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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 1001 KB, 500x281, CA6D3128-3AB2-494F-90E2-A64F4B6BBF5D.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18924041 No.18924041 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.18924050

The difference between lust and love is that lust subsides after sex, but love continues. That is to say, sex in the context of love is just the affirmation of that love.

>> No.18924054

Ok guys let's recap

1) Nations are stupid
2) I'm intelligent

>> No.18924062

Please stop shitting up the thread. It was funny the first two times.

>> No.18924063

Love is a social construct retard.

>> No.18924065

Is Vegeta going to be the traditional opening pic for these kinds of threads, now?

I'm not complaining.

>> No.18924068

>not being a nation unto yourself

>> No.18924072

>no argument
Heh, sounds like I won this one early kiddo

>> No.18924073
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>decision paralysis
Ruining my life

>> No.18924077

Conservatism is cringe

>> No.18924080
File: 38 KB, 308x400, hildegard-von-bingen.jpg!Portrait.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how would you ask a polymath from the 11th century in medieval Germany if they could be your mentor???/

>> No.18924081

Who are you talking to? I'm not the anon you were arguing with

>> No.18924083

Never type again, cretin.

>> No.18924087

Nice copout

>> No.18924089

Eeny meeny miney mo saving your life

>> No.18924096

Very retarded thread start, guys

>> No.18924098

Apply for a novitiate?

>> No.18924105

Valuable criticism; we will forward it to the writers' room forthwith.

>> No.18924109

Where are you from? Serious question.

>> No.18924112
File: 853 KB, 781x1023, rem.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are all faggots and I'm the only based /int/ellectual here.

>> No.18924119

>rem not bea

>> No.18924124

I feel like everyone is against me. They are tools being used by some unseen force to destroy me. I've been humiliated and bullied to the point of a mental breakdown.It's seems no matter what I do,even when I do nothing and not get in anybody's way,I'm still under attack. I fight with it through narcissism buyt sometimes it's not enough to counter all the hate and disgrace I've faced and that I will face. It seems the only people that are kind to me are my parents,I am entirely alone,but still I'm never lonely. I read tons of books and spend hours on 4chan (rarely talk to a one old drunk who spats words of wisdom at me,i like the fella),and I live by. My sense of humor and the fact that I can rely upon my Father,is what makes my happy. I'm happy tho I'm also extremely paranoid and introvertic. I like myself,i'm fucking great and i like this board :)

>> No.18924138

I'm not from a particular place because I don't really think in terms of nations (they are social constructs)...

>> No.18924147


>> No.18924152

I'm from France

>> No.18924156

Op is a fa*ot he likes BBCs

>> No.18924157


>> No.18924160


>> No.18924163

Italy is the cultured, refined, artful kino choice

>> No.18924165

Look buddy imma be real with your France doesn't exist that's a concept you artificially created with your stupid brain. Please grow up and also stop sending illegal immigrants across the channel or we'll really fuck you up.

>> No.18924176

Your country will be majority subsaharan african in a few decades

>> No.18924187


>> No.18924189

Don't care. Race is also a social construct.

>> No.18924192

Pretty close lol

>> No.18924203

I'm from Reddit. Hi :D

>> No.18924208

Just get the cheapest one and get a train/ferry wherever you actually want to go.

>> No.18924209

Doctors won't give me benzos even though I am dying. I have developed a severe panic disorder in which I enter a mental state with full fear and and I can't escape it in any way once it happens.

>> No.18924210

Greece, but you have to post here about your travel experience

>> No.18924216

>sex being on your mind after 20
Gtfo retard

>> No.18924222

You are just as stupid as somebody can be. How could you say that if it is chemical induced, you moron. It is also cross cultural and it does sense in an evolutionary approach

>> No.18924223
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>> No.18924227

Nowadays seems like the only answer

>> No.18924239

In Spain prostitution is legal (I think), so if you can’t pick any girl you can easily hire a whore. But I think in some places covid restrictions are very strong

>> No.18924240
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Does writing out your thoughts like in a diary help with being more coherent when talking?

>> No.18924248


>> No.18924276

Green and Purple.

>> No.18924291

Really depends on where you go in any of these respective countries. Though I would choose Italy, personally.

>> No.18924304 [DELETED] 

I should've listened to anon who told me not to mess with the BPD chick, I've been mentally raped.

>> No.18924321


>> No.18924345
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pls dubs

>> No.18924352
File: 314 KB, 1024x1536, Goku sad that he killed Frieza.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which philosophers do I need to read to understand the character Goku? And why was he sad that he killed Frieza on Namek?

>> No.18924357

The twink I saw enter the pool as I left it earlier today. I had to steal a second glance, I don't care if I made him feel uncomfortable. Though he's probably used to it.

>> No.18924376


>> No.18924516
File: 32 KB, 534x168, Screenshot_20210826-092312_Gmail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I couldn't wait for dubs....

>> No.18924520


>> No.18924537

Somewhere in Nevada

>> No.18924552

It's over, I'm going to Rome. This thread is cursed.
Recommend me some /lit/ things to see in Rome and Southern italy

>> No.18924565

I’m so sick of the corporate bullshit, I don’t care anymore, and I’m tired of pretending I do.

>> No.18924593

To be honest, anywhere is better then San Franshitsco

>> No.18924602


>> No.18924611

How? I've been there. It stinks of shit and is full of homeless. Golden Gate Park was nice though.

>> No.18924623

You walked around union Square and market street

>> No.18924680

I saw a fair bit. I think the narrowness of the streets and the hills make it worse. Was something really off about SF.
At least in L.A. the homeless are contained on Skid Row or in freeway underpasses. Everything is wide, open and there are more tranquil spots to escape to.

>> No.18924733

I will never be Japanese

>> No.18924845

Bring whatever that white stuff is that coroners put under their nose in procedurals, helps with the smell

>> No.18924888

It's illegal to eat ass in Kansass.

>> No.18924893

God, the wait is fucking killing me. Please. Just finish it up already.

>> No.18924937

I refuse to grow up.

>> No.18925071

The western ethic of each life being important is perverted. In the past, crippled babies would be straight up killed or would die very early. Today having a kid is a gamble, cause if it turns out crippled you just fucked up the rest of your life, you're gonna be spending each day taking care of an eternal veggie.. I guess maybe you can leave the kid at some place that takes care of unwanted kids as a simulacrum of killing them?
Like what if you are living the simple life in a village? In the natural course of things, a crippled kid dies very soon.. and it's not like you want it to die, you cry over it with your s.o., but you can get persecuted for neglecting the care. Maybe it is technically neglect, but the cripple needed far more care than a normal kid, it's just the natural cause of things.
But we just have to be scared of death in any of its forms, don't we?
Similar thing with covid. >Nooooo, we can't have a bunch of unhealthy geronts die because the healthcare system can't take care for all of them. So we are going to forbid young children seeing other young children and learning to form normal social bonds. Has anyone even thought of how much it fucks with an 8 year old to be stuck at home for a year? Like for adults, a year is nothing, it's bearable, but an 8 year old? A whole year is like eternity for them. Who knows what long lasting damage that does to them mentally. But boy, I'm glad we keep all the old boomers around.
Well, it actually was an overstatement that adults are OK with a year of isolation, cause suicide rates increased. Even several people I've known, people my age sudokued in the lockdown period, would that have happened if they were let outside?
Fuck these "Christian" ethics. This isn't even a natural conclusion from the Bible, it's just faggotry.

