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18894921 No.18894921[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Popular music in 2013: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AgFeZr5ptV8
Popular music in 2021: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6swmTBVI83k
What the fuck caused, and what effects do you think this will have on the next generation? Are there any books that talk about this in greater detail?

>> No.18894937

American pop culture has been completely controlled and constructed by rich Jews in government. All this whore's new songs are created by the same cabal of writerproducers and nog synth machine slaves as they were in 2012. All that ever happens is they get better at running the slave machine and close more and more gaps that the gentiles found in the programming. They literally normalized TRANNIES and EVERY WOMAN BEING AN ONLINE PROSTITUTE AND CHILDLESS WHORE and you're talking about pop culture?

>> No.18894948

Operation Chaos

Blackrock spamming insane agit-pro to make people feel insane through all media platforms

>> No.18894951

How does the popularity of Kpop tie into this? Are they also controlled?

>> No.18894990

The increasingly desperate horniness of pop culture correlates with the decreasing rates of youth fucking, at least for the boys. Children are addicted to hardcore pornography and have erectile dysfunction.

>> No.18895001
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Kpop is slavery, they do the same shit they do here (cultivate kids from the ground up and puppeteer them until they're no longer useful, integrate them through addictions and isolation into the "lifestyle" so they never rebel, turn human beings into living commodities) but over there they have no traditions of liberalism or humanism so it's full blown dystopian instead of thinly veiled dystopian.

Whites watching kpop is just the usual sugar candy bubblegum pop heroin addiction shit they peddle with white artists. It's what >>18894990 says, and pic related.

>> No.18895031
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>Are there any books that talk about this in greater detail?
Oh yes. We have been warned many times. No one ever listens and just brushes off the truth speakers as conspiracytard religious nutjobs.

>> No.18895032

You think you have it bad in the States? This is the kind of shit we're being subjected to in the UK. Yes, I'm fucking serious.
I'm not sure how anyone can watch our culture evaporate in this way without wanting to bury their head in the sand.

>> No.18895036

>Popular music in 2013: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AgFeZr5ptV8 [Open]
Also popular music in 2013: https://youtu.be/zwT6DZCQi9k

Every generation since the birth of civilization has proclaimed that the next one is too vulgar and will lead to society’s demise. That demise is not here yet and I don’t think Lil Nas X will be the one who triggers it.

>> No.18895040

They really got you guys good. At least America had a bunch of them from slavery, they straight up just started dumping niggers on your island and got this and teenager knifewars within 30 years.

>> No.18895121
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The knee-jerk hatred of K-pop is plebian

Kpop is fully transparent of what low-brow music and the arts have always been. American music was vile enough to create an illusion of authenticity and free-will with it's shitty micromanaged pop stars. Americans, in their infantile minds, needed the fantasy that "musicians" were writing their own music and expressing themselves (this mass-fraud descends all the way down to boomer rock and sometimes even underground music).

Kpop fully admits what it is. The "idols" are given scripts, clothing, dance routines, their entire lives are shown on display. There is no fraud. it is the most honest pop phenomenon in hundreds of years. This is a liberation from narcisstic delusions of individualism, where a "system" of rigidly abusive managers can actually create something interesting and functional, something with strict form (think of JYP).

Westerners just can't let go of delusional and decadent Romantic sentiments around the arts

>> No.18895156


>> No.18895232

>it's okay because it's ironic
Kill yourself subhuman

>> No.18895247

In 2003 Eminem was the most popular thing and he was more degenerate than Lil Nas X.
Back when rock 'n' roll was at it's peak we had the same levels of degeneracy. Back in the jazz era most tunes had simple lyrics, but modern rappers couldn't have a session with jazz musicians without overdosing and later crying about PTSD.

>> No.18895282

I always assumed that people just masturbated to the kpop videos on mute because the music is unbearable

>> No.18895291
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Truth is... popculture was doomed from the start

>> No.18895306

Glorification of the working class. It's been happening for at least 80 years though and Lil Nas X really isn't challenging when contrasted against white music, only when contrasted against the homophobia of black music.

>> No.18895309

The West: https://youtu.be/4P9XUrniiK4

>> No.18895322

You realize the only way to defeat this is to kill the United States, right?

The entire reason for the denigration of the aristocracy and the assault on "high culture" stems from America and its power. America is a thoroughly proletarian nation, regardless of how aristocratic the Founding Fathers initially were. By denying a hereditary aristocracy in the United States, the Fathers guaranteed that the culture of the lowest classes would always find its way to the top, because there was no material barrier separating the lowest classes from the highest.

So, it seems very plain to me that the remedy to this is to defeat the root of the problem. Kill the United States. Kill American democracy. It's already on its way to dying as it is, but take no steps to strengthen it, and on the contrary actively take steps to hasten its downfall. Hasten the death of the United States in philosophic terms--the death of the Declaration, the death of the Constitution--and you'll get your high culture back.

>> No.18895326
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>Back in the jazz era
>mfw I remember that black people music in 1963 was John Coltrane

>> No.18895333
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85 iq at best

>> No.18895346

>the Fathers guaranteed that the culture of the lowest classes would always find its way to the top, because there was no material barrier separating the lowest classes from the highest.
This is some stupid "dissident" myth

Hamilton and the Federalists (basically Jewish fascists posing as neo-liberals) created the nation to be a slave grid from day 1. The 1776 liberty revolution was already overturned within decades of the revolution when any serious anti-federalist presence was neutralized and crushed.

America is top-down, always has been. They need to create the illusion of "organic spontaneity" and "grassroots happenings", which is why American elites once promoted Carl Jung's "collective unconsciousness" bullshit to reinforce that the plebs have any say-so at all.

The only actual American political party was the first third-party, which was the Anti-Freemason party. It's ironically the neo-liberal elites that purposely destroy any potential for a high-culture

>> No.18895373

How is the United States a proletarian nation?

