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[ERROR] No.18864126 [Reply] [Original]

Clearly some philosophers must have written about the path towards obtaining it.

>> No.18864162

It comes with age. By 30 if you still give a shit about women something is deeply wrong with you. There simply isn't enough "about" women to keep an adult man occupied. The prospect of hanging out with a woman past your mid-twenties starts to asymptotically approach identity with the prospect of hanging out with a child. It can be fun and even charming in small doses but for the most part you are instinctively aware that a child is limited. Their world just isn't big enough yet to make for interesting companionship and conversation.

You should be well aware that women are exactly the same as that by your late twenties. Typical media depicting women as wacky quirky fun manic pixie dreamgirls should start to seem even more unrealistic and fake-seeming to you than they did before. "But women don't do this," you should say automatically. "Women don't do anything."

>> No.18864170

just do nofap bro

>> No.18864183

>By 30 if you still give a shit about women something is deeply wrong with you.
Most Anons and lonely men in general who are above the age of 30 talk about wanting to a gf, I don't think it'll come naturally by age.

>> No.18864193

Did not work. Got rid of sexual urges, but couldn't get rid of need for love

>> No.18864239

nah, just the dumb failed normalfags of /r9k/. Most of the adults on 4chan are misogynists who constantly talk about beating and raping women and are openly pedophiliac

>> No.18864254

>Most of the adults on 4chan are misogynists who constantly talk about beating and raping women and are openly pedophiliac
That's still being attached to women, albeit in a negative manner. I want complete indifference.

>> No.18864265
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23-year old Zoomer here.
Indifference just came naturally to me.
I don’t think about women or gfs anymore.
You should read up on the herbivore male masters of Japan OP.

>> No.18864271

You can't if you're high test. Either get a long term partner that you can coom into to contain your urges or, more realistically - start to dip into prostitutes.

>> No.18864284

True prostitution is a lost and noble art that kept companionless men happy while minimally degrading women.

Leave it to modern women to fuck up something as simple as being whores with this "sex worker" shit. They can't even revert to whoredom competently.

>> No.18864367

Explain all the philosopher volcels? They contributed so much for humanity. They were clearly high test.

>> No.18864436

Imagine getting cucked by a different species.

>> No.18864462

They weren't actually celibate

>> No.18864467

He is indifferent. Only the most wise sages can obtain that.

>> No.18864483

based. sexual desire and all effort to satisfy it should be diverted toward contemplating the divine

>> No.18864490

Coom a bunch to hot women, raise your standards, then become disinterested in both porn and women.

>> No.18864520
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counterpoint, hanging out with a big group of dudes without any chicks involved sucks.
Girls make shit nice. If I'm hanging out with my friends, we'll eat chips right out of the bag and watch a movie. That's fun but you eventually get to a point where you just feel nasty and aren't saying or doing anything beyond what you'd do on your own.
Once we bring our gfs/wives along, they've arranged some nice beers and a charcuterie platter and everyone's having a fun conversation, cracking jokes, sharing thoughts on real life shit. You get the fire pit going, which would not have occurred to you had it just been dudes.
Even just hanging out with a dude who you know has a gf/wife vs a dude who doesn't, past a certain age it's a good marker for whether someone is socially competent vs somehow "off."
Girls can bring out the best in men. This may be a late 20s early 30s development.

>> No.18864549
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You had better be a woman you faggot.

>> No.18864562
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Go read song of songs.

>> No.18864572

spiritually stunted zoomer

>> No.18864586

I'm 26
Getting a chick he actually enjoys and sticking with her is an important part of a man's development. Otherwise he has no stakes in the world or community and gets weirder, more esoteric by the year. By the time you're in your 30s people can tell you spend too much time alone.
And, like I said, chicks make things nice.
Get out there, man. The world is not a social hellscape as it's depicted by r9k posters on /lit/.

>> No.18864638

>And, like I said, chicks make things nice.
you're beyond saving

>> No.18864642

I pity you.

