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[ERROR] No.18828490 [Reply] [Original]

Bros, I'm not poor, I can afford this and more, but is there really no cheaper option? And no, I'm never going digital, I like physical books too much to read off a screen, and my eyes are sensitive to it anyway.

>> No.18828505

Buy used. I'd be best if there was a bookstore in your vicinity that sells used books (but be careful, many modern book stores are ultra leftist etablissements).

>> No.18828507

abebooks and libgen, and why bother buying all those books when you're gonna find 1000 more that you want to read in the meanwhile, and those would take you like 2 years anyway

>> No.18828532

>I like physical books too much to read off a screen, and my eyes are sensitive to it anyway.
An e-ink screen is no different to physical paper you idiot. You can get all of that for $0 right now.

>> No.18828550

an ereader with good backlight regulation is easier on the eyes than regular paper without backlight

>> No.18828562

>my eyes are sensitive to it anyway
your eyes aren't sensitive to it because an e-ink screen does not emit light like an lcd screen does (i.e., isn't using power unless the screen is changing) unless you're using the backlighting, which is totally optional (and you can make it almost arbitrarily dim so even in a dark room with backlighting your eyes won't strain).

for the price of aristotle's complete works you can get a waterproof kindle that can get every book you could ever want to buy for free and probably last a decade or more.

NOT to mention huge fucking books like plato's complete works would be a pain in the ass to read anywhere but at a desk. ereader you can read while pacing around the room or in bed or hanging like a bat on playground handlebars

>> No.18828571

Don't buy complete works, they're always bulky and shitty quality with tiny print. Not worth the money.

>> No.18828630

From what I'm finding on amazon, at least for these books, used are actually more expensive than new, sometimes by ridiculous margins like 2x, I checked. I don't mind getting used books.
Thanks, I'll check abebooks. I don't mind having a large library to trudge through, that's the point for me anyway, to fill my library with books I've yet to read, it keeps the entertainment and discovery going.
Sorry guys, I'm a huge stickler about this point, I won't ever switch to digital, even if it's that much cheaper. It's not just the e-light, there are factors that make me prefer physical books, and I won't trade them off for a lower price.
Is it really that bad? I had those versions recommended to me several times, both on /lit/ and IRL.

>> No.18828662

>I won't ever switch to digital
i have plenty of books but i also eread because plenty of books are hard to get, or the popular editions suck, or not worth buying and you just want to get a bunch and sample them, or (very) quickly find a quotation using a word search. it's so much more efficient and any time i've had a personal hangup like this it's always been for nothing. if you read enough you will realize how much more you have to read and what that means, you will only care about reading more efficiently. &i only buy books that i want to physically own, which is a fraction of the books i read (because you really don't know what you like until you read it)
>Thanks, I'll check abebooks.
thats where i get all my physical books. much cheaper than amazon but it might be because im in bongland

>> No.18828668

>I won't ever switch to digital, even if it's that much cheaper
You're entitled to your preferences, just as a homosexual is entitled to take dick up his ass.

>> No.18828689

Beggars can't be choosers. Maybe, you like physical books a lot better, but ebooks are much cheaper, usually free. If you can't afford the books or find them at a library, then your only option, other than not reading them, is digital.

>> No.18828696

>(but be careful, many modern book stores are ultra leftist etablissements).

>> No.18828955

You all bring up fair points, but look, I'm a huge autist, I've tried digital readers, and it's just not the same. Traditional books please my monkey brain greatly. When I scroll through a tablet I sometimes try to grab the screen instinctively as if it was a physical page, and I blink. Scrolling and reading feels absolutely godfuckingawful for me, like there's something wrong, and it gnaws at the back of my neck. Grabbing pages and flipping through them though? Dopamine release.

And like I said, it's not that I can't afford them, but it wouldn't hurt to save a little bit. Checking abebooks now.

>> No.18828961

This dude>>18828505 gave the only advice that is not "go digital bro", and you still haven't considered him
Not that guy btw

>> No.18828962

Your local library

>> No.18828975

I have though, and I responded to him, but as I mentioned, amazon has this weird thing where books are often cheaper new compared to used.

>> No.18829060

>amazon has this weird thing where books are often cheaper new compared to used.
Don't use amazon. Go to physical places. Personally I love 2nd handbook stores but they often have a scam mentality, the best are GENERIC 2nd hand stores, those who sell also furniture, clothes, and random stuff. Hundreds and hundreds of books for 1-2-3 euros, sometimes LESS than one euro.