>> No.18895403

Turn on the radio. Pop stations arent playing Lil Nas X.

>> No.18895494

>turn on radio
>autotune rapes my ears instantly
>turn it off
it can't get any worse, maybe autotuned farts or belching would be worse

>> No.18895574

>le doomer jesus
>”pop cultcha badder than ever”
>”what are some books…”
kys zoomer

>> No.18895585

I genuinely think power is headed back to EU this decade or next. America is done and I wont shed a single tear for the new Brazilians.

>> No.18895631 [DELETED] 

nothing is new you ding dong

>> No.18895643

How on earth does power end up going back to Europe? Genuine question. I, an euro, see it only in terminal decline (as is the USA, ofc).

>> No.18895646

Europe is a disaster. We are USA puppets culturally and economically. It's going to be China.

>> No.18895651
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>> No.18895664

Why can't music be cultured like in 2000 https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=DgYSM91vJko they don't make them like they used to.

>> No.18895680

>pop music
>high culture

>> No.18895688


i feel like american music videos were more aesthetically pleasing in the 90s than they are now


i think either piracy or youtube or the abundance of black people in music ruined the music video

>> No.18895689

EU combined GDP is similar to America right now. America will go down with civil war and other national strife and the EU will step up and do what it has to. Globalisation will ramp up as culturally aligned nations begin combining, another possible competitor is the hypothesised CANZUK alliance which would also have a large enough economy to be considered a super power.
EU has a chance to pull itself out of the muck 51%ers are done, there is no redemption for Americans, they are the new Brazilians. If it's not this decade, it's the decade after. I welcome it.

>> No.18895691

nothing is new ,fag
be a good shepherd, not a whinny bitch

>> No.18895705
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You're not welcome in this board.

>> No.18895711


>> No.18895723

EU will have to deal with literal civil war when the immigrants will have reached critical mass and will start making (more) demands.

>> No.18895725

Maybe it's recensy bias, but I don't think there has ever been a more degenerate pop star than Lil Nas.

>> No.18895734

it will never be china, china is a workshop and that’s it

>> No.18895740

neither are you, /pol/tard

>> No.18895742

I skipped to a random point in the second video (also muted so I can't hear the music) and there's a Plato quote in the original. Looks based to me

>> No.18895743

>race war any day now

>> No.18895746

Even the most multicultural Europeans nations still have 80%+ white people and many have much more than that. Where as America is already under 60% and probably much lower given the way they categorise race. Americas fall is inevitable, the question is really only whether Europeans have the capacity to recognise the causes and not go down the same path. I'm an optimist so I really don't see the Germanic era ending just yet, I think there is still a lot more gas left in the tank than people recognise.

>> No.18895753

The EU entire identity is being a more hardcore version of the democratic party. That's how the American empire keep their european colonies in line, by tricking them into believing that unless they become turbo democrats then the GOP will use their weapons to turn the entire world into Alabama, when in reality the pentagon the pentagon has very little power and hasn't won a war since WWII.

>> No.18895761

Get fucked, Terry is a legend.

>> No.18895763

America's respect in the eyes of the rest of the world is in a state of rapid decline. I can see the day in my head when the EU brushes off American demands in the same way we brush off the demands of North Korea.

>> No.18895764 [DELETED] 

>Terry is a legend
he's a meme you, dumb zoomer

>> No.18895767

But that's the thing. America plays their incompetence as a strenght. For the EU to be anti-America it means to be even bigger globohomos, and since America controls money, they win anyway.

>> No.18895773

Migrants pose no real threat, they're hardcore as the elites allow them to be. What I've noticed muslims work as a great deterrent that makes people run back to western liberalism.

>> No.18895777

The EU will never be anti American, all they have to do is wait as America falls into either civil war (seems rather likely) or worst case scenario a continued slow decline into Brazil 2.0. I suspect it will be the former. Someone has to step up and compete with China and if and when America is unable to the EU is and will.

>> No.18895797

>le ebin schizo programmer man xD
back to r*ddit

>> No.18895800 [DELETED] 

The EU will fall just like America because, just like America, they will try to win wars with optics instead of brute strength. And while that is very efective to keep your own population under control, it's useless against an enemy that censor your propaganda and has no qualms in nuking you. If America or the EU ever used nukes, they would immediately collapse from within by the inner conflict provoked by guilt. Look what happened in the middle east. America could have easily wiped the Taliban from the face of the earth if they actually wanted. Instead they spent 20 years and a trillion dollars restraining their power and trying to win hearts, and their own citizens still thought they were being to hard. You can't win a war when your population is composed by white saviors who genuinely believe that if you will your enemies they win.

>> No.18895801

It's really no worse. This society has been creatively bankrupt for a very long time.

>> No.18895811
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>This society has been creatively bankrupt for a very long time.

>> No.18895819

The EU will fall because, just like America, they will try to win wars with optics instead of brute strength. And while that is very efective to keep your own population under control, it's useless against an enemy that censors your propaganda and has no qualms in nuking you. If America or the EU ever used nukes, they would immediately collapse from within by the inner conflict provoked by guilt. Look at what happened in the middle east. America could have easily wiped the Taliban from the face of the earth if they actually wanted. Instead they spent 20 years and a trillion dollars restraining their power and trying to win hearts, and their own citizens still thought they were being too hard. You can't win a war when your population is composed by white saviors who genuinely believe that if you kill your enemies they win.

>> No.18895821

And you prove it by repeating the same tired meme for the billionth time.

>> No.18895826
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>The EU will fall just like America because

Maybe at some point in the future, but America is further down the loo than the EU and unlike America, the EU will watch Americas down fall from the outside. This will be a good thing because it will provide new perspective. Also don't discount CANZUK alliance, this seems to be the next logical step in the progression of globalism to make up for the hole which America will leave. It seems very likely some event of necessity will make this a reality at some point in the future giving Germanic Hegemony another competitive head.

