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18732097 No.18732097 [Reply] [Original]

Was he ever debunked? Why is he the only modern day philosopher to be taken serious?

>> No.18732256

literally W H O

>> No.18732511

A trve Roman

>> No.18732543

I didn’t realize Taleb was that popular until I saw that his works have more goodreads reviews than literally every other philosopher /lit/ talks about. Why IS he the only modern philosopher with significant cultural penetration? Is it because he’s very focused on economics? Same as Sowell being loved by normies?

>> No.18732554

What philosophical claims does he even make?

>> No.18732575

his books are enjoyable to read, a bit like getting stuck in the back of an opinionated cabbie whom you can bait with a few well-targeted "innocuous" questions. as for >>18732097, debunking is probably being used as a meme here. he says some incorrect things in his books, e.g. his understanding of Popper is surface-level, but his core theses have truth. I work next to econ departments he shits on, and I most people I know are the quant-type person who would fall for that one coin-toss trick he mentions, for example.

Overall, >>18732554, I would recommend reading his books, starting from The Black Swan, but note that he is an opinionated nailhead that extrapolates his aesthetic arguments into pretend empirical facts.

>> No.18732578

If you are contrarian and correct, then you are the most correct because everyone else is wrong. And he's significant because he is correct and changed lives regardless of what everyone had said.

>> No.18732591

>I would recommend reading his books
That doesn't tell me much. He seems like some kind of philosophical skeptic but I don't know what specific claims OP wants to see debunkings of.

>> No.18732618

(I think the OP's question is a lazy meme, but I'll try a little harder)

He advocates positive strategies for investing, based on some extremely high risk and some extremely low risk instruments, based on his philosophical arguments. These are strong claims that are contrary to e.g. the efficient market hypothesis, but that itself is a contentious argument with different strengths.

Debunking, to me, means finding specific local statements that fall on *this* side of Popper's line of demarcation, and finding counterexamples.

>> No.18732649
File: 50 KB, 560x401, 5dopty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Iranian Mohammedan Arab frome the Sand Dunes of Morroco

>> No.18732729

Stop reading the mainstream press. Stop reading Twitter. Your life will improve.

>> No.18733408

How is his understanding of Popper surface level?

>> No.18733430

He's literally a humanist. The dumbest cuck philosophy since Christianity.

>> No.18733456

>Went over his Wikipedia article for 2sec

>> No.18733496

No you idiot, he said it in Antifragile. He cried in there about the fact that nature is antifragile. That was pathetic.

>> No.18734003

He's not a philosopher. He's a statistician.
This thread is just a testament to the fact that no one know what philosophy is. For the vast majority of people philosophy is the miscellaneous bin.
It's not exactly science, politics, religion, or literature. I'm not really sure what it is. I guess it must be ~philosophy~.

>> No.18734060

He is a statistician, and an analytic philosopher in the field of applied epistemology.

>> No.18734311

in one of his books, he imagines a Popper who would immediately dismiss any idea given loose evidence to the contrary, whereas Popper acknowledges probabilistic ideas in his Logic of Scientic Discovery. E.g., a scientist observing a black swan drunk on lebanese wine is compatible with two possible universes: that there are black swans, or that the scientist's observations are faulty. Popper would advocate comparing the "simplicities" of those two worlds, which involves among other things whether there exists experiments that continue precluding the opposite possibilities. It's been a while since i read popper so feel free to state if you disagree.

>> No.18734487

He's irrelevant in actual academic philosophy. Faggot phil hobbyists like him because he's in science and business. He's one of the many "philosophers" for retards.

>> No.18735191

What's the name of the fallacy when you judge someone based on his most famous work which is much better than his average take?

If there is none, I'd like to call it Taleb fallacy.

>> No.18735728
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> Pseud doesn't know what he's talking about but still gets riled up over it.
> Completely ignores the fact that science, politics, religion, and literature have been considered in the domain of philosophy since at least Aristotle's time and onward.

