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/lit/ - Literature

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18927551 No.18927551 [Reply] [Original]

>What a stupid, fucking, idiotic country this was. All the young women drank water in such vast quantities that it was coming out of their ears, they thought it was "beneficial" and "healthy," but all it did was send the numbers of incontinent young people soaring. Children ate whole wheat pasta and whole wheat bread and all sorts of weird coarse-grained rice that their stomachs could not digest properly, but it didn't matter because it was "beneficial," it was "healthy," it was "wholesome." Oh, they were confusing food with the mind, they thought they could eat their way to being better human beings without understanding that food is one thing and the notions food evokes another.

Whoa... based...

>> No.18927572

>they thought they could eat their way to being better human beings
You literally can do that though.

>> No.18927581


>> No.18927746

>water bad
what the fuck am I supposed to drink when I'm out of wine?

>> No.18927759


>> No.18927761

>stupid, fucking, idiotic countr
diction worthy of a charlotte flair promo.

>> No.18927766
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daily reminder to drink your water BUDDEH

>> No.18927785

it doesn't take a Norwegian to know Sweden is a joke

>> No.18929100


>> No.18929112

Never got into Knausgård but honestly II do kinda want to read his elaborate accounts of him masturbate as a teenager.

>> No.18929129

I guess he's talking about the persistent "you gotta drink at least 8 glasses of water a day" myth that drives people to chug liquid all day long

>> No.18929386

he didn’t masturbate as a teen, so he would always cum in his pants whenever he got with a lady. unironically great books

>> No.18929397

But you get elaborate accounts of him shitting in the woods.

>> No.18929435

Read his first book in My Struggle series and it's nothing special. Waste of time compared to great classical works. He's a nobody except a decent writer compared to what we have today (which doesn't say much at all)

>> No.18929444

Isn't it sort of like reading an essay? As you say I'm sure it's good relatively speaking to people not reading the classics.

>> No.18929446

If you eat a diet that includes a wide range of fruits and vegetables your brain will work better than someone who eats just carbs and meat.

>> No.18929450

Let all that gas out of your ass, fucking nerd.

>> No.18929467

I will force my children to eat steak and eggs

>> No.18929823
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Rachel Cusk is by far the superior writer of auto fiction.
I got bored with Knausgard after the gripping blow by blow account of him putting on his seatbelt

>> No.18929891

Cusk is a woman

>> No.18930258

>i got bored

>> No.18930384

those covers are fucking nice

>> No.18930694
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>why yes, I do enjoy reading a detailed description of every single cassette, and of the font and color of pen the contents are written in on the paper strip on the long side of each cassette, which the fifteen year old author had on his orange desk, next to the bed, in 1985

>> No.18930741


>> No.18930770

Why the fuck did I have to be born in the era where the graphomaniacs won because they were the only ones left?

>> No.18930833

Europeans cannot imagine how bad it is in America. They chug coffee and soda all day every day, never touching the tap water or the drinking water. They literally can go on without drinking water for days!
And there I though Idiocracy was joking with future Americans watering their plants with soda and drinking it exclusively, reserving water only to flush the toilet, but they weren't.

>> No.18930868

not by eating indigestible whole grains you can't - knaussgard is right here

>> No.18930873

female hands typed this

>> No.18930887

Kek what are you? Living in the 90s? I can get all those nutrients and MORE from a 100% grass fed beef/organic chicken/fish diet. I eat nothing but dairy, meat, and rustic European boules and I'm in fantastic shape. What's your 1rm bench?

>> No.18930931

I'm not the quoted anon, but you should eat some fresh fruit, I remember seeing an article about scurvy being a thing in college campuses.

>> No.18930942

I eat bananas and berries occasionally but don't really fuck with tropical fruit. A Hyperborean doesn't need the diet of equatorial lotus eaters.

>> No.18930944

LSD and sewage

>> No.18930948

Are you high?

>> No.18930966

of course

>> No.18931788

Hello, Rachel. I know, I know, I'm just not reading it.

>> No.18931799

what country?

