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/lit/ - Literature

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18889626 No.18889626[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is the average IQ of /lit/ the highest of any board on 4chan?

>> No.18889634

Yeah probably, so about 97 if we're being generous.

>> No.18889636

Judging by how german idealism is popular here, I'd say absolutely fucking no

>> No.18889640

what a pointless question
talk about books

>> No.18889650

/g/ has the highest iq, /sci/ is probably in second place, then /his/ and after that maybe /lit/ though i'm not sure if it seems just higher iq to other boards due to the topics rather than quality of discussion, tis very likely that /a/ has a higher iq than this board

>> No.18889657

No, one of the lowest, easily. The highest are the Pol users that enjoy it for the satire and occasional breaking news.

>> No.18889658

/sci/ fucking sucks but I would put above this faggot board. /sci/ has unironically made contributions to human knowledge and there are people who actually verifiably know what they are talking about. Sure they are the minority but they are incredibly intelligent.

>> No.18889661

>then /his/
muh holocaust, haplomemes and religious bait threads aren't very high iq

>> No.18889675

/sci/ probably reads more than /lit/ too

>> No.18889681

cringe, without memeing the answer is /sci/ and then /lit/

>> No.18889689

>/sci/ is probably in second place
Opinion discarded

>> No.18889690

we have a lot of bait threads that keep being made, but i evaluate the iq of the board based on the quality of the replies, /his/ has more posters who are capable of making high quality replies

>> No.18889692

Never. /fit/ has the highest avg IQ.

>> No.18889694

So which board is weighing down other boards? /v/ has subhuman level IQ mostly because of the latin Americans and southeast Asians.

I browse /lit/, /tv/ and /pol/ and I don't think my IQ is higher than 105.

>> No.18889696

it may seem that way but it's only due to the general topics of the boards, if you actually look at the discussions you will notice that both sci and lit are just boards for pseuds who barely read some wikipedia articles

>> No.18889699

Lit, sci, mu and his weighs down the other boards.

>> No.18889702
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/sp/ is the smartest
/sci/ is helpless when confronted with something slightly outside the scope of their curriculum or their meme books
/lit/ is smarter than sci but still midwit

>> No.18889707

>names on of the boards with the lowest iq
>is a tripfag
as expected

>> No.18889710

High IQ reply btw so thanks for that anon

>> No.18889711

/lit/ has too many jaded leftists which is a bad sign in the intelligent department. It's probably /sci/ or /g/.

>> No.18889717
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The speed with which I opened your picture leads me to believe otherwise.

>> No.18889727
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Highest IQ individual posters: yes, along with /sci/. However, there is no doubt that /sci/ is completely lacking in verbal intelligence - one of the many tradeoffs of autism, whereas the philosophychads on /lit/ remain the true renaissance men of wit. I tip my fedora to all of thee.

Now on average however, the answer is no. It only takes 5 of you mouthbreathers until my personal contribution to the average IQ is muddied with midwittery. The same goes for /sci/, but there is a higher barrier of entry into the hard sciences than there is into literature and philosophy, thus allowing them a higher average IQ.

>> No.18889732

i thought she had no nipples lol

>> No.18889733

The immediate proof that your intelligence is low.

>> No.18889734

/b/ = 110
/pol/ = 130
/lgbt = 140

/his/ = 82
/sci/ = 79
/lit/ = 76

>> No.18889736

>The immediate proof that your intelligence is low
This is true but at the same time it's a cope for retards.

>> No.18889737

honestly /his/ has more in depth discussion than /lit/
although poltards derail a lot of threads nowadays

>> No.18889738

what would happen if she wore this down the street?

>> No.18889740

That's true except for lgbt because the aids element reduces IQ by 20 points.

>> No.18889743
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Look at all of the retards ITT

>>>/s4s/, >>>/bant/ and >>>/trash/ are by far the most high IQ boards.

>> No.18889746

Loooooooooooooool no
Fuck no
Hell to the fuck no
This board has a lower IQ than average

This board is filled entirely with the biggest pseudos imagineable, christcucks desperately trying to justify their religion instead of just having faith, literal armchair philosophy philosophers, self help faggots, "sigma males", retards think that there is only one right way anyone should read books, authors trying to shill their garbage books via memes, and bakker posting, which is either Bakker himself or a handful of dudes memeing his books into the ground.

