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File: 74 KB, 712x615, Lonely+males+vs+females+big2hey+im+just+trying+to+grow_f42d85_5735223.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
[ERROR] No.18808522 [Reply] [Original]

Books that expound this rapidly growing phenomenon?

>> No.18808527
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>> No.18808531
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>> No.18808533

The Manipulated Man, Esther Vilar

>> No.18808541

The Bible.

>> No.18808545

Celibate men are expendable, surplus, an accursed share even, of the sex ratio.

>> No.18808547

that image is based on fiction

>> No.18808550

>aaaaa why can't I be an effeminate retard like all women?
No one expects shit from women. You must stop being a sissy.

>> No.18808583

Actually if he really wants to crash the system he should read Raymond's The Transexual Empire and transition as an act of t****rism against women's liberation.

>> No.18808588

Cut your dick off, you'll instantly be recognised as a woman and you'll get all of these (perceived) advantages you crave so much. Half of trannies are ex-incels that had enough anyway.

>> No.18808609

Where is the full image

>> No.18808611

This. A pinger panger is a skeleton key, a cooter is a keyhole.

>> No.18808615

Under Saturn’s shadow, it’s a Jungian psychology book that has personally helped me understand myself and the people around me at large

>> No.18808616

dude you are not a woman what do you expect

>> No.18808626


>> No.18808632

First time reading any excerpt from this and it is quite disappointing. Not the genius I had assumed he was out of Wittgenstein’s admiration for him. These are just stereotypes, they seem blatantly wrong and hardly justified.

>> No.18808649
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Found it, enjoy

>> No.18808658

it's toxic masculinity.

>> No.18808681

This is a little terrifying. I don’t like it

>> No.18808690
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>> No.18808698


>> No.18808718

disturbing amount of truth to this one

>> No.18808730

That was unexpected

>> No.18808735

that's actually a good idea formatting it like this, enjoyed it

>> No.18808744

Men, by virtue of being men, have less value to the group than women do.
Men gotta prove value.
Women, just by existing, are value.

If you even try to bring this up in a neutral way, most people will completely flip out. That you can't even talk about this is one of the most pernicious facts about gender in our society today.

>> No.18808748


>> No.18808750

That one is just insane. >>18808690
This one is more true but still very depressing imo.

>> No.18808752

"Wittgenstein added that if one were to add a negation sign before the whole of Sex and Character, one would have expressed an important truth."

Wittgenstein liked Weininger but not Sex and Character

>> No.18808764

Not the guy you asked, but most likely Evola.

>> No.18808771

Julius Evola, Eros and and mysterious love or whatever.

>> No.18808793

So instead of improving he just sits at his desk all day and tries to eDate, cringe. This fuckers need to do some self reflection, if you are a bottom of the barrel male nobody will notice you, just suck it up and go to the gym, get hobbies, get educated, a good job and find a good girl.

>> No.18808839

it's not a comic about dating, it's a comic about loneliness.

>> No.18808941

What is there to expound?

>growing phenomenon
Were you born yesterday?

>> No.18808954

The woman didn't have to improve a bit and yet she could land a lay every night, that's the point

>> No.18808960


>> No.18808963

I have never known a woman who fucks a stranger every day, or who wants to

>> No.18808967
File: 836 KB, 3264x2448, 3428A0FF-26F8-4E5F-B498-A75CA558C6A0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man, I remember how cringe Internet discussion about dating was around the early to mid 2010s, it was that point in time where feminists, MRA, PUA, MGTOW and /r9k/ all conflated to make the perfect cringestorm.
People could feel something was going very wrong but no one could quite put their finger on it since dating apps and hookup culture was still in its infancy, I remember when the “friendzone” and “Nice Guys” were topics of discussion, it fucked me up because I was still in HS when all this was happening, I became depressed for like 4-5 years because all this was happening to me and also I started browsing /pol/ and getting redpill around that time.
Nowadays discussion has become completely silenced on social media and a lot more nuanced here.
People don’t swallow the same bullshit, two faced advice and arguments from a decade ago, the culture is a lot more keen on cutting normalfags that try to pull that here down to size.

