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/lit/ - Literature

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[ERROR] No.18813416 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.18813434

Jonathan Carroll. He wrote a lot of batshit crazy stories & horrors (most famous the land of laughs) is also a pit momy

>> No.18813452


>> No.18813741

Václav Havel
He actually was spy

>> No.18813802

Because /lit/ doesn’t read anything outside of Europe or North America that isn’t Russian or Japanese, and the fact that he’s a neoliberal causes all the overly online communists and fascists here to sperg out and go back to reading Schmitt or Trotsky or whatever

>> No.18814171


>> No.18814185

he wasn't, just a useful idiot

>> No.18814242

what's up with his obsession with "Tirant lo Blanch"?

>> No.18815176

Pat Conroy. Gay guy at work got me into him

>> No.18815201

The few hispanics here seem to be leftists. They all, all leftists, hated Llosa in my university.

>> No.18815259

Llosa used to be fairly leftist but had a falling out with Garica Marquez. Now he's just a rich reactionary dickhead

>> No.18815680

antoine de saint-exupéry. pretty cool guy.
and theodor fontane.

>> No.18815691

german expressionists

>> No.18815695

>antoine de saint-exupéry
Flight to Arras was unexpected kino from a random charity shop find. Like a more mature Camus. Are his other adult works of similar quality?

>> No.18815702

Naguib Mahfouz & Adonis

>> No.18815718

i can recommend terre des hommes (wind, sand, and stars in english). very good book.

>> No.18815733

mikhail naimy and khalil gibran.

>> No.18815771
File: 63 KB, 407x600, coignet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in all the napoleon/war /lit/ threads coignet has never been mentioned, only on /pol/ and /tg/ according to archives.


>> No.18815800

correction: /int/ and /his/ have also been coignetpilled

>> No.18815813

me :(

>> No.18816196
File: 32 KB, 465x262, sebald.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm kinda disappointed that /lit/ never talks about Sebald. He might not be highbrow enough for here, but he does a bang on job of bringing together the bliss and dread of the lonely traveller type.

>> No.18816215

I like him but
>muh jews
assures he will never be a meme here.

>> No.18816261

my former-guerrilla-member-current-university-professor uncle says that he "tried really hard, but 'unfortunately' cannot dislike Vargas Llosa"

>> No.18816277


>> No.18816291

he's way more than muh jews though
read his work properly ffs before you judge him

>> No.18816298

you mean like?

>> No.18816303

one of the best to do it, srs

>> No.18816306

literally any non-american contemporary author

>> No.18816325
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>> No.18816334

No. He told me a few years ago that he hadn't read a Vargas Llosa's book for decades due to "political disagreements", but recently he was asked to read something by him (I forgot which book) and "unfortunately the fucker is still a damn good writer".

>> No.18816339

I think it was a reluctant admission of respect.

>> No.18816344

yeah, I see what you mean. Even though I personally think his work is great, he'll just be memed to death here because of the whole nazi hatred thing.
>inb4 10-page single sentence on the horrors of Theresienstadt

Still, I'm stoked to see that at least two anons here know about him in the first place.

>> No.18816375

Llosa always was dishonest.
In an interview where he discussed about The War of the End of the World, he said Brazilians hated it because he isn't Brazilian. From what I saw, most critics liked the book and those who disliked it complained about how he presented one the real characters.

>> No.18816473

Llosa is a cunt and his politics are horrible, but no one who actually cares about literature can deny his worth.

>> No.18816576
File: 159 KB, 1149x1600, 1628547440453.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Albert Caraco

Writer and pessimistic philosopher who killed himself after the death of his father. Was shut in who absolutely hated life and everyone, he was similar to Cioran, except far darker.

Wrote a book about his mother who was also a philosopher that was dying to an illness, in the book he shared the hate/love relationship with his mother and his misery.

His book that was published after his suicide, Bréviaire du chaos, has his pessimistic/misantrophic view of the world and is considered one of his best works.

His works are written in French, and he doesn't have many translations, which is why he doesn't get posted very often here. Sad because his books could have been a /lit/ classic.

"The preservation of a beautiful chair is more important to me than the existence of several bipeds with an articulate voice" (Albert Caraco)

>> No.18816998
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>> No.18817012
File: 173 KB, 1000x921, Camilo-Jose-Cela.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Incredible writer, surprised he isn't a meme here.

>> No.18817190

Gottfried Benn, Georg Takl (he's only talked in relation to Heidegger)

>> No.18817200

Did the gay guy at work also get into you?

>> No.18817224

Plenty of Latin American stuff, plenty of Middle Eastern and Hindu stuff, plenty of Chinese stuff. The only literature that’s not discussed on /lit/ is African.

>> No.18817284

I only see him on /hisp/ threads
I loved La ciudad y los perros, what should I read next?

>> No.18817409


>> No.18817443

conversation in the cathedral was literally about me. in praise of the stepmother sucked ass. want to read more

>> No.18817517

"La casa verde" or "Conversacion en la Catedral"

>> No.18817537

The War of the End of the World is my favorite.

t. Anglophone /his/fag

Also one thing I really admire about Vargas Llosa is that every book tries something different with style and structure. Reminds me of Faulkner. Makes book quality more subjective though.

>> No.18817540

Yeah he's great. Love his pensive style.

>> No.18817551

Have you read the book by Euclides da Cunha? Most people get filtered by the first 120 pages of geological autism.