask at extra places
>you and literally everyone else
in my country theres a 99% chance ill be the oldest one out of everyone who starts that program that year. Here you generally start uni as soon as you finish school at 17-18. It bothers me a lot that I'll be 3 years older than everyone else.

>> No.19000043

Witnessed. OP is a fag..

>> No.19000052
File: 840 KB, 500x374, 8E63A214-E642-4BC7-8C44-12D9399F2FBD.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19000061


>> No.19000068

Feel something strange in the pit of my stomach today
I skipped all my classes because they're too boring
Might crash the library to read about Leibniz

>> No.19000077

Skip the nerd, start reading Cioran, wear all black with combat boots and smoke camel cigarettes in some obscure corner

>> No.19000085

My library has only one Cioran and it's untranslated :(

>> No.19000093

Based, check, and OP rectd

>> No.19000095
File: 1.73 MB, 1646x1580, Doggy 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm at war, God, I am at war
I swear I am, swear that all these people know it somehow
That all these people know they're at war with me too
What's the use in thinking that though?
I feel a buzz off of the contempt of knowing that I'm alone here
It's all good, in my opinion, I'm happy like that
But I'm certain I'm in some sort of war with them

>> No.19000098
File: 94 KB, 828x803, 5iyhb1nghqh71.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19000100

based and checked
>> 18999999

>> No.19000112

Look for Carlo Michelstaedter or Schopenhauer

>> No.19000114

>he doesn't use interlibrary loans to read kino
I've gone so far as to request a Soviet edition of Bulgakov's short fiction in English, don't worry about making the book jannies do a little more work.

>> No.19000124
File: 418 KB, 682x1024, clown.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

European? You're-a peein'!

>> No.19000125
File: 270 KB, 619x591, 710f826f-5d68-4689-a5fc-27325d168705.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But I'm a wagecuck now, anon. I'll spend my entire life in a fucking office. I can't take this anymore.

>> No.19000131

Why did I have to choose a college major at 18? I'm entering my last year and have no desire to work in my field of study, even though it can be quite lucrative. Entering office life crunching numbers for the rest of my days scares the shit out of me. I have the constant urge to intentionally up-end my life to avoid before I enter into a lifestyle I cannot leave. I was motivated by money for my first three years of study, and have gotten straight A's every semester, but what is money if you spend 8-12 hours a day wanting to neck yourself?

What upsets me more is the fact that I am ungrateful and miserable despite the favorable position I have been put in.

>> No.19000132

Truthful gets are the best gets, indeed

>> No.19000148

I checked again, they have The Trouble With Being Born actually. I'm gonna go check that one out today
Is Persuasion & Rhetoric good?

>> No.19000152
File: 21 KB, 504x221, 2021-09-07-182431_504x221_scrot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least most were deleted bro. Just report more

>> No.19000166

Life is bigger than language so any attempts to distill it into language whether that's essays, novels, poetry or aphorisms always somehow fall short. There is no medium to convey life other than life itself. That's why everything, ranging from inspirational quotes to majestic grand works of art always somehow fall short. It is not that they are wrong, it is just that they are always just *this* far away from reaching that which is life. I think that is why those who got the closest, never wrote anything or left anything behind, except their own life. For those "lesser" ones there is art, philosophy, theology and so on. I believe that is why St. Thomas Aquinas called his work "like straw" upon his vision. His work is obviously very good but it falls infinitely short of the ecstatic experience which shows the thing as it really is without it being filtered through the mind's abstract reasoning about objects. I think this realization of the infinite distance between life-as-life and art or philosophy surely dawns on any artist, philosopher or thinker worth his salt. Only then is it even possible to locate philosophy or art in its proper place, that is when one gets over the existential dread caused by that realization.

>> No.19000170


>what is money if you spend 8-12 hours a day wanting to neck yourself?
watch Death of a salesman
>What upsets me more is the fact that I am ungrateful and miserable despite the favorable position I have been put in.
this is just a load of buzzwords. if you're not happy, if you think you won't be, then you're not, and you won't be. Control theory is all about taking measurements (where you are) and giving setpoints (where you want to be). If there's a difference between the two then you move to minimize it. Your setpoint just leads you to misery, so find a different one and take control

>> No.19000176

>I have the constant urge to intentionally up-end my life to avoid before I enter into a lifestyle I cannot leave
>what is money if you spend 8-12 hours a day wanting to neck yourself?
Just find peace with it, the odds that you'll get out of wageslavery approximate zero. This is your life now. Nine hours of MS Excel™ per day until you get to wait for death while your health degrades and you become a burden to your family -- in particular if you make the mistake of having children. You're only here to allow better people to flourish, those few who begin rising to the top from an early age.
I plan on at least switching to part-time once that becomes an option.

