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[ERROR] No.18839626 [Reply] [Original]

So I was vaccinated (economically coerced) and I'm expecting to die in 5 years. What are some books to help me prepare for the afterlife. I'm okay with death. (((They))) might have corrupted my body but (((they))) will never corrupt my soul.

>> No.18839631

The vaccine is safe, don't listen to /pol/

>> No.18839632

>le mark of the beast means nothing!
Sure it doesn’t, you still have a soul buddy retard

>> No.18839643

I vaccinated today as well.

We're going to be fine friend :)

>> No.18839645

I've been vaccinated


>> No.18839648

same bumping this thread for my vax bro, we're all gona make it bros(in the next life ofc)

>> No.18839652

Social Security Numbers were the mark of the beast dumbfuck

>> No.18839659
File: 259 KB, 804x1335, Screenshot_20210813-192632_Samsung Internet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon CBD gives you immunity to covid.

>> No.18839672

why do potheads believe weed can cure everything

>> No.18839678

CBD isn't pot. It doesn't get you high. You vape it.

>> No.18839679

I took my first shot of estrogen today :) soon I will be cured of toxic masculinity

>> No.18839688

There's probably tons of books about craven normie fucks who betray their ideals for some shallow material reward and end up paying the price. That said, I don't think the vaccine is a problem... but you, thinking your very soul is at stake and yet caving anyway...? God will surely punish you for the cowardice of the act, not the act itself.

>> No.18839691

Lol. Tell us more

>> No.18839694

>(((they))) will never corrupt my soul
This """vaccine""" is exactly intended to corrupt your soul. I'm sorry for you bro.

>> No.18839710

Nicotine also inhibits the replication process and those studies have been replicated and peer reviewed.

>> No.18839752

>CBD isn't pot. It doesn't get you high. You vape it.
and heroin isn't a drug because you inject it. I am beyond tired of you drug losers pushing your drugs onto everyone.

>> No.18839851
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I'm not on either side, but I'd be curious to no where you draw the line between drugs and say food. Do you say drink green tea but not black tea? You never take vitamins or supplements, aspirin? Please don't tell us your such a cunting NPC your rubric is "whatever the government tells me is ok"...

>> No.18839879

People scared of dying of the vaccine are the biggest faggots I've seen. This isnt a matter who's right or wrong, you're just a pussy

Okay? Literally the entire world will take the vaccine so its better to be extinct than live in a post-apocalyptic world
Also the vaccine wont fucking kill you, stop listening to /pol/ and anglos

>> No.18839890

Cant you say the same thing about the virus

>> No.18839895

How can the soul be corrupted if it's a non-contingent existent?

>> No.18839906

Are you talking about the fear of the virus? Confidence should be based on reason and not on absolutes. I believe the virus is more dangerous than the vaccine, therefore the fear of the vaccine requires courage and the fear of the virus must be discardes, since it doesnt conform to reason

>> No.18839919

>It’s a not drug, dude. What you have to do is take the plant and then put it through a chemical process to extract the a specific compound and then you have to super-heat it and inhale the vapor to get a certain effect. Does that sound like something a drug user would do to you?!

>> No.18839932

They're both clearly not very dangerous

>> No.18839939

Not saying they are, just creating a comparison. 1,001 is still a bigger number than 1 even if the difference is slight

>> No.18839940

Don't be a retard, /pol/


>> No.18839951

>I believe the virus is more dangerous than the vaccine
Because you are a retard or a coward that caved in to the peer pressure of taking the vaccine even though your ancestral blood shouts through you that it is poisonous. Or you're just a NPC that reads too much CNN. Either way, cope, seethe and dilate, tranny

>> No.18839959

I actually read the original publications and have both parents who are doctors so I can discuss the papers with them
You obviously are trapped in the twitter hive-mind and if you're american then your opinion is automatically discarded. You people over there are too poisoned by propaganda

>> No.18839973

Getting high is the only good thing about weed.

>> No.18839988

Would you annoying fags all just die already?

>> No.18839991

And yet at least 3 people in this thread have taken the "vaccine".

>> No.18840029
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Just 60 times worse than standard vaccines, and that's not counting the need for (at least) yearly reinjections which will be worse. But you know needing an injection twice a year to fight this type of virus with vaccinal methods (for a disappointing efficiency) was a conspiracy theory just two weeks ago. It will be a wild ride. Hang on vaxbros. If they do mandate it for some reason here I migth take it, but I won't forget.

