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/lit/ - Literature

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18908208 No.18908208 [Reply] [Original]

I will soon be spending a month or more in a mountain cabin with no access to any electronics, communications, people, or other forms of entertainment apart from reading and writing. Aside from philosophy books (I am already working my way through the chronological canon), what are some books I should read in this specific moment?

Not just random good books, but books that would be well suited to reading in an isolated cabin.

>> No.18908218

How about you enjoy nature instead of staying inside reading books?

>> No.18908280

How about you enjoy my nuts on your chin faggot

>> No.18908283

that's a man

>> No.18908289

Even better

>> No.18908294

The Mountain Inn by Guy de Maupassant

>> No.18908324

Brooke is not a man, she is a vapid narcissistic attention whore though

>> No.18908325
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>> No.18908404


>> No.18908454


>> No.18908557
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>no bulge

>> No.18908563

Don’t know, but I’m very jelly.

>> No.18909368

I wish.

>> No.18909422

Bring several legal pads and write a letter everyday. Jealous as fuck, i would love to have a month off.

>the Bible obviously

>> No.18909480

Jack London or similar adventure fiction set in the American frontier

>> No.18909504

Growth of the Soil
Sayings of the Desert Fathers

>> No.18909871

>he thinks OP will not read next to a stream of water, surrounded by birds sounds and a soft breeze of wind

>> No.18910070

Gravity's Rainbow

>> No.18910093

I find it so odd to feel differently any given time I see this picture, where on some occasion, I will think she is attractive, and at other times, not at all. I try to hold onto that sense of the fleetness of attraction, to recall at times of weakness that all of our sensual lures are transient.

>> No.18910103

>Bring several legal pads and write a letter everyday.
Please, elaborate.

>> No.18910167

War and Peace to honour Alex Supertramp.

>> No.18910217


>> No.18910219

>He knows the names of random thots posted on the internet

>> No.18910253
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this book CHANGED my LIFE!!!!!

>> No.18910316
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Stealing Lincoln’s Body seems interesting.

>> No.18910874

>cabin in isolation with no internet
just get one with internet bro. I did it's easy.

>> No.18911538

I don't want internet, that's rather the whole point.

Of course

Will check these out, thanks

>> No.18911552

Magic Mountain by Mann

>> No.18911562

Sounds perfect. Also this >>18910219

>> No.18911572

Walden Two

>> No.18911636
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A Sand County Almanac, by Aldo Leopold. Really important work on conservation.

>> No.18911656

I am coming aswell, no good adventure has ever happened without the presence of a neet.

>> No.18911684

The Tartar Steppe by Buzzati

Magic Mountain by Mann

>> No.18911765

How did you manage to get this opportunity?

>> No.18911829
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>> No.18911855

This is the nicest lady I’ve ever seen you faggots post. What’s her name and where can I see more?

And OP, read Gulliver’s Travels

>> No.18912008


>> No.18912053

That is a 14 year old girl (yes, really) who, when she came of age, became a camwhore, and then deleted everything

>> No.18912054

>he doesnt sit by the warmth hearth and read in his cabin at night

You poor man

>> No.18912300
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Peak /cabin/ lit

>> No.18912585

how was she 14 in 2018 but became a camwhore when she came of age?

>> No.18912678

>he thinks OP will not try to read next to a stream of water, damp seeping through a blanket from the soggy moss beneath and making the uncomfortable ground he sits on even worse, surrounded by the biting of midges, buzzing of flies, the sun in his eyes, and a chillier wind than expected that always whips at the corner of every page.
I give him a week.

>> No.18912838

Edward Abbey and Hunter S. Thompson essays

>> No.18912850

She was 14/15 in this photo from 2017. She's 18/19 now

>> No.18913025

it is from 2018 and she said she was 18 in her first r9k post

>> No.18913445

>she said she was 18 in her first r9k post
yeah, she wasn't

>> No.18913473

probably not but that pic is still from 2018 not 2017

>> No.18913511

Ok you win bud you know more about the e-thot than me, I concede

>> No.18913516

thank you thats the only reason i come here

>> No.18913532 [DELETED] 

My mom keeps telling me to plan for my future and not listen to the doom and gloom. Yet i feel like that stick in your head in the ground believing the future will remain the same. I write stories about the doom and gloom future because if it helps me to cope but to be honest I am scared. Part of me wants to live well the livings still good well the other part of me wants to build a off the grid bunker in the mountain. In the end though both seem futile because a single off grid lifestyle may become unsustainable if the oncology of the plant spirals out of control. Plan for the future I'm told. But how. Save for a retirement that may never come. Only thing i can think to do is live the best i can well gettings are still good. Even that feels like a struggle. I hope my mom is right and humans will find a way to fix the damage but i just don't know if i can find the same faith in humanity she has.

>> No.18914711


>> No.18914970