>> No.18925095

>natural cause of things
natural *course

>> No.18925136

3rd year of university and I want to drop out and live innawoods :(

>> No.18925150

whacha studyin?

>> No.18925155

Fuck. I forgot I was supposed to be fasting today.

>> No.18925166

computer engineering
I really could not give less of a fuck about this subject, I am the embodiment of the "humanities guy who studied stem for money" meme

>> No.18925172

Were you a humanities guy before taking it up, or did you become one along the way?

>> No.18925192

I want to read care-taking stories really, really bad. I'm fucking losing it. Besides the occasional fanfic, the only actual book that scratched that itch was The Thief by Megan Whalen Turner. I neeeeed it.

>> No.18925193

I was always one, starting from childhood I spent free time in elementary school reading in the library.

>> No.18925200
File: 402 KB, 1080x1147, 1629964100457.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

twink bussy tbqhwy

>> No.18925208

Are you doing well in your comp.eng course, or are you failing? And how many years do you have left?

>> No.18925243

In a friend's sister wedding. I am not drinking for various reasons. Don't know anyone, can't talk to anyone, hiding away in the rooms rn. What the fuck should I be doing? Sit and nod and be dragged around with the friend and pretend to enjoy dancing while sober? Wait till everyone gets tired and I can have a normal chat? I'm just slowly getting angry at myself and the situation. I don't understand what's the way out of this loop. Probably laughing, telling everybody I had a long day, and retreat to sleep. but I'm not that mature yet, just getting there slowly, so I snuck away. Might go to sleep now, I am going to be depressed tomorrow. I even want to sneak out altogether and just get the bus home.

>> No.18925285

That's exactly the type of situation where I get piss drunk.
One time I was at a party where there was much over ten people and I only knew one, loosely, I got drunk out of my mind and smoked a whole spliff by myself. Basically I entered an alternative reality high as I was.
No regrets.

>> No.18925316
File: 183 KB, 960x539, editor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Which philosophers do I need to read to understand the character Goku?
None. Literally unreal everything you know and you'll understand him.

>> No.18925319

I always avoided this thread because I thought it's where poetryfags gather. But it's actually a nice social gathering for /lit/izens

>> No.18925330

Yeah I'd smoke if I brought some. But I won't drink. Last week I drunk my ass off and for the whole week I was sick because of a stomach virus, I'd rather be mean than lose another two months of training progress like that. Also in those situations unless I can drink and turn sullen, so what's the point?
I don't understand how people just go on the dance floor and have fun. Was I made wrong?

>> No.18925334

This is stupid. No author, creator, artist since the beginning of time set out to prop his work full of hidden meanings, yet that didn't stop anyone from asking themselves about the meaning behind any sort of work.

>> No.18925337

Unless I drink so much I lose control I turn sullen*

>> No.18925342

iktfb. i finished physics just to realize that i never cared for it in the beginning.

>> No.18925344

everything i do or say is obscured by like 12 layers of irony and sarcasm. books on how to communicate normally?

>> No.18925361

Get off 4chins. If you keep being ironic for long enough it stares back

>> No.18925362

>how people just go on the dance floor and have fun
Moving is fun, especially with other people.
Didn't you mention you work out? Do you just do it for the gains without liking it as a sport??
Stop making it worse in your head. Just grab a beer and start a conversation with someone random. It's gonna be fun.

>> No.18925363

why is everyone such a gay pussy?
i think that in 4 years i am going to conquer the world

>> No.18925372

Where do you live? People in east yoorop aren't pussies.

>> No.18925394

can we teach octopuses to write?

>> No.18925396

Eastern Europeans are subhumans though

>> No.18925398

why did we go from Asian feet pics to Vegeta pics?

>> No.18925420

No. I talk to people. I make specific efforts to get out of my head and talk to them. I try to find hooks in conversations, I try lengthening talks. I try, I try, I try. Still, if it's not a situation where I know everyone it turns out like this. I am too self conscious, and jumping on the floor for the third time in my life won't change the fact I don't like jumping on a dance floor. There is either a problem with me or a problem with them, and today it will not fix itself.
I do not want to cross the barrier in order to make conversation. I have done that a thousand times. No one ever does it for me. I am tired of putting in 10x the effort because I started from behind. I am tired of analyzing and underanalyzing every situation, fine tuning myself, 'just having fun', meditating, and improving myself.
I am tired of being the one in the wrong. Let society get out of its own head.
I understand that there is really no answer to what I am saying. I would still like to hear what you have to say.

>> No.18925422

>there are dozens of losers that post in some thread about some random Asian American booktuber
What went wrong with this board?

>> No.18925454

DBZ Abridged is better than the actual series

>> No.18925462

You take that back you son of bish

>> No.18925473

Well, you do you.
What's the problem about just going to sleep already again?

>> No.18925491

Honestly, I personally wouldn't attend a friend's sister's wedding in the first place if she or her fiancé weren't my good friends, or if there weren't enough people I know well attending.

>> No.18925500

The more I interact with society the more angry I get. Recently my fondest wish, after finding a good woman (don't >have sex me, not a virgin) is making masks out of clay and smashing them with a 5kg hammer. Specifically a 5kg hammer because I used one in the tanks.
I am angry. Society is not what I thought it was. It's a wide lake with nothing in it, and my retarded chimpanzee brain keeps wanting to take a dive. People actually don't want to talk! They talk, check phone, spin another web, and check it again! I can do that with close friends, but Halas! Where's the meat and potatoes of the conversation? Where's the good stuff? Is it just >smoke >laugh >smoke >recline >scratch balls, forever???
I am actually interested in my major, and I haven't found another one, yet. I actually put in extra work because I enjoy it, and where are all the others? Either they are geeks with 0 interest beyond their specific zone, or they are as shallow as a mirror. I say mirror, because they just agree with me or say "everyone got their opinion, y'know" when I try to poke them for an ACTUAL FUCKING OPINION ON THINGS. try asking someone WHY they like a thing and you get back a wall. And I don't care if I get back a "that's my base emotional response", but they say "that's just how I am" and externalize it. What the fuck?
Have you watched pop sci videos? Have you watched them? Just fucking kill me. I thought they were a globally recognized joke. Now I realize people think that the videos are clever and base their personality around them. And I don't care if it makes me sound like a prick, those vids are intellectually dishonest and use the pretense of complicated subjects to appear clever. They are a lie, pasted on a 12 minute video. A lie.
And the lies! They lie, all the time! All the fucking time! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

>> No.18925510

There are loud noises outside and I'm angry. At this point I'm just reveling in the loop.
I'm going to do another pass now that everyone stopped dancing.
Yeah I guess I'm learning my lesson.