>> No.18864646

It’s a weird subject where those blessed ones who achieved it never felt the need to write about it.

>> No.18864652

The feeling is mutual.

>> No.18864659

The problem isn't that you value marriage or think men should start families, it's that you're deluded if you think even 1 in 20 women is mature enough for this. You can still reform a shit woman but you can't do that while thinking she's naturally "nice" and your "better half" like some sitcom trope. Things are already bad with millennial women making the transition to cat lady, imagine when the current crop of zoomer women starts deciding to "settle down" after fucking literally up to 100 guys.

>> No.18864679

your perception on millennial and zoomer women is way off in my opinion. I would say at least 50% is solid, maybe even up to 60-70%.
I landed my wife before the apps became much of a trend, but her friends are all on her level as far as value, and most have long-term boyfriends or husbands they met outside of the apps. They discuss downloading the tinder or whatever in college, receiving an influx of harrassing messages, and deleting it, resolving to meet a guy through some other means. They're not on twitter or any of that shit, you actually have to go out into the world to find these people.
Maybe it's a regional thing. All I'm saying is the perspective of r9k faggots and their off-topic cross board proselytizers does not match up with reality.

>> No.18864695

It does. I agree there are still "good women" but they used to be rare and now they are fully exceptions to the rule. What you are peddling is dangerous, because men naturally want to love women and assume they can do no wrong because they're sweet. But that sweetness is only skin deep. Its whole purpose is to delude a man into ignoring hard facts and going with his gut (penis).

It's not just that some sweet average girl next door types are sluts now. It's that most of them are. Even that type, especially that type, all sluts. You either didn't go to college or didn't have your eyes open. Women don't even have cultural baggage associated with being a slut anymore. They treat putting out on the first date the way most men treat masturbation. An occasional meaningless self-indulgence that they don't have to report on or tally up.

By all means look for a girl who doesn't fit this mold, and tell others to do so as well. But don't delude inexperienced guys into thinking the current playing field is good. Not only is it bad, women will exploit this naivete you've implanted in them by brazenly lying and omitting their sexual past. The current crop of women is near ruined.

>> No.18864737

This is pure delusion. You're either pulling this out of your ass or you had a distinctly degenerate upbringing. I can tell you that with a philosophy this toxic, you're inflicting a serious confirmation bias on yourself, and are unlikely to even notice a chick who fails to conform to this toxic gold-digging whore archetype you've developed.
The majority of women, or at least a substantial group since there's no way to take a census on this, are as alienated by the current dating sphere as you are, if not more, and resolve to be reclusive or connect to dudes only through safe, reasonable social events or through friends of friends. I went to a normal college, not ASU or LSU or any of the legendary degenerate party schools, and this is how the majority of chicks behaved. They didn't whore around, they just didn't meet or date anyone. If they did actually try to form a romantic relationship with someone, it was in hopes that it would last. Normal, middle class white chicks. Not fundamentalists or crazy conservatives either.
Meanwhile, as males, we have allowed a massive proportion of our number to become weed-smoking, video game and porn addicted economic and social rejects, who spend a significant amount of time on their own navel gazing, coming to obscure and irrational conclusions like the ones you're describing to justify their inability to meet anyone.
It's your lack of engagement with reality, not reality itself, which gives you this perspective.
I can see we're going to have a hard time coming to any sort of synthesis. I invite you to at least consider the hypothetical implications of my perspective on your approach to dating and socializing.

>> No.18864846
File: 16 KB, 738x415, Genuine Homosexual.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every time this kind of a thread is posted, Anons always miss the point. IT'S NOT ABOUT SEX, IT'S ABOUT LOVE. This place has become normalfag central. It's not the pleasure of sex or dating and testing relationships. It's about PURE GENUINE LOVE.

>> No.18864868

Holy shit what a complete and utter flaming homosexual you are.