>> No.19000177

The Iliad conveys life. Cope.

>> No.19000183


>> No.19000187

>im not, it doesnt hurt to ask at extra places
by asking someone a question you are letting them give you an answer. and you're asking FORCHAN. you are asking FORCHAN for LIFE ADVICE.

>in my country theres a 99% chance ill be the oldest one out of everyone who starts that program that year
yes because everyone starts uni at that age, that doesn't mean they aren't going to end up like you (or worse)

>> No.19000197

Mods just pruned an on-topic thread for no reason whatsoever, but kept the off-topic threads alive. What's their problem?

>> No.19000198

>literally doesn't recognize memes
lurk moar

>> No.19000201

What ontopic and offtopic threads are you talking about?

>> No.19000202

You're a faggot, I met plenty of people in the first semester who were much older than that when I went to uni.
I myself, on the other hand, am way too old to go back to uni at twenty-five. You don't have a lot of time, anon. Use it.

>> No.19000207

I remember the student-teacher thread was pruned for no reason.

>> No.19000209

I disagree entirely, or agree entirely. Language fails because there are many sides to every object. Just as you cannot grasp a mountain in its entirety from the position you are standing, you can't grasp life from any one angle either. I don't really see that as failure though, I see it as a success in capturing merely one side of a many sided object, but as long as you're aware of this, as long as you don't go around like an asshole pretending like your view is the only view, then it's not a failure because that was never your intention

>> No.19000210

>all these newbs want mods and are reportfags
>probably moralfags too
>definitely not reading enough to make a better effort
This is why we can't have nice things

>> No.19000218

Yeah that really helps faggot because I know all the threads that were on the board

>> No.19000222

>stop deleting my shitty bait threads so we can have a better board
Kill yourself you tranny piece of shit

>> No.19000226

>he read the catalog before posting

>> No.19000241

Nice double trips, but I haven't made a thread since I dropped the majority of You have Always Been Wrong by Daumal for anons who couldn't access scribd. What rockin OC are you producing and how many threads per year?

>> No.19000247

I make the Guenon threads

>> No.19000251

With most things, I can develop some rudimentary skill fairly quickly. Sure, I won't be great or anything, but I'll see results soon after starting, and will then gradually improve over time.
The only area that keeps absolutely filtering me over and over again are the visual arts, namely drawing and painting. This bugs me to no end.
I've taken multiple IRL drawing lessons, two full-length Udemy courses, watched a lot of YouTube videos (which actually did more than everything mentioned prior), and practiced quite a bit over the last few years. There's been no improvement in my skills. This is frustrating. Why am I so supremely untalented at this?
>inb4 pyw

>> No.19000255

>You have Always Been Wrong by Daumal
Already on b-ok.cc
>What rockin OC are you producing
Quality posts
> how many threads per year?
I make half of the good threads on the Greeks, the Bible, and poetry. Also I report subhuman shitposters.

>> No.19000258

Bahahahahahahahahhahahahahahaaja. I don't think you get to talk to trannies about their life choices tbphw/ufam. Holy kek, 9 million/10 if you're not this anon >>19000222 and just making him look bad.

>> No.19000263

>I make half of the good threads on the Greeks, the Bible, and poetry
>t. person who makes all of the bad threads on the Greeks, the Bible, and poetry

>> No.19000264

Embarrassing newfag

>> No.19000267

>make half of the good threads on the Greeks, the Bible, and poetry
No you don't because I'm the one translating Greek in those threads.
>Already on b-ok.cc
How long ago do you think I made the thread?

>> No.19000276

>think guenon posting is old
It's not even as old as cabin anon

>> No.19000279

Ok faggot I don't even care what's your point. Report bait and offtopic threads and stop being a retarded autist

>> No.19000281

You have to pursue natural self sovereignty against all odds, even your own destruction. There is no other way but to be brave.

