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18973098 No.18973098 [Reply] [Original]

What is your Bible? Wittgenstein discovered Tolstoy's The Gospel in Brief at a bookshop in Tarnów, and carried it everywhere, recommending it to anyone in distress, to the point where he became known to his fellow soldiers as "the man with the gospels".

>> No.18973109

The critique of pure reason.

>> No.18973113
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Wittgenstein was an autistic faggot. He thought he solved all the problems of philosophy when he proved they weren't logical, but all he did was show how stupid it was to assume that philosophy can be reduced to logic. Later in life, he came up with the idea of language games, but at that point he was just starting at Plato 101. It was too late for him at that point to become a real philosopher, not just an icon for edge lords, and so he spent the remainder of his days beating up small children in rural village schools, being chased out of town, and repeat until he died of ass cancer because he was a literal faggot.

Sad. Many such cases.

>> No.18973116

You've never read it. No one in the world has actually read critique of pure reason.

>> No.18973193

Was he the ultimate pseud?

>> No.18973198

He's the patron saint of pseuds. Mentioning Wittgenstein is the pseud litmus test.

>> No.18973225

Epictetus. I'm not good at putting his advice into practice but it helps whenever I manage to.

>> No.18973232

You can do better than an ancient slave philosopher. Thousands of years have passed. Surely, you're aware that a lot of new information has come to light since then?

>> No.18973237

People now are retarded though

>> No.18973243


>> No.18973289

>all he did was show how stupid it was to assume that philosophy can be reduced to logic
You're trying to hard to make Wittgenstein a competitor to Heidegger, or whichever 20th century philosopher you favor. Russell's group were aware that philosophy was a tool, just as it was a tool for Husserl with phenomenology, and not a means of tearing the heavens asunder. I don't believe Wittgenstein would've ever turned to Dostoevsky and Kierkegaard if he just wanted to break the world down into its elements.

You know that most people who met Wittgenstein admired him.

>> No.18973347

The Taoteching

>> No.18973351


Well, Witgenstein wanted to basically make people see a different perspective on the world so they're more inclined to take up an ethical approach to the world (that's why he first wanted to point out that most philosophic problems are just contradictions, to basically help people get over things which aren't problems, yet debated). He saw in religion one of these modes of thinking which could change the world for the better. For him the value in religion is the power of the stories within and the moral teachings it depicts, not the validity of its claims. He also fought in the 1st World War and probably saw a lot of death, which humbles a lot of people and helps them view the value of peace and compassion. In this sense, he always tried to be religious, but never could. Tolstoy as well believed in God, so it's no coincidence Wittgenstein followed Tolstoy's writings.

>> No.18973356

In terms of practical ethical advice, humans are still humans. Obviously I don't accept stoic physics and their logic is primitive.

>> No.18973415

niggers and jews aren't humans

>> No.18973436

>He also fought in the 1st World War and probably saw a lot of death, which humbles a lot of people and helps them view the value of peace and compassion
Ah, the compassion to kill your own 12 years old student.

>> No.18973441

The Bible

>> No.18974140

Why so buttmad. Witt was empathetic to Heidegger's ramblings even, though he 100% believed that language was grossly misused for Heidi's select goals.
Just because some ppl start with Witt memes instead of Neech memes does not devalue either of them.

>> No.18974164

Trattenbach is in the mountains. Until mid-XX century the mountainfolk were literal morons. Medical morons, due to iodine deficiency, and young morons at that. If a 12 year old nigger infuriated you with you'd probably have no trouble slapping him, but take a whitey moron, a literal hillbilly, and you would kiss his ass on your knees, amirite?

>I am still at Trattenbach, surrounded, as ever, by odiousness and baseness. I know that human beings on the average are not worth much anywhere, but here they are much more good-for-nothing and irresponsible than elsewhere