>> No.18864885

first post for me here ITT, but is there a way to exist without that romantic love? starting to think I might need to find a way

>> No.18864907

Avoiding girls is much more gay than liking girls.

>> No.18864917

Having sex with girls isn't gay.
Tolerating the bullshit of girls for the greater good isn't gay.
Genuinely and unironically spouting out that you like to "hang out" with girls and actually feel strange being with your friends without there being any girls around is quite literally the gayest thing i have read in my entire life. Please get yourself tested for AIDS.

>> No.18864926

you have to be 18 to post on this site

>> No.18864938

No one is saying men being coomers isn't hurting them and gender relations as well. Men are destroying themselves in a different way.

However you are either lying or retarded so I don't really care to continue contrasting our anecdotal experiences. Even the mainstream media is backing me up at this point, with articles about the incel epidemic and how a growing portion of young men are having no sex or intimacy whatsoever.

>I invite you to at least consider the hypothetical implications of my perspective on your approach to dating and socializing.
I told you, I am not advising anyone to cultivate a radical incel worldview, I am basically telling people the same thing you are: look for the remaining good women. The only difference is that you say they are common, and I say they are rare, and you need to have good vetting protocols and keep your own biases in check.

As you say, most young men are vidya-addicted chronic masturbators with relatively few experiences to draw from. They are both desperate and (relatively) naive, and women have a vested interest in exploiting this naivete by downplaying their own sexual pasts. Telling these guys that the playing field is relatively even out there is only going to further disadvantage them. Especially when your "no no everything is fine don't listen to the alt right incel nazis" approach dovetails with normalfag propaganda that guilt trips people for noticing real inequities and social problems, and tries to make them think they're crazy.

>> No.18864941


>> No.18864950

There may have been a LOT of drawbacks to growing up in my Islamic shithole country but at least the goatfucker religion here keeps women in line.
Praying for you Ameribros.

>> No.18864952

unfair mischaracterization of my approach, and I would argue that your perspective here is demoralizing and serves to create more vidya and masturbation addicted young men. Whether or not you're posting from tel-aviv, you are repeating the arguments of someone who would be posting from tel-aviv. Demoralizing and wrong.
All I'm doing is cautioning against excessive solitude and resentment, combining that with a more realistic account of the dating scene than your depressing anecdotes.

>> No.18864964

>There simply isn't enough "about" women to keep an adult man occupied.
have you never met an intelligent woman? did your mom leave you when you were young? have you ever met a woman?
i know that arguing misogyny on 4chan is a lost cause, but you should maybe try to have a conversation in real life at some point

>> No.18864971

Your fabricated anecdotes are worse than my depressing anecdotes. As I said, we're both exchanging anecdotes. My idiot girlfriend is 3 feet away from me right now and is one of those extremely rare "good women," but that's anecdotal, and it's 4chan so obviously I could just be lying. That's why I said it's pointless to continue this.

I am also cautioning against excessive solitude and resentment so we're in agreement there. The real remedy for those is not to submit to the current behavior of women as if it's acceptable, because it's apocalyptic levels of unacceptable. The real remedy is not to draw your false dichotomy at all between "solitude and resentment" and "girls are nice :3" faggotry. Girls are not nice, girls are generally selfish and short-sighted unless they have a very strong cultural backbone telling them otherwise, and constant reminders from society at large to maintain this backbone or else.

Men are similarly fucked up but men have better outlets. When men live through a chaotic breakdown of society like we are currently experiencing, they create little niches and subcultures like 4chan that may have a lot of bad things going for them but also have certain virtues and communal solidarity. Women don't have the benefit of that, women don't really form subcultures so each one of them becomes an island. A whore island cut off from the mainland of basic decency.

>> No.18864972

If you need women around to light a fucking fire you have to be one of the laziest faggots around

>> No.18864978

Great example of why women are boring and all the same, thanks. You going to reply to this post and the post above it and every other post you don't like with "wowww try talking to a real girl I bet you don't have sex" too? Show us more about what really matters to you and the prism you see the world through: sex, and social status as related to sex.