>> No.18808970

If you are such a shy introvert why do you want people to kiss your ass so badly

>> No.18808977

Unironically retarded, give me my time back. Kinda surprised all these replies for a dude weed schizo post

>> No.18808995

this is fucking awesome

>> No.18809006

and she stayed a depressed loser regardless of having sex. I know what the author wanted to say, but at the end of the day, sex won't make you happy.

>> No.18809059
File: 796 KB, 1595x1182, 10CF2DE4-0E9A-4E90-9CB5-3F269D3C0B72.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s a pardody of this >>18808690 type of comic.
I remember there was this comic about a “Nice Guy” complaining that his oneitis never noticed that he was in love and the girl responds that roasting him for playing JRPGs and reading philosophy instead of making a move and then the comic goes all schizo and he murders her.
He’s referring to Takuji Ichikawa, because the comic resembles his writing style(?)

>> No.18809076
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All the election tourist newfags this is the type of discussion we had back in the day.
Decade-old cringe.

>> No.18809091
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An xkcd classic

>> No.18809102

Simps and orbiters are the lowest form of humanity, just above women (who are fully subhuman)

>> No.18809108
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>> No.18809122

there is nothing wrong with this and it's how I got into the relationship I'm in now, and my last one. whenever I just went straight for showing interest, it never came to fruition. I was an incel for 23 years because of listening to stupid redpill bullshit like that.

it's legitimately the game you have to play if you're ugly. gotta force them to get to know you enough to find out you're funny/make them feel good when you're around with, and contrary to popular belief/blackpillers, some women aren't entirely interested in the physical.

>> No.18809127

does a more reddit midwit comic author exist?

>> No.18809154

>letting yourself be some whore's last pick
Wew lad, lots of self-respect you got there.

>> No.18809202

In the modern day the choices are literally this or the dating meme. We need to go back to courtship and arranged marriages.

>> No.18809206
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Alright virgins, listen up, because I'm about to tell you the fucking truth that you refuse to believe.

YOU are the reason you are a virgin. It's not society, it's not your looks, it's not your upbringing, it's not your genetics, it's not that women are entitled, it's not that you aren't a chad, it's YOUR CHOICES.

Look at your dad. Is he a chad? No? Then how did he get laid? What about your brothers/uncles/male cousins/co-workers/classmates ect. Are they all chads? Yet, 90% of them over the age of 16 aren't virgins.

>b-but I'm a 2/10 fat manlet, I could never get pussy

Bullshit. There is no such thing as a natural male 2/10. Any guy on earth can go up by up to 3 points if they work out, get muscles. and make decent money. YOU choose not to do these things or take steps in the direction of getting these things, which is why women don't notice you.

Which leads to the second point. You think you deserve a woman as attractive as the ones you see in the porn you jack off to 3 times a day. You don't even give women who are your fellow 4 or 3/10's a second glance.

>b-but I don't care about looks, I just want a girl who loves me. It's THEM that are shallow cunts who only want Chad!

Again, bullshit. You fucking nerds are so transparently shallow it's sickening. The reason I get laid and you don't isn't because I'm a chad and your not, it's because I fuck the pussy you think you're too good for.

>3/10 pussy
>fat pussy
>scrawny pussy
>old pussy
>roastie pussy
>stacy pussy

Doesn't matter. As you do nothing and await your pretend cartoon waifu to come to life, I'm slaying cunts that you subconsciously think you are above. That's why I get laid and you don't.

Man, I can't even stand listening to your pathetic whining when any single one of you could be getting laid if you just put in 1 year of actual effort and self-improvement. If you're 18 or older and still a virgin, you need to get your shit together or kill yourself, nerd.

>> No.18809218

People need to read Casanova. I feel like a lot of people on /lit/ could learn from him

>> No.18809246

Nice larp, didn’t read

>> No.18809293

He's right though

>> No.18809300

Let me play devil's advocate here.

Women have always played a powerful role in evolution. They are pretty much useless at anything else, but they are the selectors, they get to decide what genes get passed down. This is why female rejection stings so bad.