>and anglos
For whatever reason Anglos are the ones most dedicated to terrible measures, with France sort of latching (but facing more opposition there). Most of the third world is shill, second world too. Nordic countries are repealing the last corona related measures next month (they're only half vaccinated and don't give a fuck anymore) and they were not followed anyway.

>> No.18840059

So in 5 years time when nothing happens what are all you guys gonna say? I knew a guy back when Obama was president who was convinced that at the end of his 2nd term he'd declare martial law and install himself as dictator. None of this evil nwo conspiracy shit ever happens, it's all just a distraction.

>> No.18840061

>People scared of dying of the vaccine are the biggest faggots I've seen. This isnt a matter who's right or wrong, you're just a pussy
Yeah all the people(except one or two who actually believe the virus is a conspiracy) I know who don't take it are giant pussies

>> No.18840132

They are implementing coercive tactics as "incentives" to take it, in addition to social pressure. Besides, it is suppose to protect from the very scary disease. If anything, not taking the vax would be a sign of not being a pussy.
The question should be directed at you. Did you take it because you were afraid of covid (legitimate if you're old or morbidly obese I guess), afraid of losing your job, afraid of not conforming to the group, or afraid of not being allowed to go on holidays?

>> No.18840149

>ancestral blood
rich coming from an inbred mutt

>> No.18840159

>this is already the norm for things like the flu, or any overseas travel
>you've been jacked up on vaccines since the day you were born anyways
im just so happy you people have chosen to tale yourselves out.

>> No.18840168

>But you know needing an injection twice a year to fight this type of virus with vaccinal methods (for a disappointing efficiency) was a conspiracy theory just two weeks ago
This has been seriously proposed as a likely scenario since the very beginning of the pandemic, considering the nature of this class of viruses. Please unplug and touch grass.

>> No.18840169

>inbred mutt
that's an oxymoron

>> No.18840170
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take that thread to /his/


>> No.18840177

>coercive tactics
oh no im being bullied into accepting $100!! My hands are tied! What a horrible situation to be in!

>> No.18840187

an amerimutt

>> No.18840296

Herd immunity through vaccination is more effective than herd immunity through infection but it only works once 90% of the population is vaccinated. That's why they are offering incentives to rush the process.
It's also perfectly rational to be more afraid of the Chinese virus than the vaccine. The former can damage your respiratory system and possibly cause death, the later has been proven to be safe and effective against said virus.

>> No.18840311

I took it because I don't want to spread disease you fucking retard

>> No.18840338

You’re a deceitful faggot, you know just as much as anyone else that corporations and the government are working together to leverage people’s freedom of movement and income to take the vax.

>> No.18840342

Some recommendations for you, anon:

Holy Bible
Myth of Sisyphus
Young Men and Fire
Song of the Open Road
Never Let Me Go

>> No.18840387

I took it so that I had an excuse to celebrate Easter at my village(it was forbidden otherwise), hardly a choice made out of fear, not that you don't have a point

>> No.18840445

>the later has been proven to be safe and effective against said virus.
A vaccine needs about six years to be tested, therefor ut cant be safe.

No young and healthy people are dying in large numbers, so the disease is safe too me.

>> No.18840451

I don't think it will kill people but it will sterilize them for sure.

>> No.18840455

It is suspicious that you arent allowed to sue the companies

>> No.18840463

>in addition to social pressure.
you people are seriously incapable of seeing nuance in anything. Just bc social pressure exists doesnt mean its a fucking lizard conspiracy faggot. Don't you think the decision you've made not to take the vaccine has been influenced by the social pressure of your peers? It's impossible to be separate from such a thing.

>> No.18840490

> bc social pressure exists doesnt mean its a fucking lizard conspiracy faggot.
t. Iguana

>> No.18840502

Same kek

>> No.18840504
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Jab him again; his soul is still dancing

>> No.18840512
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>> No.18840537

You are not going to die of the vaccine, relax and spend less time on /pol/.

That being said, you will die someday. Look at it this way, you could get hit by lightning right now, and that’d be it. So life is not a guarantee, and it’s important to enjoy what time you do have in this world.