>> No.18735749

Greatest Arab thinker in centuries.

>> No.18735760

he makes academics and nerds seethe so he's alright by me

>> No.18736274


>> No.18736347
File: 607 KB, 1232x848, popperdebunked.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Unironically defending Popper

>> No.18736584

he unironically calls himself Greco-Roman not Phoenician.

He has a few great ideas that make the rest of his boring writing worthy of being read.

>> No.18737806

Debunked in his own words
>Every great event acts as a filter
-- Nassim Taleb (filtered by his meme flu neurosis)

>> No.18737812

I enjoyed one of his articles challenging IQ testing

>> No.18737817

Did you enjoy the numerous debunkings?

Calls himself Greco-Phoenician

>> No.18737907

He literally made me money and pushed forward my career with the whole options things.

I I bought LEAP put option on a 3x leveraged ETF referencing some Honk Kong Index, then corona came and made me some money and tested the shit I got from Antifragile IRL. Really great author.

>> No.18738046

> destroys economics bs vendors
> destroys IQ tards
> destroys woke "historians"
> destroys crypto cultists
> destroys arabists
yep im thinking he's based

>> No.18738120

cuck plebbitor

>> No.18738172

Read this and tell me what you think

>> No.18738889

Don't see Dugin in your pic, OP.

>> No.18739464

poster, or more likely, lurkers who'd actually read this response and not just be satisfied with "PoPPEr BTfO LMAO" in order to stop having to think about contrary opinions,

Popper wrote several books, and that invective is targeted at a separate one (Open Societies) than that which I'd mentioned (Logic of Scientific Discovery). The latter is a much less partisan book, and the former takes strong ideological stances.

The invective is filled with ad hominems and motivated reasoning.

1. He misuses the terms. Yeah, he does, but the openness he refers to is parallel to the meaning he explains in the book.

2. His reading of Hegel is loose. That I can't say, but I sensed in reading his book. Popper himself was as dismissive and caustic towards Hegel as Veogelin is to Popper here.

3. He's failing to understand Plato. No constructive or specific arguments are made here besides a mistranslation from Germanic to German world.

4. He discards author's intentions. Not so, at least in some of the references he makes. He goes over the life and history of especially the Greeks he quotes, and writes much about how their lives (as well as Marx's) might have influenced the meaning of their writings.

So poster, or more likely lurkers, even if you disagree with what I wrote above, please move away from the easy route of trimming and pruning the vast tree of knowledge grown by now dead philosophers who devoted their lives to understanding us. it's so easy to label a whole person as "refuted" and clear that name from your mind in order to operate more quickly in a simpler world, but that is a path away from erudition. Remember which board we're on.

>> No.18739474

He is discussing Popper's politics, which is of no real interest to anybody but Soros. I personally consider it to be his least significant contribution to philosophy (his most being falsification and his work in the philosophy of science).
>he translates Hegel's "Germanic world" as "German world" and draws conclusions from this mistranslation regarding Hegel's German nationalist propaganda
Popper is German (Austrian) though, so I doubt he was working off of a mistranslation and likely just let his English slip. Besides. there was no Germany in Hegel's time, so I doubt Popper thought he was expressing nationalism in the strict sense of that term.

>> No.18739504

>Popper's politics, which is of no real interest to anybody but Soros.
which is crazy, because his idea of local (piecemeal) social engineering is undervalued.

>his least significant contribution to philosophy (his most being falsification and his work in the philosophy of science).
agree wholeheartedly -- logic of scientific discovery should be required reading for grad students, as long as they're able to interpret it in a more detailed way than >>18732097's Taleb. Have you read Lakatos' proofs and refutations? It's a wonderful supplement to Logic of Scientific Discovery, and when put together lead to an interesting unanswered (?) (unresearched?) question about epistemology and the line between metaphysics and empirics.