>> No.18864989

it's the details, retard
except, your anecdotes are fiction and based on r9k greentexts, and mine are based on real life.
You guys are obviously somehow attached to your status as outsiders, you're hysterically refusing to see reason or reality. Don't do this for too long.

>> No.18864992

I already made the joke that my upsetting anecdotes are better than your fake ones, and only as a pretext for self-awarely dismissing anecdotal evidence altogether, including mine.

If you're going to reply, reply with something other than "nuh uh mine are the real ones though," retard.

>> No.18864995

Lighting a fire takes minutes at most dumbass

>> No.18864999
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>Getting a chick he actually enjoys and sticking with her is an important part of a man's development. Otherwise he has no stakes in the world or community and gets weirder, more esoteric by the year. By the time you're in your 30s people can tell you spend too much time alone.
You are afraid of the ascended, you are afraid of men who don’t follow the normalfag script.
And you should be, you never no what the those men might get up to, otherwise you might wake up to a world very different from the one you are used to because those men decided to act, little sheep.

>> No.18865012
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There is. If you start loving women just as you love men, i.e, love for humanity and life itself, not the romantic kind. You'll quickly lose interest(romantic feelings) in them.

>> No.18865013

nobody who has any experience with reality at all would buy your anecdotes. they come directly from israel, and serve only to demoralize.
the question is, would I even think of the details which would make an event with my bros more enjoyable? Would I come out with a tray of snacks? Answer is no. Chicks would. Maybe you would, but that's gay of you.

>> No.18865023

you radiate tranny energy

>> No.18865036

Because I’m not a cuck, I think only of my own enjoyment. If I want a fire, I make a fire. If I want gay little sliced meats (I never do), I would get a charcuterie board. Why should a woman being there change anything?

>> No.18865053

you're a kike trying to sew resentment and demoralize our young men. I've noticed you guys have picked up the pace lately.
To anyone reading, this is a sure sign of isreali propoganda via CTR or JIDF. No one else would resort to this type of nonsense insult against arguments in favor of family and heterosexual relationships.

>> No.18865057

Now that I've pointed out your posting location the thread is going to 404.

>> No.18865058

It's "sow," charcuterie cuck.

"How do you do, fellow kids?"

>> No.18865073

Anyone this dependent on female approval is obviously a slave in the mind

>> No.18865078

>kike rapidly scrolling through list of approved replies.

>> No.18865081

Neither of you will ever be women.

I know that you're trannies because of how absolutely abhorrent both your posts are.

>> No.18865086

weird how the rate of replies has increased precipitously since I said the magic words.

>> No.18865095
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Based and Monkpilled.

>> No.18865099

Strange way to cope with getting btfo

>> No.18865102

Have sex incel.

>> No.18865112

I won't be reading all those replies. Someone explain me, what anons are arguing about?

>> No.18865116

Which attitudes towards women are and are not gay

>> No.18865137

What attitudes exactly?

>> No.18865139

undeniably based

>> No.18865140

interesting post, thanks anon

>> No.18865155

This kinda explains why incels keep lusting for women even though they claim that they hate them.

>> No.18865156

Appreciating women and desiring their company vs disdain/indifference

>> No.18865166

>love for humanity and life itself
that immediately puts u into the territory of genetic survival.
JFL hahahahahahaahahahahahhahaahahahaahahha

>> No.18865178

Can you please elaborate?

>> No.18865199


>> No.18865230

I'm 32, and I have a hard time not thinking about women. I think it is our nature, anon.

>> No.18865240

"life itself"
ponder on that and see where it actually leads u to.

>> No.18865276

That's not what I meant. Maybe I should've chosen better words.

>> No.18865322

>everyone's having a fun conversation, cracking jokes, sharing thoughts on real life shit.
You must be one of the most boring men alive if you need women around for this.