There is nothing about this board that makes it more intelligent than any other.
Its a fucking meme to think that someone is smart just because they read.

>> No.18889747


>> No.18889751

>muh poltards
I'm fairly certain virtue signaling about /pol/ is a definitive sign of low intelligence.
>what would happen if she wore this down the street?
Nothing good.

>> No.18889757

Try to make a thread about the holocaust on /his/ right now.
Go ahead. Come back to me in 2 hours.

>> No.18889758


>> No.18889762

Who the fuck cares about the holocaust? Is your day actually ruined by a couple teenagers shitposting about jews?

>> No.18889764

/int/ is by far the highest IQ board because they are normalfags with lives and not degen toxic retards

>> No.18889774

I say they derail threads
you disagree
I give example
"who cares that they derail threads?"

good one

>> No.18889776

/int/ reminds me of hltv.

>> No.18889777

>/pol/ = 130
Yesterday I had to explain in an anti-vax thread on /pol/ how per capita works.
They had found some data on how some 220 people had died of COVID after getting vaxxed, whereas only 190 unvaxxed had died. They considered this a smoking gun proving that the vaccine was dangerous, causing an excess of deaths.
Included in the data was that 12.7% of the population was unvaxxed and 87.3% where vaxxed.
It took three very didactic posts to make a few of them admit they were retarded, and the rest moved the goalpost and claimed that the data they themselves had been fawning over as their smoking gun moments before was actually fake.
/pol/ is absolutely and aggressively retarded, no question about it.

>> No.18889785

yeah they are actually braindamaged.
I've seen some high iq takes there once in a while. Some of them actually are able to come up with some abstract theories about society that are surprisingly well thought-out
but the overwhelming majority of threads and posts on /pol/ are just comedy

>> No.18889788

You = 89

>> No.18889789
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I go to /sci/ for math, not the Covid threads. They know what they're talking about (and seeing as some of them are graduates, they damn well should).

>> No.18889790

In a sense, derailing threads just mean alternative points of view. 4chan isn't some reddit echochamber, /pol/ isn't exactly a containment board either. If holocaust deniers make you so angry, then argue with them. I'm sorry you can't downvote them into oblivion? What do you want from me?

>> No.18889792


>> No.18889812

derailing means that the topic is changed to something unrelated to the thread
so yeah maybe my example about holocaust denial wasn't really good either.

But the point is that it kills any discussion because they're posting their sources from conspiracy.net and always get 10 (you)s cause there are 10 people falling for it every time

and I don't care that they disagree but some topics are really annoying.
It's like that one retard on /his/ who comes into every Frankish or Charlemagne thread to post his schizo image claiming the franks were Italians based on the hair color of paintings

>> No.18889831
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No. This is me >>18889727.

Get rekt faggot.

>> No.18889837

I looked for https://openpsychometrics.org/tests/FSIQ/ + only opening posts in the archives of various boards and they are all more or less the same with ~120IQ being the average, the only exception was /fit/ being noticeably higher and /int/ + /adv/ being noticeably lower
But than again it's kind of self limiting by most only being people who are proud of their score posting caps of it and the test itself is only r = .7 to actual professional IQ tests

>> No.18889843


>> No.18889848

/a/ is unironically the most retarded board
and that's coming from somebody who likes anime

>> No.18889851

/g/ does absolutely nothing other than compare screenshots and argue about
>My favourite thing is better than your favourite thing

>> No.18889854

Isn't this one of the better online tests? I know the higher your score the more inaccurate because of the nature of the test, but that also means a lower score is an especially bad sign.

>> No.18889855
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It doesn't matter if my IQ is 60 or 160 while I'm sitting in my room alone, waiting for death.

>> No.18889858

>>My favourite thing is better than your favourite thing

>> No.18889867

Sounds like 60 to me.

>> No.18889879

Yeah it's probably the best one in terms of free online IQ tests but one obvious flaw is that it was normed from 600 college students which is already a skewed sample. Professional IQ tests also take 3 times as long

>> No.18889880

I would guess it would be the micro boards like /po/ or /diy/ just because their populations are so small

>> No.18889881

sounds like you are a 100 iq teenager
stop posting here and get a life

>> No.18889884

>/a/ is unironically the most retarded board
You can say that for every hobby board.