>> No.18925511

The pithy "don't meet your heroes" should rather be stated as "don't impute your ego onto others." The act of idolizing a person, in many cases, can be seen as the act of finding solace and validation in the belief that there are others far better off than you, but, in essence, the same as you. The angst-ridden teenager finds great comfort in knowing that many successful artists and leaders followed their same trajectory and made it to success and safety. Meeting your heroes is painfully learning that your trajectory and theirs were never aligned at all. Serious, solemn, taciturn, and angst-ridden artists turn out to be quite comfortable in their own skin. So do many apparently-damaged military commanders. What did Tarkovsky, Tanizaki, David Foster Wallace, and Mikhail Tolstykh have in common? Apart from having erroneous labels of "tortured genius" and "grave stoic" easily affixed to them, they loved to dance. (Or, at the very least, were self-assured enough to do so without blushing.) (Ian Curtis and Thom Yorke, two figures probably held in much higher esteem by angst-ridden teenagers, also danced (Yorke most notably in the music video for Lotus Flower, and Curtis perhaps due to epilepsy, but probably not), but, being musicians, this isn't too surprising. What may be more surprising is the fact that Nietzsche danced; but he, too, was a musician and composer (an also surprising fact, I think).) We can say, then, that if you are angst-ridden to the point of needing to impute your ego onto heroes, do so with the proper ones. I've yet to read Pessoa's biography, but I'd say it's safer for a depressed person to align with them, rather than a dancing Nietzsche (this, of course, means aligning with someone who died in obscurity -- probably just a circuitous way to get to the same pain you'd feel meeting your misidentified hero).

>> No.18925525

Good tips for minimizing living expenses? I no longer have a rent payment, my car is very old but paid off. I will probably ditch it to get rid of the insurance payment and gasoline. My single biggest issue is student loans, half of which are private and don’t offer forbearance or forgiveness.

>> No.18925533

Yeah, don't get student loans

>> No.18925534

The single most oppressive feeling is not feeling as though there is something you have to do, but rather feeling as though there’s nothing in particular worth doing.

>> No.18925535

Going for 0 pushups today.

>> No.18925538

100 pushups, 100 situps

>> No.18925553

If you were here in front of me I’d physically attack you

>> No.18925554

everyone is a gay pussy

>> No.18925563

I don't want to live in materialistic dystopia:

Rotshild on the West vs Chinese Jew on the East

>> No.18925569

Not me.

>> No.18925572
File: 102 KB, 1200x900, gold-and-silver.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Silver is much more aesthetic than gold.

>> No.18925584

I am a gay bussy uwu

>> No.18925600

Life's what you make it

>> No.18925602

Lmao yeah that's completely untrue you dumb bitch
t. Actually Russian

>> No.18925614

Insane that there is no esoteric secret to life, you just love people and do good things and make beautiful things and it ascends you to spiritual heights without doing strange blood rituals or reading philosophy

>> No.18925641


It might sound a little corny but today as I was doing my usual thirty minutes of meditation I suddenly started hearing this very vividly in my head (I was hearing my favourite part starting from 19:45) and it felt so amazing I started crying. Fuck yeah I love this music so much

>> No.18925645

Fuck of Magomed, Poland strong.

>> No.18925650

I make beautiful things and sometimes I love people but I also do strange rituals and read philosophy, porque no los dos?

>> No.18925672

Anyone else feel a growing sense of weird pride and happiness as they grow more and more disconnected from mainstream culture and the newscycle? I have no idea what's going on in the world, I have no idea what Biden's presidency is like, what are current trends and I still don't get what Tiktok is, other than it's basically chinese youtube. For some reason it feels so good to be unaware of all that and I don't feel like I'm missing anything.

>> No.18925722

I fully understand this but whenever I actually look at my place in the world I get this strong feeling of alienation.

>> No.18925723

Update: I stole someone's vape and having a decent time lambasting in nicotine
The night will be fine, I suppose. I was ranting out some held in rage. Worst case I'll go to sleep.

>> No.18925746

>I am completely unaware of my surroundings and the very nature of the social system that I rely on for my survival
Nothing to be proud of, it's weakness and escapism and it is dangerous.
>I hide my head in the sand, la la la!

>> No.18925755

God I really want to smoke my pipe again
I haven't smoked in years and years
I love the aroma of pipe tobacco and the whole ritual nature of it but it fucks up my gut
every thing I love is incompatible with me on a physical level I hate myself so much

>> No.18925795

Is it? I don't pay attention to a bunch of things but they are all stuff that don't affect me and I can't change anyway. Why should I pay attention to politics I have no influence over only to feel hopeless because of it? It's useless and boring to follow.

>> No.18925845

It’s slowly sinking in that these things I want to do in my life will never come to fruition and now there’s nowhere to go, nothing to do.

>> No.18925850

Why should a deer pay attention to the forest it lives in?

>> No.18925876

There's bears in them thar woods

>> No.18925893

That's what I'm saying

>> No.18925895

I pay attention to the things that affect me and that I can affect. I pay attention to the industry I work in, new laws and such that affect me and the people I know, but not what's going on on twitter or what's the new outrage of the week.

Why should a deer pay attention to the planes flying over the forest or how the ants build their anthill.

>> No.18925947

I wonder if the author of the fairy tale The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats was familiar with the story of Kronos swallowing the stone. If not, then I wonder where the archetype (or underlying idea or whatever it can be called) of child-eating-monster-accidentally-eating-stone comes from. I also wonder what it could mean. Perhaps it means that those who devour innocence become so corrupt that they eat themselves to death. Actually, now that I think about it, how does the wolf in the fairy tale come to his end? He falls into a brook, sinks, and drowns. Perhaps this story, then, takes inspiration from the Bible (Luke 17:2 or Matthew 18:6). How did Jeffery Epstein come to his end? A cord was hung around his neck, and he was thrown into the depths of Hell. Was Kronos not also thrown into Hell (Tartarus) for something similar?