Women don't like shy introverted men. They like men with ambition, men with a strong wills and the ability to exert it to change his environment. The easy gratification provided by modern society (porn, videogames, internet) have allowed men to be more shy and introverted than ever before. This makes the duty of women MORE important. It is the top 20% or whatever, those who are able become men DESPITE the insanity of modern life, who deserve to procreate. This is just natural selection / eugenics. Of course it a damning reality to face if you happen to be a shy introverted male, but nature has always been cruel. Most members of the animal kingdom die in horrible ways before procreating. At least humans have porn and video games.

tldr women exist to motivate men to step up and be better. git gud

>> No.18809377

women rights was a mistake

>> No.18809383

There’s a few fallacies in your argument
>appeal to nature
Just because it’s natural doesn’t mean it’s good. In fact, letting women decide which genes get passed down has been disastrous.
>This is just natural selection / eugenics.
I don’t know if you’ve noticed by our society is incredibly dysgenic. Instead of breeding with me, a member of the high IQ intellectual caste, women choose casual flings with “Chads”. This is dysgenic because the union never results in a child, they almost always use protection during these escapades, as evidenced by the abysmal birth rates well below replacement rate in advanced socieities.
If they don’t choose “Chads” women tend to date melanin enriched blokes of a thuggish disposition, which is guaranteed to end in single motherhood with the father either in prison, disappeared or shot dead in a gang related incident.
Don’t absolve women women of responsibility, they too have to “step up” to solve the mess we’re in.

>> No.18809396

>What, women and men are different? NOOOOOOOOO!
Man up, faggot.

>> No.18809508

This isn’t lit this is 2011 /b/ fuck off with this bullshit, fuck man

>> No.18809514

>Just because it’s natural doesn’t mean it’s good. In fact, letting women decide which genes get passed down has been disastrous.
I don't mean to say anything is good or bad. A fish can lay millions of eggs in one go. By basic evolutionary logic, the vast, vast majority of its offspring will die before reproducing. Is it "good" that a fish genocide has to happen every one fish wants to pass on its genes? What a disaster!

>women choose casual flings with “Chads”
This is not my impression. This is how it plays out in my opinion: woman chooses Chad, Chad fucks and moves on, woman feels empty inside and feels used as a sexual object, wishes to find a good loyal man.

>Don’t absolve women women of responsibility, they too have to “step up” to solve the mess we’re in.
The state of women comes from the state of men. It is the role of men to create and to change culture. Women will follow.

>> No.18809516

>Books that expound this rapidly growing phenomenon?
How does it feel to be part of a "rapidly growing phenomenon?"
you should have read what this guy had to say:

>> No.18809803

I remember reading this or a similar passage in one of evola's other books and losing some respect for him for confusing the "Kali" in Kali Yuga ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kali_(demon) ) with the goddess Kali

>> No.18809868

This was also the author's point. How did you not get that? The good ending of the comic is the two find each other and settle down. How was that not obvious to you?

>> No.18809920


>> No.18809934

There is truth here, nice digits, defeated the sub human Semitic horde at Thermopylae

>> No.18809956

>Don’t absolve women women of responsibility
Women are children capable of only unhappiness and chaos if given free reign, hence the modern world

>> No.18809969

>The state of women comes from the state of men. It is the role of men to create and to change culture. Women will follow.
This is the answer you pathetic porn addicted, Jew trusting, nigger worshipping man-babies

>> No.18810187

Femanon here says no people don’t think shy is cute just cause you’re a girl. But please keep justifying your hatred for women who reject you for those micropenises

>> No.18810190

>Femanon here
Post proof or you're just a larper.

>> No.18810193

>growing phenomenon?
This has literally always been the case.

>> No.18810214

>you got a small dick? Lmao you deserve a shit life
Why are girls so vile, bros?

>> No.18810228

They've always been vicious hormonal beasts, the sexual liberation and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race.

>> No.18810229

my dick has been over twice the size of my last 3 e-boyfriends, sorry profligate

>> No.18810234

t. troon with fried brains who worships dick
If women gave a shit about dicks there would be no dykes

>> No.18810244

>women tries to win an argument by attacking dick size
Was freud right? Is penis envy real thing?