>> No.18895828

how could america have defeated the taliban?

>> No.18895834

damn…someone dunked on my lame ass 4chan post…western civ is fuckin doomed bros

>> No.18895839

You're salty as fuck

>> No.18895842

"The absurd is not the absurd or absurdities without any distinction (wherefore Johannes de Silentio: "How many of our age understand what the absurd is?"). The absurd is a category, and the most developed thought is required to define the Christian absurd accurately and with conceptual correctness. The absurd is a category, the negative criterion, of the divine or of the relationship to the divine. When the believer has faith, the absurd is not the absurd — faith transforms it, but in every weak moment it is again more or less absurd to him. The passion of faith is the only thing which masters the absurd — if not, then faith is not faith in the strictest sense, but a kind of knowledge. The absurd terminates negatively before the sphere of faith, which is a sphere by itself. To a third person the believer relates himself by virtue of the absurd; so must a third person judge, for a third person does not have the passion of faith. Johannes de Silentio has never claimed to be a believer; just the opposite, he has explained that he is not a believer"

Terry is not a Legend because his behavior is exemplary but because he is a specimen, a fine specimen to be studied and understood.

>> No.18895850

The same way the british empire once controlled most of the world, with a fraction of the money America spent in the middle east, by being merciless and winning the local population through fear instead of optics. You really think America doesn't have the military power to eradicate most life in the middle east if they wanted? The only problem is that the consequences of being so ruthless would destroy them from within.

>> No.18895862

>herp derp glass the middle east
the ignorance of burgers is a marvel to watch

>> No.18895867

You can't just fucking go to a foreign country and blindly kill everyone until they are so afraid of you that they happily let you take all your resources for yourself. That's beyond immoral.

>> No.18895885

British empire didn't manage to conquer Afghanistan though

>> No.18895886

Didn't Kissinger believe just in that? How did Vietnam end up for America? Oh, just like in Afghanistan? Yes. I thought as much.
It seems like the actual solution is for America to mind their own business and stop invading sovereign nations. But I guess that's asking too much, so at least it was nice they tried to promote liberal values in Afghanistan. I wish the fucking cowards hadn't run away and left all those women at the mercy of the Taliban though.

>> No.18895888

You're delusional. America is more powerful than ever and still on the ascendency. Just because you don't like gay marriage or whatever doesn't mean it's on the verge of collapse.

>> No.18895893
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>America is more powerful than ever and still on the ascendency.

>> No.18895953

They are indeed more powerful than ever and there's still a bit of room to keep growing, but the holes are also starting to show more than ever as well.

>> No.18895958

If you can't see that late state capitalism is nearing its end then I have a bridge to sell you.

>> No.18897176

Arguably it's worse than what we have

>> No.18897213

Read Art after Metaphysics

>> No.18897265

To elaborate on this, you’re living in an age where art is detached from metaphysical grounding. What this means is that the artist is left to sift through the wreckage of meanings and expression in order to find something expressable. Often times this comes out as an expression of exactly that incoherence, which you can find in modern art, experimental music, Sometimes it’s an attempt to co-opt something from a metaphysical past, specifically neopagan music, neomedieval music, all sorts of classical music. Sometimes it’s falling back towards mere technique, a series of tones and method of music making in which technique itself is the goal of the art. Most often, it’s a highly subjective, highly social individualistic and subjective expression of something. But the thing is even subjective expressions find common ground with others. It’s a step down from common denominator humanism into base humanism, an expression of the most base, primal impulses, the most “degenerate” and merely fantastical whimsies which only serve to further deconstruct things into an even more incoherent mess. It’s the trending to the lowest common denominator of music that you’re picking up on.

>> No.18897348
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I remember people joking around over 15 years ago that music tv channels is just soft porn
you're just a zoomer

>> No.18897403
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>people have been lamenting that things were getting worse for a very long time so this somehow proves that this concern is unfounded even though it's obvious that things did in fact get worse and worse since people started complaining about it

>> No.18897427

Look in to social media and it's effects on individual narcissism. That's where the answer lies. It's not just "pop culture" that's gotten more degenerate. "Degenerate" isn't even the right term to use for it. What's happening is it's gotten more "extreme". The combination of mass navel gazing combined with endlessly more specific echo chambers is resulting in every point of view becoming more and more distorted and extreme. Left pulled further left, right pulled further right, disagreements morphed from things to be discussed and argued about to utterly irreconcilable schisms. "Outsiders" aren't just different, they're non-human and deserve extermination.

Doesn't matter what it is. Pop culture, politics, your favorite cartoon or video game, spaces vs tabs. I know things are bad right now, but they're going to get so much worse.

>> No.18897434

if anything pop culture is more chaste and polite than it has been in ages, with wokeness and shit injected into everything. the late '90s and '00s were fucking dire, especially the former. a total wasteland, the nadir of popular aesthetics (which is why i'm annoyed by its ongoing revival)

>> No.18897440

Weimar America soon friend.

>> No.18897442

It all depends on the audience it caters to. It's not that it's specifically become more lewd or more chaste, it's that it's become on the whole "more". Extreme pornography or extreme purity, there's less and less of any kind of in between.

>> No.18897449

>Every generation since the birth of civilization has proclaimed that the next one is too vulgar
The single counter-point to this is to compare how boomers acted in '68 with how millennials are acting now.
It's exactly the same thing. Millennials will turn into the very thing they hate and genz will probably turn into cucked nihilists like genx before the cycle repeats.

>> No.18897516

The evolution of Taylor Swift videos mirrors the developments of our society. She went from videos about innocent heteronormative love interests in some small town to videos about giga chad billionaires focused on philandering and schizophrenia to now pairing herself off with niggers in urban settings suggesting modest living yet still well above the means of the average person.