>> No.18926002

Frens we need to fight back the Waldun spam. Please report all threads that is not their general thread. Booktube should have one general just like the SFfags

>> No.18926018

They are so obsessed
I would never have thought that 50% of /lit/ would turn out to be girlies from lolcow

>> No.18926025

I'm not the anon you were talking to. I was just answering the question about deer. But looking up the thread, the comparison doesn't hold. For most people on earth, the last thing they should try to do is engage with the politician in the same way the last thing on earth a deer should think of is advancing towards the scent of bear. Most of the issues you'll not only be subject to, but also have a chance of changing, are local and not something you need a politician involved in. Get politics involved in your sewage system at your own peril.

>> No.18926045

I’ve only got $10k to my name but I have this feeling like I need to quit my job and live off that for a while.

>> No.18926071

all these threads are literal advertising, they are against the rules

>> No.18926190

So Epstein was a titan?

>> No.18926231


Thoughts on the comments?

>> No.18926246


>> No.18926249

Wish I was a pretty girl so I could make money from horny idiots.

>> No.18926257

Italy of course.

>> No.18926261

It's probably less than 5% bro

>> No.18926288

Dreamed that I was watching a woman holding a cluster of 3 dried fruits and trying to explain to a man riding war chariot through the hallway of a building that he has committed a transgression of some kind and has to submit to a tripartite process, the argument quickly interrupted by a thunderous noise, the crack of a giant whip, coming from outside. They both stopped and woman whispered "who is THAT strong?". I thought it was second coming. I walked outside, the noise steadily continuing, through alleys and yards covered in silt, rusty junk everywhere, to a deserted valley full of clean steets and massive buildings. The sky full of clouds that looked as if they were rising from the buildings, still connected to the tallest spires, and the clear patches revealed distant desaturated hues of blue and orange.

>> No.18926310

I'm getting the fucking jab tomorrow to get my fucking permit to exist. Knowing my luck I'll get instant downs.
Fuck this pozzed gay Earth.

>> No.18926353

I want to die either by suicide or murdered

>> No.18926382

Good luck anon https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9928939/BBC-presenter-Lisa-Shaw-died-complications-caused-AstraZeneca-covid-jab-coroner-rules.html

>> No.18926406

Anyone want to discuss this?

>> No.18926415

not getting that one but yeah
honestly at this point I don't even give a shit anymore. if I croak at least I'll leave the clown world behind me.

>> No.18926434

Everything is unnatural about the modern world. It's like everything is upside down.

>> No.18926440

First I form my ideas and then I hammer the world to fix into my worldview

>> No.18926442

>The western ethic of each life being important is perverted
Very good then shut the fuck up because I will literally kill you for being a stupid useless faggot

>> No.18926475 [DELETED] 

It had been a long time since John Anwel has entertained any guests. Cobwebs were natural but the dust and the filth - and the shame, dirtiest of them all, all of them pressed on him but none more than the solitude! Filthy and smelly solitude! Going about people, purchasing things, giving your smile, and in all of the huff in the chest and the sweat of the brow, your silence deafening, your stench unbearable, and we have found you! Terrible, wretched, destitute, and solitary person! We have smelled you!
Worse, John could have been something! Certainly nothing great. No man-of-history, let me tell you. But something more, and certainly more than a solitary person! No, all of it wasted away, eating at him numbly, and although nobody there to speak to - he is aware of it, of this we can be certain. How many afternoons and nights had he paced above his despicable garage (despicable and empty!) having the depth of his feeling beneath his breast, the profundity of his appreciation, the humanity of his inebriation, and wishing to share his overladen vestments to stem a bleeding heart? To write poetry and to celebrate friends; and yet in the shadows above the garage an old man lay in a sad cotton cot.
Joyous were his mornings and how thankful he was for the window! He wanted to share his gifts, to stretch forth his arms and embrace his children in health! A toast to the sentiment!
John was a self conscious man. A young lady he had worked up a passion for had told him, "I couldn't think of marrying someone so childish!", and he had spent the decade following meticulously seeing to all of the affairs of the properly "adult" life. He sought after new work he never thought to, and even managed a sales position, and altogether it had felt like positive change had come about - and it had, and his new competences financially and maritally were unparalleled in the men of his competition. He had checked in on his lost love occasionally, until finding her married, he stopped. He reproached himself terribly for how pathetic he had acted and the depth of the power he afforded her, and in the next moment waxed soft and was tired but still very much in love.
A decade of work was far too much to ask, even troublesome and bratty, and how beautiful she had been, but no matter to him in the end - really, she was married.

>> No.18926496

I have this desire to make manga and I really wish someone would just disabuse me of that because deep down I know it’s a bit ridiculous and in the way of my other, more realistic ambition.

>> No.18926520

Not only "unhealthy geronts" die from it though. Many 40 to 50 yos die from it. That is still a valuable member of society and not an old person with Alzheimer's kek. For example my 45 year old cousin is dying in the hospital from it currently but he is not a random old person, he is a fully functioning working member of society.

>Has anyone even thought of how much it fucks with an 8 year old to be stuck at home for a year?
>Who knows what long lasting damage that does to them mentally.
Just for comparison when my grandparents were 8 years old they were experiencing famine and WWII, our grandmother was 8 years old eating potato peels instead of food in war-ridden Russia and half of our family died. These children witnessed bombing. How's that for long-lasting damage.

>> No.18926581

>I have this desire to make manga
1) you are not Japanese and you will never make it unless you are rich enough to buy yourself a vanity studio so you can LARP as having made it in Japan before being forgotten forever
2) the entire industry stands on literal slavery, it is literally illegal to work in the conditions on the average mangaka or assistant, law enforcement doesn't intervene against publishers etc. simply because the industry would collapse if it did
3) your audience is bugman preteens or mentally stunted otaku who masturbate obsessively into body pillows
4) manga are currently being replaced by free webtoons, mostly korean and also made by studios but much gayer because it turns out that girls browse the internet a lot and they like seeing gay bois
5) the average person drawing a pair of tits will earn 10000 times the amount you cannot even hope to earn with 1/1000 of the effort, that's how little value your hard work has in the eyes of people
read Manga Poverty

>> No.18926587

I’m 28 and I feel like it’s just kind of over for me. It’s funny but I’m not even sure what “it” is. All I know is this isn’t it and the older you get, the more unlikely it is that “it” will ever be anything other than what it already is at all. By now, I think I’m ready to check out. I’m done. Yeah, I think I’m done here.

>> No.18926603
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>> No.18926607

>I will literally kill you for being a stupid useless faggot
You can try bitch
Sorry about your cousin. And the fact that some problem is worse than another doesn't make the latter good.

>> No.18926643
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I'm buying a barlow lens for my telescope.

>> No.18926647
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>> No.18926662

When did you last sperg out in a social setting?

>> No.18926695
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It was a bright and warm summer and my heart brimmed with scorn, and the birds and their songs, and bugs, all a chore;
When on came evening, and above my eye, Heaven it's crown, a spirit of Light!
"A pitiful shame!", I said with a frown, and dashed at the Spirit; it fell to the ground.

