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18921844 No.18921844 [Reply] [Original]

Are there any non alarmist, go back to pre industrial authoritarian retardation, disregard human nature books about climate change. Can be science literature science fiction or whatever but please not leftist braindead propaganda

>> No.18921907


>> No.18921918

I'm writing one now. Will you help me by reading it anon?

>> No.18921937
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It’s pretty alarming no matter how you say it.

>> No.18922042

Doubt it. Climate change should alarm you. Between climate change and the ongoing catastrophic loss of biodiversity, if we stay the course we'll be beyond the point of irreversible damage to the planet very shortly. The science is sound, and it's incredibly frightening.

>> No.18922210
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Why did they change the word global warming to climate change?
Do you know about the malow hierachy of needs? If lefties love the planet so much why are they in favour of mass 3rd world immigration, since the carbon-footprint of a person in the west is much bigger than of people in 3rd world countries?
How far back do we have accurate weather statistics?
If co2 is what plants eat and produce oxygen out of, why is co2 so bad?
If a grown tree can bind tons of co2 and convert it, how come politics dont make it our top priority to preserve these trees and plant billions more?
How does it help anything if the west amputates lots of local industries when india and china both have a 300% higher co2 output than europe and north america combined?
How does it help anything to implement new carbon taxes for the western populations when our carbon output steadily declined since the year 2000 and in the east it rose by over 300% since then?
Do you know about the 12 oiltankers? How come no one talks about those?

>> No.18922212

Yes, the sky is literally falling. Very scary, dude.

>> No.18922222

climate change denial is on the same level as creationism, flat earth, holocaust denial, etc.

>> No.18923131

>Why did they change the word global warming to climate change?
So fags like you don't DEBOOONK it when it's cold some days. Violent 3rd world immigrants will flood your country because of rising sea levels and there's nothing you can do about it

>> No.18923159

the numbers dont lie

>> No.18923216
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Now try another question o wise one

>> No.18923349

>Violent 3rd world immigrants will flood your country because of rising sea levels and there's nothing you can do about it
This might happen if you repeat it over and over again, it’s the case where the discourse engender a specific event because there’s nothing in ”climate change” that actually forces relatively rich third worlders to use modern information systems, transport and pay smugglers in order to get to a first world country (which would also be affected by rising sea levels)

>> No.18923353

>The science is sound
Computer models are not sound science

>> No.18923363

Why are people so desperate to deny climate change? The very oil companies that shilled climate denialism in the 80s internally acknowledged its reality.

>> No.18923474

yeah so they can now sell us green energy too. they are not desperate to deny, denying it is only a reaction. main problem is that facing the harsh reality means that you are forced to take a tough decision that entails a complete change of our lifestyles. yet we all like our current lifestyle and nobody actually cares enough for the future to go to such lengths. so either they deny it or support, both sides are doing the minimum amount of effort which allows them to keep experiencing their pseudo ethical cheques.

>> No.18923578

silent spring is a book about climate change but I'm not sure if that's what are you looking for. Anyway you seem pretty biased, maybe you should read a book about why climate change is real.
With that being said I too think that this whole muh climate is part of some globohomo plan (see Greta T. sponsored by S0r0s) but denying the fact that 7 billion people who all want to have the western lifestyle of eating red meat every day and traveling the world aren't affecting the environment is just retarded.

>> No.18923579

I would love to know what you think constitutes human nature

>> No.18923598

Silent Spring is about pesticides

>> No.18923608
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>> No.18923619

>70 iq american
Go back to your youtube lessons

>> No.18923715
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I am german but how about you try to make an argument, wouldnt that be cool?

>> No.18923727

Apocalypse Never by Michael Shellenberger.

Seems obvious that climate change can best be addressed by expanding nuclear energy and putting a cost on carbon emissions, preferably through cap-and-dividend. Not sure why people seem to think the only way to deal with it is by creating a centrally planned economy.

>> No.18923740

>Apocalypse Never by Michael Shellenberger
This book looked interesting to me until I saw this deboonking

>> No.18923793

I am fully convinced the only “solution” to climate change will be increasing the Earth’s albedo and blocking sunlight via aerosols and satellites. The world as a whole is not moving away from fossil fuels fast enough.

Still, there are bright spots. Carbon capture and storage is finally becoming a useful technology. The sooner we get to zero emissions, the sooner this tech can help undo the damage we’ve done.

>> No.18923808

>Why did they change the word global warming to climate change?
> You can't have two different syntagms referring to the same thing or otherwise it is evidence of social engineering.