>> No.18897529

15 years ago i used to jerk off to Pussy cat dolls all the time (a literal burlesque group who were constantly pimped out). No music videos are not more degenerate now than before. No music is not more degenerate than before, Get Low was released in 2002.
You Mental-Karens have existed since Socrates time and have been wrong since Socrates time.

>> No.18897602

They have been correct since Socrates' time.

>> No.18897684

It's simply a matter of supply and demand. The artists and producers know people like these videos from observing previous public attitude to said videos so they produce it for profit.
Why people like these in the first place is the real question and no, I don't think they were exactly conditioned by lizard people. It's more probably along the lines of "sex sells".

>> No.18897720

Imagine the kind of people who are on a ship at sea and are chopping off and burning parts of the ship's basic structure for warmth. That's the relation Jews have to their host countries' culture and demographic hygiene. And 90% of these industries are Jews hiring other Jews. The black musicians they use to spread degeneracy have known and complained about this for decades.

>> No.18897724

>You Mental-Karens
I cringed irl

>> No.18897732

Antisemitism is not cool. What you are talking about is the elite.

>> No.18897744

Jews are over represented in positions of wealth and power despite only making up 2% of the US population. I’m sure that’s a coincidence, right goy?

>> No.18897755

Antisemitism is extremely cool. If you have 10 kinds of birds in your neighborhood and one kind is dying off while the others are all getting sick, and you notice one of the 10 bird types is flying into the dying birds' nests and destroying their eggs and chicks, and flying into the sick birds' nests and feeding diseased grubs with parasites to their young, it's cool to say something. It's not cool to say wow birds are all birds I guess we have to address all bird problems equally without specifying relationships between birds.

>> No.18897768

you need to go back

>> No.18897778

jesus fucking christ son take your meds

>> No.18897780

Antisemitism is cool and based. Jews, Christians, and Muslims are all of the same Semitic stock and deserve revulsion, but of these the Jews deserve it the most.

>> No.18897799
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Somehow it manages to be more degenerate while being less transgressive.
Like, Roxy music in the 80s introduced an incredible depth of pop-nihilism, producing songs that were sort of a meditation on what an archetypal pop song even is. The cover of For Your Pleasure is a transgender woman clad entirely in black shiny leather with a fuckin big cat on a leash, with Brian Ferry just off frame (visible if you open the jacket) gazing on in sort of ambivalent amusement. Amazing. Pop which deconstructs pop and which challenges erotic appetite.
Today, we've got "Lil Nas X" who breaks boundaries with... skimpy outfits and a stripper pole, and a cheesy CGI music video with some baseline heaven/hell theming. Other than the CGI, this could easily have come out any time between the 70s and now. We haven't done anything new.
Pop music has remained the same for decades. We still have a bunch of shitty, moderately explicit hip hop. There's no boundary pushing ,there's no new vibes or themes, there's no new philosophy. It's the same boring consumerist brand of degeneracy.
Even the normalization of trannies and every woman whoring herself out on OF is boring. The tranny thing is just a bunch of people trying to be polite after a massive public campaign telling them the new rules for politeness, and the OF thing is just uber eats for mediocre nudes.

>> No.18897821

Maybe it's all the same because you're focusing on the same tired medium, the same tired publishing line. You wanna push music video boundaries? You go to >>>/gif/20683020

>> No.18897822

Eminem was probably the high water mark of edginess. Those songs about murdering his gf or whatever. I know niche subgenres have even edgier lyrics but those Eminem songs were huge and sound more deranged honestly than metal or whatever

>> No.18897824

I'll add that the reason moderately explicit hip hop is shilled so hard is because it's a self investment... focus groups have shown a baseline appreciation for negroid styled misogynist rants over factory-produced beats.
There is no black cultural root of modern hip hop. There are no cool inner city clubs, no enterprising producers. The poverty of the inner city has been neutered completely. They're just like broke whites (fat, addicted to porn and vidya, smoke weed 24/7, collect disability) except they eat even less vegetables.

>> No.18897830

Tell me more about the negrosphere. How has it changed?

>> No.18897833

The delusion of EU fans never ceases to amaze me. Newsflash: a billion+ refugees are headed your way by 2050 as climate change takes off. Europe is dead, it just doesn't know it yet.

>> No.18897858

My understanding is of course limited, because the negrosphere is more or less impermeable to people like me (good looking wealthy whites), but I can only observe from the outside.
Like I said- they're all just fat fucking retards like the rest of americans below the 70th IQ percentile. negroid crime is running up and punching a stranger, and then running away. Or stealing someone's bike. The BLM riots were adequately described as most similar to black friday civic breakdown, the whole sum of their complaint amounted to a way to get more shit for free.
When's the last time you heard about them even organizing into a gang and accomplishing something as a gang unit.
Used to be you could get some good coke and go to a disco and hear some music you couldn't hear anywhere else, is what I'm saying. Now you'd be lucky to find a zanny uncut with fentanyl (bear in mind this is just a street version of a consumer product made available by chinese manufacturers) and the only place you can hear any music is at a strip club where they play top 40 bullshit for fat chicks to dance to.

>> No.18897868

Refugee swarms will revitalize Europe by giving it an existential crisis. The non-integration of the recent immigrant hordes and the actually decreasing integration of earlier generations of immigrants as they become radicalized and ethnocentric is the best gift Europe could ever have gotten. Miscegenation would have been the real death of Europe. Instead the racialists were proved right, human beings naturally avoid miscegenation (except the weakest and most mentally fucked up among populations) and segregate into ethnic groups. Europe is weakened but it's still there, and soon it will see that there are only two options, fight and live or try to be nice and die.

It will be easy to decide when its enemies are the same inbred rapist Muslims who can't even postpone their rape soirees on Christmas fucking Eve in the country that just admitted them and gave them the dole.