"and a pitiful sight!", I said in the fight, my Seraphim slain,
and off in the night, my stride was gay, my foe in twain.

"Pontificate me this, O fool, who sits at the stool across from mine,
what if it was you, who wrestled this Seraphim of some kind?"

The man gave a giggle and grunt from his stool,
"Well, I've killed around fifty, how about you?"

"Surely a lie, Angels of the Lord!
How have you killed nearly fifty or more?"

The man gave a giggle and grunt from his stool,
"I paid attention in class; did well in school!"

"Well that cannot be, you must be straight about it."

The man said, "Fine, I'll tell you, its practice."

He looked to the side and puffed out his chest,
"I will explain to you the Seraphim's death."

"All of its practice, and nothing more;
Combat's a game, and life even more!
Pretense is a wash, and liars are whores,
The players are liars and a wash even more!"

Controversial and brash! I was deeply intrigued,
"Please, tell me more, I'll buy you a drink."

The man was glad and after drinking his fill,
he turned and said, "There is more to tell still."

"Life is a game; Fate is at play!
The Scriptures, they tell you, we know what they say:
Thou shalt have no other Gods,
Thou shalt not make unto thee graven images,
Thou shalt not kill,
Thou shalt not covet,
and most important of all,
Thou shalt not play!
Such is the nature of the game that they play!
For this crime, I take fifty more;
Pretense is a wash, and liars are whores,
The players are liars and a wash even more!"

I said, "Well, sir, what attitude you have!
Your valor and bravery, stupid, but glad!
What was it that brought you here?"

The man gave a burp and said with a smile,
"I am a German, except in denial."

"My purpose was war, but a different kind,
for me and my men fight war in the sky.
Not against Empire, Nation, or people,
but against Heaven, the Seraphim; Gatekeepers!
You will come to know a life of my kind,
but for now, will you come and stroll for a time?"

I follow the man out of the door, into the night.

>> No.18926696

years ago I called a girl a whore at a party.

>> No.18926706

Old games look good on CRT televisions.

>> No.18926769

I had a girlfriend who would call me at random hours in the morning (2AM or 3AM), crying profusely saying she had something important to tell me. I would always hear the rustling of her clothes as she moved the phone towards her anus and then she would fart into the phone and quickly hang up. This went on for 12 years. On the 7th year of dating we finally met in person and she was insistent on fingering my dick every time we made love. Eventually things escalated and she wanted me to start farting in her pussy because it was a huge turn on to her. One night there was an accident and that fart turned into a shart. She started crying and immediately ran into the bathroom. I pleaded for her to come out so we could talk but she said she needed to call Loveline for relationship advice but I had to keep reminding her that show ended years ago. Eventually she stopped responding and, of course, I feared the worst so I drink two Four Lokos and busted down the door. She was dead. The EMT's said she died of covid 4 weeks ago.

>> No.18926781

One of the best posts around.

>> No.18926787

Could have been worse; digits could've been relevant.

>> No.18926790

Accidentally shat my pants at the bar last weekend.

>> No.18926794

bought clothes online
now they are a bit too big and feel like a retard

>> No.18926806
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I just finished The Sound and the Fury. I went back to check Benjy's chapter.
>mfw "Caddy uncaught me and we crawled
Jesus Christ man, I had never cried so much to a book.

>> No.18926819


>> No.18926832

When I was a kid I wished I had hair like Vegeta.
Now I have his hairline...

>> No.18926834


>> No.18926914

The average blapypo hasn’t read a single book

>> No.18926922

What the fuck, still no dubs?
Go to Toronto. Search in the garbage bin in the right alley down 14th street. There will be a suitcase there. Inside the suitcase there are a pair of gloves, put them on. You will also find a coin in one of the gloves. AFTER you put on both gloves you go to the run down phone booth. It still works even if it doesn't look like it. Put the coin in and dial the remaining digits of my post, then wait.

>> No.18926926


>> No.18926969 [SPOILER] 
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Immanuel Kant
Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel
Gottfried W. Leibniz
René Déscartes

>> No.18926973

I have a vision, a certain aesthetic coupled with a philosophical and a religious direction, which I am surprised nobody shares. I think about it every day. I need to think of ways to bring it to fruition. It would be a shame to die without sharing it with anyone.

>> No.18926978

In the year 1889, in the month of June, the painter Vincent van Gogh found himself in a situation much like the one I have just described, and he painted what he saw (Figure 19.1). The painting appeals to us precisely because it both chimes with our experience of what it feels like to be under the stars and affords us the means to dwell upon it – perhaps to discover depths in this experience of which we would otherwise remain unaware. Two things are immediately apparent. First, the night sky is not homogeneous, nor is it empty save for stars. It swirls with currents that resonate with the contours of the landscape which we can dimly make out in the light of a crescent moon. And secondly, the stars themselves are not inert specks in the firmament. On the contrary, they pulse. That is to say, their light is not merely received as a messenger – a vector of projection – that yields them up as objects of our awareness. Rather, we feel it from within, as an affect. Immersed in the swirling expanse, it is as though our minds and bodies are swept up in the flow, even as we remain rooted to one spot. Van Gogh, then, is not just painting stars. He is a star-struck painter: he sees, and paints, with their light. This is why the stars can be at once infinitely distant and yet touch the soul.

>> No.18926982

I hate art commentary so much it's unreal.

>> No.18926985

I think it is kino desu.

>> No.18926986

Weebs, Kawabata isn't too hard to read in japanese right?

>> No.18927013

LA homeless are most definitely NOT confined to Skid Row and underpasses. LA County has 70,000 homeless and 30,000 of them live on the street, from Huntington to Glendale, with large numbers congregating in Venice and the entire West side. It's the biggest homeless encampment in the country due to drug dealers and mild weather.

>> No.18927016

What do you think happens when someone gets invited to go on the Eric Andre show? Do they just not look it up? How long before he runs out of guests who have no idea who he is?

>> No.18927046

The joke is always on you, the viewer, not the guest.

>> No.18927051

I was in grad school and joked that the entire year above me were assholes. I later heard thru the grapevine that some of them took it personally. so i had to apologize

>> No.18927074

Three years ago when I pretended to be a russian spy because of my thick eastern european accent.

>> No.18927096

Interesting idea. Care to elaborate?

>> No.18927112

There's not much to elaborate on. It's all staged and edited beyond recognition. Like in many other shows, the hook is that you are in on a joke that the guest is not, when there is zero actual reason to believe this and all the reason to believe the contrary. Of course the guests know what kind of show it is. They know what they sign up for. They just pretend to be surprised so you, the viewer, can feel entertained.

>> No.18927153

Should murder be decriminalized?

>> No.18927156

these posts go together like wine and cheese

>> No.18927170

I don't get it. What is the ending supposed to mean? Is it a joke? Where's the joke?