>> No.18810253

Not her, but I'm a biological girl

Six inches with good girth is fine, seven ideal, eight too much

Really, average dick with above average girth should please vast majority of girls

You're deluded if you think that size doesn't matter tho, girl won't commit to a five incher if she has better options

And no I'm not posting tits

>> No.18810275

Post teeth you heathen slag.

>> No.18810291

>you got a small dick? Lmao you deserve a shit life
Unironicall yes

>> No.18810296

What about feet?

>> No.18810298

Go on, a bit of tongue. Please

>> No.18810307

this has to be the stupidest stuff i've ever read and i've read fucking Paulo Coelho

>> No.18810319

Yea I remember those times. Thank god I was able to pull myself out of that shit. Things really do seem to be getting better.

>> No.18810324

post last taken pic on your phone and we'll be the judge if you hold any worthiness to post amongst scholars here

pretty sure you're a look at my face it's pretty insta thot

>> No.18810337


>> No.18810353


>> No.18810354

Vocaroo a fat I beg you

>> No.18810365
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OP is a faggot who will transition soon

>> No.18810425

Fucking KEK, we're being raided by reddit troons.

>> No.18810676


>> No.18810976

This hits too close to home.

>> No.18811095

This hits too close to home.

>> No.18811105

>i wish I was a girl
OP is a fag

>> No.18811129
File: 484 KB, 1920x1088, 542C6DB1-6D24-4B63-83F4-0527622B65A2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Books (because I’m on lit, right?) that expound this commonly cited myth?

>> No.18811134
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I fixed your pic it was missing an important piece of the puzzle

>> No.18811162

Not that I really care either way, but trust me, as a hot male, you still need to make the first move.

>> No.18811167

bottom left tile becomes the top right tile

>> No.18811171

as another hot male you dont really have to do shit because they will walk up to you to ask inane questions that you can then with minimumal effort do whatever you want to her

>> No.18811192

>you can then with minimumal effort do whatever you want to her
Yeah, this is the part that shy introverted autists struggle with. It's easier if you're a woman.
As I say, I don't care either way, but there isn't symmetry between hot males and women in this scenario.

>> No.18811197

k then do it retard lmao

>> No.18811199

I don't see why people think this is a problem. Men are not supposed to be shy because they are supposed to be pursuers. Pursuing of prey, success, partners, etc.

Women are supposed to be shy, that is a trait that men find attractive because it means that the woman is less likely to seek out companionship from other males.

>> No.18811216

women are supposed to be shy, except they are unbearable careerist hags who hold "women in x field" seminars for professions where they have been the majority for decades

>> No.18811223

Yeah well that is not the natural order of things but I get your point.

>> No.18811228


>> No.18811231

I see where you are coming from

>> No.18811244

It's the jews

>> No.18811257

>I was an incel for 23 years
You mean 23 years after hitting puberty right? So until some point in your 30s? If you mean you lost your virginity at 23 then you never even reached wizardhood.

>> No.18811674

What the fuck is courtship?

>> No.18811681

>Alright virgins, listen up, because I'm about to tell you the fucking truth that you refuse to believe.

>YOU are the reason you are a virgin
Stopped reading right there. Also,
>reddit spacing

>> No.18812097

Every woman can fuck a different man every day, 80% of women go for and have sex with the top 20% of men, it's that top 20% of men that gatekeep relationships until the woman is forced to settle down with someone who isn't in the top 20% (most women will cheat with a top 20% guy if she's given the opportunity to).
Women and Men have advantages depending of their sex or gender, this is why I will never feel any sympathy for women who get sexually harassed or raped, yes it's bad, but you already have many advantages in life.

>> No.18812101
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Based and Jocko-pilled

>> No.18812104

Nah, being woman must suck. I wouldn't feel like switching if I were given the choice and be born again.

>> No.18812109

Hm, I would maybe consider it, because pregnancy doesn't seem like there is anything similar to it in our experience, but everything else seems just shit.

>> No.18812113

>Nah, being woman must suck.
I agree, the only thing I envy from them is the ability to gain a sexual partner anywhere and anytime.

