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/lit/ - Literature

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18985043 No.18985043 [Reply] [Original]

>Mfw greentexts are considered as a form of poetry.

>> No.18985258

>he doesn't think greentexts are poetry
>probably doesn't get laid either
>the absolute state of this site

They're like haikus, but shit

>> No.18986207

fuck off back to twitter smeed faggot

>> No.18986298

They're literally written in verse

>> No.18986331
File: 28 KB, 539x454, CC76F04F-2537-4B05-BF1B-115C0E88FC0D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Subvocalizing ventriloquism is poetry now.

>> No.18986769

The greentext form might be the single biggest cultural achievement of this wretched place, which just goes to show what a sewer it really is.

>> No.18987452

>Be Anon in the Year of our Lord Jesus Christ, 2577 AADD,
>In the Temple OS in which we praise his name,
>Sitting next to a qt 3.14 waifu of the future;
>2D transmogrified to 3DPD 2.0, 3.3.0 edition
>As the jannies of the future,
>Those that are called teachers in the worst timeline,
>Sound out their next instruction.
>"Time to go to thread 3 billion, six hundred and 43,
>And read the next greentext for homework in class, class."
>Everyone's gears grind.

>> No.18987492

who the fuck considers greentext to be poetry? They are greentexts. Don't tarnish them by way of your shitty comparisons.