>> No.19000284

>Follow my instructions
Put them in linear b and I'll think about it.

>> No.19000285

Not being able to tell when someone trolls you is newfaggotry. The fact that you didn't get that only reinforces that.

>> No.19000294

Thanks :^)

>> No.19000295

Blah blah blah, everyone who wants mods is a newfag. Everyone I disagree with is a newfag. You are such an idiot for posting this. I've been on this site for nine years. I hate seeing the shitty state it is in.

>> No.19000297

So get a job that’s not in an office?

>> No.19000303

I don't think language captures any angle. I think language in relation to life is like a mode of capturing life, no different than taking a photo. So it's not that it captures one angle, it's that it can capture everything but only within the limits of its mode which is language. Meaning language can only say about life what the mode that is proper to it, that is the mode of language, allows to be said about life. But the mode proper to life, is life itself, which is bigger than language. So language in itself, being more limited than life, cannot fully encapsulate life experience. The medium that can say the most about life, is life itself. This distinction I think is something that all great thinkers or artists grasp and have to deal with. Everybody wants to say something at a depth that the medium will not allow, because the lone medium that can say it is life itself. The paradox is that life is at times lonely, so nobody but yourself (and perhaps God if you believe in that) can hear or see it. I think this is the paradox that a philosopher or an artist has to deal with it. "How can I show this depth to others that I want to convey?" There is no medium proper to it, only approximations, except if you want to do it through your own life, but then who will see it? The latter is a prophetic existence, a lonely life in reality.

>> No.19000308

>I have nothing but complaint about newfaggotry and things I don't like
>Other people should make me OC

>> No.19000338

I've been on this site for twelve years and I agree with the other anon. Dipshits like you should be hung on a cross

>> No.19000341

Now this kind of thinking is really an abstraction upon an abstraction. A few thinkers understood this and my opinion is that when one gets to this level of meta-abstraction that the return to life is necessary in order to escape the errors of airy, empty, thinking. The contemporary world has not learned that not only is it possible to think too little, it is also possible to think too much. There is no diamond to be found in some kind of gnostic experience where you become learned enough in rarified knowledge that you finally "get it". There is nothing like that, that is the true wisdom. That you have to go back and shovel dirt.

>> No.19000346

Oh no! Anon (plural) (supposedly) doesn't like me! Oh no! However shall I cope?

>> No.19000359
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I am laughing at the anons in the other thread who think that an epic about the Taliban vs the Muricans would be an interesting thing to write. You really have to be a burgerfag to believe this. This is not to mention that if you faggots were to go through with it and incorporate muslim mythology/beliefs into it like you want to, you would be committing blasphemy in the first sense of the word. When my epic about Russia comes out you will all feel dumb as fuck.

>> No.19000360

I'm fucking double-jabbed ;-)

>> No.19000361

I will give that a watch, thx for the rec
You're right. I am too caught up in the noise and posturing of my peers, and have become like them.

You're probably right about eternal wage-slaving, but not with the anti-natalist stance. Hopefully the "joys of fatherhood" will be available to me when I am older, as I plan to have kids for purely selfish reasons.
Been preparing to "be brave" for years now, realizing I was procrastinating in cowardice. Nothing left but to actually live it! Thank you.

>> No.19000366

I hope the tranny jannies ban your microencephalic ass so you can go back to /r9k/ or /s4s/ wherever the fuck retards like you go when they realize they are the clown in the room but no one is laughing

>> No.19000369

What job will allow me to research humanities subjects and attain recognition in an academic field? Without having a degree, that is.
The answer is none.

>> No.19000381

I agree with you. Fucking dumb bitches.

>> No.19000387

get the third and forth already, bigot. what a selfish little man you are

>> No.19000388

Is this because I read more books than you? Was it the knowing Greek? Is that the kind of anon you want gone? What riveting content are you going to replace that with, since reading and learning things are probably out for you? Is it going to just be the entry level Orwell larp of "be a reportfag for things one anon doesn't like"?

>> No.19000389

Same, have a nice death btw

>> No.19000395

Can all of you bickering faggots please take this someplace else? We're trying to have a comfy thread here.
Thank you.

>> No.19000397
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was there ever any question about it?
i dont think so.

>> No.19000414

Soft anon...