>> No.18897886

They're going to stop taking refugees m8. Even if it's an immigrant population itself by that point, like Muslim France or whatever is going to just start shooting them at the border

>> No.18897894

>try to be nice and die.
This is what Europe will do. Modern Europeans are not their ancestors, they will gladly accept conquest if that means they can avoid being racist/fascist.

If they become an immigrant population, sure. If they are still mostly whites? It's over.

>> No.18897916

Don't be demoralized by the propaganda anon. It's always Weimarest before the dawn.


>> No.18897923

An even more appropriate term is "Flanderized". We're really seeing global scale Flanderization.

>> No.18897936
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>It's always Weimarest before the dawn.

>> No.18897939

Yes but it's not a new trend, you could have made this comparison at any point in the past few decades. The degeneration of Western culture started in the 50s. And I'm not even saying that as a bad thing, most of the art I enjoy comes from the postmodern period, but society as a whole has moved in the direction of deconstructing and liberalising culture as much as possible, pushing the boundaries of acceptability and taste. The problem with this is that eventually you run out of boundaries to push, and then where the fuck do you go? Backwards?

>> No.18897953
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>> No.18897969

The postmodern era has convinced you of its unproved a priori premises, that there are only two kinds of things in human culture: accumulated tradition, which establishes rigid structures and boundaries, and deconstructive/liberalizing "boundary breaking." This creates a false dichotomy of "where do we go once all the accumulated culture is broken down," because a priori the assumption is that there is nothing but accumulation and breaking down of what has been accumulated.

You should read T.S. Eliot on how tradition and novelty are necessary corollaries. Novelty without roots is not novelty, it's brownian motion. Tradition without creation is stagnation. This is also fundamentally the philosophy of Heidegger, which seamlessly relates to his choice to support the volkisch movement, although he was disappointed with its vulgarization by the Nazis.

The point is to tap into something primal beyond either mere deconstruction (the Jewish specialty, in itself necessary and only bad when it becomes excessive) or mere accumulation (stagnant conservation of what is old simply because it's old). This primal something can be the organic life of the nation that is the necessary support for real creativity. The postmodern lie is that creativity is stifled by "coming from somewhere," that creativity can only arise in completely unfettered conditions, where the creator comes from nowhere and can go anywhere. But to have no context is to be nothing, with nowhere to go. Every creative AND destructive act (they are two sides of the same coin) has to be situated in the life-history of a collective, in dialogue with itself, with its own latent sub-currents and unresolved idiosyncrasies, and with other collectives.

>> No.18897977

Eminem was shitposting about raping, killing and robbing people without a single thing to redeem him besides sounding cool.

>> No.18897980

Nice literature thread, faggots

>> No.18897981

The nuclear family is a myth created by 20th-century American elites to compensate for the fragmentation of larger society and lack of an adequate welfare state. In periods before this, families would not operate in such restricted small groups, you would have extended families and local communities working and helping each other. If you are a true traditionalist you should see this propaganda for what it is

>> No.18898012

Pop culture is simply a consumeristic ideal to enslave the masses through consumerism. Pop culture has always and will always be a terrible thing as it destroys ones individuality. It is only now in the modern consumer climate that we see a type of pop culture that many of us see as degenerate. This perceived degeneracy is why we take more notice of it, but it is in my belief that pop culture has always been a horrid representation of the enslavement of peoples minds by corporations.

>> No.18898018

Interesting, thanks anon. Is there a particular piece of literature by Eliot (or Heidegger) that you would recommend on this topic?

>> No.18898021

how can you be so tradtarded that you fail to recognize the most basic fucking irony lol

>> No.18898027

I never listened to Eminem but I remember him being very obviously shitposting about it. The videos were always edgy-satirical.

>> No.18898032

as opposed to the enslavement of people's minds by religion...or despots...or empires

>> No.18898040

Being devoted to God or your nation is definitely much more noble than being devoted to your favorite Product Brand™ while you shove a rainbow colored dragon dildo up your ass

>> No.18898045

nah it's all pretty cucked desu

>> No.18898053

I'm a communist, and I agree.

>> No.18898061

You could say that pop culture can be a tool used by despots or empires for enslavement. Neoliberal globalism for example could be perceived as an empire as I certainly perceive it as so. Pop culture is a tool used by this neoliberal empire in my opinion.

>> No.18898066
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You've been brainwashed to see no distinction between serving an objective good that deserves to be served, and being "enslaved" by something. You've been taught that the only way a human can be free or happy is by being an animal with no obligations and duties, no higher calling.

>As today his surroundings do not so force him, the eternal mass-man, true to his character, ceases to appeal to any authority other than himself, and feels himself lord of his own existence. Conversely the select man, the excellent man is urged by interior necessity to appeal to some standard beyond himself, superior to himself, into whose service he freely enters. ... Contrary to what is usually thought, it is the man of excellence, not the common man who lives in essential servitude. Life has no savour for him unless he makes it consist in service to something transcendent. Hence he does not look upon the necessity of serving as an oppression. When, by chance, such necessity is lacking, he grows restless and invents some new standard, more difficult, more exigent, with which to coerce himself. This is life lived as a discipline — the noble life.

>Nobility is defined by the demands it makes on us — by obligations, not by rights. Noblesse oblige. "To live as one likes is plebeian; the noble man aspires to order and law" (Goethe). The privileges of nobility are not in their origin concessions or favours; on the contrary, they are conquests. And their maintenance supposes, in principle, that the privileged individual is capable of reconquering them, at any moment, if it were necessary, and if anyone were to dispute them. ... It is annoying to see the degeneration suffered in today's speech by a word so inspiring as "nobility." For, by coming to mean for many people hereditary "noble blood," it is changed into something similar to common rights, into a static, passive quality which is received and transmitted, something inert. But the strict sense, the etymon of the word nobility, is essentially dynamic. Noble means the "well known," that is, known by everyone, famous, he who has made himself known by excelling the anonymous mass.

