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[ERROR] No.18847367 [Reply] [Original]

I'm tired of being made fun for being an atheist. Being an atheist used to be based, but it has become cringe. Times changed, and I will change with them.

If I read this book in Latin will I find God?

>> No.18847608

start with the greeks

>> No.18847616

God was with you the entire time.

>> No.18847666

Start with Catechism

>> No.18847680

You're such a faggot. You loved when you were the one making fun. Grow a pair.

>> No.18847708

Make sure you read the clementine version. The stuttgart vulgate is unreadable.

>> No.18847719
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>You loved when you were the one making fun.

>> No.18847723

Is Nova Vulgata not ok?

>> No.18847724

you won't
learn Hebrew
learn Aramaic
learn Greek
invent a conlang
translate the bible in your conlang
[divine inspiration module loaded]
now you know God first hand

>> No.18847750

Kind of a cringe thread but you should of course read the bible in both greek and latin.

>> No.18847766

Kind of a cringe response. You can't read either.

>> No.18847768

It's a modern translation from Hebrew and Greek.

>> No.18847777

I hate larpers who want to be "based" in current year so bad they actually change their ideology so radically as to become atheist and then traditional theist. Screw you people. Be authentic for once.

>> No.18847826
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>> No.18847860

God doesn't exist and you can't meme your way into believing that he does.

>> No.18847909

Look, you don't need to read it in latin. You can read it in your native language. But don't forget to pray a lot asking for God to let you find him, be certain that He will listen to you. I hope that you can really find God and be with Him for eternity. God bless you.

>> No.18847922

Christians don't have a sacred language. Read it in whatever.

>> No.18848364

I doubt that the bible alone can make anyone a believer.
I think that if I were to condition myself into a believer in God, I'd start with some works solely focused on theism.
I'd recommend this two books:
The Experience of God: Being, Consciousness, Bliss by David Bentley Hart;
Five Proofs of the Existence of God
by Edward Feser.

Also, here is a good channel by a math guy who explains theism:

>> No.18848439

>doesn't keep up with the times
>doesn't live through the spirit of history
>holds to one ideology like a brainlet dogmatic
>doesn't explore the spiritual spaces as they reveal themselves through the blooming of the world
>doesn't harmonise with the world spirit
That's pretty cringe bro

>> No.18848449

Read meditations of tarot, the zohar and treatise on the Reintegration of Beings along with it

>> No.18848462


>> No.18848763

Trad Caths have been cringe for years, you already missed that boat. Maybe you can try trad-Presbyterian Reformed or Smarta Hindu for extra meme value with untapped markets in online shitposting.

>> No.18848782

Sorry to bring this up to you, but I became agnostic precisely after reading the Bible.