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/lit/ - Literature

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[ERROR] No.18865237 [Reply] [Original]

Ereader pleb here. The prices here are insane, but Gubbermen gave us some gibs. I'll use some of it at restaurants and shit, but books seem like a better way to spend money. So I alloted a budget of 100€ for 2 hardcovers. I was thinking Critique of Pure Reason, and Kapital 1. Both of those have really solid translations, and the editions look sturdy. What do you think? A suggestion
>needs to be timeless
>decently standalone, so I can borrow it to friends who wanna do some reading like that.
>books where it's good to revisit them every few years
I'm ashamed to admit it, but it'd be nice if the book made me look cool when normie friends visit.

>> No.18865275

>Both of those have really solid translations
What language?

>> No.18865283

Slovenian. Since I haven't read it in original, I can't really judge, but based on what people have been saying, these 2 are at least the best ones available.

>> No.18865355
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Sorry but I know noting of Slovenia or any Slovaks

>> No.18865381

Who cares motherfucker, recommend me books you'd recommend to someone from your own country, let me worry about translations.

>> No.18865390

Psychologically it just wouldn't be the same

>> No.18865414

I guess. I got some really cheap deals of Spinoza and Aristotle, and if the translations are really shit (I have english versions on hand) I'll just spend the hunnit on some fancy restaurant.