>> No.19000419

I guess the reportanon who wants to discuss board policing can go to /qa/ where that's on topic. But we're stuck with the essforceanon who demanded instructions in Linear B. Board relevant autism is still board relevant.

>> No.19000429

It doesn't matter, just make a (hiroshimoot-approved) metathread and leave this one.
Thank you.

>> No.19000438

I'm not either of them and metathreads aren't approved. Mods move them to /qa/ all the time, especially with the hirishimoot approved thumbnail.

>> No.19000475

Russia is so fascinating.

>> No.19000481

im the anon you replied to here
>So it's not that it captures one angle, it's that it can capture everything but only within the limits of its mode which is language
>The medium that can say the most about life, is life itself.
I agree and don't, in that (similar to what I said earlier) I see what you said as one side to a many sided thing. I don't think the language itself can capture something, but when using language I'm expecting it to be read by someone that isn't just the words on the page, they are reading it and those experiences are being conferred and recreated in their heads. Like I agree, in that the point of the language itself is to show where the vectors of my thought are pointing, but I think for all I know they could SEE where those vectors are pointing at GET the experience. I feel like I get this all the time when I'm reading a novel, I feel as if I always believed what I had just read, I just never knew it, it's almost like I wrote the sentence myself as I'm reading it. As DFW said, it's seriously magical

>There is no medium proper to it, only approximations, except if you want to do it through your own life, but then who will see it?
i agree entirely. i even said this almost verbatim to someone recently (copy pasted),
>i want to be creative and that is it’s own reward. and there’s no proper medium to convey it

>> No.19000494

I wanted to move to Vladivostok as a kid. I was going to be some kind of worked-your-way-up-from-deckhand shipping magnate. I think I just found pirate/sailor and extreme weather books fascinating though, not Russia.

>> No.19000496

You too

>> No.19000499

Pirates and sailors are interesting too. I can see the appeal of that, but Russia is so large, and still so rustic, so wild.

>> No.19000506

Should I transition?

>> No.19000518

are you feeling genuine anxiety and would transitioning ease it? if yes then go for it

>> No.19000527

Vladivostok is insane because of that. It's a fucking huge shipping port, but there is fuck all besides the slow train out of there and the sea on either side. It was also I think the last part of Russia the Czechoslovaks controlled.
Riga's another great port, but it's been owned by everyone, and Russia doesn't have it anymore either. But if I could go back in time, I might have put Riga as my second choice.

>> No.19000528

i love Brazil so much. and the fact that ill never be Brazilian saddens me.
i am also saddened that everyone hates Brazilians :(
i fucking love Brazil.

>> No.19000531

You should get fit and then ignore genders like any god would.

>> No.19000536

I dont think it's that hard to move to Brazil, especially if you have a bit of money

>> No.19000575

I hope <3-anon is having a good day.

>> No.19000596

Yes, and please be my gf if you turn out cute.

>> No.19000625

based loveanon, my day is still bad but this post helped

>> No.19000676

yea. ill probably try to live there some day.

>> No.19000682


>> No.19000861
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>> No.19000869

Gentlemen, I am debased.

>> No.19000871

Who dumped who and why would you want her back?

>> No.19000875


>> No.19000884

I hate women I hate women I hate women IHATE WOMEN


I love women I hate women I hate women

>> No.19000890

>generic country song
wtf i love women now

>> No.19000894
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Women's asses

>> No.19000900

i moved away and she moved on and because no other human relationships have compared

>> No.19000912

touch grass

>> No.19000914

I hate my fucking job so much. It’s insane that people put themselves through this for an entire lifetime. I still have some hope that I can escape but if I get to the point where that hope is lost, I will kill myself.

>> No.19000924

you mean I should grab her pubes

>> No.19000948

I wonder how my mom is coping with me being 25 and never bringing a girl home. She even used to sneak condoms in my jacket when i was 16.

>> No.19000952

Think your mom might want you to fuck her bro.

