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18974314 No.18974314[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Literature on converting the female to Christianity? I can convert males by refuting logically their false views, but with females it is harder?

>> No.18974332

Why would you even want to talk to women?

>> No.18974356

Women are so stubborn and hate being told "no." They hate being told they're wrong.

I don't know how to help you. I had a very dear friend that I pray for every day, hoping that she'll see the light before it's too late. I'll add your friend to my intentions. Perhaps take inspiration from St. Monica and how her persistence and God's grace transformed her son's heart.

>> No.18974360

>I had a very dear friend that I pray for every day, hoping that she'll see the light before it's too late.
You faggots are all the same.
You are attracted to her and masking it with piety.
She would be happier in hell than with you.

>> No.18974365

>You are attracted to her
All the more reason to pray for her, so that she doesn't experience suffering in the afterlife.

>> No.18974371

>Women are so stubborn and hate being told "no." They hate being told they're wrong.
no they don't, you are probably ugly sorry mate

>> No.18974392
File: 40 KB, 723x980, c8cef33f99d36840e1c4c5cb37ae3e87.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Women are so stubborn and hate being told "no." They hate being told they're wrong.

>> No.18974393

I am old enough to not be romantically in love with every woman I come across.
I'm no Casanova, but I'm far from hideous. I just have an abrasive personality that can be very off putting. i.e. I'm an ass.

>> No.18974394
File: 210 KB, 1200x799, Diogo-Morgado-as-Jesus-in-SON-OF-GOD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Tell her this is Jesus

>> No.18974413

>She would be happier in hell than with you.
That's why I want her.

>> No.18974432
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How do we make girls wear cute dresses, bros? I'm tired of the modern female's reliance on jeans and other such nonsense.

>> No.18974487

They're already starting to do it under their own volition via the importation of the Japanese lolita style
Scene chicks and weird fashion trends are returning, the era of yoga pants and jeans is coming to an end. Nature is healing.

>> No.18974560

You don't. She does between her mid-twenties to early thirties after realizing she hit the wall and that no respectable man would want her

>> No.18975098

Based thread. Bump.

>> No.18975134

Unfortunately most don't seem to. They turn into the wine aunt/cat lady/gardening lady/Twitter Seether while coping by trying to be a "girl boss" and ending up in a middle management role at their respective institution.

>> No.18975142

On the different types of wojak girls;
>Trad girl
Already religious
Will start being religious after her second kid
>pink hair girl
Will become religious after she grows unhappy with modernity
Will join a cult which syncrentizes pagan ritualism with the worship of the Virgin Mary and Aisha.

>> No.18975166
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>"Flirt to convert"
shiggy diggy doo

>> No.18975172

Have you considered that anon might not only pray for pretty girls? Sincere motives do exist you know. Also protip: no one in hell is or can be happy.

>> No.18975338

Get your hands on a green scapular, have it blessed by a priest preferably a traditional TLM onlyist, and then hide it under her mattress anon and pray the prayers daily good look anon

>> No.18975367

as soon as a set of beliefs become central to a culture, all women convert instantly

>> No.18975507

Don’t worry, wait until she’s had her fill of debauchery and hookup sex and drugs and she’ll be going to church like none of it happened in a couple years

>> No.18975686


>> No.18975691

>I don't know how to help you. I had a very dear friend that I pray for every day, hoping that she'll see the light before it's too late.

>> No.18975713

Yeah wait until she hits the wall and ready to settle for a "nice guy"

>> No.18975725

Just look at some William Lane Craig debates and LARP after his apologetics. He’s irrefutable and women won’t be able to keep up