>> No.18924095

Man, you sound like a dense 3rd world immigrant yourself. You can't remain topic and keep pulling in other shit, making tenuous connections.
It's like me arguing for flat earth by tying shitty conspiracy theories rather than actually talking about the nature of the evidence itself.
You're right that liberals are a bunch of hypocrites and cause more problems, but you're jumping all over the place. You talk about that AFTER you establish why anthropogenic climate change is bad.

>> No.18924425
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>> No.18924470

Eschatological delusions is a ubiquitous phenomenon of human psyche, and it's not unique to gauls who think the sky will fall down or christians who think Christ will return next tuesday. "scientists" and "experts" are hawkers of the same goods but for some reason we laugh at christians who predict the end of the world and it never comes to pass, but never laugh at scientists who think the world will be flooded in the next decade and are constantly proven wrong.

>> No.18924481

Why should I care about future humans? SJW level worrying is a surefire way to end up dying as a nagging, annoying flip flop wearing pot smoking schizo.

Worst case scenario the elites win. Best case scenario the proles win or humanity is doomed and animals win. Doesn’t change anything whether I know what they’re doing.

>> No.18924484

why are you so fucking retarded?

>> No.18924696

>scientists who think the world will be flooded in the next decade and are constantly proven wrong.
Why are anti-CC people always so eager to show they dont know shit about what theyre talking about? It has never been claimed that sea levels will rise dramatically this decade, or the next decade, or whatever. The timeframe has basically not shifted ever since that metric was introduced, which uses 2100 for their expectations. I swear, you all act so fucking smug like you have it all figured out yet you argue against ghosts you make up yourself and only embarrass yourself and do free worl for those who financially benefit from not giving a shit. You gain nothing.

>> No.18924700

Look up Paul Kingsnorth.

>> No.18924703

> Extraordinary things literally never happen

>> No.18924965
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I acknowledge climate change, including feedback loops and exponential factors my question was mainly about the supposed solution. Currently most call for dramatic restructuring of society and introduction of centrally planned economies which will weaken and destabilize the west compared to china and other countries who don't give a shit. So as I see it option one is dramatic change to address climate change and the Chinese and Muslims take over. Or we try to address climate change through capitalism and using human nature not disregarding it, that won't be enough world goes to shit any way, option three we do nothing live in ignorance and the world collapses. So the point of my post was to educate myself on any solutions to the problems I articulated previously

>> No.18925589

it's all a big spook. its big business to sell to stupid people. sure the climate is changing, but it's not catastrophic. If it is we'll all die off and earth will be fine.

>> No.18925620

it's only alarming that there are large nations like India and China who simultaneously produce the most emissions and show the least regard for the science, while in the West proponents of stopping climate change still seem to think midwesterners in their hummers are the worst part of the problem.
tl;dr the degree to which our own self-imposed rules for the conversation hinder us is pretty fucking alarming ngl

>> No.18925657

Climate change isn't a problem, it's a predicament, problems have solutions, predicaments don't. If a global economic collapse occurs sooner rather than latter, then that would mitigate damage to the ecosystem. Personally I don't care and would love to live long enough to witness the collapse and death of the ecosystem.

>> No.18925684

For what it’s worth, China aims to be zero emission by 2060. India and especially Africa will be the major drivers of carbon emissions. But even with global zero emissions repairing the environment is going to be a long and painful road.

>> No.18925720

a lie isn't worth shit, wtf are you even talking about?

>> No.18925725

>can someone link me books on a subject I don't know about that subscribe to my preconceived notions?

>> No.18925764

Limits of Growth

>> No.18926074
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This is the only book you need

>> No.18926127

Bill Gates the virologist wrote a book on climate change?

>> No.18926284

>The world's gonna end if you keep buying all the oil & gas we produce at Exxon! Be a good goy and switch over to Chinese solar panels instead!
Brain worms

>> No.18926285

Africa will industrialize

>> No.18926341
File: 71 KB, 1000x743, renewable-energy-capacity-worldwide-by-country.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>America: 4% of world population, 15% of co2 emissions
>China: 20% of world population, 28% of co2 emissions
>China is more than 2.5x more efficient in their energy usage, as a developing country and as the world's factory
You are retarded. Furthermore, see pic attached for who exactly is doing their part to adopt renewables (as opposed to that age-old strategy of talking away problems with no action)