I have an hardcover 400 pages Leonardo biography that I payed 50 cents. The Immoralist, 0.19 euros (!), but this is definitely the cheapest book I've ever bought.

BUT, on top of that, there are lots of ways to get free books.
My library sometimes leave them on a table free to take instead of throwing them away.
Bookcrossing points in many bars/public places (less now compared to a couple years ago though).
There's a refugee/asylum seeker association in my area that recycle books - free to take. Not ever "up to you offer". Just free.

Sure, if you already have a list and want specific books, these are probably not your first choices. Still, you can get LOTS of interesting stuff. Why the fuck would I pay 10-20-50 bucks for a book that was never copyrighted in the first place, while also cutting trees for that? Makes no sense.

>> No.18829092

If you wanted to buy 18 books, you could've bought 18 Wordsworth's new for about 40 bucks rather than all that you've wasted on meme crap.

>> No.18829118

Going off your other selections, there is a high probability that you will not pursue the greeks. Start small with them before just buying all that, see if it is actually something you are interested in or just something you like the idea of. Just saved you $200. Also, the greeks are a dime a dozen in used book stores.

>> No.18829122

First off, why are you buying that many at once? By the time you read five of them you might want to read something different. Even if it’s because you’re independently studying something, you may decide you need other sources having read the first batch.

Second off, identify the ones you are likely to find used and start regularly hitting used bookstores. Underground shows up pretty often in the used stores around here.

I only buy online for very specific authors I can’t seem to find in used stores, like minor work by movement surrealists etc...

>> No.18829305

OP I would suggest thriftbooks. Pretty good selection and cheap. Otherwise check goodwill, ebay, and amazon.

>> No.18829322

The Complete Works of Plato is indeed bulky but is good quality with good translations (I've seen it used by Phd students and recommended a few times) Hackett is also a well respected publisher with philsophy so you should be good. I know The Complete Works of Aristotle is also a good translation (Oxford) but don't know about the quality of the paper/text size, once again I've seen recommended by Phd students so assume it's decent.

Other anon is probably right about avoiding complete works in most situations though just happens these ones are exceptions.

If you're just starting philosophy there is a helpful guide made by some anons you can find here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1y8_RRaZW5X3xwztjZ4p0XeRplqebYwpmuNNpaN_TkgM/edit

>> No.18829346

>a book of works written 2400 years ago costs 60 dollars
lmao what the fuck

>> No.18829417

A printer and a sewing kit (if they must be bound) will save you thousands of dollars on public domain books.

A pair of sunglasses and a good attitude will fix your eye problem.

>> No.18830300

its called a fucking library and interlibrary loan you hoarder idiot

>> No.18830387

>From what I'm finding on amazon, at least for these books, used are actually more expensive than new, sometimes by ridiculous margins like 2x, I checked. I don't mind getting used books.

Search harder. Utilize filter tools on search bars. If you find a book on abebooks, try to find if that seller has a website or ebay profile page, the books might be cheaper on there (I’ve had this happen many times.) Utilize sales and coupon codes.

>> No.18830442
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>> No.18830497

1. Don't read shitty meme books you exclusively hear about online.
2. Buy books at the same pace you read them. Finish your backlog before buying more.
3. Used bookstores.

>> No.18830543

Luke is that you

>> No.18830575

Bookfinder has the cheapest prices

>> No.18830702

Go to the library

>> No.18830759

It's caused by pricing algorithms, and they're usually designed to make lots of money when amazon is out of stock.
Where I am some thrift stores have books and they have a good selection because the 'good' books sell out less fast so they accumulate into a decent selection for less than $1 each usually.

>> No.18830777

more money than sense

>> No.18830787

Also thriftbooks isn’t owned by Amazon, but Abe books is

>> No.18830860

>there are factors that make me prefer physical books
it's the aesthetic, we know you're a faggot

>> No.18831077

Don't buy them all at once, buy like 3-4 then finish them before you get more. It may not BE cheaper but it'll feel cheaper.

>> No.18832195

This isn't your blog you stupid bitch. You can't cry that real books cost too much, but only read physical books.

>> No.18832324

This but be careful with what you take home. I've heard stories of people getting bedbugs from used books.

>> No.18832340
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download the pdf and print them.

>> No.18833070

Graham for presocratics retard