>> No.18840654
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I didn't take it to make a point of how little I care about the society I belong to.
I also didn't take it because the vaccine 'incentives' outline perfectly the nature of 'freedom' we're supposed to be enjoying in this society.
You are free to make the choice of taking or not taking the vaccine, but if your free choice is to pass on it, you will first be told every single day about why you should totally get it.
If you persist then you'll be given a free doughnut, a free theater ticker or a hundred bucks to change your mind.
If that doesn't work then they'll up the fearmongering a bit; stories of sick people whose last breath was "I wish I had taken the vaccine", studies about "long Covid", young and fit athletes who got wrecked by the virus, people who'd be alright if only they had gotten the jab.
When that still doesn't work they'll try to get the majority of useful idiots to ostracize you, "Pandemic of the Unvaccinated", the "plague of Deniers", the "people who won't let us go forward" etc.
Last stage is when your 'free' choice is still 'free', but the counter-measures and counter-incentives are aimed to completely isolate you from most of financial or social activity. "Get jabbed or you won't be able to enter a university, keep your job, buy from the grocery store" and so on.
At this point I don't even believe there's anything wrong with any of the vaccines. I'd wager that even the russian and chinese ones are perfectly safe.
Me not getting it is a matter of principle. I won't budge to the fearmongering and inane propaganda. It's mortifying and ridiculous/

>> No.18840662

I've seen countless things theorized as absolutely going to happen on /pol/ and /x/ which never do. It works like clockwork. Someone appears on the board who claims to be an insider or have knowledge from an insider that something will "drop" by a specific date given. Then nothing happens and no one says anything

>> No.18840673
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>everyone else is jumping off a cliff, you should too

>> No.18840676

>assuming I'm a mutt
I'm a purebred swede and Odin communicates to me saying experimental vaccines are a shit risk to take when my mind body and soul are in prime shape to ward off a "virus" as deadly as a common flu. You assuming only dogmatic conspiracy theorist amerimutts are sceptical to the vax is an indicator of your mental capacities.
Seriously. The virus is fucking nothing to healthy people and its effects have been studied for over a year. Injecting yourself with an experimental vaccine is fucking retarded, however "educated" you think you are about it. You fear covid that much? Literally only a result of cowardice and fear of life.

>> No.18840680

welcome to Alabama

>> No.18840715
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>everyone else is jumping off a cliff, I should too

>> No.18840729

You sound like an absolute idiot.

>I also didn't take it because the vaccine 'incentives' outline perfectly the nature of 'freedom' we're supposed to be enjoying in this society.
This is the most uniformed understanding of freedom possible. Freedom doesn't mean you get to do whatever the fuck you want. You belong to a community and there are expectations placed upon you for living here beyond existing independently. The problem isn't a lack of freedom, it's a lack of liberty. As in, freedom from the faggot tyranny of schizos like you.

Most of covid cases in America are because of the minor number of States with retarded leadership that denied the virus at all. Every day of this shitshow I've seen faggots like you claim something and then immediately switch the goalposts when something else happened to prove their flimsy narrative incorrect. Fucking look at what it did to India. People are not "fearmongering" they're just genuinely afraid because we all want to resume life as normal but we are forced to tolerate inbreds like you who act like stubborn children.
You've already been vaccinated for numerous other things, many of which are required to be taken as boosters. If these government bodies were really as nefarious as you're suggesting, and they really wanted to get something into your body, there are numerous other ways that they could do so that you're fucking larping on anime boards wouldn't be able to avoid.
It's even more likely to assume you've be radicalized by feds on boards to keep you in this horrible state of mind.
You're worried the vaccine would do something bad to you but you've already been totally ruined by 4chan.

>> No.18840735


>> No.18840744

>even though your ancestral blood shouts through you that it is poisonous
i'd expect to hear this in rwanda not america. do /pol/tards really think they are being "trad" when they say irrational nonsense like this?

>> No.18840750
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Can't wait until September so I can taunt /pol/tards with pic related

>> No.18840755

This is massive cope for succumbing to the herd mentality and establishments wishes. Those who don't want covid will take the vaxx, therefore your spreading of the virus will only be to those who are okay with the fact they can get it.

Covid is a fucking scam. In Sweden people have not given a fuck about it (there was NO point of the pandemic where more than 10% of the population in the biggest city even wore masks. Furthermore our restrictions were super mild. People have basically been living normally and not giving a fuck, and our Covid death count this year relative to the average deaths-per-year statistics are pretty much the same as it usually is, despite having no real lock-down or mask-wearing. You mutts are all just insufferable faggots living in fear and causing sickness by your shitty food, unhealthy living and religious belief in what the media says

>> No.18840770

There was literally no need to even lock down in the first place kek. If the government had just not talked about covid nobody would even have realized it was happening outside noticing a bad flu season lmao

>> No.18840771
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>vaccinated people go on living as usual
>anti-vaxxers die
natural selection at its usual
please don't take the vaccine, retards

>> No.18840781

Feels good living in Western Australia where we locked down immediately and eliminated community transmission and have lived normally for the past 1.5 years not even wearing masks LMAO I laugh at fucking mutts and britbongs.

