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/lit/ - Literature

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[ERROR] No.18858544 [Reply] [Original]

>pick a random classic
>swap out all the names and idiosyncrasies that could identify the real author
>claim it's a modern work made by some virgin incel loser
>look at all the incoming replies stating it's shit
is this the surest way to catch a pseud?

>> No.18858565

Those authorial idiosyncracies are usually the meat of good writing. Anyone could rewrite the Odyssey into a dogshit straightforward narrative. People care about the work in large part due to its construction.

>> No.18858579

I stopped browsing /wg/ after some anon posted the beginning of Demian by Hesse as his own and they destroyed him saying it's shit and needs rewriting.

>> No.18858607

Show us some examples of this, besides the meme about Marx.

>> No.18858632

Remember when someone posted a real section of Kant and pretended that it was Kantbot and /lit/ tore into it?

>> No.18858641

Demian isn't really that well written though. Didn't Hesse himself say it wasn't meant to be published and was just a personal writing project?

>> No.18858736

Someome here posted an excerpt from Kant and claimed it was Kantbot's iirc. This anon already mentioned it >>18858632

>> No.18858742

Link to the thread?

>> No.18858750

I have seen many threads on here openly mocking Kant in the first place

>> No.18858762

As he should be. Anyone who defends horrible writing just because the ideas expressed within it are complex is a moron.

Its not cool to make the thing you're trying to argue for excruciating to tease out of the text imo, its just bad rhetoric. Same goes for Hegel and most French philosophy in the 20th century.

>> No.18858784

Starting to believe that art is subjective cause of shi like this. Ppl listen to video game music even if there’s not as much going on with it as regular music. It’s all about what you bring to the work of art that determines what you get from it, the “fine” arts are totally subjective in that way. If you get the same or more out of a bestseller as you would Tolstoy then really what’s the difference. People tearing down Kant and Hesse just bc they didn’t recognize it, doesn’t that p much prove art is more transparent, or more fluid than what we’re used to admitting to ourselves?

>> No.18858789

Have you considered these two factors?
1. Lack of knowledge.
2. Prestige or the lack thereof

>> No.18858791

It's quite hilarious.

>> No.18858795

I think it has more to do with people thinking something is good because of its place in the history of literature rather than ignoring the fame of the author and honestly scrutinizing his work.

>> No.18858854

I remember this thread.
The truth is that the vast majority of people see only appearances. If they see that some idea is associated with something honored, they will honor it. If they see that some idea is associated with something despised, they will despise it. This is why one can neither criticize nor imitate "the classics" without provoking anger and inspiring contempt.

>> No.18858873

I think this would actually be a useful thing to remove the mystique and reverence surrounding certain writers and get people to criticize their ideas more openly.

>> No.18858891

What you ask for is impossible.

>> No.18858901
