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File: 54 KB, 1280x720, Philipp_Mainlander.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18973714 No.18973714 [Reply] [Original]

Has anyone read Mainlander's work?

I understand that an English translation is now available, which I hope to read.

As I understand it, his concept was that God represents a unified whole of non-existence, and that this whole was degraded by multiplicity in the material realm, with each monad of consciousness representing a piece of God's corpse rotting in the world of phenomena where suffering is abundant and inescapable. If that is correct, doesn't Mainlander's idea have many similarities with gnosticism (admittedly my understand of gnosticism is rather superficial) in that the true, ideal state of things is non-existence (or a unified existence in spirit, beyond the realm of phenomena) and that pro-creation, or in other words increased multiplicity, is simply a further descent into misery and suffering? It is almost as if Mainlander conceives the demiurge in this case to represent multiplicity (i.e., further division of consciousness into more monads of conscious beings) and that anything which contributes to this multiplicity (namely procreation, and anything which promotes procreation or even the excitement of one's material desires, e.g., new art works, types of food, novel experiences) are essentially in service of the demiurge, while anything which promotes asceticism, contentment, peace, withdrawal is in service of the ideal represented by the deceased God?

>> No.18973719


>> No.18973858
File: 15 KB, 300x300, 854big.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have been visited by the incel hobgoblin of pluralistic post-Schopenhauerian pessimism. Der Wille zum Tode and the movement toward nothingness will come to you, but only if you reply, "Hang loose, Mainy."

>> No.18974839

Which translation?

>> No.18974848

the only virtuous suicide is through starvation.

>> No.18975417


>> No.18975734

this askin 4 a fren

>> No.18976614

other ways?

>> No.18976828

look. I've seen the cuck philosophy video. I know you've seen it too. Let's not pretend that any of us bothred to read his actual work. if you're hoping for a fruitful discussion about its content then you're in for a big disappointment newfag.

>> No.18976837

Hang loose, Mainy.

>> No.18976849

tell that to schopenhauer