>> No.18840788

try harder faggot

>> No.18840796

This thread is proof reading a bunch of books doesn't make you smart about life. /lit/s takes on the vax are comparable to lebbit

>> No.18840810

what, even you, :3? why?

>> No.18840814
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Imagine being this oblivious to what happens around you.
>As in, freedom from the faggot tyranny of schizos like you.
Look up tyranny in a dictionary, you mongoloid.

>Every day of this shitshow I've seen faggots like you claim something and then immediately switch the goalposts
Yes, like...
>No need to worries friends, go hug someone in chinatown
>No need for masks, it don't do nothing
>No need to close the border folks, all is well
>Don't take the Trump vaccine folks, it's a hoax
>The covid vax will stop infection!
>The covid vax will have next to no side effects!

>If these government bodies were really as nefarious as you're suggesting, and they really wanted to get something into your body
I don't think they're nefarious, they're simply incompetent.

>People are not "fearmongering"
Next you'll tell me the news stations don't care about viewership and just want the capital t Truth.

>You're worried the vaccine would do something bad to you but you've already been totally ruined by 4chan.
This is true.

btw, I'm double vaxxed, but you fuckers are so unaware it's scary. This thread is probably FED endorsed to reach out to the NEET book-posters.

>> No.18840821

>be american
>circumcision is freedom
>vaccination is tyranny

>> No.18840828


Barbarian Days: A Surfing Life

>> No.18840853

>muh empiricism
Imagine thinking science is not an interpretation of our intuition. You will always remain a slave thinking this

>> No.18840877

my intuition tells me you're a retarded faggot

>> No.18840925

I don't think any of those strawmen you presented beyond the last 2. You're so insulated by 4chan that you only perceive people as you've been told to by your friends, sounds like brain washing to me.
And fucking Trump didnt even close the border lmao. He cut off international flights to China for some reason only for US citizens, and thousands and thousands of people kept coming through spreading the virus. He couldn't even do the one thing people voted him in for, that is, """close borders.""" And then at every daily press conference he lied and kept repeating this stupid half-measure of keeping us closed off as if it were something more than what could be clearly seen with a single google search. You're brainwashed faggot. You're either going to ignore my post or respond to me with more strawmanning

>> No.18841002
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What the fuck are you on about? You're just reinforcing my point about politicians being impotent pricks. The inability to implement useful measures in a timely manner whilst prioritizing political gain and appealing to their constituency is exactly my point. They're the idiots who keep moving the goalposts without ever attaining a useful goal. The half-measures you mentioned are still a reality, and the vaccine is one of them. "Oh, if we don't get 70%, wait no 80%, wait no 90% vaccination then we will just be variant factories and won't be able to go to McDonalds for another winter!" If your solution rests on vaccinating near 100% of the population, your solution is bound to fail. You're the brainwashed faggot for not having an ounce of critical thinking and giving your anus up to the highest pharmaceutical bidder. The same companies who have been called out for fraud and other illegal activity countless times. Get a grip, take the nip, and stop being so homosexual about it.

>> No.18841062

All I imagine behind your eyes is a dulled spirit, danked into submission. Your soul screams for liberation, yet you suppress your divine spirit through years of letting others think for you - your entire life being dictated about what others expect from you. Your breathing from the mouth is shallow and irregular, your jaw constantly tense from all the mental gymnastics you do in order to justify the life choices that have led you to your dogmatic beliefs. From the outside, all that is seen in your eyes is a fluoride stare. You have become a bug person, the same people swore to never become.

>> No.18841094

What? It is precisely because I am not a dogmatist that I find your dollar store brand of irrationalism vain and tiresome. I would advise starting with the Greeks.

>> No.18841166

>If your solution rests on vaccinating near 100% of the population, your solution is bound to fail.
Faggot what else would you propose? Like I said India got fucked by doing what many people suggested, ie ignoring it. Herd immunity is a myth too.

>> No.18841184
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>You're either going to ignore my post or respond to me with more strawmanning
Those self fulfilling prophecies anon, nice.

>> No.18841199

If herd immunity is a myth then it won't matter how many people we vaccinate, you are obviously aware that this virus can use animals as hosts? Have you forgotten it's totally real origin story?

>> No.18841208

You're no superman. You're not even a bridge.