>> No.18927178

Everything can be described through the finite number of the accessible to any human parameters

>> No.18927184

Everything can be described with a circle ○.

>> No.18927190

With a triangle, dude

>> No.18927197

A circle is more symmetric.

>> No.18927206

If you divide a circle, you'd get a non-circle. If you divide a triangle, you'd still get a triangle

>> No.18927214

It's funny how basically broken the job market is in my country and yet there's very little discussion of how to fix it. We have a surplus of college graduates and a paucity of tradespeople. Who could have predicted that? What a stupid piece of social engineering. Now I'm one of the thousands of college graduates fighting for positions in an even more crowded job market, because we've now got two years of graduates who weren't able to get jobs last year or this year all competing for the same roles. I could do a trade, but that's another 3 years of training where I live. It would have saved everyone a whole lot of time if you had just encouraged more people to do a trade when they were younger, rather than trying to foster some marginal slither of intelligence they don't even really have because it makes them feel good.

Occasionally you'll get articles pointing out how broken it is, but when it comes to solutions people just throw their hands up.

>> No.18927222

Well I skipped a class yesterday, and skipped 2/3 of my classes today because I really just find them incredibly boring, and even if I were to get my degree it wouldn't make me any happier, so I am probably going to be failing my classes pretty soon despite the semester just starting.

That's how things are right now. I have no idea how to go up from here

>> No.18927232
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>even if I were to get my degree it wouldn't make me any happier
ive heard this one before

>> No.18927239

I'm addicted to this website. I hate seeing that lesbian Rebbeca Sugar looking happa boy RCW but I still know my BASED boys are out here posting short succinct gold to cheer me up and it keeps me from being productive. This website is like opium on my soul after I load my cart with books and run out of time to read. Best book list ever tho thx bby

>> No.18927246
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During my own bouts of stomach and teeth pain it struck me that the content of my thoughts and actions had a 'flavor' of what could have influenced the creation of Nietzsche's philosophy. The point is that there is something about the state of agony that narrows one in on the importance of health and the contrast of unhealth.

>> No.18927253

I kind of want to get a massage but I don't like being touched. Also, I've never gotten a massage before. I'd like to just sit in a chair and get my neck and shoulders massaged.

>> No.18927258

>I'd like to just sit in a chair and get my neck and shoulders massaged.
You can ask for this. It's cheaper than a full body massage too.

>> No.18927277

I am being literal, man. Even if I were to graduate, there's nothing I would want to do. How is it even a sour grapes thing when if I really wanted to, I could still get my degree without a doubt?

The issue is I don't want to. There's no scenario 5 or 10 years from now where I can imagine myself happy, and NEETbux are hard to come by in america so I don't know what to do. Increasingly my mind wanders into suicidal thought patterns because it seems like the only way out. Past a certain level of mental illness, there is no real chance of happiness.

>> No.18927299

I was planning on going to one of those strip mall massage places. Like Massage Envy. Is it still less expensive to do it there?

>> No.18927306

For years I've been wanting one of those massages where a burly skilled man grabs your arm and stretches it as far as possible back and all your vertebrae go KRUNK KROCK I know this has vaguely homosexual undertones no matter how you put it so I have never mentioned it openly, that I want a large man to snap every joint in my body but someone hopefully understands what I mean, it's like my whole back has cobwebs in it and I need something fierce to realign my bones
women are far too gentle with massages and I think if you go in a paid places they just give you sex to make up for the lack of massage, I think it's a thing

>> No.18927311

Why is it so hard to find a girl you like and who likes you back. I went through an undergraduate and a postgraduate degree, I went to cafés, libraries, bars, museums, book shops, I tried tinder and bumble, I travelled and I talked to as many people as I could. Yet here I am, at the end of a postgraduate degree in humanities, and I have failed.

>> No.18927323

Most likely because you completely lack self awareness. Try recording yourself interacting with others and rewatching the tapes for clues.

>> No.18927326

> if I really wanted to, I could still get my degree without a doubt?
depression, i believe, is partially a disorder of wanting to. if you had enough will, you could get the degree, but you cannot (atm) reach a state of having enough will. it's a meta-will thing, imo.

>There's no scenario 5 or 10 years from now where I can imagine myself happy
all too common a sentiment on this site.

>> No.18927331

How old are you?

>> No.18927337

i'd say 75th percentile, why?

>> No.18927341

Tell me about it. I know I have to get top 5-10% grades or it's over for me.

>> No.18927356

Clues of what? I interact with people regularly, I am not autistic in the traditional sense. I have flatmates and interact with their friends. I'm not a social spastic. When I get drunk I can have a good time and people appear to enjoy my company.

Obviously there is something wrong with me, but I am not sure what. And even if there wasn't anything wrong with me, how do you meet girls? Corona ruined my entire Master, and I will never get another chance. All social meetups after uni are just other men trying to find girls.

>> No.18927361

Where do you imagine yourself 5 to 10 years from now?

>> No.18927364

>depression, i believe, is partially a disorder of wanting to. if you had enough will, you could get the degree, but you cannot (atm) reach a state of having enough will. it's a meta-will thing, imo.
Yeah, we cannot control our wills, reminds me of that old quote
It is a more desperate situation than it initially sounds like, because to say there is no possible situation in which you imagine yourself happy means you really have no options, nothing to turn toward. It is not that hard to cling onto life when you have at least one thing keeping you motivated, but when you have nothing, that act of holding on becomes much harder. What do you even cling to, when there's nothing left?

>> No.18927392

>Clues of what?
Of behavior to change.
> I have friends and interact with people bla bla bla
Do it anyway. There's nothing to lose and everything to gain. If you feel insecure or afraid to record and then watch yourself that's a separate issue you would have to deal with.
>Obviously there is something wrong with me, but I am not sure what
That's what the problem could solve. Record your dates too. Show them to others.
>And even if there wasn't anything wrong with me, how do you meet girls?
There's something wrong with everyone. You meet girls by being where the girls are. Do you have any girl friends? Ask them.

>> No.18927396

5-10 years ago, i would have never imagined myself here, so my prediction record is poor enough to justify saying "i don't know"

"we" is strong here, i never said anything about my own mental state.
>What do you even cling to, when there's nothing left?
habits, routines, the same momentum of living that nonhuman animals use. at least that's what i intuit, i imagine there's a lot of listless husks that are capable and effective at numbing away their minds and worries.

>> No.18927407

>"we" is strong here, i never said anything about my own mental state.
That's paraphrasing a quote

>> No.18927423

I've remembering the life of J.R.R.Tolkien, he lost some of his best friends during WWI. And the life of Mikhail Bulgakov were he was subjected to censorship and died in despair. I believe we are not exempt from history and some of us will bear its marks upon our body. It has become obvious to me, that I will be shaped by this moment, and even if I don't agree with the narrative, I will have to get along with it. The thing is I don't know how long can I hold the line before there is no option to resist.