>> No.18931813

I don’t think you give a shit about current lit or classic lit if I’m being honest

>> No.18931819

Common among most scandis I think

>> No.18931827

Yeah he's just seething at middle-class health trends.

>> No.18931860

seething about normies makes comfy lit desu

>> No.18931911

Seething in Sweden

>> No.18931992

quite rightly

>> No.18932128

And what's wrong with that? Let me drink my water.

>> No.18932130

Whatever hard liquer's left in the cabinet
Fuck you, all of Western Civilization was built on copious amounts of alcohol, cigarettes, and whatever was on the menu at the pub/bistro/diner
You min/maxing cleanliving shites telling youself you can comsume and buy your way out of hell is everything that is wrong with the world

>> No.18932161

>good writer
pick one

>> No.18932286

Nothing really, he's just seething because it's funny. It's literature.

>> No.18932382

Learn to read.

>> No.18932407

Water enjoys shall rise and annihilate you fucking dried up niggers. My brain is so fast that witthout a liter of hydration an hour they overheat. Yes, I am that smart. And so are my based gulperpilled bros.

>> No.18932724

This is literally my first time ever exploring /lit/. was curious what you guys thought about Karl because like two minutes ago I went to my bookshelf and grabbed my struggle and started rereading. Imo, the first two books of my struggle are incredible. They are solid reflections on the mundaneness of life as a father, son and husband. First book is more about the meaningless of death; second is more about the meaningless of life. I tried getting into the third, but didn't get far. Second is probably my favorite of the two.

>> No.18932749

yeah it does. i loved when he shit all over the parents he met at the party his kids went to

>> No.18932821

Why do so many modern writers think its super deep to become excessively upset with some juvenile, perfunctory part of people's lives
>Oh...my God, did you just drink out of a P-L-A-S-T-I-C bottle?! Let me go on a long rant about the downfall of human spirit and the worship of plastic, about plastic that has become our love, about plastic seeping into the oceans, and into our souls, about the plastic of daily grudgery, and plastics that command us to sin! I have seized upon the hinges of apocapylse, saw it in the cold, ruthless glimmer of a plastic surface!

>> No.18932827

you have to eat all the eggs

>> No.18932851

seething water addict. don't forget to guzzle your hourly glass, freak.

>> No.18932861

>don't give a shit about current lit
Correct. I heard Knausgaard might be an exception to the rule of a huge shit of postmodern sewage. I don't give a fuck about current lit cause it bad. Simple
>don't give a shit about classics
Wrong. They are classics for a reason and 8/10 of them are amazing reads, even the worst of them being far more enchanting and gripping than anything written today (and no I won't waste my time reading shit books that get prizes today just to compare them). I still have many classics to read so why waste my time with shit like Knausgaard when I can read Joyce?

>> No.18933166

Raw meat has water. Besides that blood, raw milk, or vegetable juice!

>> No.18933194

Get vegan.

>> No.18933210

When /badlit/ was still active we used to roas this pseud every day. Those were the good times.

>> No.18933271

Knausgård is great. His prose is just so relaxing and engaging to read, I love it. A shame he can't write about anything but himself though. I've also read the two first of My Struggle and I've heard the third is about his studies in Bergen and picking up girls, looking forward to that.

>> No.18933479

the third is about his childhood, getting beat up by his dad for losing a sock, putting his dick in a bottle, normal childhood memories. 4 is about his teen years trying to get some pussy and failing until he meets a fat danish girl at a festival

>> No.18933640

That subreddit was pure kino. I remember there was some jewish bitch who called herself a joycean anarchist or something like that. She was a complete pseud, but she had great milkers.

>> No.18933709

You sound like you don’t enjoy reading but you enjoy pretending you enjoy reading

>> No.18934014

brainlet take.

>> No.18934053

Based indeed. It's always hilarious when he roasts Sweden, which happens pretty frequently in volume 2.

Sounds like you were all pseuds.

>> No.18934065

The Bergen studies is the fifth volume.

>> No.18934078

She's wonderful. One of the best contemporary authors. Knausgaard is a fan of her works too.

