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/lit/ - Literature

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18951959 No.18951959 [Reply] [Original]

Never read any philosophy before in my life

Where do I begin with him?

Charts are welcome!

>> No.18951990

You don\t begin with him.
Start with the Greeks.

>> No.18952009

I'm a normal working guy I don't have time for the Greeks

>> No.18952023

If you won't start with the greeks then start with secondary literature.

>> No.18952041

Commence with the philosophical treatises developed in fourth century BC Greece

>> No.18952043

I love charts.
Charts??? Anyone???

>> No.18952047

this >>18951990
After the greeks you can go to the Scholastics (only requirement is Aquinas); then the rationalists (Descartes, Spinoza, Leibniz); then Hume (empericist); then German Idealism: Kant (if you want, since they're important, Fichte, Schelling, Hegel); Then, finally, Schopenhauer.
You should also read a few greek plays and have general knowledge of greek mythology.

>> No.18952063
File: 3.04 MB, 2908x2198, nietzscheGuide.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>18952047 (I'm this anon)
I should have left this

>> No.18952068

Literally just start reading whatever book looks interesting to you. If you don't understand, you can look things up and do reading on the side that way. People here love to wank each other off about the Greeks, but nobody here has dead them either lmao.

>> No.18952071

Then you don't have time for Nietzsche.
The German idealists all wrote/spoke about pretty much all the philosophers since the pre-Socratics, Nietzsche even more than others.
You're like asking to read Quantum particle physics without understanding calculus.
I guess in your case you could just read some secondary literature on Nietzsche, but don't bother with any primary work as it's well above your skill level.

>> No.18952078

What a terrible, terrible, terrible chart.

>> No.18952091

kys faggot, lurk moar, etc.

>> No.18952097

I agree that there are some "crucial" books (like phenomenology of spirit) that aren't totally relevant to him. BUT, the order in which Neet's books are present is correct.

>> No.18952115

It feels like Augustine should be on this chart.

>> No.18952133

Jesus, you don't need all of that shit. The Greek row is correct and essential, some of third row is perhaps nice-to-have for context.
Why Montaigne's Essays are on this chart is beyond me, same goes for the rest of the second row apart from Descartes and (maybe!) Spinoza.
Right side looks good btw, although it'd probably leave it at the first row also.

>> No.18952149

>Why Montaigne's Essays are on this chart is beyond me
Just noticed that it's because of his 'style.' Yeah, that's probably not a good justification for reading a thousand pages.
Montaigne's great though.

>> No.18952248

If you wanna get into Nietzsche OP then listen to some podcasts about him and watch some youtube then read "the gay science". It´s an easy read.

If you wanna understand Nietzsche then it´s: Heraclitus-Plato-Descartes-Spinoza-Hume-Kant-Hegel-Scopenhauer-Nietzsche.

If you want to understand his philosophy then its the list in the picture minus some of them which you will filter out yourself as you get accustomed to the philosophical tradition during your reads.

>> No.18952263

Gay Science -> Beyond Good and Evil -> Genealogy of Morals -> Twilight of the Idols -> Antichrist -> Zarathustra -> Ecce Homo -> All the tl;dr Wagner sperging -> Will to Power, Meditations, etc basically the "heads only" shit

>> No.18952379
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read will durants story of philosophy then do this

>> No.18952392

>start with edith hamilton
Come the fuck on lol

>> No.18952423

only relevant books of these before going into N is illiad, odyssey, some plays then plato and aristoteles. Why the fuck would one ave to read books about the trojan and peleponesian war or greek mythology. One can simply read some wikipedia or whatever.

>> No.18952581

start with the greeks

>> No.18952607

Start with Islamic mysticism. Ironically.

>> No.18952894

Start with the greeks, they are way more concerned with things you actually deal with as a working person than the crazy aesthetic esotericism of Nietzsche. If you try and start with Nietzsche, he'll just constantly be referencing the Greeks, and you'll have no ability to vet anything about what he's saying. For you, he may as well be making what he's saying up and you would be none the wiser. I hope you're starting to get the picture here.
>inb4 I can't read the whole canon
You can get a lot further than you'd expect. It isn't even necessarily the best approach to go linearly or chronologically (hence we start with the Greeks and not, say, the Sumerians, or anthropological textbooks on ancient homo sapiens or whatever). You won't be able to read all the Greeks, but you don't need to do that to get some kind of grip on older ideas. Its still a patchwork, and in this sense ultimately nonlinear (necessarily with gaps), but omitting the Greeks doesn't merely omit the Greeks themselves but all of the strands which spring from them.

>> No.18953038

Read Thus Spake Zarathustra, then Plato's Parmenides, then Hegel's Phenomenology of spirit. This will be your intro to philosophy.

>> No.18953463
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>> No.18953721

Human all too human. And then this.

Learn to wiki.. faggot

>> No.18954075

Beyond Good and Evil is much easier to read and straight to the point. Thus Spoke Zarathustra is major pain in the ass, just skip that shit unless you really like Nietzsche

>> No.18954760

Where is Apology and Symposium? Majority of this chart is superfluous. Could take away more than half.

>> No.18954774

Read Kierkegaard and Spinoza so you dont end up offing yourself.

>> No.18956479


>> No.18958313

Montaigne's "self-indulgent style" close to Nietzsche's? Wtf am I reading

>> No.18958525

This. But if you really want to "start with the Greeks" just read Platon and Aristotle. All philosophy is built around their works one way or another.