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18955133 No.18955133[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

You guys don't seriously believe in absolutes, right?

>> No.18955144

Not only do I not believe in absolutes, I believe in the Absolute.

>> No.18955145

No. We’re Zizekian Lacanian Hegelians. We ironically and humourlessly pretend to absolutes.

>> No.18955187

The earth is flat and every last of the Holy Bible is true. Those of the circumcision been lying to us.

>> No.18955196

I don't even know the meaning of the word.

>> No.18955202

Of course not...Absolutely not!

>> No.18955205

Fuck you OP

>> No.18955206

I believe that you are an absolute faggot

>> No.18955212
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>> No.18955216

But if I deny absolutes, wouldn't that be an absolute?

>> No.18955220
File: 142 KB, 570x712, plato_360x450.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am a Platonist and thus I believe in the realm of ideas, and I believe in the Forms.

>> No.18955232

I'm legitimately asking, how do you manage to hold such a view?

>> No.18955275

facts and logic, anyone who's not a platonist is wrong

>> No.18955371


>> No.18955567

What's the idea of a chair?

>> No.18955714

The fact that you asked the question proves that the form of the chair exists.

>> No.18955787

And what if "chair" means something different for the both of us? It's there one idea and we're both wrong about it or is the idea relative to each of us and therefore not absolute?

>> No.18955884


>> No.18957141

You are really just pointing out that words themselves have no meaning but what is given to them by a higher power. Chair as a word means nothing but chair is a real thing within the soul.

>> No.18957202

We need some Flat Earth fiction, extremely fertile narrative and thematic possibilities

>> No.18957472

I’m not a sith

>> No.18957488

Not him, but where does the ideal form of something come to exist in the world of forms?

>> No.18957489

I didn't believe in absolutes, until i read >>18955206
Honestly how does one refute this?

>> No.18957498

How does the ideal form*

>> No.18957516
File: 172 KB, 1080x1335, 203830372_1180623205709504_7784019063159956710_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you seriously willing to confess you are an athiest?

In ancient Greece being an athiest was the equivalent of being a retard, yes, literally believing that the world is composed of some crude element, say atoms or energy, and believing that a eternally changing universe can have a eternally changing material cause is retarded, you would be mocked openly in the auditorium, you would be named " a hedonistic creature of filth" as Clement called the epicurean, athiests, being retarded, are responsible for all superstitions, failing to grasp the basic principles of causality, he believed the heavens were a mechanical structure determining the universe and astrology was born, failing yet further, he projected his idiocy onto anything unexplainable yet moving, and animism was born, being yet further retarded, he worshipped idols of clay, being unable to philosophically rise above it, Freud being a naturalist, nonetheless believed the human brain contains a ego, unconscious and seemingly endless phantoms, Christopher hitchens, a materialist, nonetheless believed in a "free" will, will they ever learn? Will they ever learn that they cannot progress in knowledge when all is physically determined?

>> No.18957532

Only if you absolutely defy them. You can refute absolutes by just saying that are statistically impossible, yet impossible only until they prove to be possible.
Then, people have an instict that forces them to misinterpet the world of values into absolutes only so they can solidify their beliefs. Therefor in order for one to refute you now, they will need to come with proof that goes beyond describing their idea of absolute.

>> No.18957565

>Basing your thoughts upon what people would have called you.
>The concept of statistics applies to absolutes
Here's my pseud take: I believe the absolute is unknown. Therefore I believe in the current absolute (or disbelieve in it's existence) based on my current egoist needs/wants.

>> No.18957646

So your pseud take made you a christian. If the absolute exists, then yes it is unknown only because we are not beings that can grasp it. But should we blindly believe into something that can't be proven or disproven? Instead of that i would like to know what is the Absolute and who gave meaning to that word, how did that meaning change through times etc. Since those question don't have a satisfying answer then i can only assume that Absolute is a nonsensical term.

>> No.18957651

I believe the west is absolutely fucked, Yes.