>As one advances in life, one realises more and more that the majority of men — and of women — are incapable of any other effort than that strictly imposed on them as a reaction to external compulsion. And for that reason, those few individuals we come across who are capable of spontaneous and joyous effort stand out isolated, monumentalised, so to speak, in our experience. These are the select men, the nobles, the only ones who are active and not merely reactive, for whom life is a perpetual striving, an incessant course of training. Training = askesis. These are the ascetics.

>> No.18898072

Not always
Not sure I've ever seen someone sperg out more in a song than this

>> No.18898083

Well said good sir.

>> No.18898096

Relax everyone, it's going to be a global dark age and every continent will collapse into suffering and internal strife for the next 400 years. The -only- intelligent plays right now are either amass money and resources to be flexible enough to survive, or to escape to a defensible and stable community outside of major metropolitan areas.

>> No.18898105
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>> No.18898129

I'm not a traditionalist

>> No.18898182
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Lucia Joyce started to show signs of mental illness in 1930, a year after she began casually dating the 23-year-old Samuel Beckett, then a junior lecturer in English at the Ecole normale supérieure in Paris. In May 1930, while her parents were in Zurich, she invited Beckett to dinner, hoping "to press him into some kind of declaration."[10] He flatly rejected her, explaining that he was only interested in her father and his writing. In his biography of James Joyce, Gordon Bowker argues that the underlying reasons for the rejection were Beckett's keen awareness of the "strong unfulfilled erotic bond between Lucia and her father" and her need to find "a genius father-substitute", together with "her predilection for unprotected sex."[10]

>> No.18898201

>implying there was a not dumb USA at any point in history

>> No.18898211

>Glorification of the working class

>> No.18898249

Does this predate "Take me from behind" and "Shoot your love all over me"?

>> No.18898263
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>spent 20 years and a trillion dollars restraining their power and trying to win hearts
kek, this is what you believe?

>> No.18898288

why did he remove his pants

>> No.18898292
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Thank you, global scale Flanderization is indeed a better term for it. It's troubling trying to navigate social interactions like this. When you come across such a person you have to immediately pick up on what their "bent" is and then delicately not touch it because there be dragons. They can launch into inconsolable rants and become impervious to rationality or even friendly argument for the fun of it. They can end a friendship at the drop of a word and never look back. Eventually I wonder if it will get so bad that it won't just be "end a friendship", but "end your life" for daring to speak wrong around them. They're so convinced in the absoluteness and righteousness of whatever their fetish is, that violence is a completely justified response to their mind.

We keep saying people have been "propagandized", but really people have been "flanderized".

>> No.18898320

Because it just is, ok?
No you are not.

>> No.18898330

not the same anon but i would argue that in the US if you have money, you can be part of the elite class, it´s an oligarchy, that wasn´t the case in Europe where you had to be born as a noble/king to be part of the elite

>> No.18898342

>Because it just is, ok?
Depends on what they value. Even the biggest empires valued themselves and their borders and the peace of their people, generally. In contrast, corporations and brands value profit and only profit. If we reduce it down, loyalty to an empire is inherently self-serving, because as a citizen of said empire you benefit from its success in many ways. Loyalty to a corporation is self-destructive, because as a consumer of that corporation you are only a disposable source of cash.

>> No.18898344
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>I genuinely think power is headed back to EU this decade or next.

the only route i can see that happening is if the European Union is dismantled, the US ceased their global activities and it´s up to the european nations to protect their trade routes (which in turn navy investment will increase tremendously)

>> No.18898346

My guess is that he probably likes dead boys' little buttholes, but I have not way to be sure. He is a free man now, you can probably find him somehow

>On January 15, 2010, in the village of La Mohammad Kalay, fifteen-year-old Gul Mudin was doing farm work for his father. He was unarmed and killed "by means of throwing a fragmentary grenade at him and shooting him with a rifle," an action carried out by SPC Jeremy Morlock and PFC Andrew Holmes under the direction of Staff Sergeant Calvin Gibbs. The boy was then stripped and the soldiers took photos with his body. Then the boy was left on the ground, stark naked.
>Holmes was convicted of murdering an unarmed Afghan teen, possessing a severed finger and smoking hashish.
>In September 2011, Holmes pleaded guilty to murder without premeditation[42] and was sentenced to 7 years in prison.[43] He was released from prison on October 25, 2015
>“I feel bad for his family," he said. "But, man, it’s a combat zone. He was just in the wrong place at the wrong time and I apologize for it.”

>> No.18898351

At least past traditions didn't alienate the workers as much, though oppressed they still had some relief and built communities around them. Religion being the opium of the people is meant literally, as in an analgesic to the pain of oppression.
Nationalism is worse, but still better to instill solidarity and community feelings than current adoration of meaningless brands which leads only to isolation and further alienation of the workers.

>> No.18898368
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>Where as America is already under 60% and probably much lower given the way they categorise race.

you don´t understand the concept of bleaching huh?

>> No.18898380

>if the European Union is dismantled
Never gonna happen, all hands are tied. I don't know the situation of the UK but even the UK didn't pull out entirely. Nobody will pull out of the EU. If anything the rules will become stricter and more homogenized.

>> No.18898389

NATO will be dismantled before the EU will, mark my words. The only thing holding NATO together is America, and as much as I hate to admit it America is on the precipice of decline.

>> No.18898396

If the EU doesn't fall I have to wonder why people would care about Europe in the first place. In my eyes, the greatest threat to Europe is not the refugees, it's the EU. It is eroding national and local identities, culture, etc. and replacing it with a rootless, Anglophone "European culture". It's evil.

>> No.18898410

You don't understand the concept of replacement. Whites are not in decline because they're interbreeding with hispanics and blacks. Nobody actually wants to breed with niggers, despite the propaganda they try so hard to force.

Whites are in decline because hispanics and blacks are literally walking over the border en masse and breeding with themselves faster than whites are.

