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[ERROR] No.18785697 [Reply] [Original]

I wrote a short story, and it's free on kindle for several days. I think it's alright, and if anyone wanted to give it a read, I think you might like it too. And also if you do like it, leaving a positive review really helps me out too. Thanks.

>> No.18786372

Is it bad that that's practically exactly me irl

>> No.18786412

Don't self promote here

>> No.18786419

>An original story of workplace confusion, redundancy, excessive emails, heavyhanded metaphors, redundancy, superfluous imagery, and even more redundancy.
That's it?
Sell me on it you lazy nigger.

>> No.18786458

>only free if you have the kindle subscription service
Why the fuck would anyone even have that?
Also the description sounds boring as fuck honestly OP.

>> No.18786477

>for several days
Is that a threat?
reminder the only acceptable way to promote on 4chan is to buy up a fuckton of ads and throw basedjaks in them, like I’ll be doing when my story’s finished

>> No.18786492

wow thats literally me. oh wait nvm im already a zoomer doomer bloomer i cant be a 19 year old thinker as well.

>> No.18786563

Yeah, it's bad. That image should be called the 19 year old daydreamer instead, though. People like that are on autopilot, revelling in idiotic power fantasies where their life didn't turn out like it did because they lack either the skills to cope with disappointment or the discipline to do anything about it.

It's the 19 year old self pity wallower, someone so devoid of their own capabilities they need to desperately cling to their illusory images of other people, how much better they have everything. People like these live in perpetual juvenile fantasyland. They're not thinkers, far from it, they're just kids whose puberty still lingers.

Grow the fuck up and start using that head for some actual thinking. This ain't it chief.

>> No.18786965

>power fantasies
can refute. my daydreams are without exception worse than my real life. i always get into trouble and when i snap back im relieved. its like waking up from a nightmare. also i usually daydream about characters settings and plots, not myself.

>> No.18787057


>> No.18787061

No, it's not bad, but you are incredibly annoying and self-centered. These are literally things that every single person does, regardless of age, but you've convinced yourself that it makes you special. Yes, pretending you're special in a bad way is just as annoying and childish as pretending you're special in a good way. Yes, it's still pretending if you believe it's true.

OP, we have several writing threads where people post their writing for free and don't ask for reviews. Posting your very own special unique thread so everyone can see how special and unique you are is much like tripfagging, an unwarranted cry for attention just for attention's sake. Grow up.

>> No.18787674

Interesting take. I'd say I'd disagree, I'd say I'm quite confident with myse, my capabilities, and my current situation. I don't have any regrets and I'm able to handle most any situation quite well when it comes to disappointment.

I do tend to create some kind of fantasy I'm in my head but it's always kept separate from reality and I am clearly able to understand the bounds between the two. I guess maybe I'm not exactly like the pic, rereading now and maybe realizing a few stronger inaccuracies.

Cool reply though

>> No.18787972

You don't get it

>> No.18788002

Is anyone actually like that? I have an active imagination and a strong internal monologue but how the fuck do you have imaginary girlfriends when you aren't jerking off? If you're that much of a schizo, at least write it down and sell it.

>> No.18788430

Bumping to help

>> No.18788784

Exactly what I was thinking. It's quite amazing

>> No.18788823

Is this what socially retarded zoomers look like?

>> No.18788830

Why the fuck thinker isn't aging? I saw this meme is 2019 I think

>> No.18789330
File: 136 KB, 911x1024, Pagliacci.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a little bit of 2X year old thinker and mostly pic related

>> No.18789357
File: 331 KB, 600x431, 1603601659989.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit. I can relate to everything here but the music part because I had to stop listening to music in the genre I use to write in because it just pisses me off now to hear someone else be successful at it

>> No.18789394

>but how the fuck do you have imaginary girlfriends

Hah- who would know

>> No.18789447
File: 1.70 MB, 400x412, 1df82d6065b3227a84e9640185bee609.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dont really have like an imaginary gf that I like talk to or actually think is real or anything but I do often fantasize about wonderful relationships with women in my mind.

Particularly Ingrid Bergman, I imagine skiing with her in Sweden and then going to a small private cafe and enjoying a coffee. her sitting across from me, smiling and laughing, telling me all her interesting stories and thoughts. lots of dates like that, sometimes in Italy, usually europe. no cellphones, no distractions, only good food, a wonderful environment, and an incredible person to share it with.

I think about scenarios like that a lot, kinda gives me hope that something like that might actually exist in real life.

>pic related is her, most famous role is Ilsa Lund , Casablanca (1942)

>> No.18789506


Most people live through habit and imitation. To call them "more mature" or to say that thoonking is universal or something is very misleading. Most people passively accept whatever their circumstances offer them and there is no "action" or "vigor" or "courage" involved in why they accept what is given. There is inherently no tension between the majority of people and their society. They navigate life passively, you do not understand how people tick until you understand this. The 19 yo "thinker" is clearly suffering from a pathology, but it's a pathology of being imperfectly superior and the precariousness of rising above the herd, he may or may not be doomed but he really is more noble than the majority of people

>> No.18790389

it's very nice and I like it. this is a nice story.

>> No.18791352

Not a schizo, just an autist. My thoughts are essentially real for me so I don't "see" a girlfriend nor do I interact with a consistent character in my imagination but I just get lost in thoughts about romance and end up half an hour later realizing I just imagined five years of personal history for the future based on a series of events that will likely never happen.

>> No.18791354

I'm pretty much the exact same way

>> No.18792058

Why would you post gay pictures like this? Why would you save them?

>> No.18792135

It hurts. There’s gotta be potential for great lines of thinking in that gross wrinkled organ, but I know I’m subject to the vast amounts of shit that I still don’t grasp. I was gonna read Nietzsche, and maybe Kant’s critique, but I don’t even know what to look for or expect.

>> No.18792220
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>> No.18792295

>These are literally things that every single person does, regardless of age,

Talk for yourself please. Also get help in some way, therapy, meditation etc can help you.

>> No.18792315

Is it bad if this is literally me?

>> No.18792456


>> No.18792697

He sees through your teenage bullshit anons

>> No.18793908
File: 36 KB, 503x517, 5e2bd2d6fbc31a84f9147f967065c79e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh Jesus Christ. You strike me as the type of person who describes prolonged boredom as a "depressive episode" and really, really relates to pic related.

This is why everyone hates teenagers. You still have memories of a time when your entire world consisted of your house and your parents and they celebrated every little accomplishment you did just because you were who you were (their child) and you haven't been alive long enough to gain a real perspective on time and therefore can't be bothered to take a year or two to learn a skill or develop a talent. So you look for shortcuts to specialness and excuses for your lack of success. When millennials were teenagers we all thought we were "smart but lazy", zoomers all think they're "smart but we got the big sad no dopamine serotonin trauma healing raised by narcissists."

>> No.18794022

I used to be this guy, but you got to let your guard down and try to become intimate and serious with people or you'll kill yourself before 35

>> No.18794032

Dubs of truth

>> No.18795402

can someone steal and reupload the text? thanks

>> No.18795415

Now THAT'S literally me!