>> No.18865430

what a faggot

>> No.18865574

Why isn't the Lion stopping them?

>> No.18865593

>True prostitution is a lost and noble art
That is what middle-aged asian prostitutes are for, anon.
They are so goddamn thankful when you are even just baseline polite, its adorable.

>> No.18866382

It's indifferent to its surroundings.

>> No.18866551

How and why are asian prostitutes different from others?

>> No.18866637
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yeah imagine

>> No.18866660

The Black Phillip Show

>> No.18866670

this is gay, really fucking gay. i crack jokes, have interesting conversations etc with my bros no women necessary. you literally have a soft femoid brain. get your test checked

>> No.18867016

my old group of bros was torn apart by sluts who deliberately got the guys to fight over them. before that it was all smiles and jokes, now we barely even talk to each other

>> No.18867044

>Would I come out with a tray of snacks?
Why do you love being smothered by femininity so much? Are you an autogynephile or something?

>> No.18868214

This Patrice was b&rpilled.

>> No.18868594

Would he have had wet dreams.

>> No.18868617

All this stupid thread reminded me of is how I recently permanently fucked up my chances with a cute korean because I innocently brought up I was reading Herman-Hoppe and went on an edgy diatribe about monarchies. I then proceeded to get extremely drunk which made me quiet, incoherent and above all vulgar especially within the context of my sperg moment.

>> No.18868633

If you brought out a tray of snacks I would hate you. If she brought out a tray of snacks I would hate her. Abolish snacks.

>> No.18868659

>landed my wife before the apps became much of a trend,
This makes all the difference in the world. You just have no idea how different it is now.

>> No.18868673

trips of truth

>> No.18868694

Yes, I don't know why a married man thinks anyone would take his outdated dating anectodes seriously.

>> No.18869335

God you’re a faggot

>> No.18870666

>True prostitution
Pardon, connosseurs. What is "true" prostitution?

>> No.18870767

>But don't delude inexperienced guys into thinking the current playing field is good. Not only is it bad, women will exploit this naivete you've implanted in them by brazenly lying and omitting their sexual past. The current crop of women is near ruined.
The west was a mistake.

>> No.18870802

I dont need women around for any of this. WTF are you on about? You sound like you are just stupid af and cant think or do things for yourself.

>> No.18870906
File: 95 KB, 881x760, 14FA5C67-A0F3-4789-847F-2810E2D92AE2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The world is not a social hellscape as it's depicted by r9k posters on /lit/.
Correct. It's the hellscape depicted by /pol/ posters

>> No.18870930

In a way I agree, especially with the last few sentences. I like hanging out with guys who have gfs, because we can complain about our women. But the "women making meetings nice" part is sooo off, I have 10x the fun with just guys, and my gf still writes me messages if there are any girls because she's a jelaous bitch. I ditched my smartphone for a while and she did it with sms. If she's around it's no better because she knows my friends notice she's nagging me. Others' gfs are no better - boring or loud and women can't even take a fucking joke at this day and age somehow. I like being alone with my gf and that's it, otherwise i feel like choking while having even less interest for any other women - who im not even remotely attracted to. Women are a necessary evil, we just put up with them for the blowjobs.

>> No.18871185

>It's the hellscape depicted by /pol/ posters
Yeah, right.

>> No.18871685

It's sad that people disagree with this

>> No.18872078

Girls bring in a lot of drama. If it's between matured married couples, it can work out.

>> No.18872084

Based as hell, the butthurt just shows how little interaction people here have with women

>> No.18872086

Get depression. Alternatively, you stop caring about what women think once you know you can get one and feel confident in yourself.

>> No.18872109

sounds like you know some garbage women

>> No.18872625

pfft... like you don't, simp

>> No.18872641

Cut your balls off.

>> No.18872736

sure but I don't date them or befriend dudes who date them. I don't wnat my life to be the fuckin roseanne show.