>> No.18927431
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I think that /lit/ reads trash books but watches decent movies and /sci/ does trash mathematics but reads decent books.
We need something even superior, to reach 4chan illuminism.

>> No.18927438

C'mon man, don't do nitpicking in the social thread. Let's give each other benefit of the doubt.

>> No.18927444

What line? And why do you need to hold it?

>> No.18927458

>It has become obvious to me, that I will be shaped by this moment
this is only the prologue anon, the worst is still all to come

>> No.18927462

desu you yourself just seem like a leveled up spastic, which is still decent and better than braindead

>> No.18927536

Dude, don't do that. Massive waste of time and money to bum around at college. Physically force yourself to go, or get a friend to escort you to class. I mean it man. Kick your own ass or the world is gonna do it 1000x times harder.

>> No.18927544

Yeah, every massage parlor will have different prices based on different body parts / amount of body being massaged - head and shoulders is usually the cheapest. The prices should probably be displayed in the window of the shop, or at least on some sort of board inside.

>> No.18927590

Y brother will not leave the car alone for a weekend. He is afraid someone will bump it again, and has been afraid so since the bump, almost more than 3 months ago.
I tell him this is silly, because obviously staying nearby in the house will not help him if the car gets bumped, only let him know about it sooner. What's the point?
He simply replies he won't leave it.
Absolutely insane. Shrubbery pants on head ligimigodoo insane. You can't even talk to him about it, every time I come near a sensitive subject he just walls it out.
I'm fucking confused how many people are like that. I constantly find walls when talking. They are insane. We are living in the mad village with the mad boogly booglo citizens.

>> No.18927639

You can’t be Achilles. You can’t even be Alexander.

>> No.18927648

One more thing to add, I have erotic dreams about Jordan Peterson ravaging my prepubesent boy like body on a pile of mulch and dirt

>> No.18927666


>> No.18927684

Originally, how did butter come to be such an object of community ridicule? Can someone share the history of her turning into the common joke? She just seems like a random commie lady, kind of nicer than the average 4channer.

>> No.18927697

Perhaps holding the line for the novavax vaccine, if it is really the deus ex machina that will save the world, or even going novax route. I just happened to start my career in need for a job when the jab passports are being rolled out. Whatever I do, society will run its course and the government will do what it is supposed to do. I believe I am in the wrong side of history by holding these petty concerns, and I don't see how they should care about me, being young and stupid. I think I can handle everything, the blame, the hate, the mistakes of humanity as a whole, all that bullshit. I can handle the hyphotetical long term side effects. I can handle getting sick. I can handle losing loved ones. I can handle my own partial death. I can handle hell in earth. I can handle being seen as a monster for ultimately rejecting it all. It doesn't matter my stance, if I go along with the majority, if I go agaisnt the majority, as I will be somehow able to manage it. I know I sound like a schizo, but history seems creeping to my door, I was born for this moment, even if it feels as it is all over and I feel envy for those who could enjoy their youth without going through all this shit. Perhaps it is all about holding my life line while acting with integrity. Nice trips btw.

>> No.18927711

Bruh your line is taking the vaccine
The Chinese are gonna destroy western liberalism soon, could you pick a more retarded line?

>> No.18927721

>went solo drinking
>bartender girl that I usually talk to wasn't even in the house
>just sit there drinking like a total loser
Today was a failure, bros

>> No.18927758

Can someone help me with understanding egoism? Warning, I only read a third of stirner yet, I am intending to continue some day but he tired me out with his relentless soapboxing and going after every other framework in the first third.
So stirner says everyone is an egoist, either a knowing one or unknowing. Let's say we have a Child, who believes in morality because he has never even questioned it, just because it's what 'is done'. How is acting according to his self interests? He does not necessarily think that it's what should be done and then life will be right and he'll get pleasure, he can think 'i am cutting my arm and I hate it and it sucks but this is what is done'. The 'otherwise I'll be bad and that's worse than cutting my arm' doesn't necessarily have to appear if he just does it like a fool does, because he doesn't even question.
Can someone enlighten me how I'm wrong? Ive been looping this for weeks.

>> No.18927770

Witness me.

>> No.18927787

i don't know. i thought she was pretty nice at first, but lots of her interactions have been virtiolic out of nowhere. they tell me just to ignore the trip users, but I find human behaviors that I can't explain interesting, so I'll continue to dwell on her case.

haha that's so funny

I used to go solo to bars sometimes, imagining that strangers would talk to me. sometimes older men would briefly light up for a second, then when i don't say anything they return to their social circles. making friends as an adult is hell, i wish i were a teenager again.

do something interesting and radical. be like ol' Gavrilo Princip (metaphorically, officers)

>> No.18927788


>> No.18927803

Sorry I am dumb. I know that. We have at most until 2030 when the chinese rape us. Honestly why bother holding a line?

>> No.18927805

Hello, do you have a moment to talk about our lord and savior Jesus Christ?

>> No.18927812

most of my friends got their girlfriends through their college town friend/extended friend groups. all received interest from the girl first and only made a move after repeated interactions (except for my one particularly handsome friend) with them. you have to get lucky that
1. you're friends know cute, (single) girls
2. you have repeated interactions
3. she likes you
4. you can stand her

of course these can be bypassed by being particularly handsome and confident but most of the time you have to just get lucky. im way more social than my friends but also have trouble due to bad luck and the limited pool of neuro-divergent (and i never went to college).

>> No.18927821

She acts like my sister. Sullen and likes to smash around some people verbally when angry or just as entertainment. She'll 'try her best', get usual meme responses because she's fucking butters and that's how we reply to her I guess, and then she has an excise to be mad and angrily post communist works at people to show them they are wrong. That's the main loop I see from her, other than normal website using. Does she want the catfights? Who knows, but at this point she must be aware her nick and modus operandi brings on catfights, so I'll classify it as a loop she's having.
But, really, that's mostly normal. Its like a cranky old lady. I don't see the joke

>> No.18927829

I don’t even like me. Why would someone else?

>> No.18927838

I think it's silly dramatizing a jab so much. Yes it might be some super alien mind control virus. It might be not. In order to live in society you are already conforming to a lot of other Bs stuff.

>> No.18927841

Wasted potential.

>> No.18927843
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>> No.18927864

I graduated literally #1 top of my class at a prestigious uni and I can't even get rejection notices to my job applications because I don't have any connections. The lack of connections is my fault because I didn't network enough and assumed my grades would carry me - I own up to that, it was my fault... but graduating into the middle of pandemic recession didn't help either.

>> No.18927882


>> No.18927884


>> No.18927891

which uni? do you have any friends you can add on linkedin? i also got pretty good grades and was rejected a lot for jobs, but eventually found something (in STEM, so ymmv) by just sending out a fuckton of applications.

