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[ERROR] No.18849277 [Reply] [Original]

It was another day of Jackblack when an Ire-ish ungentleman threw his pear on the table. They tested-profully, and the die mentioned their lot in ‘life’.
“We have numbers numbly burred onto our faces!”
The Irate paddy’s creamed:
“O ye burly bar’s tards, would ye like it up the arse?”
They rêpondered to gather together to gather to get her reply; two-ply.
“Don Quixote donned more donkeys key to his Qi. You done gooked”
A nigger mumble-rapped to his mum’s bull wrapped in his bull’s mum:
“I needs me a woman”
And walks off.
The dealer’s ex claimed:
“My pussy’s putting pus into my pussy”
That was code for a dry game.
“All rite (he was a Mason), what do ye want?”
Said the friendsied leper-corn.
“We want wont but one butt, and that is to bum her.”
Said the two dice, diced from real at tea.
Claimed-profully all left still and the right table.
Shouted the inHebriated French fry, to which Sörös hors d’oeuvred Scotland Yard (3 feet or 36 inches) tracked the hymn down but was/ were a Swiss national, so they were all demoated for dropping their credit score and replaced by the sheepish Welsh Hectare.
The undead, undying die spoke a gain of the wheel of for-gotten-tunes he met her phore dinner before before a dream Hi-Fi high on opium pie:
“I want to bum HER”

Satan summoned Lord Rothschild and he told him:
“Start with the Greeks”
Then suddenly...


>> No.18849543
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You could improve this immeasurably with one simple change. Substitute
>Too be continued
>The end

>> No.18849561
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>> No.18850763

>Don Quixote donned more donkeys key to his Qi.
Go to hell

>> No.18850861

They named the paddy wagon after you
Chupa un mono