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File: 342 KB, 1600x1051, Declaration-of-Independence-canvas-rotunda-John-Trumbull-July-4-1776.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18875024 No.18875024[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Single-handedly BTFO'd the British Empire with a piece of paper.
How'd they do it?

>> No.18875052
File: 82 KB, 798x611, D5CA01C9-D15C-40DC-94B4-B40361643EC7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Single piece of paper
Common Sense took a few pages
The colonists did it, despite Washington’s shoddy leadership

>> No.18875077

>caring what some pasty old-white cishet mysoginistic slave owning chuds think
Fuck you, Fuck them, Fuck the Amerikkka, and fuck their stupid vision. Some people might think I'm trolling because 4chan is filled with people who worship these guys but I'm not: I'm an American and I unironically and whole-heartedly hate these """people""". They are everything that's wrong with America (yes, America was terrible from the start) and because of them we have people who cling to a centuries old piece of paper to excuse the egregious, irrational, and unnecessary death of our friends, family, and children just because the founding assholes and the NRA say so and that it's okay to say hateful and hurtful things without repercussions because some slave owners didn't have a problem with it (except, ironically, when they DID see: Alien and Sedition Acts). Americans are indoctrinated to believe these people where good, or if your school was """progressive""", good but "flawed" but NO FUCK THAT they were BAD people who FUCKING OWNED SLAVES and worshiped money instead of basic humanity. Black and Indigeonous people go to schools that worship these people! How fucked is that? They were massive hypocrites who """loved freedom""" but owned slaves, """hated aristocracy""" but only cared about land-owning white men, hated taxes but put down the Whiskey Rebellion, loved freedom of speech but instituted the Alien and Seditions act, thought all men were equal but only cared about WASPs, and the list goes on and on. FUCK THESE ASSHOLES, FUCK THEM, AND FUCK THE CHUDS WHO CARE WHAT THEY HAVE TO SAY.

>> No.18875095

gr8 b8 m8 i r8 8/8

>> No.18875110

Washington did the best he could do under his circumstances. He may not have been the best tactician there was but he was the only man who could adequately lead the army.

>> No.18875112

*Yawn* Just as I predicted. Just so you know your little club isn't as much of a secret as you think it is and yes I pushed your little buttons on purpose. I'm also a lawyer so keep trolling incel.

>> No.18875129

We didn't deserve them, they were too good for us. They gave us what could have been the greatest place to ever exist- hell, it was for a while- and we squandered it. We failed them. I'm so sorry Founding Fathers ;_;

>> No.18875137

>all men are equal (except the ones we keep as slaves)
Bravo Americans!

>> No.18875155

British moment?

>> No.18875156

no d-b8 just gr8 b8 m8. no h8

>> No.18875210

I'm an American (with similar politics as yours I might add).

>> No.18875236

When the Founders talked about liberty and equality, they used definitions that came to them from their heritage within English culture. Liberty was one of the most commonly used terms in the Founding generation. When Patrick Henry thundered, “Give me liberty, or give me death!” in 1775, no one asked Henry to define liberty following his speech. Similarly, when the Founders talked about equality, they thought in terms of all men being equal under God and of freemen being equal under the law. But the distinction of freemen was important. The founders believed in a natural hierarchy of talents, and they believed that citizenship and suffrage required civic and moral virtue. Jefferson wrote,“ If a nation expects to be ignorant and free in a state of civilization, it expects what never was and what never will be.” To that end, restricting the status of freemen was essential, in the Founders’ view, to the liberty of the republic, which is why some states initially had property qualifications for voting, and why equality did not extend to slaves (or for that matter to women or children). Most of the Founding generation favored a “natural aristocracy” consisting of men of talent and virtue. They believed that these men would be, and should be, the leaders of a free society.

>> No.18875329
File: 253 KB, 1200x1472, 1200px-Samuel_Johnson_by_Joshua_Reynolds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The ultimate American redpill is that the Founding Fathers were wrong and their ideas are not correct. Read Samuel Johnson and read Joseph de Maistre.

>> No.18875349
File: 120 KB, 1357x804, QE5DLW10OZBQ5WHMLQG8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, us British aren't whiny bitches like that

>> No.18875635

True, the founders favoured a natural aristocracy but it's clear from their writings that they knew slavery was wrong (according to their own morals) and they knew it had to come to an end at some point (and most violently too). I think they intentionally left statements which are very idealistic in the founding documents so that there was still room for America to one day live up to these ideals (though they could not foresee such a drastic change to their nation as would come).