>> No.18812114

it is not about actually fucking a stranger each day. It is about the fact that they have the possiblity. It gives them an underdeserved feeling of worth and power, which again fuels their ego and arrogance and entitlement.

>> No.18812173

For me it's:
Non-existence > Hot girl >Hot guy > Ugly guy >Ugly girl

>> No.18812176

>Look at your dad. Is he a chad? No?
Stopped reading right there. My dad is a chad with 7 children between 3 wives.

He also abandoned me and my siblings so most of us are fucked up. I'm the only son, so my only father figure was my single mother (guess how that ended up).

My sisters are all drug addicts and criminals.

>> No.18812182

t. closeted depressed trans
4chan is messing with you, anon.

>> No.18812185

>single mother
Truth is the game was rigged from the start.

>> No.18812193

I just want to coast through as easy a life as possible, anything that helps me to such a goal is beneficial in my mind. Non-existence is simply the best way to have an easy 'life'.

>> No.18812207

Pretty women don't have it easy. If anything they probably have a hard time getting to higher education. You can probably find a partner easily, but if you are a retard, it will be hard to find anything better. You are probably better being a hot tranny and trying to gold dig some rich guy who has some fetish.

>> No.18812227

>If anything they probably have a hard time getting to higher education
Nice fucking bait mate. School system is literally designed for girls, not boys.

>> No.18812230

Yes, the ugly ones. The pretty ones get pregnant.

>> No.18812237

If you want to be a hot girl, it is because you feel like being someone's bitch. You are a man bitch.

>> No.18812316


>> No.18812324

Persians aren't Semites, anon

>> No.18812347
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>mfw find a girl who is actually interesting
>in a relationship already

>> No.18812394

Well I mean, that really makes sense

>> No.18812409

Get out of this board

>> No.18812462
File: 24 KB, 260x276, 260.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't know her relationship. Maybe he's a bad boyfriend. Maybe she's unhappy. Men make the mistake that they decide for the girl and just stop every advancement. You have to see her as your own already and then let her decide if she still wants her current boyfriend.

>> No.18812526


>> No.18812614

Having children has nothing to do with being financially successful, you brainwashed idiot.

>> No.18812629

disagree, you want a good upbringing for your kids? you're going to need fat stacks

>> No.18812638

That's a population control narrative, moron. And you fell for it.

>> No.18812656

how am i meant to pay for children with a shit job?
i'd probably kill myself

>> No.18812668

The only reason all the MRA, redpill, blackpill, PUA stuff died down was because the incel blackpill of looks being everything ended up being totally and undeniably correct.

>> No.18812681

I really don't know what I'm looking at, but I like it.

>> No.18812726

How do billions of poor people do it? Most people throughout history weren't wealthy and here you are, the descendant of those people.

>> No.18812831

Damn this is great

>> No.18812963

I'm dating someone I was just friends with for years. But then I never orbited. When we went out before dating it would be to do stuff with mutual friends so perhaps that's why.

>> No.18812970

this is true, and sad

>> No.18812991

It's hilarious looking back at those PUA meetups where a white guy in a polo lectured a bunch of balding, bean paste colored, manlets on how to sit up straight and not mumble.

>> No.18812995

incels were always correct about everything

>> No.18812998


>> No.18813013

top tier b8
Though to be honest, it doesn't take much to bait /lit/ these days. Everyone is just so frustrated.

>> No.18813073
File: 932 KB, 806x4999, 1453632176876.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminds me of this

>> No.18813137

It’s 2021 not 2001, everyone is free game unless you’re ugly (then even single girls aren’t).

>> No.18813153

This is so creative. It’s a shame we won’t see anything like this going forward.

>> No.18813529

"Its me, Eddie" by Eduard Limonov

>> No.18813540

There are plenty of people incapable of asserting themselves outside of one on one conversation.

>> No.18814097

How do you read this shit

>> No.18814202

>that image is based

>> No.18814249

That is unless you are going to a girl's only college.

>> No.18814270
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His memoirs are top tier kino it unironically made me try to emulate his style of carelessness and going with the flow lifestyle
La Dubois was best girl he fucked that one up hard

>> No.18814282

Wasn't he a good for nothing con-artist?