>> No.18889890

I think /a/ is worse than /tv/
/a/'s opinions and arguments are far worse. They just literally don't know what they're talking about

>> No.18889894

>is only r = .7 to actual professional IQ tests

But that's hardly a correlation at all.

>> No.18889899
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Only when the thotposters go to bed

>> No.18889900

Is there a photo of this from the backside? I need to know what the zipper looks like

>> No.18889902

>Highest IQ board
>everyone shills /sci/ as if literature's existence doesn't fundamentally prove that stem fags are, and forever will be, brainlets.
The only board of intellect is /biz/ because they, unlike those on this board, understand that IQ applied allows for a substantial gains, and they also understand that a boards population of brainlets can be used as financial cannon fodder.
The true giga-chad 4channer is the /Biz/Lit/erati. Make no mistake however, the median level of IQ between these two boards would be substantially higher were it not for the Pajeet and Ranjeeshi tourists from /sp/, /s/ and /int/ who probably drop the aggregate score at least ten to twenty points.

>> No.18889905

I guess, I only ever used /a/ to follow SnK for its duration, which was an incredible mistake and disillusioned me from ever getting into unfinished media again. In my experience the threads weren't bad but it devolved into shippershit fandom trash and had been that way for quite a while which was unfortunate.

>> No.18889933

We /biz/raelis will chill in the Egyptian afterlife with the Pharaohs.

>> No.18889941
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What did the test mean by this?
Is memory really even important?

>> No.18889944


>> No.18889949

The memory part is a meme surely? Its literally the chimpanzee test

>> No.18889962

>still think gaining money correlate to intelligence

>> No.18889982


>> No.18889985

I would say /sci/ is lower than /lit/ because it's much easier to "fucking love science" than it is to actually sit down and read a book.

>> No.18889986

The fellas at /film/ seem quite smart.

>> No.18889992

/pol/ is absolutely retarded, it's pretty annoying how they think they're geniuses though. They think they're so enlightened and superior simply because they go against the grain in the most nonsensical ways.

>> No.18889993

Whatever gave you that idea? This is one of the worst boards, everyone here is a certified midwit (including me)

>> No.18889997
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>this fucking idiot on /pol/ didn't understand basic probability theory god!!!
LOL. Alright alright hear me out

>virus that is less deadly for my demographic than the flu
>never before used in humans, cutting edge gene therapy

Yeah I think I'll give it a pass. Maybe if I had a higher IQ I'd trust science.

>> No.18889999

People move between boards a lot, especially people who are knowledgeable in general. Don't see the point of flexing some 150 IQ if you're just pushing twitter takes though.

>> No.18890003

>fucking love science
Those people are shouted down there.

>> No.18890012
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>> No.18890021

good grief no this is the stupidest board on this entire fucking site
the smartest board is /po/ without a doubt

>> No.18890039

From the boards that I frequent I would say

>> No.18890046

From the boards that I frequent I would say

>> No.18890071

not when I'm browsing

>> No.18890086

this may be the most leftist board other than /lgbt/ (lots of crossover though i imagine) which explains all the /pol/ seethe ITT

>> No.18890099
File: 70 KB, 750x1129, mfw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw no one mentions /fit/

>> No.18890116

/a/ can't be worse than /v/

>> No.18890120

I don't know how anyone can say /his/. Every time I go through the catalogue it's dumb memes and irrelevant shitholes clinging to the past. Seems like a board with a very high non-white population (turks etc) compared to /lit/ which I'm pretty sure is one of the whitest boards along with /out/ etc.

>> No.18890131

It is. You have twice the amount of obsessive sperg shitposters and then the regular population is just a bunch of mouthbreathers whose only hobby is consuming anime and hentai.

The only good discussions I've seen on anime have been on boards outside of /a/, even /tv/ covers anime better than /a/.

>> No.18890143

>literally a trust the söyentists argument, but unspecified fields of expertise and only the minority
Bravo, q.e.d. on the /pol/ is fucking retarded thesis

>> No.18890145

I'm certain /his/ is the most retarded thread here. For days I've been making troll threads, using the first person I come across on WikiRoulette and making a random thread about them.
People take the bait and pretend this person was super important etc. etc.

it's my favourite past tiem

>> No.18890153

see if they take the bait

>> No.18890195


>> No.18890212


>> No.18890221

Any board with highest posts per active user since the new captcha