>> No.19000969


>> No.19000973

The fuck?
Do you just have all your shit spread out all over your desktop?
Put shit in folders and it shouldn't be possible for you to select the wrong image

>> No.19000987

>I left when I was 24 when I had a following out with my manager at one of the commune workshops. I moved out, got my own place, a job at the bank and lived by myself. I have had gender problems my whole life and started transitioning to becoming a woman a few months later. I started much too old so I never "passed" and basically looked like a beardless guy with long hair and small breasts. Been rethinking my life a lot lately. Living outside in the World has been so incredibly isolating and alienating. I don't have a single friend that I didn't already have back from the commune, can't relate to people outside, have no one to trust or talk to. I grew up in a place where you didn't have to lock your doors, and people could trust that other's would watch their back. Being outside and seeing how desperate, viscious, and self centered everyone is has been a real trip. I feel like I'm constantly in a den of wolves. There is no beauty in the World, just constant litter, kakophony, and visual blight. I cannot put thought to word on how impoverished and bleak the World is when compared to before.
literal trooner

I mean you have literally managed to delude yourself into perma fucking your body with hormones to live out you autogynophilia, but believing in neo platonist absolute being which existence is derived logically is not?


sorry but there is no sympathy I have seen actual stupid people who are wiser and deserve the good they have

>> No.19001018

Go outside, be social and start fucking women, why are you wasting your time on this place?

>> No.19001019

That's very sad.

>> No.19001037

Why did you self delude into thinking that you are incapable of talking to girls/having loving relationship/having sexual intercourse?

Now that's the interesting part. Is the rush of dopamine by autistic things and internet really that good?

>> No.19001044

Damn, I can’t believe your mother had that much faith in you. Shame you squandered all of it to waste your time here.

>> No.19001046

>I barfed in a stranger's bathroom
That can be excused, you were at a party, it happens. As the other guy said if you get the chance be on your best behaviour next time.
Maybe message the guy and apologize and let him know you feel bad about the way you acted and that if you get another chance to go around that it won't happen again. He should be cool about it unless he's a complete asshole, and at that point he's not someone worth being friends with.
I would be pretty pissed if someone got invited to my house through other people and acted like a drunken fool then vomited all over my shit, I would totally get a bad impression, but if he messaged me saying sorry and showed that he actually understood what he did was wrong, and that he's feeling remorseful about, then I'd tell him it's all good and probably tell whoever invited him that he can have another chance next time there's a party, providing he wasn't a total fuckwit before he got drunk.

>> No.19001065

>I know for a fact one guy got a bad impression off of me
So what?

>I barfed in a stranger's bathroom, so h probably hates me
So what?

> It's hit or miss for everyone else, but I was so loud and annoying that people probably did think I was a tool.
So what?

What is the issue here? Are you that neurotic for approval? Do you think they expect drunk fuck to act soberly and to judge you like you were sober? Like what the fuck is wrong with you bro, this is not overthinking, because thinking has been done and has been set in stone due to trauma or something and you perceive everything through that filter LMAO.

>> No.19001072

Disgusting, get better taste in both music and women, please.

>> No.19001076


>> No.19001077

What are the chances that someone said "I hope something awful happens to New York" before 9/11?

>> No.19001088

I’m going to quit my job and live out of my car for a while.

>> No.19001089

water the chances someone said i hope this woman doesnt have a child before you were born

>> No.19001090


>> No.19001095


>> No.19001101

have sex

>> No.19001108

Are you going to do something about it?

>> No.19001118


>> No.19001120

New thread

>> No.19001171

I feel the same way but mostly for different reasons. I've never had good sex, partly because I'm not very experienced and partly because I can't seem to get 100% hard and horny when I'm with a woman. I assume it's a result of me poisoning my brain by jerking off to more and more degenerate porn over the years before I lost my virginity, which leads to normal sexual acts with a woman being less exciting for me than they should be, also being too much of a coomer making me lose sexual sensitivity in general.
This brought me to the same conclusion as you with the anxiety and such, but it's reinforced even further with all that on top. Why should I bother going through the effort it takes to get a root when I can assume it most likely it won't be that good anyway, and that I can get a better level of satisfaction from just jerking off?

>> No.19001180

kek good read thanks anon

>> No.19001211

I don’t want to work there anymore, but I can’t afford rent on my own if I don’t. So I need to eliminate rent while still being on my own and that’s the only way I can make it happen.

>> No.19001227

lol @ all you neurotic faggots

>> No.19001771

25 is in no way too old. I went to a top university in my country, and there were people in their thirties in some of my seminars.

>> No.19001995

Thanks! My day's going great. Hope yours is too.

>> No.19002125
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