>> No.18927935


>> No.18928057
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I realized the milk I bought last week expired three days ago. My challenge is to drink one gallon of milk in four hours because if I wait any longer it may go bad.
I'm also on page 133 of my book. So progress there.
I hate cows and the noises they make but I like milk and beef. Maybe that's how our ancestors figured out cows were edible. They listened to that GARBAGE noise cows make and decided to put them down and eat them.

>> No.18928158

I have no friends so I would have to force myself to go basically, but you're right that if I plan to keep on trying in this life, finishing the degree is the right move. I just don't know if I even want that much. It's not that I want to kill myself but more that I see no real hope left for me.

>> No.18928167

I'm afraid of this as well. My major is computer engineering too so lack of a portfolio + lack of connections is a massive double whammy. But how am I supposed to make connections when I'm so depressed and boring that nobody wants to be friends with me? Believe me I've tried. It genuinely feels like the world wants me to fail.

>> No.18928174

I want the money and fame but I would never allow myself to see the man next to me as less than a fragile, suffering mind compelled by the stars. Despite the necessity of loathing the weak and ill, I will never sell snake oil or speak as a false prophet. We all suffer in a God-less world.

>> No.18928200

If your only goal is making connections and not real friendships at university, I guess it's possible to do it Patrick Bateman style and just wear a Professional Smile to a bunch of conferences and gigs until you meet some people. They may not be good friends but they'll be good enough, right?

>> No.18928237

I was thinking about novelizing movies as a way to improve my prose. Has anyone done something similar?

>> No.18928254

Oh no...I can feel the urge coming....Im going to eat a bunch of bread and olive oil again....and im going to eat too much again and then get sick....oh god no no no....how will i ever stop this addiction...

>> No.18928384

between you and me, I actually don't like reading at all

>> No.18928446

same bro. takes wayyy too long

>> No.18928468

That’s okay. No one on /lit/ reads or write.

>> No.18928499

I am still not vaccinated

>> No.18928520

67 days into isolation lockdown and every single night I have sex dreams

>> No.18928589

No, since none of us write.

>> No.18928606

One thing at a mothafucking time.

>> No.18928631

>Why would someone else?
because they don't know you like you do - that or they don't view you in the same way that you view yourself.

>> No.18928659

if you have balsamic vinegar, have bread with EVO, a few drops of balsamic vinegar and a little salt. You can also put some extremely thin sliced onion on the bread before seasoning.

>> No.18928704
File: 212 KB, 1125x1263, 161523802910_1_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18928766

How are those the "same people"?

>> No.18928832

How are they not?

>> No.18928959

I don't think I've ever seen a board so up its own ass as /lit/

>> No.18928968

/sffg/ is being raided by a bunch of discord trannies discussing their cuckoldry novels and sniffing out any real discussion about books.

>> No.18928996

Take the vaccine already.

>> No.18929001

Medical doctors, hospital statisticians, and epidemiologists don't spend a lot of time talking about college "safe spaces", which is something you get out of psychologists, teachers, and student activists. Even there, the teachers are fairly split on lockdowns and the psychologists are constantly warning about the mental stresses caused by them.

When someone takes a nuanced subject and tries to boil it down to "us vs. them" by associating otherwise unrelated groups, it's the simplest form of propaganda to swallow.

>> No.18929029

Try to get ahead for once in your life.

>> No.18929055

Did you even read the pic?

>> No.18929081

I wish to battle the eternal infinity that is tomorrow.

>> No.18929087

Did you? It's trying to claim that the people calling for people to "be resilient" during lock downs are the "very same people" advocating college safe spaces, and this is simply not the case. There maybe some overlap in the ven diagram but these are not the same groups by any stretch of the imagination. It's an effort to create a false dichotomy, either by someone who is delusional enough to have divided his world in twain that way, who thinks every message society sends out comes from the same people, or who has an agenda to make others think that way and take advantage of it.

>> No.18929118

Why? Seems pointless.

>> No.18929139

well...its time for me too make the mistake of eating an entire loaf of bread drenched in oil and ballsack vinegar

>> No.18929162


>> No.18929166

Holy shit finally goddamit

>> No.18929180

Tomorrow doesn't exist. If I believe it doesn't, it doesn't.

>> No.18929182

you were banned?

>> No.18929208

Do you really need to ask?

>> No.18929240

Shame, the last few threads were decent.

>> No.18929255

I'm getting real fucking tired of the Waldun threads.

>> No.18929295

Isn't that all of /lit/?

>> No.18929320

But tomorrow does exist? How can you say that it does not?

>> No.18929325

Egoism is the philosophy concerned with the role of the self, or ego, as the motivation and goal of one's own action. Different theories on egoism encompass a range of disparate ideas and can generally be categorized into descriptive or normative forms. That is, they may be interested in either describing that people do act in self-interest or prescribing that they should. Other definitions of egoism may instead emphasise action according to one's will rather than one's self-interest, and furthermore posit that this is a truer sense of egoism.

>> No.18929336

Why do you continue to be a manchild?

>> No.18929340

No dubs for you, anon.

>> No.18929344

Russians are European, the fuck are you on about?

>> No.18929351

What book best encapsulates the 2010s aesthetic and culture? What do you consider defining characteristic of the 2010s?

>> No.18929355

Donald trump's book

>> No.18929359

Which ones?

>> No.18929365

I liked his book when he was a reform candidate.

>> No.18929387

No, I think it would either be Obama’s or Hillary.

>> No.18929404

I know this came out in 2021, but I believe Hunter Biden's book, Beautiful Things: A Memoir. Really encapsulates the 2010s

>> No.18929422

I want to eat a fried chicken right now.

>> No.18929425

>Beautiful Things: A Memoir. Really encapsulates the 2010s
Well, it is a book about a stupid, spoiled, elite man child.

>> No.18929429

Perfection is the enemy of good

>> No.18929436

Doesn't make sense whatsoever.

>> No.18929443

it's obvious that people are either incapable or incapable of a higher cognitive state. A lot of this information is contained in the eyes. When you look at a drug addict you can see that he lives the dream-like life of a herbivorous animal. This is how the upper or upper-middle class views service workers and they're probably not entirely wrong

>> No.18929447

And where do you based this off from?

>> No.18929458

/lit/ likes to think they’re smarter, but they’re dumb as fuck.

>> No.18929466

Masturbate or have sex.

>> No.18929468

Realistically, what are the chances anyone on /lit/ will ever publish a popular book through a major publisher

>> No.18929471

money and childhood nutrition

>> No.18929472

Zero, no one here knows how to write to save their life, and no one has anything interesting to say.

>> No.18929476

New thread

>> No.18929552

Both irrelevant