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[ERROR] No.18861282 [Reply] [Original]

Is it ever OK to burn books?

>> No.18861290


>> No.18861291

No. Not unless it’s mass produced crap and you need kindling up in a drafty cabin

>> No.18861293
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>> No.18861296

It's okay if they're written by Jordan Peterson.

>> No.18861305

is there ever a good reason to burn books?

>> No.18861308

99% of the time its some gay symbolic act that isnt actually removing the books completely from history. So sure its fine but very vay

>> No.18861319

Not the heckin bookerinos!

>> No.18861322
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yes if you need fuel

>> No.18861332
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Only gay pastaeaters would say otherwise

>> No.18861387

Yes, Just don't burn the original manuscript or the last copy.

>> No.18861391

>oy vey! you cant just burn all my child 'sexuality' 'research'

>> No.18861395

Is it a offering to the Gods?

>> No.18861396
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>99% of the time its some gay symbolic act that isnt actually removing the books completely from history.
Book burning is passé, now it's all about subtly updating all books to match the narrative.
It was interesting to see this while reading up on persecuted Christians in China: the Party doesn't seize Bibles and burn them. That would be too spectacular. Nope, the Party writes a "correct" version of the Bible that neuters the religion (no miracles, Jesus says to worship the Chinese Communist Party first, God second, etc.), and "invites" Christians to participate to the local official church. Then it destroys the church. They are purging words like "God" and "Bible" from all Western classics. I think this is the way modern censorship works at its best and the way it's being done in the West by the various "progressives". Identical MO really shows their true colors.

>> No.18861400

>write novel under pseudonym
>stir up local fundamentalists about the evils of novel
>plant idea of book burning in their heads
works every time

>> No.18861421

Or you just make it difficult and expensive to buy controversial books.

>> No.18861426

>Or you just make it difficult and expensive to buy controversial books.
How the fuck people are going to do that? You can literally download a book for free. People trying to control that are stupid as hell.

>> No.18861430

Kant is unironically fucking right, we need fucking Enlightenment, not even joking. Autonomous thinkers everywhere.

>> No.18861434

Actually the Western method is just so perfect and elegant that it makes communist China look like amateurs. You just have to plant one person of any minority in the community you want to destroy. Since we live in a civil society, that person will only have to say "this is great but this one thing offends me, can we tone it down?" and no matter what you do, you're fucked. If you sniff that they want to be disruptive and kick them out, they will say you are racist/whatever and destroy you. If you take them in and decide to stop being racist/whatever they will start making more and more demands and get people who disagree kicked out. And those people replaced by more "diverse" people and the whole community implodes in the span of a few months. No top-down control, nothing, you just have to send a notification on social media to a tranny that whatever you want destroyed exists and he will do the rest.
It's absolutely unanswerable. You cannot win. If you are a civil person and you activate yourself to stop offending them you are fucked. If you kick them out you are fucked. If you double down on the offensive stuff you are fucked. In any case scenario you are fucked. It's absolutely incredible who bulletproof this is. Trannies are like a HR version of the Terminator.

>> No.18861436

By controlling publishing and book stores? If it's out of print and not on major book sites most people won't read it, even if you can get a PDF.

>> No.18861448
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>not the heckin bookerino knowledge is power not the floofy voice of the people ahhhh ii need my precious black squigglies on the pagerino

>> No.18861450

Book burning implies replacement with ideologically correct books. What do you think they did with all the old non-"corrected" bibles?

>> No.18861455

The tranny and communist books were definitely okay to burn

>> No.18861456

99.9% of people who will download the book will get the easiest, most convenient source. Even if they're torrenting they'll get the thing that gets seeded. You overestimate how attentive people are and how much they care about what they get.
Possibly the biggest misconception about the internet is that it's eternal and things are still "there" as long as they can be found. It's technically true but it's also true that you won't swim to the bottom of the ocean to find something that isn't of absolutely vital value. Most people stop looking if they're facing the slightest difficulty.

>> No.18861458

Yes, it’s my personal dream to one day destroy every copy and trace of “ The 4 Hour Workweek “ and everything else that hack has written

>> No.18861464

>Book burning implies replacement with ideologically correct books.
Yes replacement with other books, but not rewriting the same text. This is relatively new at least as a blanket methodology for censorship.
>What do you think they did with all the old non-"corrected" bibles?
Yes they obviously burned them but they did not make a giant public show of the pyre, that's what I am saying.

>> No.18861466

Only if they are your own books

>> No.18861567
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>> No.18861591
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If I read a book and don't like it, I burn it. Simple as. No sense putting it on the shelf if it disgusts me.

>> No.18861595

Based. I've torn up terrible business books trying to get people motivated to be slaves. I've torn up a few other books I disagree with, but they have to be so poisonous that I can barely finish them before I'm ripping pages out. Business and self-help books are the worst.

>> No.18861601

Just quit being a bitch and download the fucking book. I don't care.

>> No.18861605

I don't know, but it does seem to be difficult to find what the Manichaeans wrote.

>> No.18861607

Only correct answer ITT.

>> No.18861620
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Yes books that go against the Nation should be burned. Postmodernism should be banned. The alternative is much worse than the loss of free speech.

>> No.18861653

There are things that were available five years ago that are no longer available. There are things that I found when I was a child that are no longer available. The internet is not forever. Things can be lost.

>> No.18861859

Based Marinetti

>> No.18861895

99% of books being currently produced should be burned.

>> No.18861909


Bonfire of the vanities.

>> No.18861919
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You tell me.

>> No.18861946

Curious what some examples are for books. I know for YouTube videos entire genres like all those surreal spongebob edits got nuked by copyright claims.

>> No.18861954

I think it okay as long as you're creating a new world order and you're pretty sure you're correct

>> No.18862011

There used to be packs of language learning books, music, and even foreign propaganda music that people would compile. They are no longer available, in part because the sites that hosted them are gone, and in part because those files slowly lost all their seeders.