>> No.18898412
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>Even the biggest empires valued themselves and their borders and the peace of their people, generally. In contrast, corporations and brands value profit and only profit. If we reduce it down, loyalty to an empire is inherently self-serving, because as a citizen of said empire you benefit from its success in many ways.
No, you don't.
Samurai had the right to kill commoners if they perceived their "honour was threatened"
Once a year, Spartans would declare "war" on their own slaves - making their murder perfectly legal
Picrel dude was beaten with sticks and then shot on the spot for smoking a cigar while the General was passing by
Three random examples off the top of my head

>> No.18898427

China is collapsing too. Really, it’s not going to be anyone. What’s coming will be on par with the Bronze Age collapse

>> No.18898438

Nobody in the EU or anywhere else on the planet cares about his "country" anymore. It could be that the EU wants mass immigration so we can be the side with the sweatshops once Asia takes over. It could be that the Middle East and Africa are much more belligerent than we think and we're allowing this to happen because otherwise there would be a much nastier payback. Like terrorist attacks everywhere and chaos. I don't really know. They enforce a green pass in my country but immigrants keep pouring in and they form large gatherings in the streets. But I cannot take public transport without a green pass. It's so bizarre. It cannot be just fear, it's obviously some sort of program and I don't really know why this is happening but the worst thing of all is that people are pretty much OK with it happening. They don't want to say "send them back" or anything. They wouldn't want to wage war over this. So they'll just let it happen.
There's this narrative now that we should let this happen because Europeans migrated to America in the XX century, but AFAIK Europe wasn't Africa. There was no such cultural gap between Europe and the USA as between modern Europe and modern Africa.

>> No.18898464

Honestly it seems like Europe's best hope is having the Muslims take over. They'll have no qualms about refusing entry or killing off climate refugees like the whites will.

>> No.18898474

I disagree, Afghanistan has proven that Muslims will welcome Chinese dominion with open arms, Uighurs be damned.

>> No.18898475

>What’s coming will be on par with the Bronze Age collapse
Whites will probably survive because they're the only ones who aren't inbred (Africans, Muslims) or bugmen (Chinese). Only whites so far have been competent enough to create non-despotic societies. China is just the same big half-retarded colossus empire it was a thousand years ago.

Maybe medieval Chinese were better, but modern Chinese can't even play the villain effectively. They send millions of students to learn the ways of the West and all they do is cheat and drink bubble tea, then come back to China and remain incompetent so the whole country is still made of styrofoam. The grand plan of China was to leap from one bubble to the next while building up its expert class to eclipse the West, instead it has an aging dying population of wumaos and retarded cheaters who have degrees in English from Columbia but can't spell their own fucking name in English.

>> No.18898513

>Never gonna happen, all hands are tied

brexit is one of the signs to come, the eurozone crisis, migrant crisis, the fact that the EU wants to erode national sovereignty, that organization it´s polarizing their members, see the Hungarian case for example, all hands are tied my ass

>> No.18898516

>controlled and constructed by rich Jews
Here we go again..

>> No.18898518

>They send millions of students to learn the ways of the West and all they do is cheat and drink bubble tea, then come back to China and remain incompetent
This seems to be inconsistent with Asians being consistently the best of the best in academia. Is this not true? Or is it a demographic other than the Chinese?

>> No.18898519

I disagree, China is taking pretty much the same road South Korea and Japan did some decades back, they are improving their technology each day and I don't see why believe they won't be at the top of the game in the car and computer industries some years from now. They are not good at making airplanes though, afaik.

>> No.18898528

Didn't Brexit turn out to be a really terrible move?

>> No.18898539

>bugmen (Chinese).
I see this a lot but I never understood what it means

>> No.18898552

Perhaps the meme about chinks having the highest IQ by a point or two is correct in some technical sense, but all the ones in American and European universities are cheating as a completely normal thing. That is the culture in China, so they bring it here, and the universities see them as the biggest and steadiest demographic since they have deals with China and pay cash for admission, so they look the other way and make it easy to pass them. I teach and tutor Chinese students at an elite university in the UK and they seriously do things like having a Berkeley or Stanford English degree and not knowing any English. It's all fake.

It's like how "Indians are taking over coding!!!" but anyone who works with them knows that Indian coders are worse than bad, they aren't even really programmers a lot of the time. They are overly memorizing certain surface things while not knowing others, and having weird reverse engineered knowledge of fundamentals. Indians program like Chinese build, it's styrofoam fake buildings, shanzhai. Shanzhai buildings, shanzhai code, shanzhai degrees, shanzhai country.

>> No.18898554

Something about they lacking individual creativity and working like a hivemind. And the fact that they (will) eat bugs.

>> No.18898556

>You can't just fucking go to a foreign country and blindly kill everyone until they are so afraid of you that they happily let you take all your resources for yourself.
The British Empire literally did that kek

>> No.18898559

if one country can exit an organization, everyone can

>> No.18898569

Not just bugs. There are no birds or small animals in Chinese cities because they pull them right out of the trees and bite their heads off.

>> No.18898593

>It's all fake.
What the fuck. This kind of shit shakes my idea of reality. Where the fuck do I live?

>> No.18898603

in the US if you have any visible (non-white) ancestry you are considered to be of (said non-white) race, maybe hapas are the exception to this

>> No.18898605

Fun anecdote, I work in software where Indians are everywhere. We've literally gotten resumes that say they're proficient in python, spoken to the candidate and had them tell us that not only do they not know python at all, but that their resume was being edited without their knowledge by the contracting company.

If that's not an example of sanctioned, systematic cheating then I don't know what is.

>> No.18898606

I honestly find interesting the fact that they eat just about everything. The culinary from China is pretty good and I believe this bold approach to eating has to do with that, just like French eat frogs and Italians eat horse meat (they eat frogs as well). But it seems to be terrible for the environment and human health.