>> No.18926357

>yum yum, this propoganda sure is tasty
>scoops sewer water into a bowl and serves it to a customer
>drives home to ghost city
>whole apartment building explodes for some reason
shove that crap back up your ass, chang. emissions are emissions are emissions-- you have more people, than stop fucking emitting quicker

>> No.18926362
File: 40 KB, 1280x960, 1280px-China_Photovoltaics_Installed_Capacity.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Renewables go nyoooom

>> No.18926363

>scientist writes a paper detailing why the oil refineries in timbuktu will run out in 2025
>journalist writes a clickbait article citing said scientist, quoting that we will run out of oil by 2025
>retards like you believe that this is what scientists actually say

>> No.18926374

My heart weeps with pity for the brainwashed westoids of this world

>> No.18926399

weep for the fucking land you idiots abuse worse than the dogs you eat-- the Yangtze looks like a fucking toilet. I'd rather drink out of an LA gutter than have food served to me in shanghai. keep seething though, chang

>> No.18926454

you know you're on the right track when all of your replies are angry troons with nothing substantial to refute you with.

>> No.18926485
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>> No.18926527

Seething mutt

>> No.18926591

slimy chink

>> No.18926630

>the Yangtze looks like a fucking toilet
you've been there?

>> No.18926642

Good on you, anon, per capita statistics are actually racist.

>> No.18926670

If lefties actually believed in climate change they would be buying land in northern Canada. Instead they waste their money on grubhub.

>> No.18926743

>six million degrees temperature increase
>in four years
It just doesn't add up

>> No.18926760

Look up publications by Marc Jaquard, he's and environmental scientist and professor who takes a pragmatic approach to the issue

>> No.18926947

>Am buying land in northeast Canada
Feels good man

>> No.18926960

Climate change is real, but the bigger problem is energy. Oil is a finite substance and all renewable resources depend on oil

>> No.18927126

>Why did they change the word global warming to climate change?
Because while climate change does cause average warming of global temperatures, it also leads to disruption of atmospheric processes and more extreme temperatures in general, which means some places will locally get colder.
>Do you know about the malow hierachy of needs? If lefties love the planet so much why are they in favour of mass 3rd world immigration, since the carbon-footprint of a person in the west is much bigger than of people in 3rd world countries?
The climate movement != leftism. There are people who are extremely concerned about the climate at all points on the political spectrum. In any case, immigration to the 1st world is probably not a significant contributor to climate change and any negatives impacts are probably mitigated by the lower birth rates of people (yes, immigrants too) in the 1st world.
>How far back do we have accurate weather statistics?
We have accurate temperature measurements going back well into the 19th century. But be sure not to confuse weather, a local phenomenon, with the global climate. They are as different as the flower and the meadow.
>If co2 is what plants eat and produce oxygen out of, why is co2 so bad?
The atmosphere is naturally in a balanced equilibrium in which CO2 is a good thing. We are taking a sledgehammer to that equilibrium, thus CO2 is a bad thing ('if salt is tasty why does adding a tablespoon of it to my plate ruin my dinner?').
>If a grown tree can bind tons of co2 and convert it, how come politics dont make it our top priority to preserve these trees and plant billions more?
Many politicians are trying to do this. Unfortunately most don't care enough or don't have the public support to push through such policies. It's worth noting that tree planting needs to be done carefully to ensure it is effective, and it can only ever been a partial solution as we simply cannot plant enough trees to take all the carbon out of the air.
>How does it help anything if the west amputates lots of local industries when india and china both have a 300% higher co2 output than europe and north america combined?
The first world are moral and cultural leaders. We need to let our words speak loud and our actions speak louder.
>How does it help anything to implement new carbon taxes for the western populations when our carbon output steadily declined since the year 2000 and in the east it rose by over 300% since then?
Because in the 1st world we still have the highest per capita carbon output; and also we need to set the gold standard or else our pleas to other countries will be viewed as empty hypocrisy.
>Do you know about the 12 oiltankers? How come no one talks about those?

>> No.18927466

meh I probably would

>> No.18928177

Was about to post this.
My only problem is with your last points on the first world vs third world outputs.
>Because in the 1st world we still have the highest per capita carbon output...
Yes but the less developed countries still spit out more carbon overall so why does "per capita" output matter?
>... We need to let our words speak loud and our actions speak louder.
How can we do that, as a developed nation we have had a comparatively long time to foster modern convivences and standards of living on fossil fuels, this has in turn allowed us to transition into renewable energy while still having the fossil fuel to back our everyday lives. Asking the third world to make the jump from undeveloped straight to renewable energy is simply unfeasible.