>> No.18934166

where to start with her?

>> No.18934169

im interested, what am I in for and which book of those 3 should I start with?

>> No.18934172
File: 43 KB, 493x449, cat1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss the time when b8 was subtle. Fucking zoomies

>> No.18934194

Read her Outline trilogy, starting with Outline.

>> No.18934372
File: 186 KB, 826x1240, imagegroup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pepsi is the answer

>> No.18935033

Don't browse 4chan while high, smooth brain.

>> No.18935083

I finished part 1 of volume 1 of My Struggle the other day. So far the best parts are his reflections on some topic, like death or parenthood or love, and the autobiographical segments range from good to bland. I've tried to figure out what the point to them is, and the most important one seems to be the relationship between his family.

>> No.18935099

The project all makes sense in the end, but it's quite a commitment.

>> No.18935388

Would you say it's worth going through them all? Volume 1 isn't bad but nothing amazing so far really

>> No.18935500

Why would someone go out of his way to read "auto fiction" written by a w*man (but I repeat myself)?

>> No.18935536

It's a trilogy. Outline is the first so start there.

>> No.18935557

Even presuming you are correct about fruits and veg making your brain work better, that's not what he means.

If Hitler are fruits and vegetables, he would still be Hitler, just with great sleep and better shits.

He is saying "Healthy eating is not the cure for a troubled mind, you must find yourself."

>> No.18935645

>The narrator of a novel has to be correct in every statement and opinion

>> No.18935660

>diet doesn't have impact on your mood
If that's how you cope with your daily mcdonald's dinner's that's fine by me bro

>> No.18935686

that sounds awesome, plastic needs to go. who writes like that and where can i read them?

>> No.18935879

Nope, though every time I see those covers I do kind of want to give them a spin.

If you have to read a lady autofiction writer, there's always Sheila Heti.

>> No.18935888

The part in the first volume where he describes his band's first performance and calls "Smoke On The Water" as "the height of idiocy" always cracks me the fuck up for some reason.

>> No.18935947

I know /lit/ is allergic to all forms of materialism like a child desperately clinging to his belief in Santa Christ, but diet absolutely has a crucial impact on your health, hormonal balance, and brain function, which in turns obviously affects your intellectual and emotional states and overall outlook at life. You think someone suffering from chronic pain, IBS, constipation, brain fog etc wouldn't corrode into a worse person, and alleviating those things doesn't mend people into their better selves? Could a different diet make Hitler into a nice cool guy? We will never know, human anatomy is still largely a mystery. Hitler reportedly was a vegetarian. Maybe a big juicy burger was all that was needed to prevent the invasion of Poland

>> No.18935960

I also liked the sort of bands his brother Yngve was into, like Talking Heads, The Chameleons, Eno/Byrne, etc.. The 80s was a great time for music

>> No.18936047

>human anatomy is still largely a mystery
True but taste and smell has a trackrecord of conveying actually useful chemical information. Like a certain off putting odour of some opposite sex else can signal they are a far off relative and risk of inbreeding. So I think eating according to what a retarded column says and ignoring your instinct is possibly the worst thing you can do.

>> No.18936129

/badlit/gang here. I wouldn't be surprised if most of us now post here since it's one of the few active lit forums around. Too bad about all the right wingers tho.

>> No.18936180

Causes bladder, liver, and kidney problems longterm. You are overdrinking pointlessly, immediately pissing it out (i.e. your body doesn't need it), and leaving the minerals and god knows what else to build up in you.

You should drink when you feel thirsty. Pee is also a good metric, dark yellow and totally clear are both bad. A light yellow but not too light is ideal. The artificial habit you've made of always needing to be drinking something is not 'thirst' and is unhealthy. Listen to your body. I did the same thing, cultivating false thirst, but have reversed it, drinking much less water now.

You get more than enough water from food and other drinks. Only if you drink nothing else and eat dry food, or are exercising, or if it's very hot should you be drinking excess water (let alone such a huge amount). When you're sick too (including drunk) because you won't be consuming anything and your body will need it.