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18991048 No.18991048 [Reply] [Original]

Which religion is the correct one, and which books will help me learn more about it?

>> No.18991051


>> No.18991089
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I had a beautiful divine vision the other evening, while completely sober, after a long meditation session. The vision was so powerful it knocked me over physically and stole my breath. I saw the light of God. In that light was Christ and the Cross, reaching towards my soul. The Cross was also the crux of a mandala, around which the Buddhist wheel of existence was spinning. It could also have been the ceiling in a mosque or the rose window of a cathedral. I felt overwhelmed with love. God is real anon, and He is far too great to fit in any one human religion. He is in every religion, he speaks to every soul in His creation, every animal, every drop of water, every blade of grass.

He is asking a question to every soul, will you join me? Will you return home? And each soul must decide for themself. Spoiler, the answer to the question is love.

>> No.18991106
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>> No.18991219


There has to be a good book about agnosticism somewhere anon

>> No.18991238

Christianity, preferably a Church with Apostolic Succession, I would personally join the church of your culture circle (Eastern Europe Orthodoxy, Western Europe Catholicism etc.)
Though I am afraid that I have no books to recommend, for my book about how Christianity is the most truthful religion is still being written. It boils down to the Bible being the best Critique of pure Reason and ideological thinking, as should be evident already from the myth of Adam and Eve.

>> No.18991247

What do you mean by love? Towards who? Is the feeling in my chest towards a girl the right kind of love?

>> No.18991258

Christianity a la >>18991238
And if you can stand the inherent labor/temptation to go wild, the Christian connotation of Hermeticism as a sort've naturalistic subordinate

>> No.18991266

Love towards God and the world, Anon. Love for all living things.

Romantic love is a small and meager reflection of that love, as if through as glass darkly. But it can blossom into something more; all love that is genuine, giving, and selfless reflects the love God has for our souls.

>> No.18991281

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