>> No.18898615

>The culinary from China is pretty good
What you eat in Chinese restaurants is absolutely nothing like actual Chinese food.

>> No.18898617

Look up "gutter oil" if you wanna see how far the Chinese go. It's not really an admirable trait, it's not even really a successful survival strategy, it's kind of suicidal.

>> No.18898656

Anecdotes, I could find just as many examples where corporations and merchants have harmed and literally enslaved people in the pursuit of profit. The only reason we don't have children getting their arms ripped off in factories is because the government, in the best interest of its people, forced the corporations to stop employing children and forced them to start including safety measures in factories. The only reason we're not being fed literal rotten meat and grain is because the government forced them to stop, for no reason other than the fact that it was beneficial to the people to force them to stop.

This sort of behavior is something a corporation will NEVER do on its own, because it harms the baseline and does not lead to increased profits.

>> No.18898690

Not Indian, but I have a friend who works in London as a 'Senior Data Analyst' for a contracting company. Basically, they send out her details listing an impressive set of previous employers, but in actual fact she's never worked for any of them, they're just companies her contractor has worked with in the past. She then gets an interview online with the prospective company, and will livestream the whole thing to someone from the contractor, who sends messages to tell her what to say (they have only given her minimal training so she wouldn't know how to answer the questions herself). Because a lot of these roles are bullshit, she can presumably get away with having little idea what she's doing while others do the actual work (she recently confessed she works from home around 3-4 hours a day, which consists mainly of meetings). She gets paid a junior wage while the contractor takes a nice big cut for their successful trickery. Clown world is real

>> No.18899288

God the collapse can’t come soon enough

>> No.18899526

This. I like the non-sense chorus. And there's a synth melody in the backgrond that is interesting too.
I mean, I'm against that song on a ideological basis but in that case I can see how that can make sense MUSICALLY, if you know what I mean.
I guess the point I'm trying to make is that most of the time I can't point out why a song becomes a hit these days.
But that's NOT the case with that song specifically.

>> No.18899557

Monarchy cucks like you are beyond pathetic.

>> No.18899577

Is being ruled by a secretive mafia in any way less cucked? Just because they tell you some obvious bullshit about 'this is for the people lol'

>> No.18899692

>Maybe it's recensy bias, but I don't think there has ever been a more degenerate pop star than Lil Nas
Have you ever heard about the Rolling Stones? Ozzy Osbourne? Nordish Black Metal?

>> No.18899877

Everyone smarter than the average /pol/cel is a bugman and everyone dumber is a monkey

>> No.18899909

Using "gutter oil" as proof that "le chinks are subhuman!" is like using the Donner party as proof that whites are cannibals. They don't eat that shit because they like it, they eat it because they have nothing else to eat

>> No.18899923

Whites are subhuman cannibals though
Only Jews are even real humans

>> No.18899952

I've looked it up. Is it reused oil? It's kind of disgusting to buy it, but I do reuse the oil I fry things. I'm thinking the fact that they buy it used is the bad thing here, don't you reuse your oil?
So if the jews die the subhumans will rule?

>> No.18900392

They weren't nearly as pozzed as Lil Nas.

>> No.18900674

You're unironically the one falling for the propaganda. The idea that the nuclear family is a myth is in itself a myth created to justified atomization. It's true that the family used to be bigger in the sense that they were closer to each other, the main structure was still nuclear. A proper extended family is something proper of tribes and hasn't existed in the west for a very, very long time.

>> No.18900696

Perhaps, but it's immoral.

>> No.18900929

Modern "degeneracy" is cringy because contemporary moral norms require us to acknowledge "degenerates" as members of sacred victim groups and thus show reverence towards them.

>The Stones, Ozzy, Norwegian black metal
Opposed the moral norms of their time by acting in a manner that shocked people - burning churches, having a ton of groupies, using way too much heroin, etc.
>Lil Nas X
See, it's a rapper, so obviously he's Black (capital B, powerful...) but he's also Gay (even more powerful... what a brave and stunning moral statement about Our Society). Isn't that nice?

You can't be part of the Moral Majority and act in a manner antagonistic to contemporary social norms at the same time. Support for Gay Black Men is now a Moral Majority position because we've pivoted towards victim-centric morality as a reaction to WW2 and Decolonization.

>> No.18901170

this is a reminder to /lit/ that eternal life is the free gift of God. if you wish to receive it, become a Christian, live forever, and have the 100% assurance that you'd go to heaven after you die, watch this gospel video.

it's very easy to get to heaven because of the work Jesus already did for us. don't miss out anons


>> No.18901658

Look at children's artwork in Europe as an example.
20-30 years ago you had soulful works like Pingu, Postman Pat, Pettson and Findus, BBC adaptation of Beatrix Potter, and much much more. Now you have a bunch of Americanized slap stick humor bullshit with overt homosexuality.

>> No.18901676

And ofc inclusive diversity.
At this rate children will be watching a bunch of gay niggers butt fucking themselves in a ritual to open a portal to Ahriman. Wholesome works like Postman Pat and Pingu will become a thing of the past.

>> No.18901684

Tell me more.

>> No.18901836
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Kek just kidding but come on man, it's war. This sort of thing isn't unique to the US or any army. It's actually the rule.

>> No.18901885
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I like this post a lot, thank you for defending the genre, anon.
Is it really that exploitative though? I have not gone deep in the rabbithole of stories, but I mostly follow bigger groups who may have more leverage to defend themselves from all that. Also I have heard JYP is uniquely bad about abusive practices. But I have never been a big Twice Stan, so I'm not up to speed on that either.

There is something to be said about the honesty of it though. It isn't trying too hard to pretend to be deep. It's just a pretty sound and a pretty girl and a cute theme about food or something.

>> No.18901892

that was meaningless faggotry

>> No.18901924


>> No.18901932

You've gotta be off your rocker mate. The song is trash on all fronts.