>> No.18814399

You need a book for this? It's very fucking simple. Women and men have fundamentally different biological responsibilities in evolution.

Introversion has nothing to do with it. Stoic and CAPABLE men get top-tier women as long as they put some effort into meeting women. "shyness" however is a total weak fucking vice that is in direct opposition of men's "capability" (building, creating, defending, improving etc.etc. family, society) which a woman looks for in a man. Yes men can be shy and still create cool shit, and if they do, and get a lot of money and status for it, society won't call the losers, so picrel is not relevant in those situations. On the other hand woman's important capabilities have very little to do with social skills since their social responsibility is breeding and keeping the house nice and clean.

It's literally always been like this, how is this phenomenon new or growing?

>> No.18814469


Based hogslaying loser poster

>> No.18814473

And that is why if I ever have a daughter she either transitions or gets disowned.

>> No.18814479

>>18814399 much

"Shyness" means you've failed to entertain normies and they're now hostile to you. Overconfidence in that situation is much more dangerous than anxiety

>> No.18814499

No, I'm usually shy, because I would rather do my own thing and think my shit by myself.

>> No.18814536

>Spawns as a random peasant
>Befriends the Pope, various nobles and important figures
>Calls himself Chevalier de Seingalt and claims he's of noble blood, people just go along with him
>Escapes Les Plombs, making him a well known figure across Europe
>Travels, seduces qts and reads the finest literature of his time
>Mogs Voltaire easily
>All of this through sheer will and trickery
You could say that anon, but I can't help but be inspired by his free spirit and lack of self doubts; he is like the antithesis of neurotism.
Eitherway, it makes for an interesting read

>> No.18814538

It is true... I have seen it.... in pornos.

>> No.18814581

I thought about reading his memoirs back when I was thinking about psychopathy, but is there something interesting to learn in it? I've heard that he used to take advantage of vulnerable women, so it wasn't exactly like he was the best PUA or anything.

>> No.18814649

He seduced plenty of women who hated him at first
It is considered one of the best sources to learn about the customs and norms of 18th century Europe, it depends on your taste desu
To me, he was the opposite of a psychopath, his venus was Pisces afterall (if you believe in such things; judging by his writings he most surely didn't,although he was a Mason)
Maybe he also conned me into like him desu, but that in itself explains his charm

>> No.18815330

casual sex seems even more pointless if you're not even attracted to the person you're having it with. more so cathartic, like cooperative pissing.

>> No.18815369

Shill Attack on incels? Here is the real reason why:


Why is beating the dead horse so shilled? It's kinda cruel. There has to be a reason behind.

>> No.18815387

Same but 5 children with 4 women. My sisters aren't so bad but they are incredibly dumb.

>> No.18815436
File: 319 KB, 616x464, Screenshot from 2021-08-09 20-39-02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Alright $PEJORATIVE, listen up"

Every time I see this formulaic phrase I know it's only followed by half-truths and empty platitudes. The "tell it like it is" attitude reeks of underage overconfidence, the sort of energy that reminds me of the "PUA" from Shyboys (2012), pic related. Might as lecture tell us to scrub our dick more and trawl the streets for prostitutes, you could even make a pretty dime selling this off as "advice".

>> No.18815473

We are the people rape was invented for. Embrace Rapeism.

>> No.18815482

Seconding this, I'll even donate my own penis to my eldest daughter when she turns 18. You either slay pussy or just give up on living. Life is pussy slaying and pussy slaying is life. Anything else is meaningless.

>> No.18815500

Dunno, I might read it later, but I'm not really interested in such things atm. I'm getting back into the crazy part of it, not really interested in a "reasonable" approach to such feats, more onto the nonsense of it.

>> No.18815903

This guy gets it.

>> No.18815931

You are not hot. Sorry, anon. I used to be approached by women sometimes and they just feel like it. And this is the reason why I don't groom, because otherwise shit would be out of control. I'm not even that hot, there is that too, you are probably an ugly that grooms himself. Which is fine, most people are like that.

>> No.18816145

I did modelling, so top 2% at least. Being engaged for a conversation isn't "the first move". If you do find yourself being hit on regularly, you live in slag central, most likely the third world.