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File: 167 KB, 583x792, Bundesarchiv_Bild_183-R06610,_Oswald_Spengler.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18988884 No.18988884 [Reply] [Original]

why did he consider the nazis too racist?

>> No.18989048

i mean, they were kind of racist, you just can't deny that

>> No.18989058

>kind of racist
Well, let's not go overboard. Maybe they had one or two racists in their ranks. At most, that is.

>> No.18989063

because he was a cuck

>> No.18989099

Because Nazi ideology subscribed to a sort of racism which was Darwinist, scientific on one hand, and made up, psuedo-scientific on the other. Spengler rejected both.

>> No.18989399

Ignore >>18989099, he has no idea what he's talking about.

Spengler's Culture-Civilizations are idealistic thoughtforms that inhabit the minds of men. We can assume that there's a minimum IQ necessary to generate a Culture-Civilization, which is why none come from Africa, but if you're capable of speech you're capable of being inhabited by a Culture-Civilization (that is, being an "X Man"). This means that you can totally be a 70 IQ'd Eritrean and be a Chinese Man, or a 120 IQ'd British dude that's Indian Man, or even bizarre things like an Eskimo that's a Sumerian Man. It makes no difference. "Race" for Spengler is these abstract collections of people who are inhabited by a Culture-Civilization. While certain Culture-Civilizations are inherently more insular due to their very nature (Chinese Man is very insular, whereas Faustian Man is incredibly un-insular), in theory, there is a 100% disconnect between any kind of biological, or even cultural, identity and being an "X Man". Remember, from their ethnogenesis in 1000BC to 600AD, Germanics were fellaheen, people incapable of History.

The Nazis views on human biology were entirely correct and extremely empirical (you know those photos of SS Gruppenrechisfuhrenprinzipeinetotenflamengruppenfuhrer Hans Burgerschklicktht going around measuring Tibetans noses? They're literally cataloging human biodiversity), but the problem is that they are entirely Faustian. The very idea of going around and taking skull measurements IS Faustian, and that's the problem. The problem is that Faustian Man wants to chart the globe, and the end result of that is that you will eventually chart the globe. The world is a 3D grid, and we are a vector moving through it, and every point has a zillion values, and eventually you've found them all. A railway runs from London to every corner of the globe. And what happens to the people who live at the far reaches that now have a railway through their village? They take a train to London, and find themselves miserable because they're incapable of existing in a civilization that wasn't built for them. They eventually (CORRECTLY) realize that they are being unfairly denied access to resources and power that, under the very views of Faustian Man, they should not be. Faustian Man cannot conceive of this disparity, and it causes great anguish.

The Nazis were "too racist" in as much as they were going to come up with a solution to this problem that would blow Faustian Man up, which in Spengler's views would be far more disastrous than the alternative (it's Faustian Man either bathing the world in nuclear hellfire or humanity essentially returning to a hunter-gatherer lifestyle and trying again in a few tens of thousands of years).

>> No.18989427


It's hard to maintain your tribe's identity without being somewhat "racist" or disgust sensitive.

>> No.18990465
File: 99 KB, 680x680, It has come to pass.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because it remained basically technocratic, materialistic, managerial and populist (all qualities of late pre-Caesarist civilisation) rather than autocratic, idealistic, centralist and elitist (the metahistorical characteristics of the Caesarist stage) - thus NS and Nazi racialism was inadequate for the task of being the successor to liberal-mercantilist modernity